/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Mike Pinkerton (pinkerton@netscape.com). * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Vladimir Vukicevic (HITheme rewrite) * Josh Aas * Colin Barrett * Matthew Gregan * Markus Stange * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "nsNativeThemeCocoa.h" #include "nsObjCExceptions.h" #include "nsIRenderingContext.h" #include "nsRect.h" #include "nsSize.h" #include "nsThemeConstants.h" #include "nsIPresShell.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIFrame.h" #include "nsIAtom.h" #include "nsIEventStateManager.h" #include "nsINameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsILookAndFeel.h" #include "nsWidgetAtoms.h" #include "nsToolkit.h" #include "nsCocoaWindow.h" #include "nsNativeThemeColors.h" #include "gfxContext.h" #include "gfxQuartzSurface.h" #include "gfxQuartzNativeDrawing.h" #define DRAW_IN_FRAME_DEBUG 0 #define SCROLLBARS_VISUAL_DEBUG 0 // private Quartz routines needed here extern "C" { CG_EXTERN void CGContextSetCTM(CGContextRef, CGAffineTransform); } // Workaround for NSCell control tint drawing // Without this workaround, NSCells are always drawn with the clear control tint // as long as they're not attached to an NSControl which is a subview of an active window. // XXXmstange Why doesn't Webkit need this? @implementation NSCell (ControlTintWorkaround) - (int)_realControlTint { return [self controlTint]; } @end // On 10.4, NSSearchFieldCells can't draw focus rings. @interface SearchFieldCellWithFocusRing : NSSearchFieldCell {} @end @implementation SearchFieldCellWithFocusRing - (void) drawWithFrame:(NSRect)rect inView:(NSView*)controlView { [super drawWithFrame:rect inView:controlView]; if (!nsToolkit::OnLeopardOrLater() && [self showsFirstResponder]) { NSSetFocusRingStyle(NSFocusRingOnly); NSBezierPath* path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath]; float radius = NSHeight(rect) / 2; rect = NSInsetRect(rect, radius, radius); [path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(rect), NSMinY(rect)) radius:radius startAngle:180.0 endAngle:270.0]; [path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(rect), NSMinY(rect)) radius:radius startAngle:270.0 endAngle:360.0]; [path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(rect), NSMaxY(rect)) radius:radius startAngle: 0.0 endAngle: 90.0]; [path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(rect), NSMaxY(rect)) radius:radius startAngle: 90.0 endAngle:180.0]; [path closePath]; [path fill]; } } @end // Copied from nsLookAndFeel.h // Apple hasn't defined a constant for scollbars with two arrows on each end, so we'll use this one. static const int kThemeScrollBarArrowsBoth = 2; #define HITHEME_ORIENTATION kHIThemeOrientationNormal #define MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH 4 // These enums are for indexing into the margin array. enum { tigerOS, leopardOS }; enum { miniControlSize, smallControlSize, regularControlSize }; enum { leftMargin, topMargin, rightMargin, bottomMargin }; static int EnumSizeForCocoaSize(NSControlSize cocoaControlSize) { if (cocoaControlSize == NSMiniControlSize) return miniControlSize; else if (cocoaControlSize == NSSmallControlSize) return smallControlSize; else return regularControlSize; } static void InflateControlRect(NSRect* rect, NSControlSize cocoaControlSize, const float marginSet[][3][4]) { if (!marginSet) return; static int osIndex = nsToolkit::OnLeopardOrLater() ? leopardOS : tigerOS; int controlSize = EnumSizeForCocoaSize(cocoaControlSize); const float* buttonMargins = marginSet[osIndex][controlSize]; rect->origin.x -= buttonMargins[leftMargin]; rect->origin.y -= buttonMargins[bottomMargin]; rect->size.width += buttonMargins[leftMargin] + buttonMargins[rightMargin]; rect->size.height += buttonMargins[bottomMargin] + buttonMargins[topMargin]; } static NSView* NativeViewForFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) { if (!aFrame) return nil; nsIWidget* widget = aFrame->GetWindow(); if (!widget) return nil; return (NSView*)widget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WIDGET); } static NSWindow* NativeWindowForFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame, int* aLevelsUp = NULL, nsIWidget** aTopLevelWidget = NULL) { if (!aFrame) return nil; nsIWidget* widget = aFrame->GetWindow(); if (!widget) return nil; nsIWidget* topLevelWidget = widget->GetTopLevelWidget(aLevelsUp); if (aTopLevelWidget) *aTopLevelWidget = topLevelWidget; return (NSWindow*)topLevelWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW); } static BOOL FrameIsInActiveWindow(nsIFrame* aFrame) { nsIWidget* topLevelWidget = NULL; NSWindow* win = NativeWindowForFrame(aFrame, NULL, &topLevelWidget); if (!topLevelWidget || !win) return YES; // XUL popups, e.g. the toolbar customization popup, can't become key windows, // but controls in these windows should still get the active look. nsWindowType windowType; topLevelWidget->GetWindowType(windowType); if (windowType == eWindowType_popup) return YES; if ([win isSheet]) return [win isKeyWindow]; return [win isMainWindow] && ![win attachedSheet]; } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsNativeThemeCocoa, nsITheme) nsNativeThemeCocoa::nsNativeThemeCocoa() { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; mPushButtonCell = [[NSButtonCell alloc] initTextCell:nil]; [mPushButtonCell setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton]; [mPushButtonCell setHighlightsBy:NSPushInCellMask]; mRadioButtonCell = [[NSButtonCell alloc] initTextCell:nil]; [mRadioButtonCell setButtonType:NSRadioButton]; mCheckboxCell = [[NSButtonCell alloc] initTextCell:nil]; [mCheckboxCell setButtonType:NSSwitchButton]; [mCheckboxCell setAllowsMixedState:YES]; mSearchFieldCell = [[SearchFieldCellWithFocusRing alloc] initTextCell:@""]; [mSearchFieldCell setBezelStyle:NSTextFieldRoundedBezel]; [mSearchFieldCell setBezeled:YES]; [mSearchFieldCell setEditable:YES]; [mSearchFieldCell setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeExterior]; mDropdownCell = [[NSPopUpButtonCell alloc] initTextCell:@"" pullsDown:NO]; NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } nsNativeThemeCocoa::~nsNativeThemeCocoa() { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; [mPushButtonCell release]; [mRadioButtonCell release]; [mCheckboxCell release]; [mSearchFieldCell release]; [mDropdownCell release]; NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } // Limit on the area of the target rect (in pixels^2) in // DrawCellWithScaling(), DrawButton() and DrawScrollbar(), above which we // don't draw the object into a bitmap buffer. This is to avoid crashes in // [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:flipped:] and // CGContextDrawImage(), and also to avoid very poor drawing performance in // CGContextDrawImage() when it scales the bitmap (particularly if xscale or // yscale is less than but near 1 -- e.g. 0.9). This value was determined // by trial and error, on OS X 10.4.11 and 10.5.4, and on systems with // different amounts of RAM. #define BITMAP_MAX_AREA 500000 /* * Draw the given NSCell into the given cgContext. * * destRect - the size and position of the resulting control rectangle * controlSize - the NSControlSize which will be given to the NSCell before * asking it to render * naturalSize - The natural dimensions of this control. * If the control rect size is not equal to either of these, a scale * will be applied to the context so that rendering the control at the * natural size will result in it filling the destRect space. * If a control has no natural dimensions in either/both axes, pass 0.0f. * minimumSize - The minimum dimensions of this control. * If the control rect size is less than the minimum for a given axis, * a scale will be applied to the context so that the minimum is used * for drawing. If a control has no minimum dimensions in either/both * axes, pass 0.0f. * marginSet - an array of margins; a multidimensional array of [2][3][4], * with the first dimension being the OS version (Tiger or Leopard), * the second being the control size (mini, small, regular), and the third * being the 4 margin values (left, top, right, bottom). * flip - Whether to draw the control mirrored * view - The NSView that we're drawing into. As far as I can tell, it doesn't * matter if this is really the right view; it just has to return YES when * asked for isFlipped. Otherwise we'll get drawing bugs on 10.4. */ static void DrawCellWithScaling(NSCell *cell, CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& destRect, NSControlSize controlSize, NSSize naturalSize, NSSize minimumSize, const float marginSet[][3][4], NSView* view) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; NSRect drawRect = NSMakeRect(destRect.origin.x, destRect.origin.y, destRect.size.width, destRect.size.height); if (naturalSize.width != 0.0f) drawRect.size.width = naturalSize.width; if (naturalSize.height != 0.0f) drawRect.size.height = naturalSize.height; // Keep aspect ratio when scaling if one dimension is free. if (naturalSize.width == 0.0f && naturalSize.height != 0.0f) drawRect.size.width = destRect.size.width * naturalSize.height / destRect.size.height; if (naturalSize.height == 0.0f && naturalSize.width != 0.0f) drawRect.size.height = destRect.size.height * naturalSize.width / destRect.size.width; // Honor minimum sizes. if (drawRect.size.width < minimumSize.width) drawRect.size.width = minimumSize.width; if (drawRect.size.height < minimumSize.height) drawRect.size.height = minimumSize.height; [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState]; // Only skip the buffer if the area of our cell (in pixels^2) is too large. if (drawRect.size.width * drawRect.size.height > BITMAP_MAX_AREA) { // Inflate the rect Gecko gave us by the margin for the control. InflateControlRect(&drawRect, controlSize, marginSet); NSGraphicsContext* savedContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext]; [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:cgContext