// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. // the "exported" symbols let SocialUI, SocialChatBar, SocialFlyout, SocialMark, SocialShare, SocialMenu, SocialToolbar, SocialSidebar; (function() { // The minimum sizes for the auto-resize panel code. const PANEL_MIN_HEIGHT = 100; const PANEL_MIN_WIDTH = 330; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SharedFrame", "resource:///modules/SharedFrame.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "OpenGraphBuilder", function() { let tmp = {}; Cu.import("resource:///modules/Social.jsm", tmp); return tmp.OpenGraphBuilder; }); SocialUI = { // Called on delayed startup to initialize the UI init: function SocialUI_init() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "social:ambient-notification-changed", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "social:profile-changed", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "social:page-mark-config", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "social:frameworker-error", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "social:provider-set", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "social:providers-changed", false); Services.prefs.addObserver("social.sidebar.open", this, false); Services.prefs.addObserver("social.toast-notifications.enabled", this, false); gBrowser.addEventListener("ActivateSocialFeature", this._activationEventHandler.bind(this), true, true); SocialChatBar.init(); SocialMark.init(); SocialShare.init(); SocialMenu.init(); SocialToolbar.init(); SocialSidebar.init(); if (!Social.initialized) { Social.init(); } else { // social was previously initialized, so it's not going to notify us of // anything, so handle that now. this.observe(null, "social:providers-changed", null); this.observe(null, "social:provider-set", Social.provider ? Social.provider.origin : null); } }, // Called on window unload uninit: function SocialUI_uninit() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "social:ambient-notification-changed"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "social:profile-changed"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "social:page-mark-config"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "social:frameworker-error"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "social:provider-set"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "social:providers-changed"); Services.prefs.removeObserver("social.sidebar.open", this); Services.prefs.removeObserver("social.toast-notifications.enabled", this); }, _matchesCurrentProvider: function (origin) { return Social.provider && Social.provider.origin == origin; }, observe: function SocialUI_observe(subject, topic, data) { // Exceptions here sometimes don't get reported properly, report them // manually :( try { switch (topic) { case "social:provider-set": // Social.provider has changed (possibly to null), update any state // which depends on it. this._updateActiveUI(); this._updateMenuItems(); SocialFlyout.unload(); SocialChatBar.closeWindows(); SocialChatBar.update(); SocialShare.update(); SocialSidebar.update(); SocialMark.update(); SocialToolbar.update(); SocialMenu.populate(); break; case "social:providers-changed": // the list of providers changed - this may impact the "active" UI. this._updateActiveUI(); // and the multi-provider menu SocialToolbar.populateProviderMenus(); SocialShare.populateProviderMenu(); break; // Provider-specific notifications case "social:ambient-notification-changed": if (this._matchesCurrentProvider(data)) { SocialToolbar.updateButton(); SocialMenu.populate(); } break; case "social:profile-changed": if (this._matchesCurrentProvider(data)) { SocialToolbar.updateProvider(); SocialMark.update(); SocialChatBar.update(); } break; case "social:page-mark-config": if (this._matchesCurrentProvider(data)) { SocialMark.updateMarkState(); } break; case "social:frameworker-error": if (this.enabled && Social.provider.origin == data) { SocialSidebar.setSidebarErrorMessage(); } break; case "nsPref:changed": if (data == "social.sidebar.open") { SocialSidebar.update(); } else if (data == "social.toast-notifications.enabled") { SocialToolbar.updateButton(); } break; } } catch (e) { Components.utils.reportError(e + "\n" + e.stack); throw e; } }, nonBrowserWindowInit: function SocialUI_nonBrowserInit() { // Disable the social menu item in non-browser windows document.getElementById("menu_socialAmbientMenu").hidden = true; }, // Miscellaneous helpers showProfile: function SocialUI_showProfile() { if (Social.haveLoggedInUser()) openUILinkIn(Social.provider.profile.profileURL, "tab"); else { // XXX Bug 789585 will implement an API for provider-specified login pages. openUILinkIn(Social.provider.origin, "tab"); } }, _updateActiveUI: function SocialUI_updateActiveUI() { // The "active" UI isn't dependent on there being a provider, just on // social being "active" (but also chromeless/PB) let enabled = Social.providers.length > 0 && !this._chromeless && !PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window); let broadcaster = document.getElementById("socialActiveBroadcaster"); broadcaster.hidden = !enabled; let toggleCommand = document.getElementById("Social:Toggle"); toggleCommand.setAttribute("hidden", enabled ? "false" : "true"); if (enabled) { // enabled == true means we at least have a defaultProvider let provider = Social.provider || Social.defaultProvider; // We only need to update the command itself - all our menu items use it. let label = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString(Social.provider ? "social.turnOff.label" : "social.turnOn.label", [provider.name]); let accesskey = gNavigatorBundle.getString(Social.provider ? "social.turnOff.accesskey" : "social.turnOn.accesskey"); toggleCommand.setAttribute("label", label); toggleCommand.setAttribute("accesskey", accesskey); } }, _updateMenuItems: function () { let provider = Social.provider || Social.defaultProvider; if (!provider) return; // The View->Sidebar and Menubar->Tools menu. for (let id of ["menu_socialSidebar", "menu_socialAmbientMenu"]) document.getElementById(id).setAttribute("label", provider.name); }, // This handles "ActivateSocialFeature" events fired against content documents // in this window. _activationEventHandler: function SocialUI_activationHandler(e) { let targetDoc; let node; if (e.target instanceof HTMLDocument) { // version 0 support targetDoc = e.target; node = targetDoc.documentElement } else { targetDoc = e.target.ownerDocument; node = e.target; } if (!