/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This file is in transition. Most of its content needs to be moved under * /services/healthreport. */ #ifndef MERGED_COMPARTMENT "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "DataSubmissionRequest", // For test use only. "DataReportingPolicy", "DATAREPORTING_POLICY_VERSION", ]; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components; #endif Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://services-common/utils.js"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/UpdateChannel.jsm"); // The current policy version number. If the version number stored in the prefs // is smaller than this, data upload will be disabled until the user is re-notified // about the policy changes. const DATAREPORTING_POLICY_VERSION = 1; const MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // Used as a sanity lower bound for dates stored in prefs. This module was // implemented in 2012, so any earlier dates indicate an incorrect clock. const OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR = 2012; /** * Represents a request to display data policy. * * Receivers of these instances are expected to call one or more of the on* * functions when events occur. * * When one of these requests is received, the first thing a callee should do * is present notification to the user of the data policy. When the notice * is displayed to the user, the callee should call `onUserNotifyComplete`. * * If for whatever reason the callee could not display a notice, * it should call `onUserNotifyFailed`. * * @param policy * (DataReportingPolicy) The policy instance this request came from. * @param deferred * (deferred) The promise that will be fulfilled when display occurs. */ function NotifyPolicyRequest(policy, deferred) { this.policy = policy; this.deferred = deferred; } NotifyPolicyRequest.prototype = Object.freeze({ /** * Called when the user is notified of the policy. */ onUserNotifyComplete: function () { return this.deferred.resolve(); }, /** * Called when there was an error notifying the user about the policy. * * @param error * (Error) Explains what went wrong. */ onUserNotifyFailed: function (error) { return this.deferred.reject(error); }, }); /** * Represents a request to submit data. * * Instances of this are created when the policy requests data upload or * deletion. * * Receivers are expected to call one of the provided on* functions to signal * completion of the request. * * Instances of this type should not be instantiated outside of this file. * Receivers of instances of this type should not attempt to do anything with * the instance except call one of the on* methods. */ this.DataSubmissionRequest = function (promise, expiresDate, isDelete) { this.promise = promise; this.expiresDate = expiresDate; this.isDelete = isDelete; this.state = null; this.reason = null; } this.DataSubmissionRequest.prototype = Object.freeze({ NO_DATA_AVAILABLE: "no-data-available", SUBMISSION_SUCCESS: "success", SUBMISSION_FAILURE_SOFT: "failure-soft", SUBMISSION_FAILURE_HARD: "failure-hard", UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS: "upload-in-progress", /** * No submission was attempted because no data was available. * * In the case of upload, this means there is no data to upload (perhaps * it isn't available yet). In case of remote deletion, it means that there * is no remote data to delete. */ onNoDataAvailable: function onNoDataAvailable() { this.state = this.NO_DATA_AVAILABLE; this.promise.resolve(this); return this.promise.promise; }, /** * Data submission has completed successfully. * * In case of upload, this means the upload completed successfully. In case * of deletion, the data was deleted successfully. * * @param date * (Date) When data submission occurred. */ onSubmissionSuccess: function onSubmissionSuccess(date) { this.state = this.SUBMISSION_SUCCESS; this.submissionDate = date; this.promise.resolve(this); return this.promise.promise; }, /** * There was a recoverable failure when submitting data. * * Perhaps the server was down. Perhaps the network wasn't available. The * policy may request submission again after a short delay. * * @param reason * (string) Why the failure occurred. For logging purposes only. */ onSubmissionFailureSoft: function onSubmissionFailureSoft(reason=null) { this.state = this.SUBMISSION_FAILURE_SOFT; this.reason = reason; this.promise.resolve(this); return this.promise.promise; }, /** * There was an unrecoverable failure when submitting data. * * Perhaps the client is misconfigured. Perhaps the server rejected the data. * Attempts at performing submission again will yield the same result. So, * the policy should not try again (until the next day). * * @param