/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = []; const DEBUG = false; function debug(s) { dump("-*- NotificationDB component: " + s + "\n"); } const Cu = Components.utils; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageListenerManager"); const NOTIFICATION_STORE_DIR = OS.Constants.Path.profileDir; const NOTIFICATION_STORE_PATH = OS.Path.join(NOTIFICATION_STORE_DIR, "notificationstore.json"); const kMessages = [ "Notification:Save", "Notification:Delete", "Notification:GetAll", "Notification:GetAllCrossOrigin" ]; let NotificationDB = { // Ensure we won't call init() while xpcom-shutdown is performed _shutdownInProgress: false, init: function() { if (this._shutdownInProgress) { return; } this.notifications = {}; this.byTag = {}; this.loaded = false; this.tasks = []; // read/write operation queue this.runningTask = null; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); this.registerListeners(); }, registerListeners: function() { for (let message of kMessages) { ppmm.addMessageListener(message, this); } }, unregisterListeners: function() { for (let message of kMessages) { ppmm.removeMessageListener(message, this); } }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (DEBUG) debug("Topic: " + aTopic); if (aTopic == "xpcom-shutdown") { this._shutdownInProgress = true; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); this.unregisterListeners(); } }, // Attempt to read notification file, if it's not there we will create it. load: function() { var promise = OS.File.read(NOTIFICATION_STORE_PATH, { encoding: "utf-8"}); return promise.then( function onSuccess(data) { if (data.length > 0) { this.notifications = JSON.parse(data); } // populate the list of notifications by tag if (this.notifications) { for (var origin in this.notifications) { this.byTag[origin] = {}; for (var id in this.notifications[origin]) { var curNotification = this.notifications[origin][id]; if (curNotification.tag) { this.byTag[origin][curNotification.tag] = curNotification; } } } } this.loaded = true; }.bind(this), // If read failed, we assume we have no notifications to load. function onFailure(reason) { this.loaded = true; return this.createStore(); }.bind(this) ); }, // Creates the notification directory. createStore: function() { var promise = OS.File.makeDir(NOTIFICATION_STORE_DIR, { ignoreExisting: true }); return promise.then( this.createFile.bind(this) ); }, // Creates the notification file once the directory is created. createFile: function() { return OS.File.writeAtomic(NOTIFICATION_STORE_PATH, ""); }, // Save current notifications to the file. save: function() { var data = JSON.stringify(this.notifications); return OS.File.writeAtomic(NOTIFICATION_STORE_PATH, data, { encoding: "utf-8"}); }, // Helper function: promise will be resolved once file exists and/or is loaded. ensureLoaded: function() { if (!this.loaded) { return this.load(); } else { return Promise.resolve(); } }, receiveMessage: function(message) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Received message:" + message.name); } // sendAsyncMessage can fail if the child process exits during a // notification storage operation, so always wrap it in a try/catch. function returnMessage(name, data) { try { message.target.sendAsyncMessage(name, data); } catch (e) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Return message failed, " + name); } } } switch (message.name) { case "Notification:GetAll": this.queueTask("getall", message.data).then(function(notifications) { returnMessage("Notification:GetAll:Return:OK", { requestID: message.data.requestID, origin: message.data.origin, notifications: notifications }); }).catch(function(error) { returnMessage("Notification:GetAll:Return:KO", { requestID: message.data.requestID, origin: message.data.origin, errorMsg: error }); }); break; case "Notification:GetAllCrossOrigin": this.queueTask("getallaccrossorigin", message.data).then( function(notifications) { returnMessage("Notification:GetAllCrossOrigin:Return:OK", { notifications: notifications }); }).catch(function(error) { returnMessage("Notification:GetAllCrossOrigin:Return:KO", { errorMsg: error }); }); break; case "Notification:Save": this.queueTask("save", message.data).then(function() { returnMessage("Notification:Save:Return:OK", { requestID: message.data.requestID }); }).catch(function(error) { returnMessage("Notification:Save:Return:KO", { requestID: message.data.requestID, errorMsg: error }); }); break; case "Notification:Delete": this.queueTask("delete", message.data).then(function() { returnMessage("Notification:Delete:Return:OK", { requestID: message.data.requestID }); }).catch(function(error) { returnMessage("Notification:Delete:Return:KO", { requestID: message.data.requestID, errorMsg: error }); }); break; default: if (DEBUG) { debug("Invalid message name" + message.name); } } }, // We need to make sure any read/write operations are atomic, // so use a queue to run each operation sequentially. queueTask: function(operation, data) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Queueing task: " + operation); } var defer = {}; this.tasks.push({ operation: operation, data: data, defer: defer }); var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { defer.resolve = resolve; defer.reject = reject; }); // Only run immediately if we aren't currently running another task. if (!this.runningTask) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Task queue was not running, starting now..."); } this.runNextTask(); } return promise; }, runNextTask: function() { if (this.tasks.length === 0) { if (DEBUG) { debug("No more tasks to run, queue depleted"); } this.runningTask = null; return; } this.runningTask = this.tasks.shift(); // Always make sure we are loaded before performing any read/write tasks. this.ensureLoaded() .then(function() { var task = this.runningTask; switch (task.operation) { case "getall": return this.taskGetAll(task.data); break; case "getallaccrossorigin": return this.taskGetAllCrossOrigin(); break; case "save": return this.taskSave(task.data); break; case "delete": return this.taskDelete(task.data); break; } }.bind(this)) .then(function(payload) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Finishing task: " + this.runningTask.operation); } this.runningTask.defer.resolve(payload); }.bind(this)) .catch(function(err) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Error while running " + this.runningTask.operation + ": " + err); } this.runningTask.defer.reject(new String(err)); }.bind(this)) .then(function() { this.runNextTask(); }.bind(this)); }, taskGetAll: function(data) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Task, getting all"); } var origin = data.origin; var notifications = []; // Grab only the notifications for specified origin. if (this.notifications[origin]) { for (var i in this.notifications[origin]) { notifications.push(this.notifications[origin][i]); } } return Promise.resolve(notifications); }, taskGetAllCrossOrigin: function() { if (DEBUG) { debug("Task, getting all whatever origin"); } var notifications = []; for (var origin in this.notifications) { if (!this.notifications[origin]) { continue; } for (var i in this.notifications[origin]) { var notification = this.notifications[origin][i]; // Notifications without the alertName field cannot be resent by // mozResendAllNotifications, so we just skip them. They will // still be available to applications via Notification.get() if (!('alertName' in notification)) { continue; } notification.origin = origin; notifications.push(notification); } } return Promise.resolve(notifications); }, taskSave: function(data) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Task, saving"); } var origin = data.origin; var notification = data.notification; if (!this.notifications[origin]) { this.notifications[origin] = {}; this.byTag[origin] = {}; } // We might have existing notification with this tag, // if so we need to remove it before saving the new one. if (notification.tag) { var oldNotification = this.byTag[origin][notification.tag]; if (oldNotification) { delete this.notifications[origin][oldNotification.id]; } this.byTag[origin][notification.tag] = notification; } this.notifications[origin][notification.id] = notification; return this.save(); }, taskDelete: function(data) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Task, deleting"); } var origin = data.origin; var id = data.id; if (!this.notifications[origin]) { if (DEBUG) { debug("No notifications found for origin: " + origin); } return Promise.resolve(); } // Make sure we can find the notification to delete. var oldNotification = this.notifications[origin][id]; if (!oldNotification) { if (DEBUG) { debug("No notification found with id: " + id); } return Promise.resolve(); } if (oldNotification.tag) { delete this.byTag[origin][oldNotification.tag]; } delete this.notifications[origin][id]; return this.save(); } }; NotificationDB.init();