// This script is used to test elements that implement // nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement. This currently is the following elements: // listbox, menulist, radiogroup, richlistbox, tabs // // flag behaviours that differ for certain elements // allow-other-value - alternate values for the value property may be used // besides those in the list // other-value-clears-selection - alternative values for the value property // clears the selected item // selection-required - an item must be selected in the list, unless there // aren't any to select // activate-disabled-menuitem - disabled menuitems can be highlighted // select-keynav-wraps - key navigation over a selectable list wraps // select-extended-keynav - home, end, page up and page down keys work to // navigate over a selectable list // keynav-leftright - key navigation is left/right rather than up/down // The win:, mac: and gtk: or other prefixes may be used for platform specific behaviour var behaviours = { menu: "win:activate-disabled-menuitem activate-disabled-menuitem-mousemove select-keynav-wraps select-extended-keynav", menulist: "allow-other-value other-value-clears-selection", listbox: "select-extended-keynav", richlistbox: "select-extended-keynav", radiogroup: "select-keynav-wraps dont-select-disabled allow-other-value", tabs: "select-extended-keynav mac:select-keynav-wraps allow-other-value selection-required keynav-leftright" }; function behaviourContains(tag, behaviour) { var platform = "none:"; if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") >= 0) platform = "mac:"; else if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") >= 0) platform = "win:"; else if (navigator.platform.indexOf("X") >= 0) platform = "gtk:"; var re = new RegExp("\\s" + platform + behaviour + "\\s|\\s" + behaviour + "\\s"); return re.test(" " + behaviours[tag] + " "); } function test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement(element, childtag, testprefix) { var testid = (testprefix) ? testprefix + " " : ""; testid += element.localName + " nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement "; // editable menulists use the label as the value instead var firstvalue = "first", secondvalue = "second", fourthvalue = "fourth"; if (element.localName == "menulist" && element.editable) { firstvalue = "First Item"; secondvalue = "Second Item" fourthvalue = "Fourth Item"; } // 'initial' - check if the initial state of the element is correct test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "initial", 0, null, -1, ""); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_init(element, testid); // 'appendItem' - check if appendItem works to add a new item var firstitem = element.appendItem("First Item", "first"); is(firstitem.localName, childtag, testid + "appendItem - first item is " + childtag); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "appendItem", 1, null, -1, ""); is(firstitem.control, element, testid + "control"); // 'selectedIndex' - check if an item may be selected element.selectedIndex = 0; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "selectedIndex", 1, firstitem, 0, firstvalue); // 'appendItem 2' - check if a second item may be added var seconditem = element.appendItem("Second Item", "second"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "appendItem 2", 2, firstitem, 0, firstvalue); // 'selectedItem' - check if the second item may be selected element.selectedItem = seconditem; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "selectedItem", 2, seconditem, 1, secondvalue); // 'selectedIndex 2' - check if selectedIndex may be set to -1 to deselect items var selectionRequired = behaviourContains(element.localName, "selection-required"); element.selectedIndex = -1; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "selectedIndex 2", 2, selectionRequired ? seconditem : null, selectionRequired ? 1 : -1, selectionRequired ? secondvalue : ""); // 'selectedItem 2' - check if the selectedItem property may be set to null element.selectedIndex = 1; element.selectedItem = null; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "selectedItem 2", 2, selectionRequired ? seconditem : null, selectionRequired ? 1 : -1, selectionRequired ? secondvalue : ""); // 'getIndexOfItem' - check if getIndexOfItem returns the right index is(element.getIndexOfItem(firstitem), 0, testid + "getIndexOfItem - first item at index 0"); is(element.getIndexOfItem(seconditem), 1, testid + "getIndexOfItem - second item at index 1"); var otheritem = element.ownerDocument.createElement(childtag); is(element.getIndexOfItem(otheritem), -1, testid + "getIndexOfItem - other item not found"); // 'getItemAtIndex' - check if getItemAtIndex returns the right item is(element.getItemAtIndex(0), firstitem, testid + "getItemAtIndex - index 0 is first item"); is(element.getItemAtIndex(1), seconditem, testid + "getItemAtIndex - index 0 is second item"); is(element.getItemAtIndex(-1), null, testid + "getItemAtIndex - index -1 is null"); is(element.getItemAtIndex(2), null, testid + "getItemAtIndex - index 2 is null"); // check if setting the value changes the selection element.value = firstvalue; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "set value 1", 2, firstitem, 0, firstvalue); element.value = secondvalue; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "set value 2", 2, seconditem, 1, secondvalue); // setting the value attribute to one not in the list doesn't change the selection. // The value is only changed for elements which support having a value other than the // selection. element.value = "other"; var allowOtherValue = behaviourContains(element.localName, "allow-other-value"); var otherValueClearsSelection = behaviourContains(element.localName, "other-value-clears-selection"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "set value other", 2, otherValueClearsSelection ? null : seconditem, otherValueClearsSelection ? -1 : 1, allowOtherValue ? "other" : secondvalue); if (allowOtherValue) element.value = ""; // 'removeItemAt' - check if removeItemAt removes the right item if (selectionRequired) element.value = secondvalue; else element.selectedIndex = -1; var removeditem = element.removeItemAt(0); is(removeditem, firstitem, testid + "removeItemAt return value"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "removeItemAt", 1, selectionRequired ? seconditem : null, selectionRequired ? 