/* 7zIn.c -- 7z Input functions 2009-08-17 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ #include #include "7z.h" #include "7zCrc.h" #include "CpuArch.h" Byte k7zSignature[k7zSignatureSize] = {'7', 'z', 0xBC, 0xAF, 0x27, 0x1C}; #define RINOM(x) { if ((x) == 0) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; } #define NUM_FOLDER_CODERS_MAX 32 #define NUM_CODER_STREAMS_MAX 32 void SzCoderInfo_Init(CSzCoderInfo *p) { Buf_Init(&p->Props); } void SzCoderInfo_Free(CSzCoderInfo *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) { Buf_Free(&p->Props, alloc); SzCoderInfo_Init(p); } void SzFolder_Init(CSzFolder *p) { p->Coders = 0; p->BindPairs = 0; p->PackStreams = 0; p->UnpackSizes = 0; p->NumCoders = 0; p->NumBindPairs = 0; p->NumPackStreams = 0; p->UnpackCRCDefined = 0; p->UnpackCRC = 0; p->NumUnpackStreams = 0; } void SzFolder_Free(CSzFolder *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) { UInt32 i; if (p->Coders) for (i = 0; i < p->NumCoders; i++) SzCoderInfo_Free(&p->Coders[i], alloc); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->Coders); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->BindPairs); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->PackStreams); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->UnpackSizes); SzFolder_Init(p); } UInt32 SzFolder_GetNumOutStreams(CSzFolder *p) { UInt32 result = 0; UInt32 i; for (i = 0; i < p->NumCoders; i++) result += p->Coders[i].NumOutStreams; return result; } int SzFolder_FindBindPairForInStream(CSzFolder *p, UInt32 inStreamIndex) { UInt32 i; for (i = 0; i < p->NumBindPairs; i++) if (p->BindPairs[i].InIndex == inStreamIndex) return i; return -1; } int SzFolder_FindBindPairForOutStream(CSzFolder *p, UInt32 outStreamIndex) { UInt32 i; for (i = 0; i < p->NumBindPairs; i++) if (p->BindPairs[i].OutIndex == outStreamIndex) return i; return -1; } UInt64 SzFolder_GetUnpackSize(CSzFolder *p) { int i = (int)SzFolder_GetNumOutStreams(p); if (i == 0) return 0; for (i--; i >= 0; i--) if (SzFolder_FindBindPairForOutStream(p, i) < 0) return p->UnpackSizes[i]; /* throw 1; */ return 0; } void SzFile_Init(CSzFileItem *p) { p->HasStream = 1; p->IsDir = 0; p->IsAnti = 0; p->CrcDefined = 0; p->MTimeDefined = 0; } void SzAr_Init(CSzAr *p) { p->PackSizes = 0; p->PackCRCsDefined = 0; p->PackCRCs = 0; p->Folders = 0; p->Files = 0; p->NumPackStreams = 0; p->NumFolders = 0; p->NumFiles = 0; } void SzAr_Free(CSzAr *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) { UInt32 i; if (p->Folders) for (i = 0; i < p->NumFolders; i++) SzFolder_Free(&p->Folders[i], alloc); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->PackSizes); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->PackCRCsDefined); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->PackCRCs); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->Folders); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->Files); SzAr_Init(p); } void SzArEx_Init(CSzArEx *p) { SzAr_Init(&p->db); p->FolderStartPackStreamIndex = 0; p->PackStreamStartPositions = 0; p->FolderStartFileIndex = 0; p->FileIndexToFolderIndexMap = 0; p->FileNameOffsets = 0; Buf_Init(&p->FileNames); } void SzArEx_Free(CSzArEx *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) { IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->FolderStartPackStreamIndex); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->PackStreamStartPositions); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->FolderStartFileIndex); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->FileIndexToFolderIndexMap); IAlloc_Free(alloc, p->FileNameOffsets); Buf_Free(&p->FileNames, alloc); SzAr_Free(&p->db, alloc); SzArEx_Init(p); } /* UInt64 GetFolderPackStreamSize(int folderIndex, int streamIndex) const { return PackSizes[FolderStartPackStreamIndex[folderIndex] + streamIndex]; } UInt64 GetFilePackSize(int fileIndex) const { int folderIndex = FileIndexToFolderIndexMap[fileIndex]; if (folderIndex >= 0) { const CSzFolder &folderInfo = Folders[folderIndex]; if (FolderStartFileIndex[folderIndex] == fileIndex) return GetFolderFullPackSize(folderIndex); } return 