#filter substitution [General] ; Run Mode values: ; Normal - Shows all dialogs. Requires user input. ; Auto - Shows some dialogs, but none requiring user input. It will ; automatically install the product using default values. ; Silent - Show no dialogs at all. It will install product using default ; values. Run Mode=Normal Company Name=$CompanyName$ Product Name=$ProductName$ Product NameInternal=$ProductName$ User Agent=$UserAgent$ ; Destination Path values: ; PROGRAMFILESDIR ; WINDISK ; WINDIR ; WINSYSDIR Path=[PROGRAMFILESDIR]\$ProductName$ Default Location=/usr/local/$MainExeFile$ ; Sub Path, when set will indicate to Setup to create a subfolder from ; what is offered to the user to change. It will not be shown to the user ; but simply created: ; ; ie: shown to user : [Path] ; actually created: [Path]\[Sub Path] ; (where [Path] is the Path= key above) Sub Path= ; Controls the Browse button that allows the user to ; change the destination path of the product. ; Default value is FALSE; Lock Path=FALSE Program Name=$MainExeFile$ ; Program Folder Path values: ; COMMON_STARTUP ; COMMON_PROGRAMS ; COMMON_STARTMENU ; COMMON_DESKTOP ; ; PERSONAL_STARTUP ; PERSONAL_PROGRAMS ; PERSONAL_STARTMENU ; PERSONAL_DESKTOP ; ; PERSONAL_APPDATA ; PERSONAL_CACHE ; PERSONAL_COOKIES ; PERSONAL_FAVORITES ; PERSONAL_FONTS ; PERSONAL_HISTORY ; PERSONAL_NETHOOD ; PERSONAL_PERSONAL ; PERSONAL_PRINTHOOD (supported only under Windows NT) ; PERSONAL_RECENT ; PERSONAL_SENDTO ; PERSONAL_TEMPLATES ; ; PROGRAMS (Default value is the same as COMMON_PROGRAMS, but if the user ; has restricted access to the system, then it's the same as ; PERSONAL_PROGRAMS) ; ; PROGRAMFILESDIR ; COMMONFILESDIR ; MEDIAPATH ; CONFIGPATH (supported only under Windows95 and Windows98) ; DEVICEPATH Program Folder Name=$ProductName$ Program Folder Path=[PROGRAMS] Uninstall Filename=$UninstallFile$ ; This key is used as a fail over key. This url will be used when the ; url in the Site Selector fails. url=$ArchiveUrl$ ; Default Setup Type values: ; Setup Type 0 - first radio button (easy install) ; Setup Type 1 - second radio button (custom) Default Setup Type=Setup Type 0 ; Forces the icons on the system to be refreshed. ; Default value is FALSE. ; Possible values: ; FALSE ; TRUE Refresh Icons=FALSE ; Setting to control whether or not GRE should be installed to app's dir ; to be used as a private/local GRE. ; ; Possible values (default is 'Shared'): ; Local ; Shared ; ; If this key is set to 'Local', make ; sure to provide a GRE Private Key= below! GRE Type=Shared GRE ID=$GreUniqueID$ ; Private key that overrides the default shared key ; (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\mozilla.org\GRE) set by GRE's installer. ; This key will be created under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and should be ; declared in the following format: ; ; Software\[company name]\[product name] ; (ie: Software\mozilla.org\GRE_1.4a_0000000000_PRIVATE) ; ; If it is not in the above format, the GRE installer/uninstaller can ; fail to work properly. ; The value to Prodduct Name Internal= (at the beginning of this ; config.ini file) will be appended as follows: ; ; Software\mozilla.org\GRE_1.4a_0000000000_PRIVATE_[Product Name Internal] GRE Private Key=Software\mozilla.org\GRE_$GreUniqueID$_PRIVATE_$ProductNameInternal$ ; Controls the display of the banner image in the download and install progress dialogs. ; Default value is TRUE. Show Banner Image=TRUE Header Image=header.png ; Controls the check to see if user is installing on top of a previous ; installation of the product. If so, then prompt the user that cleanup ; of destination folder is highly recommended, or instability of product ; can occurr. [Cleanup On Upgrade] Cleanup=TRUE ObjectToIgnore0=plugins ObjectToIgnore1=uninstall ObjectToIgnore2=install_status.log ; List of files/dirs that is used to determine if a directory is a profile ; or not. This is so the directory is not deleted as part of the Cleanup ; On Upgrade. ; All of the object files must be found in order for a dir to be assumed ; to be a Profile dir. [Profile Dir Object List] Object0=chrome