flipped:YES]]; [cell drawWithFrame:drawRect inView:view]; [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:savedContext]; } else { float w = ceil(drawRect.size.width); float h = ceil(drawRect.size.height); NSRect tmpRect = NSMakeRect(MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH, MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH, w, h); // inflate to figure out the frame we need to tell NSCell to draw in, to get something that's 0,0,w,h InflateControlRect(&tmpRect, controlSize, marginSet); // and then, expand by MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH size to make sure we can capture any focus ring w += MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH * 2.0; h += MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH * 2.0; CGColorSpaceRef rgb = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGContextRef ctx = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, (int) w, (int) h, 8, (int) w * 4, rgb, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst); CGColorSpaceRelease(rgb); // We need to flip the image twice in order to avoid drawing bugs on 10.4, see bug 465069. // This is the first flip transform, applied to cgContext. CGContextScaleCTM(cgContext, 1.0f, -1.0f); CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, 0.0f, -(2.0 * destRect.origin.y + destRect.size.height)); NSGraphicsContext* savedContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext]; [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:ctx flipped:YES]]; // This is the second flip transform, applied to ctx. CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, 1.0f, -1.0f); CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, 0.0f, -(2.0 * tmpRect.origin.y + tmpRect.size.height)); [cell drawWithFrame:tmpRect inView:view]; [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:savedContext]; CGImageRef img = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(ctx); // Drop the image into the original destination rectangle, scaling to fit // Only scale MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH by xscale/yscale when the resulting rect // doesn't extend beyond the overflow rect float xscale = destRect.size.width / drawRect.size.width; float yscale = destRect.size.height / drawRect.size.height; float scaledFocusRingX = xscale < 1.0f ? MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH * xscale : MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; float scaledFocusRingY = yscale < 1.0f ? MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH * yscale : MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; CGContextDrawImage(cgContext, CGRectMake(destRect.origin.x - scaledFocusRingX, destRect.origin.y - scaledFocusRingY, destRect.size.width + scaledFocusRingX * 2, destRect.size.height + scaledFocusRingY * 2), img); CGImageRelease(img); CGContextRelease(ctx); } [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState]; #if DRAW_IN_FRAME_DEBUG CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.25); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, destRect); #endif NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } struct CellRenderSettings { // The natural dimensions of the control. // If a control has no natural dimensions in either/both axes, set to 0.0f. NSSize naturalSizes[3]; // The minimum dimensions of the control. // If a control has no minimum dimensions in either/both axes, set to 0.0f. NSSize minimumSizes[3]; // A multidimensional array of [2][3][4], // with the first dimension being the OS version (Tiger or Leopard), // the second being the control size (mini, small, regular), and the third // being the 4 margin values (left, top, right, bottom). float margins[2][3][4]; }; /* * Draw the given NSCell into the given cgContext with a nice control size. * * This function is similar to DrawCellWithScaling, but it decides what * control size to use based on the destRect's size. * Scaling is only applied when the difference between the destRect's size * and the next smaller natural size is greater than snapTolerance. Otherwise * it snaps to the next smaller control size without scaling because unscaled * controls look nicer. */ static void DrawCellWithSnapping(NSCell *cell, CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& destRect, const CellRenderSettings settings, float verticalAlignFactor, NSView* view, float snapTolerance = 2.0f) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; const float rectWidth = destRect.size.width, rectHeight = destRect.size.height; const NSSize *sizes = settings.naturalSizes; const NSSize miniSize = sizes[EnumSizeForCocoaSize(NSMiniControlSize)]; const NSSize smallSize = sizes[EnumSizeForCocoaSize(NSSmallControlSize)]; const NSSize regularSize = sizes[EnumSizeForCocoaSize(NSRegularControlSize)]; NSControlSize controlSizeX = NSRegularControlSize, controlSizeY = NSRegularControlSize; HIRect drawRect = destRect; if (rectWidth <= miniSize.width + snapTolerance && rectWidth < smallSize.width) controlSizeX = NSMiniControlSize; else if(rectWidth <= smallSize.width + snapTolerance && rectWidth < regularSize.width) controlSizeX = NSSmallControlSize; if (rectHeight <= miniSize.height + snapTolerance && rectHeight < smallSize.height) controlSizeY = NSMiniControlSize; else if(rectHeight <= smallSize.height + snapTolerance && rectHeight < regularSize.height) controlSizeY = NSSmallControlSize; NSControlSize controlSize = NSRegularControlSize; int sizeIndex = 0; // At some sizes, don't scale but snap. const NSControlSize smallerControlSize = EnumSizeForCocoaSize(controlSizeX) < EnumSizeForCocoaSize(controlSizeY) ? controlSizeX : controlSizeY; const int smallerControlSizeIndex = EnumSizeForCocoaSize(smallerControlSize); const NSSize size = sizes[smallerControlSizeIndex]; float diffWidth = size.width ? rectWidth - size.width : 0.0f; float diffHeight = size.height ? rectHeight - size.height : 0.0f; if (diffWidth >= 0.0f && diffHeight >= 0.0f && diffWidth <= snapTolerance && diffHeight <= snapTolerance) { // Snap to the smaller control size. controlSize = smallerControlSize; sizeIndex = smallerControlSizeIndex; // Resize and center the drawRect. if (sizes[sizeIndex].width) { drawRect.origin.x += ceil((destRect.size.width - sizes[sizeIndex].width) / 2); drawRect.size.width = sizes[sizeIndex].width; } if (sizes[sizeIndex].height) { drawRect.origin.y += floor((destRect.size.height - sizes[sizeIndex].height) * verticalAlignFactor); drawRect.size.height = sizes[sizeIndex].height; } } else { // Use the larger control size. controlSize = EnumSizeForCocoaSize(controlSizeX) > EnumSizeForCocoaSize(controlSizeY) ? controlSizeX : controlSizeY; sizeIndex = EnumSizeForCocoaSize(controlSize); } [cell setControlSize:controlSize]; NSSize minimumSize = settings.minimumSizes ? settings.minimumSizes[sizeIndex] : NSZeroSize; DrawCellWithScaling(cell, cgContext, drawRect, controlSize, sizes[sizeIndex], minimumSize, settings.margins, view); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } static float VerticalAlignFactor(nsIFrame *aFrame) { if (!aFrame) return 0.5f; // default: center const nsStyleCoord& va = aFrame->GetStyleTextReset()->mVerticalAlign; PRUint8 intval = (va.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Enumerated) ? va.GetIntValue() : NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE; switch (intval) { case NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP: case NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TEXT_TOP: return 0.0f; case NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_SUB: case NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_SUPER: case NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE: case NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE_WITH_BASELINE: return 0.5f; case NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BASELINE: case NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TEXT_BOTTOM: case NS_STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM: return 1.0f; default: NS_NOTREACHED("invalid vertical-align"); return 0.5f; } } // These are the sizes that Gecko needs to request to draw if it wants // to get a standard-sized Aqua radio button drawn. Note that the rects // that draw these are actually a little bigger. static const CellRenderSettings radioSettings = { { NSMakeSize(11, 11), // mini NSMakeSize(13, 13), // small NSMakeSize(16, 16) // regular }, { NSZeroSize, NSZeroSize, NSZeroSize }, { { // Tiger {0, 0, 0, 0}, // mini {0, 1, 1, 2}, // small {0, -1, 0, 1} // regular }, { // Leopard {0, 0, 0, 0}, // mini {0, 1, 1, 1}, // small {0, 0, 0, 0} // regular } } }; static const CellRenderSettings checkboxSettings = { { NSMakeSize(11, 11), // mini NSMakeSize(13, 13), // small NSMakeSize(16, 16) // regular }, { NSZeroSize, NSZeroSize, NSZeroSize }, { { // Tiger {0, 1, 0, 0}, // mini {0, 2, 0, 1}, // small {0, 1, 0, 1} // regular }, { // Leopard {0, 1, 0, 0}, // mini {0, 1, 0, 1}, // small {0, 1, 0, 1} // regular } } }; void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawCheckboxOrRadio(CGContextRef cgContext, PRBool inCheckbox, const HIRect& inBoxRect, PRBool inSelected, PRBool inDisabled, PRInt32 inState, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; NSButtonCell *cell = inCheckbox ? mCheckboxCell : mRadioButtonCell; NSCellStateValue state = inSelected ? NSOnState : NSOffState; // Check if we have an indeterminate checkbox if (inCheckbox && GetIndeterminate(aFrame)) state = NSMixedState; [cell setEnabled:!inDisabled]; [cell setShowsFirstResponder:(inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUS)]; [cell setState:state]; [cell setHighlighted:((inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE) && (inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER))]; [cell setControlTint:(FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame) ? [NSColor currentControlTint] : NSClearControlTint)]; // Ensure that