0 : -1, selectionRequired ? secondvalue : ""); is(removeditem.control, null, testid + "control not set"); var thirditem = element.appendItem("Third Item", "third"); var fourthitem = element.appendItem("Fourth Item", fourthvalue); var fifthitem = element.appendItem("Fifth Item", "fifth"); // 'removeItemAt 2' - check if removeItemAt removes the selected item and // adjusts the selection to the next item element.selectedItem = thirditem; is(element.removeItemAt(1), thirditem, testid + "removeItemAt 2 return value"); // radio buttons don't handle removing quite right due to XBL issues, // so disable testing some of these remove tests for now - bug 367400 var isnotradio = (element.localName != "radiogroup"); // XXXndeakin disable these tests for all widgets for now. They require bug 331513. isnotradio = false; if (isnotradio) test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "removeItemAt 2", 3, fourthitem, 1, fourthvalue); // 'removeItemAt 3' - check if removeItemAt adjusts the selection // if an earlier item is removed element.selectedItem = fourthitem; element.removeItemAt(0); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "removeItemAt 3", 2, fourthitem, 0, fourthvalue); // 'removeItemAt 4' - check if removeItemAt adjusts the selection if the // last item is selected and removed element.selectedItem = fifthitem; element.removeItemAt(1); if (isnotradio) test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "removeItemAt 4", 1, fourthitem, 0, fourthvalue); // 'removeItemAt 5' - check that removeItemAt doesn't fail when removing invalid items is(element.removeItemAt(-1), null, testid + "removeItemAt 5 return value"); if (isnotradio) test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "removeItemAt 5", 1, fourthitem, 0, fourthvalue); // 'removeItemAt 6' - check that removeItemAt doesn't fail when removing invalid items is(element.removeItemAt(1), null, testid + "removeItemAt 6 return value"); is("item removed", "item removed", testid + "removeItemAt 6"); if (isnotradio) test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "removeItemAt 6", 1, fourthitem, 0, fourthvalue); // 'insertItemAt' - check if insertItemAt inserts items at the right locations element.selectedIndex = 0; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, 0, 0, testid, 5); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, 2, 2, testid, 6); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, -1, 3, testid, 7); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, 6, 4, testid, 8); element.selectedIndex = 0; fourthitem.disabled = true; element.selectedIndex = 1; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "selectedIndex disabled", 5, fourthitem, 1, fourthvalue); element.selectedIndex = 0; element.selectedItem = fourthitem; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "selectedIndex disabled", 5, fourthitem, 1, fourthvalue); // 'removeall' - check if all items are removed while (element.itemCount) element.removeItemAt(0); if (isnotradio) test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "remove all", 0, null, -1, allowOtherValue ? "number8" : ""); } function test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_init(element, testprefix) { // editable menulists use the label as the value var isEditable = (element.localName == "menulist" && element.editable); var id = element.id; element = document.getElementById(id + "-initwithvalue"); if (element) { var seconditem = element.getItemAtIndex(1); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testprefix + " value initialization", 3, seconditem, 1, isEditable ? seconditem.label : seconditem.value); } element = document.getElementById(id + "-initwithselected"); if (element) { var thirditem = element.getItemAtIndex(2); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testprefix + " selected initialization", 3, thirditem, 2, isEditable ? thirditem.label : thirditem.value); } } function test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid, expectedcount, expecteditem, expectedindex, expectedvalue) { // need an itemCount property here var count = element.itemCount; is(count, expectedcount, testid + " item count"); is(element.selectedItem, expecteditem, testid + " selectedItem"); is(element.selectedIndex, expectedindex, testid + " selectedIndex"); is(element.value, expectedvalue, testid + " value"); if (element.selectedItem) { is(element.selectedItem.selected, true, testid + " selectedItem marked as selected"); } } function test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_insertItemAt(element, index, expectedindex, testid, number) { var expectedCount = element.itemCount; var expectedSelItem = element.selectedItem; var expectedSelIndex = element.selectedIndex; var expectedSelValue = element.value; var newitem = element.insertItemAt(index, "Item " + number, "number" + number); is(element.getIndexOfItem(newitem), expectedindex, testid + "insertItemAt " + expectedindex + " - get inserted item"); expectedCount++; if (expectedSelIndex >= expectedindex) expectedSelIndex++; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "insertItemAt " + index, expectedCount, expectedSelItem, expectedSelIndex, expectedSelValue); return newitem; } /** test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_UI * * Test the UI aspects of an element which implements nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement * * Parameters: * element - element to test */ function test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_UI(element, testprefix) { var testid = (testprefix) ? testprefix + " " : ""; testid += element.localName + " nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement UI "; while (element.itemCount) element.removeItemAt(0); var firstitem = element.appendItem("First Item", "first"); var seconditem = element.appendItem("Second Item", "second"); // 'mouse select' - check if clicking an item selects it synthesizeMouseExpectEvent(firstitem, 2, 2, {}, element, "select", testid + "mouse select"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "mouse select", 2, firstitem, 0, "first"); synthesizeMouseExpectEvent(seconditem, 2, 2, {}, element, "select", testid + "mouse select 2"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "mouse select 2", 2, seconditem, 1, "second"); // make sure the element is focused so keyboard navigation will apply element.selectedIndex = 1; element.focus(); var navLeftRight = behaviourContains(element.localName, "keynav-leftright"); var backKey = navLeftRight ? "VK_LEFT" : "VK_UP"; var forwardKey = navLeftRight ? "VK_RIGHT" : "VK_DOWN"; // 'key select' - check if keypresses move between items synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(backKey, {}, element, "select", testid + "key up"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key up", 2, firstitem, 0, "first"); var keyWrap = behaviourContains(element.localName, "select-keynav-wraps"); var expectedItem = keyWrap ? seconditem : firstitem; var expectedIndex = keyWrap ? 1 : 0; var expectedValue = keyWrap ? "second" : "first"; synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(backKey, {}, keyWrap ? element : null, "select", testid + "key up 2"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key up 2", 2, expectedItem, expectedIndex, expectedValue); element.selectedIndex = 0; synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(forwardKey, {}, element, "select", testid + "key down"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key down", 2, seconditem, 1, "second"); expectedItem = keyWrap ? firstitem : seconditem; expectedIndex = keyWrap ? 0 : 1; expectedValue = keyWrap ? "first" : "second"; synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(forwardKey, {}, keyWrap ? element : null, "select", testid + "key down 2"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key down 2", 2, expectedItem, expectedIndex, expectedValue); var thirditem = element.appendItem("Third Item", "third"); var fourthitem = element.appendItem("Fourth Item", "fourth"); if (behaviourContains(element.localName, "select-extended-keynav")) { var fifthitem = element.appendItem("Fifth Item", "fifth"); var sixthitem = element.appendItem("Sixth Item", "sixth"); synthesizeKeyExpectEvent("VK_END", {}, element, "select", testid + "key end"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key end", 6, sixthitem, 5, "sixth"); synthesizeKeyExpectEvent("VK_HOME", {}, element, "select", testid + "key home"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key home", 6, firstitem, 0, "first"); synthesizeKeyExpectEvent("VK_PAGE_DOWN", {}, element, "select", testid + "key page down"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key page down", 6, fourthitem, 3, "fourth"); synthesizeKeyExpectEvent("VK_PAGE_DOWN", {}, element, "select", testid + "key page down to end"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key page down to end", 6, sixthitem, 5, "sixth"); synthesizeKeyExpectEvent("VK_PAGE_UP", {}, element, "select", testid + "key page up"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key page up", 6, thirditem, 2, "third"); synthesizeKeyExpectEvent("VK_PAGE_UP", {}, element, "select", testid + "key page up to start"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key page up to start", 6, firstitem, 0, "first"); element.removeItemAt(5); element.removeItemAt(4); } // now test whether a disabled item works. element.selectedIndex = 0; seconditem.disabled = true; var dontSelectDisabled = (behaviourContains(element.localName, "dont-select-disabled")); // 'mouse select' - check if clicking an item selects it synthesizeMouseExpectEvent(seconditem, 2, 2, {}, element, dontSelectDisabled ? "!select" : "select", testid + "mouse select disabled"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "mouse select disabled", 4, dontSelectDisabled ? firstitem: seconditem, dontSelectDisabled ? 0 : 1, dontSelectDisabled ? "first" : "second"); if (dontSelectDisabled) { // test whether disabling an item won't allow it to be selected synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(forwardKey, {}, element, "select", testid + "key down disabled"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key down disabled", 4, thirditem, 2, "third"); synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(backKey, {}, element, "select", testid + "key up disabled"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key up disabled", 4, firstitem, 0, "first"); element.selectedIndex = 2; firstitem.disabled = true; synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(backKey, {}, keyWrap ? element : null, "select", testid + "key up disabled 2"); expectedItem = keyWrap ? fourthitem : thirditem; expectedIndex = keyWrap ? 3 : 2; expectedValue = keyWrap ? "fourth" : "third"; test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key up disabled 2", 4, expectedItem, expectedIndex, expectedValue); } else { // in this case, disabled items should behave the same as non-disabled items. element.selectedIndex = 0; synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(forwardKey, {}, element, "select", testid + "key down disabled"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key down disabled", 4, seconditem, 1, "second"); synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(forwardKey, {}, element, "select", testid + "key down disabled again"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key down disabled again", 4, thirditem, 2, "third"); synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(backKey, {}, element, "select", testid + "key up disabled"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key up disabled", 4, seconditem, 1, "second"); synthesizeKeyExpectEvent(backKey, {}, element, "select", testid + "key up disabled again"); test_nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement_States(element, testid + "key up disabled again", 4, firstitem, 0, "first"); } }