Object1=bookmarks.html Object2=localstore.rdf ; This section contains info on how to send error information in case of ; either a download or xpinstall error. ; By default, this feature is enabled, unless disabled. [Message Stream] ; Values: ; Enabled ; Disabled ; default is Enabled. Status=Disabled ; URL to cgi script to send error information to. The information will ; be appended to the url in the form of parameters to the cgi script. url=http://orb.mcom.com/install/error.cgi ; Indicates whether to show a confirmation dialog or not. If this ; dialog is not shown, the error information will be *automatically* ; sent without any indication to the user unless the Status= is set ; to Disabled. ; ; Default value is TRUE if nothing is set. Show Confirmation=TRUE Confirmation Message=There was an error encountered during installation of $ProductName$. The following information will be sent back to us to help us improve the product: %s ; HKey: valid decryptable setup key is [Product CurrentVersion] or [Product PreviousVersion] ; Decrypt HKey: there are times when '[' and ']' are valid part of windows registry key names. ; Contains Filename: tells setup that the path contains filename needed to be removed before ; using it as a path. ; Verify Existence: FILE or PATH ; [Locate Previous Product Path0] HRoot=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKey=[Product CurrentVersion]\Main Name=Install Directory Decrypt HKey=TRUE Contains Filename=FALSE Verify Existence= [Dialog Welcome] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@SETUP_TITLE@ MessageWelcome=@SETUP_WELCOME@ Message0=@SETUP_MESSAGE0@ Message1=@SETUP_MESSAGE1_UNIX@ Message2=@SETUP_MESSAGE2@ Message3=@SETUP_MESSAGE3@ Watermark=watermark.png [Dialog License] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@LICENSE_TITLE@ Sub Title=@LICENSE_SUBTITLE@ License File=license.txt Message0=@LICENSE_MESSAGE0@ RadioAccept=@LICENSE_ACCEPT@ RadioDecline=@LICENSE_DECLINE@ [Dialog Setup Type] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@SETUP_TYPE_TITLE@ Sub Title=@SETUP_TYPE_SUBTITLE@ Message0=@SETUP_TYPE_MESSAGE0@ MessageExistingInstall=@SETUP_TYPE_EXISTING@ ; at least one Setup Type needs to be set, and up to 4 can be ; set (Setup Type0, Setup Type1, Setup Type2, Setup Type3). [Setup Type0] Description Short=@TYPE_STANDARD@ Description Long=@TYPE_STANDARD_DESC@ ; List of components to install/enable for this Setup Type. ; All other components not listed here will be disabled if ; this Setup Type is selected. C0=Component XPCOM C1=Component Browser ;C2=Component Uninstaller C2=Component Langpack ; Make sure Component QFA is LAST so 3rd party developers who might not want ; this component can easily remove it. C3=Component QFA [Setup Type1] Description Short=@TYPE_CUSTOM@ Description Long=@TYPE_CUSTOM_DESC@ ; List of components to install/enable for this Setup Type. ; All other components not listed here will be disabled if ; this Setup Type is selected. C0=Component XPCOM C1=Component Browser C2=Component ADT ;C3=Component Uninstaller C3=Component Langpack ; Make sure Component QFA is LAST so 3rd party developers who might not want ; this component can easily remove it. C4=Component QFA [Dialog Select Components] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@SELECT_TITLE@ Sub Title=@SELECT_SUBTITLE@ Message0=@SELECT_MESSAGE0@ [Dialog Select Install Path] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@LOCATION_TITLE@ Sub Title=@LOCATION_SUBTITLE@ Message0=@LOCATION_MESSAGE0@ [Dialog Upgrade] Show Dialog=FALSE Show In Easy Install=FALSE Title=@UPGRADE_TITLE@ Sub Title=@UPGRADE_SUBTITLE@ Message Cleanup=@UPGRADE_CLEANUP@ ; XXXben - we need a strategy for uninstallation that obviates the need for "Safe Upgrade" which can doing nasty things if you have installed the app into a stupid location. Checkbox Clean Install=@UPGRADE_CLEAN@ Message Clean Install=@UPGRADE_CLEAN_MSG@ Message Install Over=@UPGRADE_OVER@ Message Install Over Windir=@UPGRADE_OVER_WINDIR@ ; xxxbsmedberg this doesn't make sense in the unix installer [Dialog Select Additional Components] Show Dialog=FALSE Title=@ADD_TITLE@ Message0=@ADD_MESSAGE0@ [Dialog Windows Integration] ; Note - this dialog isn't actually used yet! Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@WININT_TITLE@ Sub Title=@WININT_SUBTITLE@ Message0=@WININT_MESSAGE0@ ; Only a maximum of 4 "Windows Integration-Item"s are allowed. Each Item ; shows up as a checkbox in the Windows Integration dialog. [Windows Integration-Item0] CheckBoxState=TRUE Description=@WININT_DESKTOP@ Archive= [Windows Integration-Item1] CheckBoxState=TRUE ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Description=@WININT_START@ Archive= [Windows Integration-Item2] CheckBoxState=TRUE ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Description=@WININT_QUICKL@ Archive= [Windows Integration-Item3] CheckBoxState=TRUE Description=@USE_AS_DEFAULT@ Archive= [Dialog Program Folder] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@WININT_PFOLDER_TITLE@ Message0=@WININT_PFOLDER_MESSAGE0@ [Dialog Additional Options] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@ADDL_OPTIONS_TITLE@ Message1=@ADDL_OPTIONS_MSG1@ Save Installer= ; The following settings control whether the Recapture Homepage checkbox is displayed. ; For this option to work the file nsResetPref.js must be installed into the ; components directory Message0=The following checkbox gives users the option of reverting to the default home page Show Homepage Option=FALSE Recapture Homepage=FALSE [Dialog Advanced Settings] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@ADV_SETTINGS_TITLE@ Message0=@ADV_SETTINGS_MSG@ Proxy Server= Proxy Port= Proxy User= Proxy Password= ; Use Protocol accepts only two options: ; FTP ; HTTP ; Default is FTP if key is not set. Use Protocol=HTTP ; Use Protocol Settings key shows or hides the ; Use FTP/Use HTTP radio buttons in the Download Dialog. ; Default value is ENABLED unless DISABLED is specified. Use Protocol Settings=ENABLED ; Controls the radio buttons visibility ; Default value is TRUE Show Protocols=TRUE [Dialog Quick Launch] Show Dialog=TRUE ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Title=$ProductName$ Setup - Quick Launch ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Message0=Quick Launch starts Mozilla faster by keeping portions of the program in computer memory. ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Message1=You can access Quick Launch through the icon on the Windows taskbar tray. ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Message2=Check the box below to activate Quick Launch when you restart your computer. ; Turbo Mode (Quick Launch) values: TRUE, FALSE ; Defaults to FALSE if not set Turbo Mode=FALSE ; Turbo Mode Settings value: TRUE, FALSE ; Defaults to FALSE if not set. ; This will hide the turbo mode checkbox in the Start Install dialog ; and ignore the Turbo Mode= key, thus disabling it. Turbo Mode Enabled=TRUE [Dialog Start Install] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@START_TITLE@ Sub Title=@START_SUBTITLE@ Message Install=@START_INSTALL@ Message Download=@START_DOWNLOAD@ Message0=@START_MESSAGE0@ XPInstall Engine=xpcom.xpi [Dialog Downloading] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@DL_TITLE@ Sub Title=@DL_SUBTITLE@ Blurb=@DL_BLURB@ File Name=@DL_FILENAME@ Time Remaining=@DL_TIMELEFT@ [Dialog Installing] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@INSTALL_TITLE@ Sub Title=@INSTALL_SUBTITLE@ Blurb=@INSTALL_BLURB@ Status File=@INSTALL_STATUSFILE@ Status Component=@INSTALL_STATUSCOMP@ [Dialog Install Successful] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@COMPLETE_TITLE@ MessageHeader=@COMPLETE_TITLE@ Message0=@COMPLETE_MESSAGE0@ Message1=@COMPLETE_MESSAGE1@ Launch App=@COMPLETE_LAUNCH@ Launch App Checked=TRUE [Dialog Download] Show Dialog=TRUE Title=@DL2_TITLE@ Message Download0=@DL2_MESSAGE0@ Message Retry0=@DL2_RETRY@ [Dialog Reboot] ; Show Dialog values are: ; TRUE - Always show ; FALSE - Don't show unless at least one component has its reboot show value set ; to TRUE. This will not show even if some files were in use and a reboot ; is necessary. ; AUTO - Don't show unless a component has its reboot show value set to ; TRUE or there