the control is square. float length = PR_MIN(inBoxRect.size.width, inBoxRect.size.height); HIRect drawRect = CGRectMake(inBoxRect.origin.x + (int)((inBoxRect.size.width - length) / 2.0f), inBoxRect.origin.y + (int)((inBoxRect.size.height - length) / 2.0f), length, length); DrawCellWithSnapping(cell, cgContext, drawRect, inCheckbox ? checkboxSettings : radioSettings, VerticalAlignFactor(aFrame), NativeViewForFrame(aFrame)); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } static const CellRenderSettings searchFieldSettings = { { NSMakeSize(0, 16), // mini NSMakeSize(0, 19), // small NSMakeSize(0, 22) // regular }, { NSMakeSize(32, 0), // mini NSMakeSize(38, 0), // small NSMakeSize(44, 0) // regular }, { { // Tiger {0, 0, 0, 0}, // mini {0, 0, 0, 0}, // small {0, 0, 0, 0} // regular }, { // Leopard {0, 0, 0, 0}, // mini {0, 0, 0, 0}, // small {0, 0, 0, 0} // regular } } }; void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawSearchField(CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& inBoxRect, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; NSSearchFieldCell* cell = mSearchFieldCell; [cell setEnabled:!IsDisabled(aFrame)]; [cell setShowsFirstResponder:IsFocused(aFrame)]; DrawCellWithSnapping(cell, cgContext, inBoxRect, searchFieldSettings, VerticalAlignFactor(aFrame), NativeViewForFrame(aFrame)); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } static const CellRenderSettings pushButtonSettings = { { NSMakeSize(0, 16), // mini NSMakeSize(0, 19), // small NSMakeSize(0, 22) // regular }, { NSMakeSize(18, 0), // mini NSMakeSize(26, 0), // small NSMakeSize(30, 0) // regular }, { { // Tiger {1, 1, 1, 1}, // mini {5, 0, 5, 2}, // small {6, 0, 6, 2} // regular }, { // Leopard {0, 0, 0, 0}, // mini {4, 0, 4, 1}, // small {5, 0, 5, 2} // regular } } }; // The height at which we start doing square buttons instead of rounded buttons // Rounded buttons look bad if drawn at a height greater than 26, so at that point // we switch over to doing square buttons which looks fine at any size. #define DO_SQUARE_BUTTON_HEIGHT 26 void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawPushButton(CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& inBoxRect, PRBool inDisabled, PRInt32 inState, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; BOOL isActive = FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame); [mPushButtonCell setEnabled:!inDisabled]; [mPushButtonCell setHighlighted:((inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE) && (inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER) && isActive)]; [mPushButtonCell setShowsFirstResponder:(inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUS) && !inDisabled && isActive]; // If the button is tall enough, draw the square button style so that buttons with // non-standard content look good. Otherwise draw normal rounded aqua buttons. if (inBoxRect.size.height > DO_SQUARE_BUTTON_HEIGHT) { [mPushButtonCell setBezelStyle:NSShadowlessSquareBezelStyle]; DrawCellWithScaling(mPushButtonCell, cgContext, inBoxRect, NSRegularControlSize, NSZeroSize, NSMakeSize(14, 0), NULL, NativeViewForFrame(aFrame)); } else { [mPushButtonCell setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle]; DrawCellWithSnapping(mPushButtonCell, cgContext, inBoxRect, pushButtonSettings, 0.5f, NativeViewForFrame(aFrame), 1.0f); } #if DRAW_IN_FRAME_DEBUG CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.25); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, inBoxRect); #endif NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawButton(CGContextRef cgContext, ThemeButtonKind inKind, const HIRect& inBoxRect, PRBool inIsDefault, PRBool inDisabled, ThemeButtonValue inValue, ThemeButtonAdornment inAdornment, PRInt32 inState, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; BOOL isActive = FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame); HIThemeButtonDrawInfo bdi; bdi.version = 0; bdi.kind = inKind; bdi.value = inValue; bdi.adornment = inAdornment; if (inDisabled) { bdi.state = kThemeStateUnavailable; } else if ((inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE) && (inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER)) { bdi.state = kThemeStatePressed; } else { if (inKind == kThemeArrowButton) bdi.state = kThemeStateUnavailable; // these are always drawn as unavailable else if (!isActive && inKind == kThemeListHeaderButton) bdi.state = kThemeStateInactive; else bdi.state = kThemeStateActive; } if (inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUS && isActive) bdi.adornment |= kThemeAdornmentFocus; if (inIsDefault && !inDisabled && isActive && !(inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE)) { bdi.adornment |= kThemeAdornmentDefault; bdi.animation.time.start = 0; bdi.animation.time.current = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); } HIRect drawFrame = inBoxRect; if (inKind == kThemePushButton) { drawFrame.size.height -= 2; if (inBoxRect.size.height < pushButtonSettings.naturalSizes[smallControlSize].height) { bdi.kind = kThemePushButtonMini; } else if (inBoxRect.size.height < pushButtonSettings.naturalSizes[regularControlSize].height) { bdi.kind = kThemePushButtonSmall; drawFrame.origin.y -= 1; drawFrame.origin.x += 1; drawFrame.size.width -= 2; } } else if (inKind == kThemeListHeaderButton) { CGContextClipToRect(cgContext, inBoxRect); // Always remove the top border. drawFrame.origin.y -= 1; drawFrame.size.height += 1; // Remove the left border in LTR mode and the right border in RTL mode. drawFrame.size.width += 1; PRBool isLast = IsLastTreeHeaderCell(aFrame); if (isLast) drawFrame.size.width += 1; // Also remove the other border. if (!IsFrameRTL(aFrame) || isLast) drawFrame.origin.x -= 1; } HIThemeDrawButton(&drawFrame, &bdi, cgContext, kHIThemeOrientationNormal, NULL); #if DRAW_IN_FRAME_DEBUG CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.25); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, inBoxRect); #endif NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } static const CellRenderSettings dropdownSettings = { { NSMakeSize(0, 16), // mini NSMakeSize(0, 19), // small NSMakeSize(0, 22) // regular }, { NSMakeSize(18, 0), // mini NSMakeSize(38, 0), // small NSMakeSize(44, 0) // regular }, { { // Tiger {1, 1, 2, 1}, // mini {3, 0, 3, 1}, // small {3, 0, 3, 0} // regular }, { // Leopard {1, 1, 2, 1}, // mini {3, 0, 3, 1}, // small {3, 0, 3, 0} // regular } } }; void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawDropdown(CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& inBoxRect, PRInt32 inState, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; [mDropdownCell setEnabled:!IsDisabled(aFrame)]; [mDropdownCell setShowsFirstResponder:(inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUS)]; [mDropdownCell setHighlighted:((inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE) && (inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER))]; [mDropdownCell setControlTint:(FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame) ? [NSColor currentControlTint] : NSClearControlTint)]; DrawCellWithSnapping(mDropdownCell, cgContext, inBoxRect, dropdownSettings, 0.5f, NativeViewForFrame(aFrame)); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawSpinButtons(CGContextRef cgContext, ThemeButtonKind inKind, const HIRect& inBoxRect, PRBool inDisabled, ThemeDrawState inDrawState, ThemeButtonAdornment inAdornment, PRInt32 inState, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; HIThemeButtonDrawInfo bdi; bdi.version = 0; bdi.kind = inKind; bdi.value = kThemeButtonOff; bdi.adornment = inAdornment; if (inDisabled) bdi.state = kThemeStateUnavailable; else bdi.state = FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame) ? inDrawState : kThemeStateActive; HIThemeDrawButton(&inBoxRect, &bdi, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION, NULL); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawFrame(CGContextRef cgContext, HIThemeFrameKind inKind, const HIRect& inBoxRect, PRBool inIsDisabled, PRInt32 inState) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; HIThemeFrameDrawInfo fdi; fdi.version = 0; fdi.kind = inKind; // We don't ever set an inactive state for this because it doesn't // look right (see other apps). fdi.state = inIsDisabled ? kThemeStateUnavailable : kThemeStateActive; // for some reason focus rings on listboxes draw incorrectly if (inKind == kHIThemeFrameListBox) fdi.isFocused = 0; else fdi.isFocused = (inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUS) != 0; // HIThemeDrawFrame takes the rect for the content area of the frame, not // the bounding rect for the frame. Here we reduce the size of the rect we // will pass to make it the size of the content. HIRect drawRect = inBoxRect; if (inKind == kHIThemeFrameTextFieldSquare) { SInt32 frameOutset = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricEditTextFrameOutset, &frameOutset); drawRect.origin.x += frameOutset; drawRect.origin.y += frameOutset; drawRect.size.width -= frameOutset * 2; drawRect.size.height -= frameOutset * 2; } else if (inKind == kHIThemeFrameListBox) { SInt32 frameOutset = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricListBoxFrameOutset, &frameOutset); drawRect.origin.x += frameOutset; drawRect.origin.y += frameOutset; drawRect.size.width -= frameOutset * 2; drawRect.size.height -= frameOutset * 2; } #if DRAW_IN_FRAME_DEBUG CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.25); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, inBoxRect); #endif HIThemeDrawFrame(&drawRect, &fdi, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawProgress(CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& inBoxRect, PRBool inIsIndeterminate, PRBool inIsHorizontal, PRInt32 inValue, PRInt32 inMaxValue, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; HIThemeTrackDrawInfo tdi; PRInt32 stepsPerSecond = inIsIndeterminate ? 