0; } */ #define MY_ALLOC(T, p, size, alloc) { if ((size) == 0) p = 0; else \ if ((p = (T *)IAlloc_Alloc(alloc, (size) * sizeof(T))) == 0) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; } static SRes SzArEx_Fill(CSzArEx *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) { UInt32 startPos = 0; UInt64 startPosSize = 0; UInt32 i; UInt32 folderIndex = 0; UInt32 indexInFolder = 0; MY_ALLOC(UInt32, p->FolderStartPackStreamIndex, p->db.NumFolders, alloc); for (i = 0; i < p->db.NumFolders; i++) { p->FolderStartPackStreamIndex[i] = startPos; startPos += p->db.Folders[i].NumPackStreams; } MY_ALLOC(UInt64, p->PackStreamStartPositions, p->db.NumPackStreams, alloc); for (i = 0; i < p->db.NumPackStreams; i++) { p->PackStreamStartPositions[i] = startPosSize; startPosSize += p->db.PackSizes[i]; } MY_ALLOC(UInt32, p->FolderStartFileIndex, p->db.NumFolders, alloc); MY_ALLOC(UInt32, p->FileIndexToFolderIndexMap, p->db.NumFiles, alloc); for (i = 0; i < p->db.NumFiles; i++) { CSzFileItem *file = p->db.Files + i; int emptyStream = !file->HasStream; if (emptyStream && indexInFolder == 0) { p->FileIndexToFolderIndexMap[i] = (UInt32)-1; continue; } if (indexInFolder == 0) { /* v3.13 incorrectly worked with empty folders v4.07: Loop for skipping empty folders */ for (;;) { if (folderIndex >= p->db.NumFolders) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; p->FolderStartFileIndex[folderIndex] = i; if (p->db.Folders[folderIndex].NumUnpackStreams != 0) break; folderIndex++; } } p->FileIndexToFolderIndexMap[i] = folderIndex; if (emptyStream) continue; indexInFolder++; if (indexInFolder >= p->db.Folders[folderIndex].NumUnpackStreams) { folderIndex++; indexInFolder = 0; } } return SZ_OK; } UInt64 SzArEx_GetFolderStreamPos(const CSzArEx *p, UInt32 folderIndex, UInt32 indexInFolder) { return p->dataPos + p->PackStreamStartPositions[p->FolderStartPackStreamIndex[folderIndex] + indexInFolder]; } int SzArEx_GetFolderFullPackSize(const CSzArEx *p, UInt32 folderIndex, UInt64 *resSize) { UInt32 packStreamIndex = p->FolderStartPackStreamIndex[folderIndex]; CSzFolder *folder = p->db.Folders + folderIndex; UInt64 size = 0; UInt32 i; for (i = 0; i < folder->NumPackStreams; i++) { UInt64 t = size + p->db.PackSizes[packStreamIndex + i]; if (t < size) /* check it */ return SZ_ERROR_FAIL; size = t; } *resSize = size; return SZ_OK; } /* SRes SzReadTime(const CObjectVector &dataVector, CObjectVector &files, UInt64 type) { CBoolVector boolVector; RINOK(ReadBoolVector2(files.Size(), boolVector)) CStreamSwitch streamSwitch; RINOK(streamSwitch.Set(this, &dataVector)); for (int i = 0; i < files.Size(); i++) { CSzFileItem &file = files[i]; CArchiveFileTime fileTime; bool defined = boolVector[i]; if (defined) { UInt32 low, high; RINOK(SzReadUInt32(low)); RINOK(SzReadUInt32(high)); fileTime.dwLowDateTime = low; fileTime.dwHighDateTime = high; } switch(type) { case k7zIdCTime: file.IsCTimeDefined = defined; if (defined) file.CTime = fileTime; break; case k7zIdATime: file.IsATimeDefined = defined; if (defined) file.ATime = fileTime; break; case k7zIdMTime: file.IsMTimeDefined = defined; if (defined) file.MTime = fileTime; break; } } return SZ_OK; } */ static int TestSignatureCandidate(Byte *testBytes) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < k7zSignatureSize; i++) if (testBytes[i] != k7zSignature[i]) return 0; return 1; } typedef struct _CSzState { Byte *Data; size_t Size; }CSzData; static SRes SzReadByte(CSzData *sd, Byte *b) { if (sd->Size == 0) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; sd->Size--; *b = *sd->Data++; return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadBytes(CSzData *sd, Byte *data, size_t size) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { RINOK(SzReadByte(sd, data + i)); } return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadUInt32(CSzData *sd, UInt32 *value) { int i; *value = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Byte b; RINOK(SzReadByte(sd, &b)); *value |= ((UInt32)(b) << (8 * i)); } return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadNumber(CSzData *sd, UInt64 *value) { Byte firstByte; Byte mask = 0x80; int i; RINOK(SzReadByte(sd, &firstByte)); *value = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Byte b; if ((firstByte & mask) == 0) { UInt64 highPart = firstByte & (mask - 1); *value += (highPart << (8 * i)); return SZ_OK; } RINOK(SzReadByte(sd, &b)); *value |= ((UInt64)b << (8 * i)); mask >>= 1; } return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadNumber32(CSzData *sd, UInt32 *value) { UInt64 value64; RINOK(SzReadNumber(sd, &value64)); if (value64 >= 0x80000000) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; if (value64 >= ((UInt64)(1) << ((sizeof(size_t) - 1) * 8 + 2))) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; *value = (UInt32)value64; return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadID(CSzData *sd, UInt64 *value) { return SzReadNumber(sd, value); } static SRes SzSkeepDataSize(CSzData *sd, UInt64 size) { if (size > sd->Size) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; sd->Size -= (size_t)size; sd->Data += (size_t)size; return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzSkeepData(CSzData *sd) { UInt64 size; RINOK(SzReadNumber(sd, &size)); return SzSkeepDataSize(sd, size); } static SRes SzReadArchiveProperties(CSzData *sd) { for (;;) { UInt64 type; RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); if (type == k7zIdEnd) break; SzSkeepData(sd); } return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzWaitAttribute(CSzData *sd, UInt64 attribute) { for (;;) { UInt64 type; RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); if (type == attribute) return SZ_OK; if (type == k7zIdEnd) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; RINOK(SzSkeepData(sd)); } } static SRes SzReadBoolVector(CSzData *sd, size_t numItems, Byte **v, ISzAlloc *alloc) { Byte b = 0; Byte mask = 0; size_t i; MY_ALLOC(Byte, *v, numItems, alloc); for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { if (mask == 0) { RINOK(SzReadByte(sd, &b)); mask = 0x80; } (*v)[i] = (Byte)(((b & mask) != 0) ? 1 : 0); mask >>= 1; } return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadBoolVector2(CSzData *sd, size_t numItems, Byte **v, ISzAlloc *alloc) { Byte allAreDefined; size_t i; RINOK(SzReadByte(sd, &allAreDefined)); if (allAreDefined == 0) return SzReadBoolVector(sd, numItems, v, alloc); MY_ALLOC(Byte, *v, numItems, alloc); for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) (*v)[i] = 1; return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadHashDigests( CSzData *sd, size_t numItems, Byte **digestsDefined, UInt32 **digests, ISzAlloc *alloc) { size_t i; RINOK(SzReadBoolVector2(sd, numItems, digestsDefined, alloc)); MY_ALLOC(UInt32, *digests, numItems, alloc); for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) if ((*digestsDefined)[i]) { RINOK(SzReadUInt32(sd, (*digests) + i)); } return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadPackInfo( CSzData *sd, UInt64 *dataOffset, UInt32 *numPackStreams, UInt64 **packSizes, Byte **packCRCsDefined, UInt32 **packCRCs, ISzAlloc *alloc) { UInt32 i; RINOK(SzReadNumber(sd, dataOffset)); RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, numPackStreams)); RINOK(SzWaitAttribute(sd, k7zIdSize)); MY_ALLOC(UInt64, *packSizes, (size_t)*numPackStreams, alloc); for (i = 0; i < *numPackStreams; i++) { RINOK(SzReadNumber(sd, (*packSizes) + i)); } for (;;) { UInt64 type; RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); if (type == k7zIdEnd) break; if (type == k7zIdCRC) { RINOK(SzReadHashDigests(sd, (size_t)*numPackStreams, packCRCsDefined, packCRCs, alloc)); continue; } RINOK(SzSkeepData(sd)); } if (*packCRCsDefined == 0) { MY_ALLOC(Byte, *packCRCsDefined, (size_t)*numPackStreams, alloc); MY_ALLOC(UInt32, *packCRCs, (size_t)*numPackStreams, alloc); for (i = 0; i < *numPackStreams; i++) { (*packCRCsDefined)[i] = 0; (*packCRCs)[i] = 0; } } return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadSwitch(CSzData *sd) { Byte external; RINOK(SzReadByte(sd, &external)); return (external == 0) ? SZ_OK: SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } static SRes