reason * (string) Why the failure occurred. For logging purposes only. */ onSubmissionFailureHard: function onSubmissionFailureHard(reason=null) { this.state = this.SUBMISSION_FAILURE_HARD; this.reason = reason; this.promise.resolve(this); return this.promise.promise; }, /** * The request was aborted because an upload was already in progress. */ onUploadInProgress: function (reason=null) { this.state = this.UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS; this.reason = reason; this.promise.resolve(this); return this.promise.promise; }, }); /** * Manages scheduling of Firefox Health Report data submission. * * The rules of data submission are as follows: * * 1. Do not submit data more than once every 24 hours. * 2. Try to submit as close to 24 hours apart as possible. * 3. Do not submit too soon after application startup so as to not negatively * impact performance at startup. * 4. Before first ever data submission, the user should be notified about * data collection practices. * 5. User should have opportunity to react to this notification before * data submission. * 6. If data submission fails, try at most 2 additional times before giving * up on that day's submission. * * The listener passed into the instance must have the following properties * (which are callbacks that will be invoked at certain key events): * * * onRequestDataUpload(request) - Called when the policy is requesting * data to be submitted. The function is passed a `DataSubmissionRequest`. * The listener should call one of the special resolving functions on that * instance (see the documentation for that type). * * * onRequestRemoteDelete(request) - Called when the policy is requesting * deletion of remotely stored data. The function is passed a * `DataSubmissionRequest`. The listener should call one of the special * resolving functions on that instance (just like `onRequestDataUpload`). * * * onNotifyDataPolicy(request) - Called when the policy is requesting the * user to be notified that data submission will occur. The function * receives a `NotifyPolicyRequest` instance. The callee should call one or * more of the functions on that instance when specific events occur. See * the documentation for that type for more. * * Note that the notification method is abstracted. Different applications * can have different mechanisms by which they notify the user of data * submission practices. * * @param policyPrefs * (Preferences) Handle on preferences branch on which state will be * queried and stored. * @param healthReportPrefs * (Preferences) Handle on preferences branch holding Health Report state. * @param listener * (object) Object with callbacks that will be invoked at certain key * events. */ this.DataReportingPolicy = function (prefs, healthReportPrefs, listener) { this._log = Log.repository.getLogger("Services.DataReporting.Policy"); this._log.level = Log.Level["Debug"]; for (let handler of this.REQUIRED_LISTENERS) { if (!listener[handler]) { throw new Error("Passed listener does not contain required handler: " + handler); } } this._prefs = prefs; this._healthReportPrefs = healthReportPrefs; this._listener = listener; this._userNotifyPromise = null; this._migratePrefs(); if (!this.firstRunDate.getTime()) { // If we've never run before, record the current time. this.firstRunDate = this.now(); } // Install an observer so that we can act on changes from external // code (such as Android UI). // Use a function because this is the only place where the Preferences // abstraction is way less usable than nsIPrefBranch. // // Hang on to the observer here so that tests can reach it. this.uploadEnabledObserver = function onUploadEnabledChanged() { if (this.pendingDeleteRemoteData || this.healthReportUploadEnabled) { // Nothing to do: either we're already deleting because the caller // came through the front door (rHRUE), or they set the flag to true. return; } this._log.info("uploadEnabled pref changed. Scheduling deletion."); this.deleteRemoteData(); }.bind(this); healthReportPrefs.observe("uploadEnabled", this.uploadEnabledObserver); // Ensure we are scheduled to submit. if (!this.nextDataSubmissionDate.getTime()) { this.nextDataSubmissionDate = this._futureDate(MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY); } // Record when we last requested for submitted data to be sent. This is // to avoid having multiple outstanding requests. this._inProgressSubmissionRequest = null; }; this.DataReportingPolicy.prototype = Object.freeze({ /** * How often to poll to see if we need to do something. * * The interval needs to be short enough such that short-lived applications * have an opportunity to submit data. But, it also needs to be long enough * to not negatively impact performance. * * The