60 : 30; PRInt32 milliSecondsPerStep = 1000 / stepsPerSecond; tdi.version = 0; tdi.kind = inIsIndeterminate ? kThemeMediumIndeterminateBar: kThemeMediumProgressBar; tdi.bounds = inBoxRect; tdi.min = 0; tdi.max = inMaxValue; tdi.value = inValue; tdi.attributes = inIsHorizontal ? kThemeTrackHorizontal : 0; tdi.enableState = FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame) ? kThemeTrackActive : kThemeTrackInactive; tdi.trackInfo.progress.phase = PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(PR_IntervalNow()) / milliSecondsPerStep % 16; HIThemeDrawTrack(&tdi, NULL, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawTabPanel(CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& inBoxRect, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; HIThemeTabPaneDrawInfo tpdi; tpdi.version = 1; tpdi.state = FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame) ? kThemeStateActive : kThemeStateInactive; tpdi.direction = kThemeTabNorth; tpdi.size = kHIThemeTabSizeNormal; tpdi.kind = kHIThemeTabKindNormal; HIThemeDrawTabPane(&inBoxRect, &tpdi, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawScale(CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& inBoxRect, PRBool inIsDisabled, PRInt32 inState, PRBool inIsVertical, PRBool inIsReverse, PRInt32 inCurrentValue, PRInt32 inMinValue, PRInt32 inMaxValue, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; HIThemeTrackDrawInfo tdi; tdi.version = 0; tdi.kind = kThemeMediumSlider; tdi.bounds = inBoxRect; tdi.min = inMinValue; tdi.max = inMaxValue; tdi.value = inCurrentValue; tdi.attributes = kThemeTrackShowThumb; if (!inIsVertical) tdi.attributes |= kThemeTrackHorizontal; if (inIsReverse) tdi.attributes |= kThemeTrackRightToLeft; if (inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUS) tdi.attributes |= kThemeTrackHasFocus; if (inIsDisabled) tdi.enableState = kThemeTrackDisabled; else tdi.enableState = FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame) ? kThemeTrackActive : kThemeTrackInactive; tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir = kThemeThumbPlain; tdi.trackInfo.slider.pressState = 0; HIThemeDrawTrack(&tdi, NULL, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } #define NATURAL_MINI_TAB_BUTTON_HEIGHT 17 #define NATURAL_SMALL_TAB_BUTTON_HEIGHT 20 #define NATURAL_REGULAR_TAB_BUTTON_HEIGHT 23 void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawTab(CGContextRef cgContext, HIRect inBoxRect, PRInt32 inState, nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; HIThemeTabDrawInfo tdi; tdi.version = 1; PRBool isSelected = IsSelectedTab(aFrame); PRBool isDisabled = IsDisabled(aFrame); if (isSelected) { if (isDisabled) tdi.style = kThemeTabFrontUnavailable; else tdi.style = FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame) ? kThemeTabFront : kThemeTabFrontInactive; } else { if (isDisabled) tdi.style = kThemeTabNonFrontUnavailable; else if ((inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE) && (inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER)) tdi.style = kThemeTabNonFrontPressed; else tdi.style = FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame) ? kThemeTabNonFront : kThemeTabNonFrontInactive; } tdi.direction = kThemeTabNorth; tdi.size = kHIThemeTabSizeNormal; if (inBoxRect.size.height < NATURAL_REGULAR_TAB_BUTTON_HEIGHT) tdi.size = kHIThemeTabSizeSmall; if (inBoxRect.size.height < NATURAL_SMALL_TAB_BUTTON_HEIGHT) tdi.size = kHIThemeTabSizeMini; PRBool isRTL = IsFrameRTL(aFrame); PRBool isFirst = isRTL ? IsLastTab(aFrame) : IsFirstTab(aFrame); PRBool isLast = isRTL ? IsFirstTab(aFrame) : IsLastTab(aFrame); if (isFirst && isLast) tdi.position = kHIThemeTabPositionOnly; else if (isFirst) tdi.position = kHIThemeTabPositionFirst; else if (isLast) tdi.position = kHIThemeTabPositionLast; else tdi.position = kHIThemeTabPositionMiddle; // Tab separator management: // Normal tabs only draw their left separator, in the leftmost pixel row of // their frame. Selected tabs additionally draw their right separator, outside // of their frame. To prevent overlapping, the tab to the right of the // selected tab shouldn't draw its left separator. tdi.adornment = kHIThemeTabAdornmentNone; if (isRTL ? IsBeforeSelectedTab(aFrame) : IsAfterSelectedTab(aFrame)) { if (nsToolkit::OnLeopardOrLater()) { // On Leopard, the tab's left edge must be shifted 1px to the right. // On Tiger, this happens automatically when no leading separator is drawn. inBoxRect.origin.x += 1; inBoxRect.size.width -= 1; } } else { tdi.adornment = kHIThemeTabAdornmentLeadingSeparator; } if (isSelected && !isLast) { tdi.adornment |= kHIThemeTabAdornmentTrailingSeparator; if (nsToolkit::OnLeopardOrLater()) { // On Tiger, the right separator is drawn outside of the frame. // On Leopard, the right edge must be shifted 1px to the right. inBoxRect.size.width += 1; } } if (inState & NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUS) tdi.adornment |= kThemeAdornmentFocus; HIThemeDrawTab(&inBoxRect, &tdi, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION, NULL); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } static inline UInt8 ConvertToPressState(PRInt32 aButtonState, UInt8 aPressState) { // If the button is pressed, return the press state passed in. Otherwise, return 0. return ((aButtonState & NS_EVENT_STATE_ACTIVE) && (aButtonState & NS_EVENT_STATE_HOVER)) ? aPressState : 0; } void nsNativeThemeCocoa::GetScrollbarPressStates(nsIFrame *aFrame, PRInt32 aButtonStates[]) { static nsIContent::AttrValuesArray attributeValues[] = { &nsWidgetAtoms::scrollbarUpTop, &nsWidgetAtoms::scrollbarDownTop, &nsWidgetAtoms::scrollbarUpBottom, &nsWidgetAtoms::scrollbarDownBottom, nsnull }; // Get the state of any scrollbar buttons in our child frames for (nsIFrame *childFrame = aFrame->GetFirstChild(nsnull); childFrame; childFrame = childFrame->GetNextSibling()) { nsIContent *childContent = childFrame->GetContent(); if (!childContent) continue; PRInt32 attrIndex = childContent->FindAttrValueIn(kNameSpaceID_None, nsWidgetAtoms::sbattr, attributeValues, eCaseMatters); if (attrIndex < 0) continue; PRInt32 currentState = GetContentState(childFrame, NS_THEME_BUTTON); aButtonStates[attrIndex] = currentState; } } // Both of the following sets of numbers were derived by loading the testcase in // bmo bug 380185 in Safari and observing its behavior for various heights of scrollbar. // These magic numbers are the minimum sizes we can draw a scrollbar and still // have room for everything to display, including the thumb #define MIN_SCROLLBAR_SIZE_WITH_THUMB 61 #define MIN_SMALL_SCROLLBAR_SIZE_WITH_THUMB 49 // And these are the minimum sizes if we don't draw the thumb #define MIN_SCROLLBAR_SIZE 56 #define MIN_SMALL_SCROLLBAR_SIZE 46 void nsNativeThemeCocoa::GetScrollbarDrawInfo(HIThemeTrackDrawInfo& aTdi, nsIFrame *aFrame, const HIRect& aRect, PRBool aShouldGetButtonStates) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; PRInt32 curpos = CheckIntAttr(aFrame, nsWidgetAtoms::curpos, 0); PRInt32 minpos = CheckIntAttr(aFrame, nsWidgetAtoms::minpos, 0); PRInt32 maxpos = CheckIntAttr(aFrame, nsWidgetAtoms::maxpos, 100); PRInt32 thumbSize = CheckIntAttr(aFrame, nsWidgetAtoms::pageincrement, 10); PRBool isHorizontal = aFrame->GetContent()->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsWidgetAtoms::orient, nsWidgetAtoms::horizontal, eCaseMatters); PRBool isSmall = aFrame->GetStyleDisplay()->mAppearance == NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_SMALL; aTdi.version = 0; aTdi.kind = isSmall ? kThemeSmallScrollBar : kThemeMediumScrollBar; aTdi.bounds = aRect; aTdi.min = minpos; aTdi.max = maxpos; aTdi.value = curpos; aTdi.attributes = 0; aTdi.enableState = kThemeTrackActive; if (isHorizontal) aTdi.attributes |= kThemeTrackHorizontal; aTdi.trackInfo.scrollbar.viewsize = (SInt32)thumbSize; // This should be done early on so things like "kThemeTrackNothingToScroll" can // override the active enable state. aTdi.enableState = FrameIsInActiveWindow(aFrame) ? kThemeTrackActive : kThemeTrackInactive; /* Only display features if we have enough room for them. * Gecko still maintains the scrollbar info; this is just a visual issue (bug 380185). */ PRInt32 longSideLength = (PRInt32)(isHorizontal ? (aRect.size.width) : (aRect.size.height)); if (longSideLength >= (isSmall ? MIN_SMALL_SCROLLBAR_SIZE_WITH_THUMB : MIN_SCROLLBAR_SIZE_WITH_THUMB)) { aTdi.attributes |= kThemeTrackShowThumb; } else if (longSideLength < (isSmall ? MIN_SMALL_SCROLLBAR_SIZE : MIN_SCROLLBAR_SIZE)) { aTdi.enableState = kThemeTrackNothingToScroll; return; } // Only go get these scrollbar button states if we need it. For example, there's no reaon to look up scrollbar button // states when we're only creating a TrackDrawInfo to determine the size of the thumb. if (aShouldGetButtonStates) { PRInt32 buttonStates[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; GetScrollbarPressStates(aFrame, buttonStates); ThemeScrollBarArrowStyle arrowStyle; ::GetThemeScrollBarArrowStyle(&arrowStyle); // If all four buttons are visible if (arrowStyle == kThemeScrollBarArrowsBoth) { aTdi.trackInfo.scrollbar.pressState = ConvertToPressState(buttonStates[0], kThemeTopOutsideArrowPressed) | ConvertToPressState(buttonStates[1], kThemeTopInsideArrowPressed) | ConvertToPressState(buttonStates[2], kThemeBottomInsideArrowPressed) | ConvertToPressState(buttonStates[3], kThemeBottomOutsideArrowPressed); } else { // It seems that unless all four buttons are showing, kThemeTopOutsideArrowPressed is the correct constant for // the up scrollbar button. aTdi.trackInfo.scrollbar.pressState = ConvertToPressState(buttonStates[0], kThemeTopOutsideArrowPressed) | ConvertToPressState(buttonStates[1], kThemeBottomOutsideArrowPressed) | ConvertToPressState(buttonStates[2], kThemeTopOutsideArrowPressed) | ConvertToPressState(buttonStates[3], kThemeBottomOutsideArrowPressed); } } NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawScrollbar(CGContextRef aCGContext, const HIRect& aBoxRect, nsIFrame *aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; // HIThemeDrawTrack is buggy with rotations and scaling CGAffineTransform savedCTM = CGContextGetCTM(aCGContext); PRBool drawDirect; HIRect drawRect = aBoxRect; if (savedCTM.a == 1.0f && savedCTM.b == 0.0f && savedCTM.c == 0.0f && (savedCTM.d == 1.0f || savedCTM.d == -1.0f)) { drawDirect = TRUE; } else { drawRect.origin.x = drawRect.origin.y = 0.0f; drawDirect = FALSE; } HIThemeTrackDrawInfo tdi; GetScrollbarDrawInfo(tdi, aFrame, drawRect, PR_TRUE); //True means we want the press states // Fall back to no bitmap buffer if the area of our scrollbar (in pixels^2) // is too large. if (drawDirect || (aBoxRect.size.width * aBoxRect.size.height > BITMAP_MAX_AREA)) { ::HIThemeDrawTrack(&tdi, NULL, aCGContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); } else { // Note that NSScroller can draw transformed just fine, but HITheme can't. // However, we can't make NSScroller's parts light up easily (depressed buttons, etc.) // This is very frustrating. CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGContextRef bitmapctx = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, (size_t) ceil(drawRect.size.width), (size_t) ceil(drawRect.size.height), 8, (size_t) ceil(drawRect.size.width) * 4, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); // HITheme always wants to draw into a flipped context, or things // get confused. CGContextTranslateCTM(bitmapctx, 0.0f, aBoxRect.