SzGetNextFolderItem(CSzData *sd, CSzFolder *folder, ISzAlloc *alloc) { UInt32 numCoders, numBindPairs, numPackStreams, i; UInt32 numInStreams = 0, numOutStreams = 0; RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, &numCoders)); if (numCoders > NUM_FOLDER_CODERS_MAX) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; folder->NumCoders = numCoders; MY_ALLOC(CSzCoderInfo, folder->Coders, (size_t)numCoders, alloc); for (i = 0; i < numCoders; i++) SzCoderInfo_Init(folder->Coders + i); for (i = 0; i < numCoders; i++) { Byte mainByte; CSzCoderInfo *coder = folder->Coders + i; { unsigned idSize, j; Byte longID[15]; RINOK(SzReadByte(sd, &mainByte)); idSize = (unsigned)(mainByte & 0xF); RINOK(SzReadBytes(sd, longID, idSize)); if (idSize > sizeof(coder->MethodID)) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; coder->MethodID = 0; for (j = 0; j < idSize; j++) coder->MethodID |= (UInt64)longID[idSize - 1 - j] << (8 * j); if ((mainByte & 0x10) != 0) { RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, &coder->NumInStreams)); RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, &coder->NumOutStreams)); if (coder->NumInStreams > NUM_CODER_STREAMS_MAX || coder->NumOutStreams > NUM_CODER_STREAMS_MAX) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } else { coder->NumInStreams = 1; coder->NumOutStreams = 1; } if ((mainByte & 0x20) != 0) { UInt64 propertiesSize = 0; RINOK(SzReadNumber(sd, &propertiesSize)); if (!Buf_Create(&coder->Props, (size_t)propertiesSize, alloc)) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; RINOK(SzReadBytes(sd, coder->Props.data, (size_t)propertiesSize)); } } while ((mainByte & 0x80) != 0) { RINOK(SzReadByte(sd, &mainByte)); RINOK(SzSkeepDataSize(sd, (mainByte & 0xF))); if ((mainByte & 0x10) != 0) { UInt32 n; RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, &n)); RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, &n)); } if ((mainByte & 0x20) != 0) { UInt64 propertiesSize = 0; RINOK(SzReadNumber(sd, &propertiesSize)); RINOK(SzSkeepDataSize(sd, propertiesSize)); } } numInStreams += coder->NumInStreams; numOutStreams += coder->NumOutStreams; } if (numOutStreams == 0) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; folder->NumBindPairs = numBindPairs = numOutStreams - 1; MY_ALLOC(CSzBindPair, folder->BindPairs, (size_t)numBindPairs, alloc); for (i = 0; i < numBindPairs; i++) { CSzBindPair *bp = folder->BindPairs + i; RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, &bp->InIndex)); RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, &bp->OutIndex)); } if (numInStreams < numBindPairs) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; folder->NumPackStreams = numPackStreams = numInStreams - numBindPairs; MY_ALLOC(UInt32, folder->PackStreams, (size_t)numPackStreams, alloc); if (numPackStreams == 1) { for (i = 0; i < numInStreams ; i++) if (SzFolder_FindBindPairForInStream(folder, i) < 0) break; if (i == numInStreams) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; folder->PackStreams[0] = i; } else for (i = 0; i < numPackStreams; i++) { RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, folder->PackStreams + i)); } return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadUnpackInfo( CSzData *sd, UInt32 *numFolders, CSzFolder **folders, /* for alloc */ ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { UInt32 i; RINOK(SzWaitAttribute(sd, k7zIdFolder)); RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, numFolders)); { RINOK(SzReadSwitch(sd)); MY_ALLOC(CSzFolder, *folders, (size_t)*numFolders, alloc); for (i = 0; i < *numFolders; i++) SzFolder_Init((*folders) + i); for (i = 0; i < *numFolders; i++) { RINOK(SzGetNextFolderItem(sd, (*folders) + i, alloc)); } } RINOK(SzWaitAttribute(sd, k7zIdCodersUnpackSize)); for (i = 0; i < *numFolders; i++) { UInt32 j; CSzFolder *folder = (*folders) + i; UInt32 numOutStreams = SzFolder_GetNumOutStreams(folder); MY_ALLOC(UInt64, folder->UnpackSizes, (size_t)numOutStreams, alloc); for (j = 0; j < numOutStreams; j++) { RINOK(SzReadNumber(sd, folder->UnpackSizes + j)); } } for (;;) { UInt64 type; RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); if (type == k7zIdEnd) return SZ_OK; if (type == k7zIdCRC) { SRes res; Byte *crcsDefined = 0; UInt32 *crcs = 0; res = SzReadHashDigests(sd, *numFolders, &crcsDefined, &crcs, allocTemp); if (res == SZ_OK) { for (i = 0; i < *numFolders; i++) { CSzFolder *folder = (*folders) + i; folder->UnpackCRCDefined = crcsDefined[i]; folder->UnpackCRC = crcs[i]; } } IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, crcs); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, crcsDefined); RINOK(res); continue; } RINOK(SzSkeepData(sd)); } } static SRes SzReadSubStreamsInfo( CSzData *sd, UInt32 numFolders, CSzFolder *folders, UInt32 *numUnpackStreams, UInt64 **unpackSizes, Byte **digestsDefined, UInt32 **digests, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { UInt64 type = 0; UInt32 i; UInt32 si = 0; UInt32 numDigests = 0; for (i = 0; i < numFolders; i++) folders[i].NumUnpackStreams = 1; *numUnpackStreams = numFolders; for (;;) { RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); if (type == k7zIdNumUnpackStream) { *numUnpackStreams = 0; for (i = 0; i < numFolders; i++) { UInt32 numStreams; RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, &numStreams)); folders[i].NumUnpackStreams = numStreams; *numUnpackStreams += numStreams; } continue; } if (type == k7zIdCRC || type == k7zIdSize) break; if (type == k7zIdEnd) break; RINOK(SzSkeepData(sd)); } if (*numUnpackStreams == 0) { *unpackSizes = 0; *digestsDefined = 0; *digests = 0; } else { *unpackSizes = (UInt64 *)IAlloc_Alloc(allocTemp, (size_t)*numUnpackStreams * sizeof(UInt64)); RINOM(*unpackSizes); *digestsDefined = (Byte *)IAlloc_Alloc(allocTemp, (size_t)*numUnpackStreams * sizeof(Byte)); RINOM(*digestsDefined); *digests = (UInt32 *)IAlloc_Alloc(allocTemp, (size_t)*numUnpackStreams * sizeof(UInt32)); RINOM(*digests); } for (i = 0; i < numFolders; i++) { /* v3.13 incorrectly worked with empty folders v4.07: we check that folder is empty */ UInt64 sum = 0; UInt32 j; UInt32 numSubstreams = folders[i].NumUnpackStreams; if (numSubstreams == 0) continue; if (type == k7zIdSize) for (j = 1; j < numSubstreams; j++) { UInt64 size; RINOK(SzReadNumber(sd, &size)); (*unpackSizes)[si++] = size; sum += size; } (*unpackSizes)[si++] = SzFolder_GetUnpackSize(folders + i) - sum; } if (type == k7zIdSize) { RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); } for (i = 0; i < *numUnpackStreams; i++) { (*digestsDefined)[i] = 0; (*digests)[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < numFolders; i++) { UInt32 numSubstreams = folders[i].NumUnpackStreams; if (numSubstreams != 1 || !folders[i].UnpackCRCDefined) numDigests += numSubstreams; } si = 0; for (;;) { if (type == k7zIdCRC) { int digestIndex = 0; Byte *digestsDefined2 = 0; UInt32 *digests2 = 0; SRes res = SzReadHashDigests(sd, numDigests, &digestsDefined2, &digests2, allocTemp); if (res == SZ_OK) { for (i = 0; i < numFolders; i++) { CSzFolder *folder = folders + i; UInt32 numSubstreams = folder->NumUnpackStreams; if (numSubstreams == 1 && folder->UnpackCRCDefined) { (*digestsDefined)[si] = 1; (*digests)[si] = folder->UnpackCRC; si++; } else { UInt32 j; for (j = 0; j < numSubstreams; j++, digestIndex++) { (*digestsDefined)[si] = digestsDefined2[digestIndex]; (*digests)[si] = digests2[digestIndex]; si++; } } } } IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, digestsDefined2); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, digests2); RINOK(res); } else if (type == k7zIdEnd) return SZ_OK; else { RINOK(SzSkeepData(sd)); } RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); } } static SRes SzReadStreamsInfo( CSzData *sd, UInt64 *dataOffset, CSzAr *p, UInt32 *numUnpackStreams, UInt64 **unpackSizes, /* allocTemp */ Byte **digestsDefined, /* allocTemp */ UInt32 **digests, /* allocTemp */ ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { for (;;) { UInt64 type; RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); if ((UInt64)(int)type != type) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; switch((int)type) { case k7zIdEnd: return SZ_OK; case