was at least one file in use and a reboot is ; is required for the file to be replaced correctly. Show Dialog=AUTO [Check Instance0] Class Name=MozillaMessageWindow Window Name= Process Name=$MainExeFile$ Pretty Name=$ProductNameInternal$ Message=@CLOSE_CHECK@ Message Full Installer=@CLOSE_CHECK2@ Message wait=@CLOSE_WAIT@ ; This key indicates whether or not to close all the windows associated with ; the process id of this app instance window found. Close All Process Windows=TRUE ; These keys are not normally necessary for checking instances. They are ; set here because Mozilla requires a way to shut down it's turbo mode. Extra Cmd0 Reg Key Root=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Extra Cmd0 Reg Key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\$MainExeFile$ Extra Cmd0 Reg Name= Extra Cmd0 Parameter=-kill [Check Instance1] Class Name=Netscape6MessageWindow Window Name= Process Name=Netscp.exe Pretty Name=Netscape ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Message=Download of $ProductName$ was successful. However, Netscape must be closed to proceed with this installation. Click OK to exit Netscape automatically and to begin installation. ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Message Full Installer=Netscape must be closed to proceed with this installation. Click OK to exit Netscape automatically and to begin installation. ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Message wait=Shutting down Netscape. Please wait... ; This key indicates whether or not to close all the windows associated with ; the process id of this app instance window found. Close All Process Windows=TRUE ; These keys are not normally necessary for checking instances. They are ; set here because Netscape 6 requires a way to shut down it's turbo mode. ; This will stop at the first one that succeeds (key and file found). Extra Cmd0 Reg Key Root=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Extra Cmd0 Reg Key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Netscp6.exe Extra Cmd0 Reg Name= Extra Cmd0 Parameter=-kill Extra Cmd1 Reg Key Root=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Extra Cmd1 Reg Key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Netscp.exe Extra Cmd1 Reg Name= Extra Cmd1 Parameter=-kill ;DependeeX=Component A means ; - if Component A gets checked this component gets checked ; - if Component A gets unchecked this component gets unchecked ; - if this component is visible it can still be checked/unchecked ; independantly after Component A has changed its state. I.e ; this components checkbox will not be disabled or hidden. ;Dependee0= ; ;DependencyX= is not supported at this time. ;Dependency0= ; ; Attributes can be the following values: ; ; The following Attributes can be overridden: ; ------------------------------------------ ; ; SELECTED - Component is selected to be installed by default. ; ; UNSELECTED - Component is to be displayed unselected in the Options ; dialog. If the component is listed in the non-custom ; Setup Type section, it will be assumed to be selected ; by default. ; ; ADDITIONAL - Component is to be shown in the Additional Options ; dialog (2nd Options dialog) instead of the 1st Options ; dialog. ; ; NOTADDITIONAL - Component will be shown (if visible) in the 1st ; 1st Options dialog rather than the Additional Options ; dialog (default). ; ; VISIBLE - Component is shown in one of the two Options dialogs ; (default). ; ; INVISIBLE - Component is not shown in either of the two Options dialogs. ; ; ENABLED - Component is to be shown as enabled (not greyed out) in ; either of the two Options dialogs. ; (default). ; ; DISABLED - Component is to be shown as disabled (greyed out) in ; either of two Options dialog. ; ; ; The following attributes cannot be overridden: ; --------------------------------------------- ; ; LAUNCHAPP - Component is downloaded and simply run (like a .exe file) ; after all the components have been downloaded and ; xpinstall'ed. ; ; DOWNLOAD_ONLY - Component is to be only downloaded to the ns_temp folder, ; then deleted as Setup is quitting. ; ; FORCE_UPGRADE - Force