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM(bitmapctx, 1.0f, -1.0f); HIThemeDrawTrack(&tdi, NULL, bitmapctx, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); CGImageRef bitmap = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bitmapctx); CGAffineTransform ctm = CGContextGetCTM(aCGContext); // We need to unflip, so that we can do a DrawImage without getting a flipped image. CGContextTranslateCTM(aCGContext, 0.0f, aBoxRect.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM(aCGContext, 1.0f, -1.0f); CGContextDrawImage(aCGContext, aBoxRect, bitmap); CGContextSetCTM(aCGContext, ctm); CGImageRelease(bitmap); CGContextRelease(bitmapctx); } NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } nsIFrame* nsNativeThemeCocoa::GetParentScrollbarFrame(nsIFrame *aFrame) { // Walk our parents to find a scrollbar frame nsIFrame *scrollbarFrame = aFrame; do { if (scrollbarFrame->GetType() == nsWidgetAtoms::scrollbarFrame) break; } while ((scrollbarFrame = scrollbarFrame->GetParent())); // We return null if we can't find a parent scrollbar frame return scrollbarFrame; } void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawUnifiedToolbar(CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& inBoxRect, nsIFrame *aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; float titlebarHeight = 0; int levelsUp = 0; NSWindow* win = NativeWindowForFrame(aFrame, &levelsUp); // If the toolbar is directly below the titlebar in the top level view of a ToolbarWindow if ([win isKindOfClass:[ToolbarWindow class]] && levelsUp == 0 && inBoxRect.origin.y <= 0) { // Consider the titlebar height when calculating the gradient. titlebarHeight = [(ToolbarWindow*)win titlebarHeight]; // Notify the window about the toolbar's height so that it can draw the // correct gradient in the titlebar. [(ToolbarWindow*)win setUnifiedToolbarHeight:inBoxRect.size.height]; } BOOL isMain = win ? [win isMainWindow] : YES; // Draw the gradient UnifiedGradientInfo info = { titlebarHeight, inBoxRect.size.height, isMain, NO }; struct CGFunctionCallbacks callbacks = { 0, nsCocoaWindow::UnifiedShading, NULL }; CGFunctionRef function = CGFunctionCreate(&info, 1, NULL, 4, NULL, &callbacks); float srcY = inBoxRect.origin.y; float dstY = srcY + inBoxRect.size.height - 1; CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGShadingRef shading = CGShadingCreateAxial(colorSpace, CGPointMake(0, srcY), CGPointMake(0, dstY), function, NO, NO); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); CGFunctionRelease(function); CGContextClipToRect(cgContext, inBoxRect); CGContextDrawShading(cgContext, shading); CGShadingRelease(shading); // Draw the border at the bottom of the toolbar. [NativeGreyColorAsNSColor(headerBorderGrey, isMain) set]; NSRectFill(NSMakeRect(inBoxRect.origin.x, inBoxRect.origin.y + inBoxRect.size.height - 1.0f, inBoxRect.size.width, 1.0f)); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } struct GreyGradientInfo { float startGrey; float endGrey; }; static void GreyGradientCallback(void* aInfo, const float* aIn, float* aOut) { GreyGradientInfo* info = static_cast(aInfo); float result = (1.0f - *aIn) * info->startGrey + *aIn * info->endGrey; aOut[0] = result; aOut[1] = result; aOut[2] = result; aOut[3] = 1.0f; } static void DrawGreyGradient(CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& rect, float startGrey, float endGrey) { if (rect.size.height <= 0.0f) return; GreyGradientInfo info = { startGrey, endGrey }; struct CGFunctionCallbacks callbacks = { 0, GreyGradientCallback, NULL }; CGFunctionRef function = CGFunctionCreate(&info, 1, NULL, 4, NULL, &callbacks); CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGShadingRef shading = CGShadingCreateAxial(colorSpace, CGPointMake(0, CGRectGetMinY(rect)), CGPointMake(0, CGRectGetMaxY(rect)), function, false, false); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); CGFunctionRelease(function); CGContextSaveGState(cgContext); CGContextClipToRect(cgContext, rect); CGContextDrawShading(cgContext, shading); CGContextRestoreGState(cgContext); CGShadingRelease(shading); } void nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawStatusBar(CGContextRef cgContext, const HIRect& inBoxRect, nsIFrame *aFrame) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; if (inBoxRect.size.height < 2.0f) return; BOOL isMain = [NativeWindowForFrame(aFrame) isMainWindow]; // Draw the borders at the top of the statusbar. [NativeGreyColorAsNSColor(statusbarFirstTopBorderGrey, isMain) set]; NSRectFill(NSMakeRect(inBoxRect.origin.x, inBoxRect.origin.y, inBoxRect.size.width, 1.0f)); [NativeGreyColorAsNSColor(statusbarSecondTopBorderGrey, isMain) set]; NSRectFill(NSMakeRect(inBoxRect.origin.x, inBoxRect.origin.y + 1.0f, inBoxRect.size.width, 1.0f)); // Draw the gradient. DrawGreyGradient(cgContext, CGRectMake(inBoxRect.origin.x, inBoxRect.origin.y + 2.0f, inBoxRect.size.width, inBoxRect.size.height - 2.0f), NativeGreyColorAsFloat(statusbarGradientStartGrey, isMain), NativeGreyColorAsFloat(statusbarGradientEndGrey, isMain)); NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawWidgetBackground(nsIRenderingContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRUint8 aWidgetType, const nsRect& aRect, const nsRect& aDirtyRect) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_NSRESULT; // setup to draw into the correct port nsCOMPtr dctx; aContext->GetDeviceContext(*getter_AddRefs(dctx)); PRInt32 p2a = dctx->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(); gfxRect nativeDirtyRect(aDirtyRect.x, aDirtyRect.y, aDirtyRect.width, aDirtyRect.height); gfxRect nativeWidgetRect(aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.width, aRect.height); nativeWidgetRect.ScaleInverse(gfxFloat(p2a)); nativeDirtyRect.ScaleInverse(gfxFloat(p2a)); nativeWidgetRect.Round(); if (nativeWidgetRect.IsEmpty()) return NS_OK; // Don't attempt to draw invisible widgets. nsRefPtr thebesCtx = aContext->ThebesContext(); if (!thebesCtx) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; gfxQuartzNativeDrawing nativeDrawing(thebesCtx, nativeDirtyRect); CGContextRef cgContext = nativeDrawing.BeginNativeDrawing(); if (cgContext == nsnull) { // The Quartz surface handles 0x0 surfaces by internally // making all operations no-ops; there's no cgcontext created for them. // Unfortunately, this means that callers that want to render // directly to the CGContext need to be aware of this quirk. return NS_OK; } #if 0 if (1 /*aWidgetType == NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD*/) { fprintf(stderr, "Native theme drawing widget %d [%p] dis:%d in rect [%d %d %d %d]\n", aWidgetType, aFrame, IsDisabled(aFrame), aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.width, aRect.height); fprintf(stderr, "Cairo matrix: [%f %f %f %f %f %f]\n", mat.xx, mat.yx, mat.xy, mat.yy, mat.x0, mat.y0); fprintf(stderr, "Native theme xform[0]: [%f %f %f %f %f %f]\n", mm0.a, mm0.b, mm0.c, mm0.d, mm0.tx, mm0.ty); CGAffineTransform mm = CGContextGetCTM(cgContext); fprintf(stderr, "Native theme xform[1]: [%f %f %f %f %f %f]\n", mm.a, mm.b, mm.c, mm.d, mm.tx, mm.ty); } #endif CGRect macRect = CGRectMake(nativeWidgetRect.X(), nativeWidgetRect.Y(), nativeWidgetRect.Width(), nativeWidgetRect.Height()); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " --> macRect %f %f %f %f\n", macRect.origin.x, macRect.origin.y, macRect.size.width, macRect.size.height); CGRect bounds = CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(cgContext); fprintf(stderr, " --> clip bounds: %f %f %f %f\n", bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height); //CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1); //CGContextFillRect(cgContext, bounds); #endif PRInt32 eventState = GetContentState(aFrame, aWidgetType); switch (aWidgetType) { case NS_THEME_DIALOG: { HIThemeSetFill(kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundActive, NULL, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, macRect); } break; case NS_THEME_MENUPOPUP: { HIThemeMenuDrawInfo mdi = { version: 0, menuType: IsDisabled(aFrame) ? kThemeMenuTypeInactive : kThemeMenuTypePopUp }; PRBool isLeftOfParent = PR_FALSE; if (IsSubmenu(aFrame, &isLeftOfParent) && !isLeftOfParent) { mdi.menuType = kThemeMenuTypeHierarchical; } // The rounded corners draw outside the frame. CGRect deflatedRect = CGRectMake(macRect.origin.x, macRect.origin.y + 4, macRect.size.width, macRect.size.height - 8); HIThemeDrawMenuBackground(&deflatedRect, &mdi, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); } break; case NS_THEME_MENUITEM: { // Clear the