k7zIdPackInfo: { RINOK(SzReadPackInfo(sd, dataOffset, &p->NumPackStreams, &p->PackSizes, &p->PackCRCsDefined, &p->PackCRCs, alloc)); break; } case k7zIdUnpackInfo: { RINOK(SzReadUnpackInfo(sd, &p->NumFolders, &p->Folders, alloc, allocTemp)); break; } case k7zIdSubStreamsInfo: { RINOK(SzReadSubStreamsInfo(sd, p->NumFolders, p->Folders, numUnpackStreams, unpackSizes, digestsDefined, digests, allocTemp)); break; } default: return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } } } size_t SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(const CSzArEx *p, size_t fileIndex, UInt16 *dest) { size_t len = p->FileNameOffsets[fileIndex + 1] - p->FileNameOffsets[fileIndex]; if (dest != 0) { size_t i; const Byte *src = p->FileNames.data + (p->FileNameOffsets[fileIndex] * 2); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) dest[i] = GetUi16(src + i * 2); } return len; } static SRes SzReadFileNames(const Byte *p, size_t size, UInt32 numFiles, size_t *sizes) { UInt32 i; size_t pos = 0; for (i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { sizes[i] = pos; for (;;) { if (pos >= size) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; if (p[pos * 2] == 0 && p[pos * 2 + 1] == 0) break; pos++; } pos++; } sizes[i] = pos; return (pos == size) ? SZ_OK : SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; } static SRes SzReadHeader2( CSzArEx *p, /* allocMain */ CSzData *sd, UInt64 **unpackSizes, /* allocTemp */ Byte **digestsDefined, /* allocTemp */ UInt32 **digests, /* allocTemp */ Byte **emptyStreamVector, /* allocTemp */ Byte **emptyFileVector, /* allocTemp */ Byte **lwtVector, /* allocTemp */ ISzAlloc *allocMain, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { UInt64 type; UInt32 numUnpackStreams = 0; UInt32 numFiles = 0; CSzFileItem *files = 0; UInt32 numEmptyStreams = 0; UInt32 i; RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); if (type == k7zIdArchiveProperties) { RINOK(SzReadArchiveProperties(sd)); RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); } if (type == k7zIdMainStreamsInfo) { RINOK(SzReadStreamsInfo(sd, &p->dataPos, &p->db, &numUnpackStreams, unpackSizes, digestsDefined, digests, allocMain, allocTemp)); p->dataPos += p->startPosAfterHeader; RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); } if (type == k7zIdEnd) return SZ_OK; if (type != k7zIdFilesInfo) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; RINOK(SzReadNumber32(sd, &numFiles)); p->db.NumFiles = numFiles; MY_ALLOC(CSzFileItem, files, (size_t)numFiles, allocMain); p->db.Files = files; for (i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) SzFile_Init(files + i); for (;;) { UInt64 type; UInt64 size; RINOK(SzReadID(sd, &type)); if (type == k7zIdEnd) break; RINOK(SzReadNumber(sd, &size)); if (size > sd->Size) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; if ((UInt64)(int)type != type) { RINOK(SzSkeepDataSize(sd, size)); } else switch((int)type) { case k7zIdName: { size_t namesSize; RINOK(SzReadSwitch(sd)); namesSize = (size_t)size - 1; if ((namesSize & 1) != 0) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; if (!Buf_Create(&p->FileNames, namesSize, allocMain)) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; MY_ALLOC(size_t, p->FileNameOffsets, numFiles + 1, allocMain); memcpy(p->FileNames.data, sd->Data, namesSize); RINOK(SzReadFileNames(sd->Data, namesSize >> 1, numFiles, p->FileNameOffsets)) break; } case k7zIdEmptyStream: { RINOK(SzReadBoolVector(sd, numFiles, emptyStreamVector, allocTemp)); numEmptyStreams = 0; for (i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) if ((*emptyStreamVector)[i]) numEmptyStreams++; break; } case k7zIdEmptyFile: { RINOK(SzReadBoolVector(sd, numEmptyStreams, emptyFileVector, allocTemp)); break; } case k7zIdMTime: { RINOK(SzReadBoolVector2(sd, numFiles, lwtVector, allocTemp)); RINOK(SzReadSwitch(sd)); for (i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { CSzFileItem *f = &files[i]; Byte defined = (*lwtVector)[i]; f->MTimeDefined = defined; f->MTime.Low = f->MTime.High = 0; if (defined) { RINOK(SzReadUInt32(sd, &f->MTime.Low)); RINOK(SzReadUInt32(sd, &f->MTime.High)); } } break; } default: { RINOK(SzSkeepDataSize(sd, size)); } } } { UInt32 emptyFileIndex = 0; UInt32 sizeIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { CSzFileItem *file = files + i; file->IsAnti = 0; if (*emptyStreamVector == 0) file->HasStream = 1; else file->HasStream = (Byte)((*emptyStreamVector)[i] ? 