random bit is to ensure that other systems scheduling around the same * interval don't all get scheduled together. */ POLL_INTERVAL_MSEC: (60 * 1000) + Math.floor(2.5 * 1000 * Math.random()), /** * How long individual data submission requests live before expiring. * * Data submission requests have this long to complete before we give up on * them and try again. * * We want this to be short enough that we retry frequently enough but long * enough to give slow networks and systems time to handle it. */ SUBMISSION_REQUEST_EXPIRE_INTERVAL_MSEC: 10 * 60 * 1000, /** * Our backoff schedule in case of submission failure. * * This dictates both the number of times we retry a daily submission and * when to retry after each failure. * * Each element represents how long to wait after each recoverable failure. * After the first failure, we wait the time in element 0 before trying * again. After the second failure, we wait the time in element 1. Once * we run out of values in this array, we give up on that day's submission * and schedule for a day out. */ FAILURE_BACKOFF_INTERVALS: [ 15 * 60 * 1000, 60 * 60 * 1000, ], REQUIRED_LISTENERS: [ "onRequestDataUpload", "onRequestRemoteDelete", "onNotifyDataPolicy", ], /** * The first time the health report policy came into existence. * * This is used for scheduling of the initial submission. */ get firstRunDate() { return CommonUtils.getDatePref(this._prefs, "firstRunTime", 0, this._log, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, set firstRunDate(value) { this._log.debug("Setting first-run date: " + value); CommonUtils.setDatePref(this._prefs, "firstRunTime", value, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, get dataSubmissionPolicyNotifiedDate() { return CommonUtils.getDatePref(this._prefs, "dataSubmissionPolicyNotifiedTime", 0, this._log, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, set dataSubmissionPolicyNotifiedDate(value) { this._log.debug("Setting user notified date: " + value); CommonUtils.setDatePref(this._prefs, "dataSubmissionPolicyNotifiedTime", value, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, get dataSubmissionPolicyBypassNotification() { return this._prefs.get("dataSubmissionPolicyBypassNotification", false); }, set dataSubmissionPolicyBypassNotification(value) { return this._prefs.set("dataSubmissionPolicyBypassNotification", !!value); }, /** * Whether submission of data is allowed. * * This is the master switch for remote server communication. If it is * false, we never request upload or deletion. */ get dataSubmissionEnabled() { // Default is true because we are opt-out. return this._prefs.get("dataSubmissionEnabled", true); }, set dataSubmissionEnabled(value) { this._prefs.set("dataSubmissionEnabled", !!value); }, get currentPolicyVersion() { return this._prefs.get("currentPolicyVersion", DATAREPORTING_POLICY_VERSION); }, /** * The minimum policy version which for dataSubmissionPolicyAccepted to * to be valid. */ get minimumPolicyVersion() { // First check if the current channel has an ove let channel = UpdateChannel.get(false); let channelPref = this._prefs.get("minimumPolicyVersion.channel-" + channel); return channelPref !== undefined ? channelPref : this._prefs.get("minimumPolicyVersion", 1); }, get dataSubmissionPolicyAcceptedVersion() { return this._prefs.get("dataSubmissionPolicyAcceptedVersion", 0); }, set dataSubmissionPolicyAcceptedVersion(value) { this._prefs.set("dataSubmissionPolicyAcceptedVersion", value); }, /** * Checks to see if the user has been notified about data submission * @return {bool} */ get userNotifiedOfCurrentPolicy() { return this.dataSubmissionPolicyNotifiedDate.getTime() > 0 && this.dataSubmissionPolicyAcceptedVersion >= this.currentPolicyVersion; }, /** * When this policy last requested data submission. * * This is used mainly for forensics purposes and should have no bearing * on scheduling or run-time behavior. */ get lastDataSubmissionRequestedDate() { return CommonUtils.getDatePref(this._healthReportPrefs, "lastDataSubmissionRequestedTime", 0, this._log, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, set lastDataSubmissionRequestedDate(value) { CommonUtils.setDatePref(this._healthReportPrefs, "lastDataSubmissionRequestedTime", value, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, /** * When the last data submission actually occurred. * * This is used mainly for forensics purposes and should have no bearing on * actual scheduling. */ get lastDataSubmissionSuccessfulDate() { return CommonUtils.getDatePref(this._healthReportPrefs, "lastDataSubmissionSuccessfulTime", 0, this._log, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, set