background to get correct transparency. CGContextClearRect(cgContext, macRect); // maybe use kThemeMenuItemHierBackground or PopUpBackground instead of just Plain? HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo drawInfo = { version: 0, itemType: kThemeMenuItemPlain, state: (IsDisabled(aFrame) ? kThemeMenuDisabled : CheckBooleanAttr(aFrame, nsWidgetAtoms::mozmenuactive) ? kThemeMenuSelected : kThemeMenuActive) }; // XXX pass in the menu rect instead of always using the item rect HIRect ignored; HIThemeDrawMenuItem(&macRect, &macRect, &drawInfo, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION, &ignored); } break; case NS_THEME_MENUSEPARATOR: { ThemeMenuState menuState; if (IsDisabled(aFrame)) { menuState = kThemeMenuDisabled; } else { menuState = CheckBooleanAttr(aFrame, nsWidgetAtoms::mozmenuactive) ? kThemeMenuSelected : kThemeMenuActive; } HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo midi = { 0, kThemeMenuItemPlain, menuState }; HIThemeDrawMenuSeparator(&macRect, &macRect, &midi, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); } break; case NS_THEME_TOOLTIP: CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 1.0, 1.0, 0.78, 1.0); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, macRect); break; case NS_THEME_CHECKBOX: case NS_THEME_RADIO: { PRBool isCheckbox = (aWidgetType == NS_THEME_CHECKBOX); DrawCheckboxOrRadio(cgContext, isCheckbox, macRect, GetCheckedOrSelected(aFrame, !isCheckbox), IsDisabled(aFrame), eventState, aFrame); } break; case NS_THEME_BUTTON: if (IsDefaultButton(aFrame)) { DrawButton(cgContext, kThemePushButton, macRect, true, IsDisabled(aFrame), kThemeButtonOff, kThemeAdornmentNone, eventState, aFrame); } else { DrawPushButton(cgContext, macRect, IsDisabled(aFrame), eventState, aFrame); } break; case NS_THEME_BUTTON_BEVEL: DrawButton(cgContext, kThemeMediumBevelButton, macRect, IsDefaultButton(aFrame), IsDisabled(aFrame), kThemeButtonOff, kThemeAdornmentNone, eventState, aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_SPINNER: { ThemeDrawState state = kThemeStateActive; nsIContent* content = aFrame->GetContent(); if (content->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsWidgetAtoms::state, NS_LITERAL_STRING("up"), eCaseMatters)) { state = kThemeStatePressedUp; } else if (content->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsWidgetAtoms::state, NS_LITERAL_STRING("down"), eCaseMatters)) { state = kThemeStatePressedDown; } DrawSpinButtons(cgContext, kThemeIncDecButton, macRect, IsDisabled(aFrame), state, kThemeAdornmentNone, eventState, aFrame); } break; case NS_THEME_TOOLBAR_BUTTON: DrawButton(cgContext, kThemePushButton, macRect, IsDefaultButton(aFrame), IsDisabled(aFrame), kThemeButtonOn, kThemeAdornmentNone, eventState, aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_TOOLBAR_SEPARATOR: { HIThemeSeparatorDrawInfo sdi = { 0, kThemeStateActive }; HIThemeDrawSeparator(&macRect, &sdi, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); } break; case NS_THEME_MOZ_MAC_UNIFIED_TOOLBAR: DrawUnifiedToolbar(cgContext, macRect, aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_TOOLBAR: { BOOL isMain = [NativeWindowForFrame(aFrame) isMainWindow]; // top border [NativeGreyColorAsNSColor(toolbarTopBorderGrey, isMain) set]; NSRectFill(NSMakeRect(macRect.origin.x, macRect.origin.y, macRect.size.width, 1.0f)); // background [NativeGreyColorAsNSColor(headerEndGrey, isMain) set]; NSRectFill(NSMakeRect(macRect.origin.x, macRect.origin.y + 1.0f, macRect.size.width, macRect.size.height - 2.0f)); // bottom border [NativeGreyColorAsNSColor(headerBorderGrey, isMain) set]; NSRectFill(NSMakeRect(macRect.origin.x, macRect.origin.y + macRect.size.height - 1.0f, macRect.size.width, 1.0f)); } break; case NS_THEME_TOOLBOX: { HIThemeHeaderDrawInfo hdi = { 0, kThemeStateActive, kHIThemeHeaderKindWindow }; HIThemeDrawHeader(&macRect, &hdi, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); } break; case NS_THEME_STATUSBAR: DrawStatusBar(cgContext, macRect, aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN: DrawDropdown(cgContext, macRect, eventState, aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN_BUTTON: DrawButton(cgContext, kThemeArrowButton, macRect, PR_FALSE, IsDisabled(aFrame), kThemeButtonOn, kThemeAdornmentArrowDownArrow, eventState, aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_GROUPBOX: { HIThemeGroupBoxDrawInfo gdi = { 0, kThemeStateActive, kHIThemeGroupBoxKindPrimary }; HIThemeDrawGroupBox(&macRect, &gdi, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); break; } case NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD: // HIThemeSetFill is not available on 10.3 CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, macRect); // XUL textboxes set the native appearance on the containing box, while // concrete focus is set on the html:input element within it. We can // though, check the focused attribute of xul textboxes in this case. if (aFrame->GetContent()->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eXUL) && IsFocused(aFrame)) { eventState |= NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUS; } DrawFrame(cgContext, kHIThemeFrameTextFieldSquare, macRect, (IsDisabled(aFrame) || IsReadOnly(aFrame)), eventState); break; case NS_THEME_SEARCHFIELD: DrawSearchField(cgContext, macRect, aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR: DrawProgress(cgContext, macRect, IsIndeterminateProgress(aFrame), PR_TRUE, GetProgressValue(aFrame), GetProgressMaxValue(aFrame), aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR_VERTICAL: DrawProgress(cgContext, macRect, IsIndeterminateProgress(aFrame), PR_FALSE, GetProgressValue(aFrame), GetProgressMaxValue(aFrame), aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR_CHUNK: case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR_CHUNK_VERTICAL: // do nothing, covered by the progress bar cases above break; case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_TWISTY: DrawButton(cgContext, kThemeDisclosureButton, macRect, PR_FALSE, IsDisabled(aFrame), kThemeDisclosureRight, kThemeAdornmentNone, eventState, aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_TWISTY_OPEN: DrawButton(cgContext, kThemeDisclosureButton, macRect, PR_FALSE, IsDisabled(aFrame), kThemeDisclosureDown, kThemeAdornmentNone, eventState, aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_HEADER_CELL: { TreeSortDirection sortDirection = GetTreeSortDirection(aFrame); DrawButton(cgContext, kThemeListHeaderButton, macRect, PR_FALSE, IsDisabled(aFrame), sortDirection == eTreeSortDirection_Natural ? kThemeButtonOff : kThemeButtonOn, sortDirection == eTreeSortDirection_Ascending ? kThemeAdornmentHeaderButtonSortUp : kThemeAdornmentNone, eventState, aFrame); } break; case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_TREEITEM: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW: // HIThemeSetFill is not available on 10.3 // HIThemeSetFill(kThemeBrushWhite, NULL, cgContext, HITHEME_ORIENTATION); CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, macRect); break; case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_HEADER: // do nothing, taken care of by individual header cells case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_HEADER_SORTARROW: // do nothing, taken care of by treeview header case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_LINE: // do nothing, these lines don't exist on macos break; case NS_THEME_SCALE_HORIZONTAL: case NS_THEME_SCALE_VERTICAL: { PRInt32 curpos = CheckIntAttr(aFrame, nsWidgetAtoms::curpos, 0); PRInt32 minpos = CheckIntAttr(aFrame, nsWidgetAtoms::minpos, 0); PRInt32 maxpos = CheckIntAttr(aFrame, nsWidgetAtoms::maxpos, 100); if (!maxpos) maxpos = 100; PRBool reverse = aFrame->GetContent()-> AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsWidgetAtoms::dir, NS_LITERAL_STRING("reverse"), eCaseMatters); DrawScale(cgContext, macRect, IsDisabled(aFrame), eventState, (aWidgetType == NS_THEME_SCALE_VERTICAL), reverse, curpos, minpos, maxpos, aFrame); } break; case NS_THEME_SCALE_THUMB_HORIZONTAL: case NS_THEME_SCALE_THUMB_VERTICAL: // do nothing, drawn by scale break; case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_SMALL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR: { DrawScrollbar(cgContext, macRect, aFrame); } break; case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_VERTICAL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_HORIZONTAL: #if SCROLLBARS_VISUAL_DEBUG CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0.6); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, macRect); break; #endif case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_UP: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_LEFT: #if SCROLLBARS_VISUAL_DEBUG CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.6); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, macRect); break; #endif case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_DOWN: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_RIGHT: #if SCROLLBARS_VISUAL_DEBUG CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 0, 1.0, 0, 0.6); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, macRect); break; #endif case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_HORIZONTAL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_VERTICAL: // do nothing, drawn by scrollbar break; case NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD_MULTILINE: { // we have to draw this by hand because there is no HITheme value for it CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, macRect); CGContextSetLineWidth(cgContext, 1.0); CGContextSetShouldAntialias(cgContext, false); // stroke everything but the top line of the text area CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(cgContext, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0); CGContextBeginPath(cgContext); CGContextMoveToPoint(cgContext, macRect.origin.x, macRect.origin.y + 