0 : 1); if (file->HasStream) { file->IsDir = 0; file->Size = (*unpackSizes)[sizeIndex]; file->Crc = (*digests)[sizeIndex]; file->CrcDefined = (Byte)(*digestsDefined)[sizeIndex]; sizeIndex++; } else { if (*emptyFileVector == 0) file->IsDir = 1; else file->IsDir = (Byte)((*emptyFileVector)[emptyFileIndex] ? 0 : 1); emptyFileIndex++; file->Size = 0; file->Crc = 0; file->CrcDefined = 0; } } } return SzArEx_Fill(p, allocMain); } static SRes SzReadHeader( CSzArEx *p, CSzData *sd, ISzAlloc *allocMain, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { UInt64 *unpackSizes = 0; Byte *digestsDefined = 0; UInt32 *digests = 0; Byte *emptyStreamVector = 0; Byte *emptyFileVector = 0; Byte *lwtVector = 0; SRes res = SzReadHeader2(p, sd, &unpackSizes, &digestsDefined, &digests, &emptyStreamVector, &emptyFileVector, &lwtVector, allocMain, allocTemp); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, unpackSizes); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, digestsDefined); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, digests); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, emptyStreamVector); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, emptyFileVector); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, lwtVector); return res; } static SRes SzReadAndDecodePackedStreams2( ILookInStream *inStream, CSzData *sd, CBuf *outBuffer, UInt64 baseOffset, CSzAr *p, UInt64 **unpackSizes, Byte **digestsDefined, UInt32 **digests, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { UInt32 numUnpackStreams = 0; UInt64 dataStartPos; CSzFolder *folder; UInt64 unpackSize; SRes res; RINOK(SzReadStreamsInfo(sd, &dataStartPos, p, &numUnpackStreams, unpackSizes, digestsDefined, digests, allocTemp, allocTemp)); dataStartPos += baseOffset; if (p->NumFolders != 1) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; folder = p->Folders; unpackSize = SzFolder_GetUnpackSize(folder); RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(inStream, dataStartPos)); if (!Buf_Create(outBuffer, (size_t)unpackSize, allocTemp)) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; res = SzFolder_Decode(folder, p->PackSizes, inStream, dataStartPos, outBuffer->data, (size_t)unpackSize, allocTemp); RINOK(res); if (folder->UnpackCRCDefined) if (CrcCalc(outBuffer->data, (size_t)unpackSize) != folder->UnpackCRC) return SZ_ERROR_CRC; return SZ_OK; } static SRes SzReadAndDecodePackedStreams( ILookInStream *inStream, CSzData *sd, CBuf *outBuffer, UInt64 baseOffset, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { CSzAr p; UInt64 *unpackSizes = 0; Byte *digestsDefined = 0; UInt32 *digests = 0; SRes res; SzAr_Init(&p); res = SzReadAndDecodePackedStreams2(inStream, sd, outBuffer, baseOffset, &p, &unpackSizes, &digestsDefined, &digests, allocTemp); SzAr_Free(&p, allocTemp); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, unpackSizes); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, digestsDefined); IAlloc_Free(allocTemp, digests); return res; } static SRes SzArEx_Open2( CSzArEx *p, ILookInStream *inStream, ISzAlloc *allocMain, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { Byte header[k7zStartHeaderSize]; UInt64 nextHeaderOffset, nextHeaderSize; size_t nextHeaderSizeT; UInt32 nextHeaderCRC; CBuf buffer; SRes res; RINOK(LookInStream_Read2(inStream, header, k7zStartHeaderSize, SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE)); if (!TestSignatureCandidate(header)) return SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE; if (header[6] != k7zMajorVersion) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; nextHeaderOffset = GetUi64(header + 12); nextHeaderSize = GetUi64(header + 20); nextHeaderCRC = GetUi32(header + 28); p->startPosAfterHeader = k7zStartHeaderSize; if (CrcCalc(header + 12, 20) != GetUi32(header + 8)) return SZ_ERROR_CRC; nextHeaderSizeT = (size_t)nextHeaderSize; if (nextHeaderSizeT != nextHeaderSize) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; if (nextHeaderSizeT == 0) return SZ_OK; if (nextHeaderOffset > nextHeaderOffset + nextHeaderSize || nextHeaderOffset > nextHeaderOffset + nextHeaderSize + k7zStartHeaderSize) return SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE; { Int64 pos = 0; RINOK(inStream->Seek(inStream, &pos, SZ_SEEK_END)); if ((UInt64)pos < nextHeaderOffset || (UInt64)pos < k7zStartHeaderSize + nextHeaderOffset || (UInt64)pos < k7zStartHeaderSize + nextHeaderOffset + nextHeaderSize) return SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF; } RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(inStream, k7zStartHeaderSize + nextHeaderOffset)); if (!Buf_Create(&buffer, nextHeaderSizeT, allocTemp)) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; res = LookInStream_Read(inStream, buffer.data, nextHeaderSizeT); if (res == SZ_OK) { res = SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; if (CrcCalc(buffer.data, nextHeaderSizeT) == nextHeaderCRC) { CSzData sd; UInt64 type; sd.Data = buffer.data; sd.Size = buffer.size; res = SzReadID(&sd, &type); if (res == SZ_OK) { if (type == k7zIdEncodedHeader) { CBuf outBuffer; Buf_Init(&outBuffer); res = SzReadAndDecodePackedStreams(inStream, &sd, &outBuffer, p->startPosAfterHeader, allocTemp); if (res != SZ_OK) Buf_Free(&outBuffer, allocTemp); else { Buf_Free(&buffer, allocTemp); buffer.data = outBuffer.data; buffer.size = outBuffer.size; sd.Data = buffer.data; sd.Size = buffer.size; res = SzReadID(&sd, &type); } } } if (res == SZ_OK) { if (type == k7zIdHeader) res = SzReadHeader(p, &sd, allocMain, allocTemp); else res = SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } } } Buf_Free(&buffer, allocTemp); return res; } SRes SzArEx_Open(CSzArEx *p, ILookInStream *inStream, ISzAlloc *allocMain, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { SRes res = SzArEx_Open2(p, inStream, allocMain, allocTemp); if (res != SZ_OK) SzArEx_Free(p, allocMain); return res; } SRes SzArEx_Extract( const CSzArEx *p, ILookInStream *inStream, UInt32 fileIndex, UInt32 *blockIndex, Byte **outBuffer, size_t *outBufferSize, size_t *offset, size_t *outSizeProcessed, ISzAlloc *allocMain, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { UInt32 folderIndex = p->FileIndexToFolderIndexMap[fileIndex]; SRes res = SZ_OK; *offset = 0; *outSizeProcessed = 0; if (folderIndex == (UInt32)-1) { IAlloc_Free(allocMain, *outBuffer); *blockIndex = folderIndex; *outBuffer = 0; *outBufferSize = 0; return SZ_OK; } if (*outBuffer == 0 || *blockIndex != folderIndex) { CSzFolder *folder = p->db.Folders + folderIndex; UInt64 unpackSizeSpec = SzFolder_GetUnpackSize(folder); size_t unpackSize = (size_t)unpackSizeSpec; UInt64 startOffset = SzArEx_GetFolderStreamPos(p, folderIndex, 0); if (unpackSize != unpackSizeSpec) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; *blockIndex = folderIndex; IAlloc_Free(allocMain, *outBuffer); *outBuffer = 0; RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(inStream, startOffset)); if (res == SZ_OK) { *outBufferSize = unpackSize; if (unpackSize != 0) { *outBuffer = (Byte *)IAlloc_Alloc(allocMain, unpackSize); if (*outBuffer == 0) res = SZ_ERROR_MEM; } if (res == SZ_OK) { res = SzFolder_Decode(folder, p->db.PackSizes + p->FolderStartPackStreamIndex[folderIndex], inStream, startOffset, *outBuffer, unpackSize, allocTemp); if (res == SZ_OK) { if (folder->UnpackCRCDefined) { if (CrcCalc(*outBuffer, unpackSize) != folder->UnpackCRC) res = SZ_ERROR_CRC; } } } } } if (res == SZ_OK) { UInt32 i; CSzFileItem *fileItem = p->db.Files + fileIndex; *offset = 0; for (i = p->FolderStartFileIndex[folderIndex]; i < fileIndex; i++) *offset += (UInt32)p->db.Files[i].Size; *outSizeProcessed = (size_t)fileItem->Size; if (*offset + *outSizeProcessed > *outBufferSize) return SZ_ERROR_FAIL; if (fileItem->CrcDefined && CrcCalc(*outBuffer + *offset, *outSizeProcessed) != fileItem->Crc) res = SZ_ERROR_CRC; } return res; }