/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /*global ok, is, info, waitForExplicitFinish, finish, gBrowser */ /*global isTiltEnabled, isWebGLSupported, createTab, createTilt */ /*global Tilt, TiltUtils, TiltVisualizer */ "use strict"; function test() { if (!isTiltEnabled()) { info("Skipping initialization test because Tilt isn't enabled."); return; } if (!isWebGLSupported()) { info("Skipping initialization test because WebGL isn't supported."); return; } waitForExplicitFinish(); createTab(function() { let id = TiltUtils.getWindowId(gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow); let initialActiveElement; is(id, Tilt.currentWindowId, "The unique window identifiers should match for the same window."); createTilt({ onInspectorOpen: function() { initialActiveElement = document.activeElement; is(Tilt.visualizers[id], null, "A instance of the visualizer shouldn't be initialized yet."); is(typeof TiltVisualizer.Prefs.enabled, "boolean", "The 'enabled' pref should have been loaded by now."); is(typeof TiltVisualizer.Prefs.forceEnabled, "boolean", "The 'force-enabled' pref should have been loaded by now."); }, onTiltOpen: function(instance) { is(document.activeElement, instance.presenter.canvas, "The visualizer canvas should be focused on initialization."); ok(Tilt.visualizers[id] instanceof TiltVisualizer, "A new instance of the visualizer wasn't created properly."); ok(Tilt.visualizers[id].isInitialized(), "The new instance of the visualizer wasn't initialized properly."); }, onTiltClose: function() { is(document.activeElement, initialActiveElement, "The focus wasn't correctly given back to the initial element."); is(Tilt.visualizers[id], null, "The current instance of the visualizer wasn't destroyed properly."); }, onEnd: function() { gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); finish(); } }, true); }); }