Upgrade checks for a particular file or directory ; provided in the Force Upgrade FileX= key(s). If any of ; the listed file or directory exists, then this component ; will have its SELECTED and DISABLED Attributes set ; automatically. Force Upgrade will override the following: ; ; Random Install Percentage= setting ; UNSELECTED Attribute setting ; Dependency settings ; Dependee settings ; Setup Type settings - meaning that even if this ; component is not listed in the ; selected Setup Type, it will be ; affected. ; ; IGNORE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR - If the component needs to be downloaded from a ; server, setting this attribute will indicate that ; any download error encountered will be ignored ; and treated as if there were no error. ; If the component does not need to be downloaded, ; then this attribute has no effect. ; ; IGNORE_XPINSTALL_ERROR - If the component is a .xpi file, then any error ; resulting from the installation of the .xpi file ; will be ignored. If the .xpi file is not to be ; installed, then this attribute is ignored. ; ; SUPERSEDE - Component is to be shown as disabled and unselected ; if a file exists. ; Use SupersedeType=File Exists to specify the type of comparison ; Use SupersedeFileX=File Name to specify the file ; Use SupersedeMinVersionX=a.b.c.d (optional) to specify the ; minimum version of the file. If the version of the existing file ; is greater than or equal to the SupersedeMinVersion the component ; will be superseded. ; ;We're not installing Component XPCOM because we're using it ;for it's xpinstall engine from the TEMP dir. The files that ;this component has are already in Component GRE. [Component XPCOM] Description Short=@XPCOM_SHORT@ Description Long=@XPCOM_SHORT@ Archive=xpcom.xpi $InstallSize$:xpcom $InstallSizeSystem$ $InstallSizeArchive$:xpcom.xpi Attributes=SELECTED|INVISIBLE FileCount=$FileCount$ [Component Browser] Description Short=@BROWSER_SHORT@ Description Long=@BROWSER_SHORT@ Archive=browser.xpi $InstallSize$:browser $InstallSizeSystem$ $InstallSizeArchive$:browser.xpi Attributes=SELECTED|INVISIBLE|FORCE_UPGRADE|MAIN_COMPONENT Force Upgrade File0=[SETUP PATH]\$MainExeFile$ FileCount=$FileCount$ [Component ADT] Description Short=@ADT_SHORT@ Description Long=@ADT_LONG@ Archive=adt.xpi $InstallSize$:adt $InstallSizeSystem$ $InstallSizeArchive$:adt.xpi Attributes=FORCE_UPGRADE|VISIBLE ;Force Upgrade File0=[SETUP PATH]\chrome\venkman.jar Force Upgrade File0=[SETUP PATH]\chrome\inspector.jar FileCount=$FileCount$ [Component Uninstaller] Description Short=@UNINSTALL_SHORT@ Description Long=@UNINSTALL_SHORT@ Archive=$UninstallFileZip$ $InstallSize$:$UninstallFileZip$ $InstallSizeSystem$ $InstallSizeArchive$:$UninstallFileZip$ Attributes=SELECTED|INVISIBLE|DOWNLOAD_ONLY FileCount=$FileCount$ ;Since the uninstaller program is going to be installed into the Windows folder, ;Setup.exe needs to know to calculate the disk space required for the Windows folder. ;This section overrides the default user-chosen path for the Uninstaller only. [Component Uninstaller-Destination Path0] Path=[WINDIR] [Component Langpack] Description Short=@AB_CD@ @LANGPACK_TITLE@ Description Long=@AB_CD@ @LANGPACK_TITLE@ Archive=@AB_CD@.xpi $InstallSize$:@AB_CD@ $InstallSizeSystem$ $InstallSizeArchive$:@AB_CD@.xpi Attributes=SELECTED|INVISIBLE|FORCE_UPGRADE Force Upgrade File0=[SETUP PATH]\chrome\@AB_CD@.jar FileCount=$FileCount$ [Component QFA] Description Short=@QFA_SHORT@ Description Long=@QFA_LONG@ Archive=talkback.xpi $InstallSize$:talkback $InstallSizeSystem$ $InstallSizeArchive$:talkback.xpi Attributes=SELECTED|FORCE_UPGRADE Force Upgrade File0=[SETUP PATH]\components\fullsoft.dll FileCount=$FileCount$ ; This is to randomly set the default checkbox for this component. ; This particular value will set the checkbox checked [number]% of the time. ; This logic is done only during the initialization of setup, not in any ; particular dialog. Random Install Percentage=100 [Core] Source=[XPI PATH]\xpcom.xpi Destination=[WIZTEMP]\xpcom.ns $InstallSize$:xpcom Cleanup=TRUE Message=@CORE_PREPARING@ ; Status= values: Disabled, Enabled ; If nothing is set, default value is Enabled. If set to Disabled, ; it will then use GRE as the xpinstall engine, in which case, there ; should be a GRE component in this installer package! Status=Enabled [Redirect] Status=Disabled ; This is used in conjunction with the Site Selector info to build a ; url to where to download the needed redirect.ini file from. ; If there's more than one server path, they will be used as fail ; over paths. ; ; The Server Path= keys need to be named in the following convention: ; ; Server Path0= ; Server Path1= ; Server Path2= ; ; and so on... Server Path=redirect.ini ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Description=Redirect File Message= ; The Timing key needs to be one of the following values: ; pre download - process before any files have been downloaded. ; post download - process after all files have been downloaded. ; pre xpcom - process before the xpcom file has been uncompressed. ; post xpcom - process after the xpcom file has been uncompressed. ; pre smartupdate - process before the smartupdate engine has been launched. ; post smartupdate - process after the smartupdate engine has been launched. ; pre launchapp - process before the launching of executables. ; post launchapp - process after the launching of executables. ; pre archive - process before the launching of each individual archive file. ; post archive - process after the launching of each individual archive file. ; depend reboot - process depending on if a reboot is necessary or not. ; if reboot is necessary, installer can set it up so ; the app runs once upon windows reboot. ;Uncompress FileX sections [Uncompress File0] Timing=post smartupdate Source=[XPI PATH]\$UninstallFileZip$ Destination=[WINDIR] ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Message=@INST_UNINST@ Only If Exists=FALSE ;Copy FileX sections ;Copy the uninstaller to the [Setup Path]\uninstall folder. ;This copy is to be used when the user installed on a system with ;restricted access. [Copy File0] Timing=post smartupdate Source=[WINDIR]\$UninstallFile$ Destination=[SETUP PATH]\uninstall Fail If Exists=FALSE Do Not Uninstall=FALSE [Copy File1] Timing=post smartupdate Source=[XPI PATH]\$UninstallFile$ Destination=[WINDIR] Fail If Exists=FALSE Do Not Uninstall=TRUE ; nss3.dll, softokn3.dll, ssl3.dll, and smime3.dll all need to be copied from ; the GRE dir to the destination app folder (see bug 202326) [Copy File2] Timing=post smartupdate Source=[$GRE_INSTALL_DIR]\nss3.dll Destination=[SETUP PATH] Fail If Exists=FALSE Do Not Uninstall=FALSE [Copy File3] Timing=post smartupdate Source=[$GRE_INSTALL_DIR]\softokn3.dll Destination=[SETUP PATH] Fail If Exists=FALSE Do Not Uninstall=FALSE [Copy File4] Timing=post smartupdate Source=[$GRE_INSTALL_DIR]\softokn3.chk Destination=[SETUP PATH] Fail If Exists=FALSE Do Not Uninstall=FALSE [Copy File5] Timing=post smartupdate Source=[$GRE_INSTALL_DIR]\ssl3.dll Destination=[SETUP PATH] Fail If Exists=FALSE Do Not Uninstall=FALSE [Copy File6] Timing=post smartupdate Source=[$GRE_INSTALL_DIR]\smime3.dll Destination=[SETUP PATH] Fail If Exists=FALSE Do Not Uninstall=FALSE [Copy File7] Timing=post smartupdate Source=[$GRE_INSTALL_DIR]\freebl3.dll Destination=[SETUP PATH] Fail If Exists=FALSE Do Not Uninstall=FALSE [Copy File8] Timing=post smartupdate Source=[$GRE_INSTALL_DIR]\freebl3.chk Destination=[SETUP PATH] Fail If Exists=FALSE Do Not Uninstall=FALSE [Path Lookup $GRE_INSTALL_DIR] Path Reg Key Root=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Path Reg Key=Software\mozilla.org\GRE\$GreUniqueID$\Main Path Reg Name=Install Directory Strip Filename=FALSE ;Copy File SequentialX sections [Copy File Sequential0] Timing=post smartupdate Filename=install_wizard.log Source=[SETUP PATH] Destination=[SETUP PATH]\uninstall ;Create DirectoryX sections [Create Directory0] Timing=post download Destination=[SETUP PATH]\plugins ;Delete FileX sections [Delete File0] Timing=post download Destination=[COMMON_PROGRAMS]\Mozilla Seamonkey\Mozilla AppRunner.lnk [Delete File1] Timing=post smartupdate Destination=[SETUP PATH]\install_wizard.log ;Remove