1); CGContextAddLineToPoint(cgContext, macRect.origin.x, macRect.origin.y + macRect.size.height); CGContextAddLineToPoint(cgContext, macRect.origin.x + macRect.size.width - 1, macRect.origin.y + macRect.size.height); CGContextAddLineToPoint(cgContext, macRect.origin.x + macRect.size.width - 1, macRect.origin.y + 1); CGContextStrokePath(cgContext); // stroke the line across the top of the text area CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(cgContext, 0.4510, 0.4510, 0.4510, 1.0); CGContextBeginPath(cgContext); CGContextMoveToPoint(cgContext, macRect.origin.x, macRect.origin.y + 1); CGContextAddLineToPoint(cgContext, macRect.origin.x + macRect.size.width - 1, macRect.origin.y + 1); CGContextStrokePath(cgContext); // draw a focus ring if (eventState & NS_EVENT_STATE_FOCUS) { // We need to bring the rectangle in by 1 pixel on each side. CGRect cgr = CGRectMake(macRect.origin.x + 1, macRect.origin.y + 1, macRect.size.width - 2, macRect.size.height - 2); HIThemeDrawFocusRect(&cgr, true, cgContext, kHIThemeOrientationNormal); } } break; case NS_THEME_LISTBOX: // HIThemeSetFill is not available on 10.3 CGContextSetRGBFillColor(cgContext, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); CGContextFillRect(cgContext, macRect); DrawFrame(cgContext, kHIThemeFrameListBox, macRect, (IsDisabled(aFrame) || IsReadOnly(aFrame)), eventState); break; case NS_THEME_TAB: DrawTab(cgContext, macRect, eventState, aFrame); break; case NS_THEME_TAB_PANELS: DrawTabPanel(cgContext, macRect, aFrame); break; } nativeDrawing.EndNativeDrawing(); return NS_OK; NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_NSRESULT; } static const int kAquaDropdownLeftBorder = 5; static const int kAquaDropdownRightBorder = 22; NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeThemeCocoa::GetWidgetBorder(nsIDeviceContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRUint8 aWidgetType, nsIntMargin* aResult) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_NSRESULT; aResult->SizeTo(0, 0, 0, 0); switch (aWidgetType) { case NS_THEME_BUTTON: { aResult->SizeTo(7, 1, 7, 3); break; } case NS_THEME_CHECKBOX: case NS_THEME_RADIO: { // nsFormControlFrame::GetIntrinsicWidth and nsFormControlFrame::GetIntrinsicHeight // assume a border width of 2px. aResult->SizeTo(2, 2, 2, 2); break; } case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN: case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN_BUTTON: aResult->SizeTo(kAquaDropdownLeftBorder, 1, kAquaDropdownRightBorder, 2); break; case NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD: { SInt32 frameOutset = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricEditTextFrameOutset, &frameOutset); SInt32 textPadding = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricEditTextWhitespace, &textPadding); frameOutset += textPadding; aResult->SizeTo(frameOutset, frameOutset, frameOutset, frameOutset); break; } case NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD_MULTILINE: aResult->SizeTo(1, 1, 1, 1); break; case NS_THEME_SEARCHFIELD: aResult->SizeTo(4, 2, 4, 2); break; case NS_THEME_LISTBOX: { SInt32 frameOutset = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricListBoxFrameOutset, &frameOutset); aResult->SizeTo(frameOutset, frameOutset, frameOutset, frameOutset); break; } case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_HORIZONTAL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_VERTICAL: { // There's only an endcap to worry about when both arrows are on the bottom ThemeScrollBarArrowStyle arrowStyle; ::GetThemeScrollBarArrowStyle(&arrowStyle); if (arrowStyle == kThemeScrollBarArrowsLowerRight) { PRBool isHorizontal = (aWidgetType == NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_HORIZONTAL); nsIFrame *scrollbarFrame = GetParentScrollbarFrame(aFrame); if (!scrollbarFrame) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; PRBool isSmall = (scrollbarFrame->GetStyleDisplay()->mAppearance == NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_SMALL); // There isn't a metric for this, so just hardcode a best guess at the value. // This value is even less exact due to the fact that the endcap is partially concave. PRInt32 endcapSize = isSmall ? 5 : 6; if (isHorizontal) aResult->SizeTo(endcapSize, 0, 0, 0); else aResult->SizeTo(0, endcapSize, 0, 0); } break; } case NS_THEME_STATUSBAR: aResult->SizeTo(0, 1, 0, 0); break; } return NS_OK; NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_NSRESULT; } // Return PR_FALSE here to indicate that CSS padding values should be used. There is // no reason to make a distinction between padding and border values, just specify // whatever values you want in GetWidgetBorder and only use this to return PR_TRUE // if you want to override CSS padding values. PRBool nsNativeThemeCocoa::GetWidgetPadding(nsIDeviceContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRUint8 aWidgetType, nsIntMargin* aResult) { // We don't want CSS padding being used for certain widgets. // See bug 381639 for an example of why. switch (aWidgetType) { case NS_THEME_BUTTON: // Radios and checkboxes return a fixed size in GetMinimumWidgetSize // and have a meaningful baseline, so they can't have // author-specified padding. case NS_THEME_CHECKBOX: case NS_THEME_RADIO: aResult->SizeTo(0, 0, 0, 0); return PR_TRUE; } return PR_FALSE; } PRBool nsNativeThemeCocoa::GetWidgetOverflow(nsIDeviceContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRUint8 aWidgetType, nsRect* aOverflowRect) { switch (aWidgetType) { case NS_THEME_BUTTON: case NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD: case NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD_MULTILINE: case NS_THEME_SEARCHFIELD: case NS_THEME_LISTBOX: case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN: case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN_BUTTON: case NS_THEME_CHECKBOX: case NS_THEME_RADIO: case NS_THEME_TAB: { // We assume that the above widgets can draw a focus ring that will be less than // or equal to 4 pixels thick. nsIntMargin extraSize = nsIntMargin(MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH, MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH, MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH, MAX_FOCUS_RING_WIDTH); PRInt32 p2a = aContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(); nsMargin m(NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(extraSize.left, p2a), NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(extraSize.top, p2a), NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(extraSize.right, p2a), NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(extraSize.bottom, p2a)); aOverflowRect->Inflate(m); return PR_TRUE; } } return PR_FALSE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeThemeCocoa::GetMinimumWidgetSize(nsIRenderingContext* aContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRUint8 aWidgetType, nsIntSize* aResult, PRBool* aIsOverridable) { NS_OBJC_BEGIN_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_NSRESULT; aResult->SizeTo(0,0); *aIsOverridable = PR_TRUE; switch (aWidgetType) { case NS_THEME_BUTTON: { aResult->SizeTo(pushButtonSettings.minimumSizes[miniControlSize].width, pushButtonSettings.naturalSizes[miniControlSize].height); break; } case NS_THEME_SPINNER: { SInt32 buttonHeight = 0, buttonWidth = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricLittleArrowsWidth, &buttonWidth); ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricLittleArrowsHeight, &buttonHeight); aResult->SizeTo(buttonWidth, buttonHeight); *aIsOverridable = PR_FALSE; break; } case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN: case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN_BUTTON: { SInt32 popupHeight = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricPopupButtonHeight, &popupHeight); aResult->SizeTo(0, popupHeight); break; } case NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD: case NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD_MULTILINE: case NS_THEME_SEARCHFIELD: { // at minimum, we should be tall enough for 9pt text. // I'm using hardcoded values here because the appearance manager // values for the frame size are incorrect. aResult->SizeTo(0, (2 + 2) /* top */ + 9 + (1 + 1) /* bottom */); break; } case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR: { SInt32 barHeight = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricNormalProgressBarThickness, &barHeight); aResult->SizeTo(0, barHeight); break; } case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_TWISTY: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_TWISTY_OPEN: { SInt32 twistyHeight = 0, twistyWidth = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricDisclosureButtonWidth, &twistyWidth); ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricDisclosureButtonHeight, &twistyHeight); aResult->SizeTo(twistyWidth, twistyHeight); *aIsOverridable = PR_FALSE; break; } case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_HEADER: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_HEADER_CELL: { SInt32 headerHeight = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricListHeaderHeight, &headerHeight); aResult->SizeTo(0, headerHeight - 1); // We don't need the top border. break; } case NS_THEME_TAB: { aResult->SizeTo(0, NATURAL_MINI_TAB_BUTTON_HEIGHT); break; } case NS_THEME_SCALE_HORIZONTAL: { SInt32 scaleHeight = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricHSliderHeight, &scaleHeight); aResult->SizeTo(scaleHeight, scaleHeight); *aIsOverridable = PR_FALSE; break; } case NS_THEME_SCALE_VERTICAL: { SInt32 scaleWidth = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricVSliderWidth, &scaleWidth); aResult->SizeTo(scaleWidth, scaleWidth); *aIsOverridable = PR_FALSE; break; } case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_SMALL: { SInt32 scrollbarWidth = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(kThemeMetricSmallScrollBarWidth, &scrollbarWidth); aResult->SizeTo(scrollbarWidth, scrollbarWidth); *aIsOverridable = PR_FALSE; break; } // Get the rect of the thumb from HITheme, so we can return it to Gecko, which has different ideas about // how big the thumb should be. This is kind of a hack. case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_HORIZONTAL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_VERTICAL: { // Find our parent scrollbar frame. If we can't, abort. nsIFrame *scrollbarFrame = GetParentScrollbarFrame(aFrame); if (!scrollbarFrame) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsRect scrollbarRect = scrollbarFrame->GetRect(); *aIsOverridable = PR_FALSE; if (scrollbarRect.IsEmpty()) { // just return (0,0) return NS_OK; } // We need to get the device context to convert from app units :( nsCOMPtr dctx; aContext->GetDeviceContext(*getter_AddRefs(dctx)); PRInt32 p2a = dctx->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(); CGRect macRect = CGRectMake(NSAppUnitsToIntPixels(scrollbarRect.x, p2a), NSAppUnitsToIntPixels(scrollbarRect.y, p2a), NSAppUnitsToIntPixels(scrollbarRect.width, p2a), NSAppUnitsToIntPixels(scrollbarRect.height, p2a)); // False here means not to get scrollbar button state information. HIThemeTrackDrawInfo tdi; GetScrollbarDrawInfo(tdi, scrollbarFrame, macRect, PR_FALSE); HIRect thumbRect; ::HIThemeGetTrackPartBounds(&tdi, kControlIndicatorPart, &thumbRect); // HITheme is just lying to us, I guess... PRInt32 thumbAdjust = ((scrollbarFrame->GetStyleDisplay()->mAppearance == NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_SMALL) ? 2 : 4); if (aWidgetType == NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_VERTICAL) aResult->SizeTo(nscoord(thumbRect.size.width), nscoord(thumbRect.size.height - thumbAdjust)); else aResult->SizeTo(nscoord(thumbRect.size.width - thumbAdjust), nscoord(thumbRect.size.height)); break; } case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_VERTICAL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_HORIZONTAL: { // yeah, i know i'm cheating a little here, but i figure that it // really doesn't matter if the scrollbar is vertical or horizontal // and the width metric is a really good metric for every piece // of the scrollbar. nsIFrame *scrollbarFrame = GetParentScrollbarFrame(aFrame); if (!scrollbarFrame) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; PRInt32 themeMetric = (scrollbarFrame->GetStyleDisplay()->mAppearance == NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_SMALL) ? kThemeMetricSmallScrollBarWidth : kThemeMetricScrollBarWidth; SInt32 scrollbarWidth = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(themeMetric, &scrollbarWidth); aResult->SizeTo(scrollbarWidth, scrollbarWidth); *aIsOverridable = PR_FALSE; break; } case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_UP: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_DOWN: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_LEFT: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_RIGHT: { nsIFrame *scrollbarFrame = GetParentScrollbarFrame(aFrame); if (!scrollbarFrame) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // Since there is no NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_UP_SMALL we need to ask the parent what appearance style it has. PRInt32 themeMetric = (scrollbarFrame->GetStyleDisplay()->mAppearance == NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_SMALL) ? kThemeMetricSmallScrollBarWidth : kThemeMetricScrollBarWidth; SInt32 scrollbarWidth = 0; ::GetThemeMetric(themeMetric, &scrollbarWidth); // It seems that for both sizes of scrollbar, the buttons are one pixel "longer". if (aWidgetType == NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_LEFT || aWidgetType == NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_RIGHT) aResult->SizeTo(scrollbarWidth+1, scrollbarWidth); else aResult->SizeTo(scrollbarWidth, scrollbarWidth+1); *aIsOverridable = PR_FALSE; break; } } return NS_OK; NS_OBJC_END_TRY_ABORT_BLOCK_NSRESULT; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeThemeCocoa::WidgetStateChanged(nsIFrame* aFrame, PRUint8 aWidgetType, nsIAtom* aAttribute, PRBool* aShouldRepaint) { // Some widget types just never change state. switch (aWidgetType) { case NS_THEME_TOOLBOX: case NS_THEME_TOOLBAR: case NS_THEME_MOZ_MAC_UNIFIED_TOOLBAR: case NS_THEME_TOOLBAR_BUTTON: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_VERTICAL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_HORIZONTAL: case NS_THEME_STATUSBAR: case NS_THEME_STATUSBAR_PANEL: case NS_THEME_STATUSBAR_RESIZER_PANEL: case NS_THEME_TOOLTIP: case NS_THEME_TAB_PANELS: case NS_THEME_TAB_PANEL: case NS_THEME_DIALOG: case NS_THEME_MENUPOPUP: case NS_THEME_GROUPBOX: *aShouldRepaint = PR_FALSE; return NS_OK; case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR_CHUNK: case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR_CHUNK_VERTICAL: case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR: case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR_VERTICAL: *aShouldRepaint = (aAttribute == nsWidgetAtoms::step); return NS_OK; } // XXXdwh Not sure what can really be done here. Can at least guess for // specific widgets that they're highly unlikely to have certain states. // For example, a toolbar doesn't care about any states. if (!aAttribute) { // Hover/focus/active changed. Always repaint. *aShouldRepaint = PR_TRUE; } else { // Check the attribute to see if it's relevant. // disabled, checked, dlgtype, default, etc. *aShouldRepaint = PR_FALSE; if (aAttribute == nsWidgetAtoms::disabled || aAttribute == nsWidgetAtoms::checked || aAttribute == nsWidgetAtoms::selected || aAttribute == nsWidgetAtoms::mozmenuactive || aAttribute == nsWidgetAtoms::sortdirection || aAttribute == nsWidgetAtoms::focused || aAttribute == nsWidgetAtoms::_default || aAttribute == nsWidgetAtoms::step) *aShouldRepaint = PR_TRUE; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeThemeCocoa::ThemeChanged() { // This is unimplemented because we don't care if gecko changes its theme // and Mac OS X doesn't have themes. return NS_OK; } PRBool nsNativeThemeCocoa::ThemeSupportsWidget(nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRUint8 aWidgetType) { // We don't have CSS set up to render non-native scrollbars on Mac OS X so we // render natively even if native theme support is disabled. if (aWidgetType != NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR && aPresContext && !aPresContext->PresShell()->IsThemeSupportEnabled()) return PR_FALSE; // if this is a dropdown button in a combobox the answer is always no if (aWidgetType == NS_THEME_DROPDOWN_BUTTON) { nsIFrame* parentFrame = aFrame->GetParent(); if (parentFrame && (parentFrame->GetType() == nsWidgetAtoms::comboboxControlFrame)) return PR_FALSE; } switch (aWidgetType) { case NS_THEME_LISTBOX: case NS_THEME_DIALOG: case NS_THEME_WINDOW: case NS_THEME_MENUPOPUP: case NS_THEME_MENUITEM: case NS_THEME_MENUSEPARATOR: case NS_THEME_TOOLTIP: case NS_THEME_CHECKBOX: case NS_THEME_CHECKBOX_CONTAINER: case NS_THEME_RADIO: case NS_THEME_RADIO_CONTAINER: case NS_THEME_GROUPBOX: case NS_THEME_BUTTON: case NS_THEME_BUTTON_BEVEL: case NS_THEME_SPINNER: case NS_THEME_TOOLBAR: case NS_THEME_MOZ_MAC_UNIFIED_TOOLBAR: case NS_THEME_STATUSBAR: case NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD: case NS_THEME_TEXTFIELD_MULTILINE: case NS_THEME_SEARCHFIELD: //case NS_THEME_TOOLBOX: //case NS_THEME_TOOLBAR_BUTTON: case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR: case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR_VERTICAL: case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR_CHUNK: case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR_CHUNK_VERTICAL: case NS_THEME_TOOLBAR_SEPARATOR: case NS_THEME_TAB_PANELS: case NS_THEME_TAB: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_TWISTY: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_TWISTY_OPEN: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_HEADER: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_HEADER_CELL: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_HEADER_SORTARROW: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_TREEITEM: case NS_THEME_TREEVIEW_LINE: case NS_THEME_SCALE_HORIZONTAL: case NS_THEME_SCALE_THUMB_HORIZONTAL: case NS_THEME_SCALE_VERTICAL: case NS_THEME_SCALE_THUMB_VERTICAL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_SMALL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_UP: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_DOWN: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_LEFT: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_RIGHT: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_HORIZONTAL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_VERTICAL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_VERTICAL: case NS_THEME_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_HORIZONTAL: case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN: case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN_BUTTON: case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN_TEXT: return !IsWidgetStyled(aPresContext, aFrame, aWidgetType); break; } return PR_FALSE; } PRBool nsNativeThemeCocoa::WidgetIsContainer(PRUint8 aWidgetType) { // flesh this out at some point switch (aWidgetType) { case NS_THEME_DROPDOWN_BUTTON: case NS_THEME_RADIO: case NS_THEME_CHECKBOX: case NS_THEME_PROGRESSBAR: return PR_FALSE; break; } return PR_TRUE; } PRBool nsNativeThemeCocoa::ThemeDrawsFocusForWidget(nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsIFrame* aFrame, PRUint8 aWidgetType) { if (aWidgetType == NS_THEME_DROPDOWN || aWidgetType == NS_THEME_BUTTON || aWidgetType == NS_THEME_RADIO || aWidgetType == NS_THEME_CHECKBOX) return PR_TRUE; return PR_FALSE; } PRBool nsNativeThemeCocoa::ThemeNeedsComboboxDropmarker() { return PR_FALSE; } nsTransparencyMode nsNativeThemeCocoa::GetWidgetTransparency(PRUint8 aWidgetType) { if (aWidgetType == NS_THEME_MENUPOPUP) return eTransparencyTransparent; return eTransparencyOpaque; }