%brandDTD; %platformDTD; ]> &brandFullName; Mouse Shortcuts

&brandFullName; Mouse Shortcuts

This is a list of the most common mouse shortcuts in &brandFullName;.

Command Shortcut
Back &altKey;+Scroll Down &shiftKey;+Scroll Down
Close Tab Middle-click on Tab
Decrease Text Size &ctrlKey;+Scroll up
Forward &altKey;+Scroll up &shiftKey;+Scroll up
Increase Text Size &ctrlKey;+Scroll down
New Tab Double-Click on Tab Bar
Open in Background Tab &accelKey;+Left-click
Open in Foreground Tab &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+Left-click
&shiftKey;+ Middle-click
Open in New Window &shiftKey;+Left-click
Paste URL and Go Middle-click on Tab
Reload (override cache) &shiftKey;+Reload button
Save Page As &altKey;+Left-click
Scroll line by line &accelKey;+Scroll &altKey;+Scroll
14 October 2005

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