DirectoryX sections ;[Remove Directory0] ;Timing=post launchapp ;Destination=[TEMP]\xtratest ;Remove subdirs=TRUE ;RunAppX sections [RunApp0] Timing=depend reboot Wait=FALSE ;Target=[SETUP PATH]\$MainExeFile$ Target=$MainExeFile$ Parameters=-installer WorkingDir=[SETUP PATH] ; Additional Options dialog. Condition=not RecaptureHPChecked [Windows Registry0] Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$ Name= Name Value= Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry1] Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$ Name= Name Value= Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry2] Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$\$UserAgent$ Name= Name Value= Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry3] Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$\$UserAgent$\Main Name=Program Folder Path Name Value=[Default Folder] Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry4] Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$\$UserAgent$\Uninstall Name=Description Name Value=$ProductName$ ($UserAgentShort$) Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=FALSE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry5] Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$\$UserAgent$\Uninstall Name=Uninstall Log Folder Name Value=[SETUP PATH]\uninstall Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry6] Root Key=HKEY_CURRENT_USER ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$ Name= Name Value= Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry7] Root Key=HKEY_CURRENT_USER ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$ Name= Name Value= Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry8] Root Key=HKEY_CURRENT_USER ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$\$UserAgent$ Name= Name Value= Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry9] Root Key=HKEY_CURRENT_USER ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$\$UserAgent$\Main Name=Program Folder Path Name Value=[Default Folder] Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry10] Root Key=HKEY_CURRENT_USER ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$\$UserAgent$\Uninstall Name=Description Name Value=$ProductName$ ($UserAgentShort$) Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=FALSE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry11] Root Key=HKEY_CURRENT_USER ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Key=Software\$CompanyName$\$ProductName$\$UserAgent$\Uninstall Name=Uninstall Log Folder Name Value=[SETUP PATH]\uninstall Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Windows Registry12] Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$ProductName$ ($UserAgentShort$) Name=DisplayName Name Value=$ProductName$ ($UserAgentShort$) Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=FALSE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=post smartupdate [Windows Registry13] Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$ProductName$ ($UserAgentShort$) Name=UninstallString ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Name Value=[WINDIR]\$UninstallFile$ /ua "$UserAgent$" Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=post smartupdate ; The following keys are to help JRE's installer locate where mozilla gets ; installed to. It has not been updated to look for the new keys. [Windows Registry14] Root Key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Key=Software\Mozilla Name= Name Value= Type=REG_SZ Decrypt Key=FALSE Decrypt Name=FALSE Decrypt Name Value=TRUE Overwrite Key=TRUE Overwrite Name=TRUE Timing=pre smartupdate [Cleanup Previous Product RegKeys] Reg Key Root0=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Product Name0=Mozilla Product Reg Key0=Software\Mozilla.org\Mozilla Current Version0=$UserAgent$ Reg Key Root1=HKEY_CURRENT_USER Product Name1=Mozilla Product Reg Key1=Software\Mozilla.org\Mozilla Current Version1=$UserAgent$ ; Values for Show Folder: ; HIDE Hides the window and activates another window. ; MAXIMIZE Maximizes the specified window. ; MINIMIZE Minimizes the specified window and activates the next ; top-level window