# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from mozpack.packager.formats import ( FlatFormatter, JarFormatter, OmniJarFormatter, ) from mozpack.packager import ( preprocess_manifest, preprocess, SimpleManifestSink, ) from mozpack.files import ( GeneratedFile, FileFinder, File, ) from mozpack.copier import ( FileCopier, Jarrer, ) from mozpack.errors import errors from mozpack.unify import UnifiedBuildFinder import mozpack.path import buildconfig from argparse import ArgumentParser from createprecomplete import generate_precomplete import os from StringIO import StringIO import subprocess import platform # List of libraries to shlibsign. SIGN_LIBS = [ 'softokn3', 'nssdbm3', 'freebl3', 'freebl_32fpu_3', 'freebl_32int_3', 'freebl_32int64_3', 'freebl_64fpu_3', 'freebl_64int_3', ] class ToolLauncher(object): ''' Helper to execute tools like xpcshell with the appropriate environment. launcher = ToolLauncher() launcher.tooldir = '/path/to/tools' launcher.launch(['xpcshell', '-e', 'foo.js']) ''' def __init__(self): self.tooldir = None def launch(self, cmd, extra_linker_path=None, extra_env={}): ''' Launch the given command, passed as a list. The first item in the command list is the program name, without a path and without a suffix. These are determined from the tooldir member and the BIN_SUFFIX value. An extra_linker_path may be passed to give an additional directory to add to the search paths for the dynamic linker. An extra_env dict may be passed to give additional environment variables to export when running the command. ''' assert self.tooldir cmd[0] = os.path.join(self.tooldir, 'bin', cmd[0] + buildconfig.substs['BIN_SUFFIX']) if not extra_linker_path: extra_linker_path = os.path.join(self.tooldir, 'bin') env = dict(os.environ) for p in ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH']: if p in env: env[p] = extra_linker_path + ':' + env[p] else: env[p] = extra_linker_path for e in extra_env: env[e] = extra_env[e] print >>errors.out, 'Executing', ' '.join(cmd) errors.out.flush() return subprocess.call(cmd, env=env) def can_launch(self): return self.tooldir is not None launcher = ToolLauncher() class LibSignFile(File): ''' File class for shlibsign signatures. ''' def copy(self, dest, skip_if_older=True): assert isinstance(dest, basestring) # os.path.getmtime returns a result in seconds with precision up to the # microsecond. But microsecond is too precise because shutil.copystat # only copies milliseconds, and seconds is not enough precision. if os.path.exists(dest) and skip_if_older and \ int(os.path.getmtime(self.path) * 1000) <= \ int(os.path.getmtime(dest) * 1000): return False if launcher.launch(['shlibsign', '-v', '-o', dest, '-i', self.path]): errors.fatal('Error while signing %s' % self.path) def precompile_cache(formatter, source_path, gre_path, app_path): ''' Create startup cache for the given application directory, using the given GRE path. - formatter is a Formatter instance where to add the startup cache. - source_path is the base path of the package. - gre_path is the GRE path, relative to source_path. - app_path is the application path, relative to source_path. Startup cache for all resources under resource://app/ are generated, except when gre_path == app_path, in which case it's under resource://gre/. ''' from tempfile import mkstemp source_path = os.path.abspath(source_path) if app_path != gre_path: resource = 'app' else: resource = 'gre' app_path = os.path.join(source_path, app_path) gre_path = os.path.join(source_path, gre_path) fd, cache = mkstemp('.zip') os.close(fd) os.remove(cache) try: if launcher.launch(['xpcshell', '-g', gre_path, '-a', app_path, '-f', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'precompile_cache.js'), '-e', 'precompile_startupcache("resource://%s/");' % resource], extra_linker_path=gre_path, extra_env={'MOZ_STARTUP_CACHE': cache}): errors.fatal('Error while running startup cache precompilation') return from mozpack.mozjar import JarReader jar = JarReader(cache) resource = '/resource/%s/' % resource for f in jar: if resource in f.filename: path = f.filename[f.filename.index(resource) + len(resource):] if formatter.contains(path): formatter.add(f.filename, GeneratedFile(f.read())) jar.close() finally: if os.path.exists(cache): os.remove(cache) class RemovedFiles(GeneratedFile): ''' File class for removed-files. Is used as a preprocessor parser. ''' def __init__(self, copier): self.copier = copier GeneratedFile.__init__(self, '') def handle_line(self, str): f = str.strip() if self.copier.contains(f): errors.error('Removal of packaged file(s): %s' % f) self.content += f + '\n' def split_define(define): ''' Give a VAR[=VAL] string, returns a (VAR, VAL) tuple, where VAL defaults to 1. Numeric VALs are returned as ints. ''' if '=' in define: name, value = define.split('=', 1) try: value = int(value) except ValueError: pass return (name, value) return (define, 1) class NoPkgFilesRemover(object): ''' Formatter wrapper to handle NO_PKG_FILES. ''' def __init__(self, formatter, has_manifest): assert 'NO_PKG_FILES' in os.environ self._formatter = formatter self._files = os.environ['NO_PKG_FILES'].split() if has_manifest: self._error = errors.error self._msg = 'NO_PKG_FILES contains file listed in manifest: %s' else: self._error = errors.warn self._msg = 'Skipping %s' def add_base(self, base): self._formatter.add_base(base) def add(self, path, content): if not any(mozpack.path.match(path, spec) for spec in self._files): self._formatter.add(path, content) else: self._error(self._msg % path) def add_manifest(self, entry): self._formatter.add_manifest(entry) def add_interfaces(self, path, content): self._formatter.add_interfaces(path, content) def contains(self, path): return self._formatter.contains(path) def main(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-D', dest='defines', action='append', metavar="VAR[=VAL]", help='Define a variable') parser.add_argument('--format', default='omni', help='Choose the chrome format for packaging ' + '(omni, jar or flat ; default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--removals', default=None, help='removed-files source file') parser.add_argument('--ignore-errors', action='store_true', default=False, help='Transform errors into warnings.') parser.add_argument('--minify', action='store_true', default=False, help='Make some files more compact while packaging') parser.add_argument('--jarlogs', default='', help='Base directory where ' + 'to find jar content access logs') parser.add_argument('--optimizejars', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable jar optimizations') parser.add_argument('--unify', default='', help='Base directory of another build to unify with') parser.add_argument('manifest', default=None, nargs='?', help='Manifest file name') parser.add_argument('source', help='Source directory') parser.add_argument('destination', help='Destination directory') parser.add_argument('--non-resource', nargs='+', metavar='PATTERN', default=[], help='Extra files not to be considered as resources') args = parser.parse_args() defines = dict(buildconfig.defines) if args.ignore_errors: errors.ignore_errors() if args.defines: for name, value in [split_define(d) for d in args.defines]: defines[name] = value copier = FileCopier() if args.format == 'flat': formatter = FlatFormatter(copier) elif args.format == 'jar': formatter = JarFormatter(copier, optimize=args.optimizejars) elif args.format == 'omni': formatter = OmniJarFormatter(copier, buildconfig.substs['OMNIJAR_NAME'], optimize=args.optimizejars, non_resources=args.non_resource) else: errors.fatal('Unknown format: %s', format) # Adjust defines according to the requested format. if isinstance(formatter, OmniJarFormatter): defines['MOZ_OMNIJAR'] = 1 elif 'MOZ_OMNIJAR' in defines: del defines['MOZ_OMNIJAR'] binpath = '' if 'BINPATH' in defines: binpath = SimpleManifestSink.normalize_path(defines['BINPATH']) while binpath.startswith('/'): binpath = binpath[1:] if args.unify: def is_native(path): path = os.path.abspath(path) return platform.machine() in mozpack.path.split(path) # Invert args.unify and args.source if args.unify points to the # native architecture. args.source, args.unify = sorted([args.source, args.unify], key=is_native, reverse=True) if is_native(args.source): launcher.tooldir = args.source elif not buildconfig.substs['CROSS_COMPILE']: launcher.tooldir = buildconfig.substs['LIBXUL_DIST'] with errors.accumulate(): if args.unify: finder = UnifiedBuildFinder(FileFinder(args.source), FileFinder(args.unify), minify=args.minify) else: finder = FileFinder(args.source, minify=args.minify) if 'NO_PKG_FILES' in os.environ: sinkformatter = NoPkgFilesRemover(formatter, args.manifest is not None) else: sinkformatter = formatter sink = SimpleManifestSink(finder, sinkformatter) if args.manifest: preprocess_manifest(sink, args.manifest, defines) else: sink.add('', 'bin/*') sink.close(args.manifest is not None) if args.removals: lines = [l.lstrip() for l in open(args.removals).readlines()] removals_in = StringIO(''.join(lines)) removals_in.name = args.removals removals = RemovedFiles(copier) preprocess(removals_in, removals, defines) copier.add(mozpack.path.join(binpath, 'removed-files'), removals) # shlibsign libraries if launcher.can_launch(): for lib in SIGN_LIBS: libbase = mozpack.path.join(binpath, '%s%s') \ % (buildconfig.substs['DLL_PREFIX'], lib) libname = '%s%s' % (libbase, buildconfig.substs['DLL_SUFFIX']) if copier.contains(libname): copier.add(libbase + '.chk', LibSignFile(os.path.join(args.destination, libname))) # Setup preloading if args.jarlogs: jarlogs = FileFinder(args.jarlogs) for p, log in jarlogs: if p.endswith('.log'): p = p[:-4] if copier.contains(p) and isinstance(copier[p], Jarrer): copier[p].preload([l.strip() for l in log.open().readlines()]) # Fill startup cache if isinstance(formatter, OmniJarFormatter) and launcher.can_launch(): if buildconfig.substs['LIBXUL_SDK']: gre_path = buildconfig.substs['LIBXUL_DIST'] else: gre_path = None for base in sorted([[p for p in [mozpack.path.join('bin', b), b] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.source, p))][0] for b in sink.packager.get_bases()]): if not gre_path: gre_path = base base_path = sink.normalize_path(base) if base_path in formatter.omnijars: precompile_cache(formatter.omnijars[base_path], args.source, gre_path, base) copier.copy(args.destination) generate_precomplete(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.destination, binpath))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()