lastDataSubmissionSuccessfulDate(value) { CommonUtils.setDatePref(this._healthReportPrefs, "lastDataSubmissionSuccessfulTime", value, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, /** * When we last encountered a submission failure. * * This is used for forensics purposes and should have no bearing on * scheduling. */ get lastDataSubmissionFailureDate() { return CommonUtils.getDatePref(this._healthReportPrefs, "lastDataSubmissionFailureTime", 0, this._log, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, set lastDataSubmissionFailureDate(value) { CommonUtils.setDatePref(this._healthReportPrefs, "lastDataSubmissionFailureTime", value, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, /** * When the next data submission is scheduled to occur. * * This is maintained internally by this type. External users should not * mutate this value. */ get nextDataSubmissionDate() { return CommonUtils.getDatePref(this._healthReportPrefs, "nextDataSubmissionTime", 0, this._log, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, set nextDataSubmissionDate(value) { CommonUtils.setDatePref(this._healthReportPrefs, "nextDataSubmissionTime", value, OLDEST_ALLOWED_YEAR); }, /** * The number of submission failures for this day's upload. * * This is used to drive backoff and scheduling. */ get currentDaySubmissionFailureCount() { let v = this._healthReportPrefs.get("currentDaySubmissionFailureCount", 0); if (!Number.isInteger(v)) { v = 0; } return v; }, set currentDaySubmissionFailureCount(value) { if (!Number.isInteger(value)) { throw new Error("Value must be integer: " + value); } this._healthReportPrefs.set("currentDaySubmissionFailureCount", value); }, /** * Whether a request to delete remote data is awaiting completion. * * If this is true, the policy will request that remote data be deleted. * Furthermore, no new data will be uploaded (if it's even allowed) until * the remote deletion is fulfilled. */ get pendingDeleteRemoteData() { return !!this._healthReportPrefs.get("pendingDeleteRemoteData", false); }, set pendingDeleteRemoteData(value) { this._healthReportPrefs.set("pendingDeleteRemoteData", !!value); }, /** * Whether upload of Firefox Health Report data is enabled. */ get healthReportUploadEnabled() { return !!this._healthReportPrefs.get("uploadEnabled", true); }, // External callers should update this via `recordHealthReportUploadEnabled` // to ensure appropriate side-effects are performed. set healthReportUploadEnabled(value) { this._healthReportPrefs.set("uploadEnabled", !!value); }, /** * Whether the FHR upload enabled setting is locked and can't be changed. */ get healthReportUploadLocked() { return this._healthReportPrefs.locked("uploadEnabled"); }, /** * Record the user's intent for whether FHR should upload data. * * This is the preferred way for XUL applications to record a user's * preference on whether Firefox Health Report should upload data to * a server. * * If upload is disabled through this API, a request for remote data * deletion is initiated automatically. * * If upload is being disabled and this operation is scheduled to * occur immediately, a promise will be returned. This promise will be * fulfilled when the deletion attempt finishes. If upload is being * disabled and a promise is not returned, callers must poll * `haveRemoteData` on the HealthReporter instance to see if remote * data has been deleted. * * @param flag * (bool) Whether data submission is enabled or disabled. * @param reason * (string) Why this value is being adjusted. For logging * purposes only. */ recordHealthReportUploadEnabled: function (flag, reason="no-reason") { let result = null; if (!flag) { result = this.deleteRemoteData(reason); } this.healthReportUploadEnabled = flag; return result; }, /** * Request that remote data be deleted. * * This will record an intent that previously uploaded data is to be deleted. * The policy will eventually issue a request to the listener for data * deletion. It will keep asking for deletion until the listener acknowledges * that data has been deleted. */ deleteRemoteData: function deleteRemoteData(reason="no-reason") { this._log.info("Remote data deletion requested: " + reason); this.pendingDeleteRemoteData = true; // We want delete deletion to occur as soon as possible. Move up any // pending scheduled data submission and try to trigger. this.nextDataSubmissionDate = this.now(); return this.checkStateAndTrigger(); }, /** * Start background polling for activity. * * This will set up a recurring timer that will periodically check if * activity is warranted. * * You typically call this function for each constructed instance. */ startPolling: function startPolling() { this.stopPolling(); this._timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); this._timer.initWithCallback({ notify: function notify() { this.checkStateAndTrigger(); }.bind(this) }, this.POLL_INTERVAL_MSEC, this._timer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK); }, /** * Stop background polling for activity. * * This should be called when the instance is no longer needed. */ stopPolling: function stopPolling() { if (this._timer) { this._timer.cancel(); this._timer = null; } }, /** * Abstraction for obtaining current time. * * The purpose of this is to facilitate testing. Testing code can monkeypatch * this on instances instead of modifying the singleton Date object. */ now: function now() { return new Date(); }, /** * Check state and trigger actions, if necessary. * * This is what enforces the submission and notification policy detailed * above. You can think of this as the driver for health report data * submission. * * Typically this function is called automatically by the background polling. * But, it can safely be called manually as needed. */ checkStateAndTrigger: function checkStateAndTrigger() { // If the master data submission kill switch is toggled, we have nothing // to do. We don't notify about data policies because this would have // no effect. if (!this.dataSubmissionEnabled) { this._log.debug("Data submission is disabled. Doing nothing."); return; } let now = this.now(); let nowT = now.getTime(); let nextSubmissionDate = this.nextDataSubmissionDate; // If the system clock were ever set to a time in the distant future, // it's possible our next schedule date is far out as well. We know // we shouldn't schedule for more than a day out, so we reset the next // scheduled date appropriately. 3 days was chosen arbitrarily. if (nextSubmissionDate.getTime() >= nowT + 3 * MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY) { this._log.warn("Next data submission time is far away. Was the system " + "clock recently readjusted? " + nextSubmissionDate); // It shouldn't really matter what we set this to. 1 day in the future // should be pretty safe. this._moveScheduleForward24h(); // Fall through since we may have other actions. } // Tend to any in progress work. if (this._processInProgressSubmission()) { return; } // Requests to delete remote data take priority above everything else. if (this.pendingDeleteRemoteData) { if (nowT < nextSubmissionDate.getTime()) { this._log.debug("Deletion request is scheduled for the future: " + nextSubmissionDate); return; } return this._dispatchSubmissionRequest("onRequestRemoteDelete", true); } if (!this.healthReportUploadEnabled) { this._log.debug("Data upload is disabled. Doing nothing."); return; } if (!this.ensureUserNotified()) { this._log.warn("The user has not been notified about the data submission " + "policy. Not attempting upload."); return; } // Data submission is allowed to occur. Now comes the scheduling part. if (nowT < nextSubmissionDate.getTime()) { this._log.debug("Next data submission is scheduled in the future: " + nextSubmissionDate); return; } return this._dispatchSubmissionRequest("onRequestDataUpload", false); }, /** * Ensure that the data policy notification has been displayed. * * This must be called before data submission. If the policy has not been * displayed, data submission must not occur. * * @return bool Whether the notification has been displayed. */ ensureUserNotified: function () { if (this.userNotifiedOfCurrentPolicy || this.dataSubmissionPolicyBypassNotification) { return true; } // The user has not been notified yet, but is in the process of being notified. if (this._userNotifyPromise) { return false; } let deferred = Promise.defer(); deferred.promise.then((function onSuccess() { this._recordDataPolicyNotification(this.now(), this.currentPolicyVersion); this._userNotifyPromise = null; }).bind(this), ((error) => { this._log.warn("Data policy notification presentation failed: " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(error)); this._userNotifyPromise = null; }).bind(this)); this._log.info("Requesting display of data policy."); let request = new NotifyPolicyRequest(this, deferred); try { this._listener.onNotifyDataPolicy(request); } catch (ex) { this._log.warn("Exception when calling onNotifyDataPolicy: " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(ex)); } this._userNotifyPromise = deferred.promise; return false; }, _recordDataPolicyNotification: function (date, version) { this._log.debug("Recording data policy notification to version " + version + " on date " + date); this.dataSubmissionPolicyNotifiedDate = date; this.dataSubmissionPolicyAcceptedVersion = version; }, _migratePrefs: function () { // Current prefs are mostly the same than the old ones, except for some deprecated ones. this._prefs.reset([ "dataSubmissionPolicyAccepted", "dataSubmissionPolicyBypassAcceptance", "dataSubmissionPolicyResponseType", "dataSubmissionPolicyResponseTime" ]); }, _processInProgressSubmission: function _processInProgressSubmission() { if (!this._inProgressSubmissionRequest) { return false; } let now = this.now().getTime(); if (this._inProgressSubmissionRequest.expiresDate.getTime() > now) { this._log.info("Waiting on in-progress submission request to finish."); return true; } this._log.warn("Old submission request has expired from no activity."); this._inProgressSubmissionRequest.promise.reject(new Error("Request has expired.")); this._inProgressSubmissionRequest = null; this._handleSubmissionFailure(); return false; }, _dispatchSubmissionRequest: function _dispatchSubmissionRequest(handler, isDelete) { let now = this.now(); // We're past our scheduled next data submission date, so let's do it! this.lastDataSubmissionRequestedDate = now; let deferred = Promise.defer(); let requestExpiresDate = this._futureDate(this.SUBMISSION_REQUEST_EXPIRE_INTERVAL_MSEC); this._inProgressSubmissionRequest = new DataSubmissionRequest(deferred, requestExpiresDate, isDelete); let onSuccess = function onSuccess(result) { this._inProgressSubmissionRequest = null; this._handleSubmissionResult(result); }.bind(this); let onError = function onError(error) { this._log.error("Error when handling data submission result: " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(error)); this._inProgressSubmissionRequest = null; this._handleSubmissionFailure(); }.bind(this); let chained = deferred.promise.then(onSuccess, onError); this._log.info("Requesting data submission. Will expire at " + requestExpiresDate); try { let promise = this._listener[handler](this._inProgressSubmissionRequest); chained = chained.then(() => promise, null); } catch (ex) { this._log.warn("Exception when calling " + handler + ": " + CommonUtils.exceptionStr(ex)); this._inProgressSubmissionRequest = null; this._handleSubmissionFailure(); return; } return chained; }, _handleSubmissionResult: function _handleSubmissionResult(request) { let state = request.state; let reason = request.reason || "no reason"; this._log.info("Got submission request result: " + state); if (state == request.SUBMISSION_SUCCESS) { if (request.isDelete) { this.pendingDeleteRemoteData = false; this._log.info("Successful data delete reported."); } else { this._log.info("Successful data upload reported."); } this.lastDataSubmissionSuccessfulDate = request.submissionDate; let nextSubmissionDate = new Date(request.submissionDate.getTime() + MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY); // Schedule pending deletes immediately. This has potential to overload // the server. However, the frequency of delete requests across all // clients should be low, so this shouldn't pose a problem. if (this.pendingDeleteRemoteData) { nextSubmissionDate = this.now(); } this.nextDataSubmissionDate = nextSubmissionDate; this.currentDaySubmissionFailureCount = 0; return; } if (state == request.NO_DATA_AVAILABLE) { if (request.isDelete) { this._log.info("Remote data delete requested but no remote data was stored."); this.pendingDeleteRemoteData = false; return; } this._log.info("No data was available to submit. May try later."); this._handleSubmissionFailure(); return; } // We don't special case request.isDelete for these failures because it // likely means there was a server error. if (state == request.SUBMISSION_FAILURE_SOFT) { this._log.warn("Soft error submitting data: " + reason); this.lastDataSubmissionFailureDate = this.now(); this._handleSubmissionFailure(); return; } if (state == request.SUBMISSION_FAILURE_HARD) { this._log.warn("Hard error submitting data: " + reason); this.lastDataSubmissionFailureDate = this.now(); this._moveScheduleForward24h(); return; } throw new Error("Unknown state on DataSubmissionRequest: " + request.state); }, _handleSubmissionFailure: function _handleSubmissionFailure() { if (this.currentDaySubmissionFailureCount >= this.FAILURE_BACKOFF_INTERVALS.length) { this._log.warn("Reached the limit of daily submission attempts. " + "Rescheduling for tomorrow."); this._moveScheduleForward24h(); return false; } let offset = this.FAILURE_BACKOFF_INTERVALS[this.currentDaySubmissionFailureCount]; this.nextDataSubmissionDate = this._futureDate(offset); this.currentDaySubmissionFailureCount++; return true; }, _moveScheduleForward24h: function _moveScheduleForward24h() { let d = this._futureDate(MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY); this._log.info("Setting next scheduled data submission for " + d); this.nextDataSubmissionDate = d; this.currentDaySubmissionFailureCount = 0; }, _futureDate: function _futureDate(offset) { return new Date(this.now().getTime() + offset); }, });