in the z-order. ; RESTORE Activates and displays the window. If the window is ; minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its ; original size and position. An application should specify ; this flag when restoring a minimized window. ; SHOW Activates the window and displays it in its current size ; and position. ; SHOWMAXIMIZED Activates the window and displays it as a maximized ; window. ; SHOWMINIMIZED Activates the window and displays it as a minimized ; window. ; SHOWMINNOACTIVE Displays the window as a minimized window. The active ; window remains active. ; SHOWNA Displays the window in its current state. The active ; window remains active. ; SHOWNOACTIVATE Displays a window in its most recent size and position. ; The active window remains active. ; SHOWNORMAL Activates and displays a window. If the window is ; minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its ; original size and position. An application should specify ; this flag when displaying the window for the first time. [Program Folder0] Timing=post smartupdate Show Folder=HIDE Program Folder=[Default Folder] [Program Folder0-Shortcut0] File=[SETUP PATH]\uninstall\$UninstallFile$ Arguments=/ua "$UserAgent$" Working Dir=[SETUP PATH] Description=Uninstall $ProductName$ Icon Path=[SETUP PATH]\uninstall\$UninstallFile$ Icon Id=0 ; Default value: ; IGNORE ; ; Possible values: ; ONLY_RESTRICTED - create shortcut only if user access is restricted ; ONLY_NONRESTRICTED - create shortcut only if user access is not restricted Restricted Access=ONLY_RESTRICTED ;[Program Folder0-Shortcut1] ;File=[SETUP PATH]\$MainExeFile$ ;Arguments=-ProfileManager ;Working Dir=[SETUP PATH] ;Description=Profile Manager ;Icon Path=[SETUP PATH]\$MainExeFile$ ;Icon Id=0 ;[Program Folder0-Shortcut2] ;File=[SETUP PATH]\bin\Net2fone.exe ;Arguments= ;Working Dir=[SETUP PATH] ;Description=Net2Fone ;Icon Path=[SETUP PATH]\bin\Net2fone.exe ;Icon Id=0 ;[Program Folder1] ;Timing=post download ;Show Folder=SHOW ;Program Folder=[Default Folder]\lala land ;[Program Folder1-Shortcut0] ;File=c:\bin\getver.exe ;Arguments= ;Working Dir=[TEMP] ;Description=Getver Test ;Icon Path=[WINDISK]\4nt\4nt.exe ;Icon Id=0 ;[Program Folder1-Shortcut1] ;File=c:\perl\bin\perl.exe ;Arguments= ;Working Dir=[WINSYS] ;Description=Perl ;Icon Path=c:\perl\bin\perl.exe ;Icon Id=0 [Strings] Message Unfinished Download Restart=@MSG_UNFINISHED_DL@ Message Unfinished Install Xpi Restart=@MSG_UNFINISHED_INSTALL@ Error Corrupted Archives Detected=@MSG_CORRUPTED@ Error Corrupted Archives Detected AUTO mode=@MSG_CORRUPTED_AUTO@ Error Too Many CRC Failures=@MSG_TOO_MANY_CRC@ Error Too Many Network Errors=@MSG_TOO_MANY_NETWORK@ Message Verifying Archives=@MSG_VERIFYING@ Error Undefined=@MSG_UNDEFINED@ Error Out Of Memory=@MSG_OOM@ Status Download=@MSG_STATUS_DL@ Status Retry=@MSG_STATUS_DL@ Status File Info=%s Status Percentage Completed=%d%% Dialog Download Title Minimized=@MSG_COMPLETED@ STR Force Upgrade Required=@MSG_REQUIRED@ Message Cancel Setup AUTO mode=@MSG_CANCELING@ Error File Uncompress=@MSG_ERROR_UNCOMPRESS@ UsageMsg Usage=@MSG_USAGE@ IDC Use FTP=@MSG_USE_FTP@ IDC Use HTTP=@MSG_USE_HTTP@ IDC Save Installer Files=@MSG_SAVE_LOCALLY@ ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** IDC Recapture Homepage=&Make Netscape.com my home page ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** IDC Turbo Mode=&Use Quick Launch for faster startup times when possible Message Download Paused=@MSG_DL_PAUSED@ Message NORMAL Restricted Access=@MSG_NOT_ADMIN@ Message AUTO Restricted Access=@MSG_NOT_ADMIN_AUTO@ [Site Selector] ; Dictates whether or not to show the pull down menu. ; Default value is SHOW. ; If Status= is set to HIDE, then Identifier0 will be used ; and all other IdentifiersX will be ignored. Status=HIDE Identifier0=Site0 ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Description0=Default ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Domain0=$ArchiveUrl$ Identifier1=Site1 ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Description1=North America ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY *** Domain1=$ArchiveUrl$