(targetDoc instanceof HTMLDocument)) return; // Ignore events fired in background tabs or iframes if (targetDoc.defaultView != content) return; // If we are in PB mode, we silently do nothing (bug 829404 exists to // do something sensible here...) if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) return; // If the last event was received < 1s ago, ignore this one let now = Date.now(); if (now - Social.lastEventReceived < 1000) return; Social.lastEventReceived = now; // We only want to activate if it is as a result of user input. let dwu = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); if (!dwu.isHandlingUserInput) { Cu.reportError("attempt to activate provider without user input from " + targetDoc.nodePrincipal.origin); return; } let data = node.getAttribute("data-service"); if (data) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { Cu.reportError("Social Service manifest parse error: "+e); return; } } Social.installProvider(targetDoc, data, function(manifest) { this.doActivation(manifest.origin); }.bind(this)); }, doActivation: function SocialUI_doActivation(origin) { // Keep track of the old provider in case of undo let oldOrigin = Social.provider ? Social.provider.origin : ""; // Enable the social functionality, and indicate that it was activated Social.activateFromOrigin(origin, function(provider) { // Provider to activate may not have been found if (!provider) return; // Show a warning, allow undoing the activation let description = document.getElementById("social-activation-message"); let labels = description.getElementsByTagName("label"); let uri = Services.io.newURI(provider.origin, null, null) labels[0].setAttribute("value", uri.host); labels[1].setAttribute("onclick", "BrowserOpenAddonsMgr('addons://list/service'); SocialUI.activationPanel.hidePopup();") let icon = document.getElementById("social-activation-icon"); if (provider.icon64URL || provider.icon32URL) { icon.setAttribute('src', provider.icon64URL || provider.icon32URL); icon.hidden = false; } else { icon.removeAttribute('src'); icon.hidden = true; } let notificationPanel = SocialUI.activationPanel; // Set the origin being activated and the previously active one, to allow undo notificationPanel.setAttribute("origin", provider.origin); notificationPanel.setAttribute("oldorigin", oldOrigin); // Show the panel notificationPanel.hidden = false; setTimeout(function () { notificationPanel.openPopup(SocialToolbar.button, "bottomcenter topright"); }, 0); }); }, undoActivation: function SocialUI_undoActivation() { let origin = this.activationPanel.getAttribute("origin"); let oldOrigin = this.activationPanel.getAttribute("oldorigin"); Social.deactivateFromOrigin(origin, oldOrigin); this.activationPanel.hidePopup(); Social.uninstallProvider(origin); }, showLearnMore: function() { this.activationPanel.hidePopup(); let url = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") + "social-api"; openUILinkIn(url, "tab"); }, get activationPanel() { return document.getElementById("socialActivatedNotification"); }, closeSocialPanelForLinkTraversal: function (target, linkNode) { // No need to close the panel if this traversal was not retargeted if (target == "" || target == "_self") return; // Check to see whether this link traversal was in a social panel let win = linkNode.ownerDocument.defaultView; let container = win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell) .chromeEventHandler; let containerParent = container.parentNode; if (containerParent.classList.contains("social-panel") && containerParent instanceof Ci.nsIDOMXULPopupElement) { containerParent.hidePopup(); } }, get _chromeless() { // Is this a popup window that doesn't want chrome shown? let docElem = document.documentElement; // extrachrome is not restored during session restore, so we need // to check for the toolbar as well. let chromeless = docElem.getAttribute("chromehidden").contains("extrachrome") || docElem.getAttribute('chromehidden').contains("toolbar"); // This property is "fixed" for a window, so avoid doing the check above // multiple times... delete this._chromeless; this._chromeless = chromeless; return chromeless; }, get enabled() { // Returns whether social is enabled *for this window*. if (this._chromeless || PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) return false; return !!Social.provider; }, } SocialChatBar = { init: function() { }, closeWindows: function() { // close all windows of type Social:Chat let windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator("Social:Chat"); while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { let win = windows.getNext(); win.close(); } }, get chatbar() { return document.getElementById("pinnedchats"); }, // Whether the chatbar is available for this window. Note that in full-screen // mode chats are available, but not shown. get isAvailable() { return SocialUI.enabled && Social.haveLoggedInUser(); }, // Does this chatbar have any chats (whether minimized, collapsed or normal) get hasChats() { return !!this.chatbar.firstElementChild; }, openChat: function(aProvider, aURL, aCallback, aMode) { if (!this.isAvailable) return false; this.chatbar.openChat(aProvider, aURL, aCallback, aMode); // We only want to focus the chat if it is as a result of user input. let dwu = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); if (dwu.isHandlingUserInput) this.chatbar.focus(); return true; }, update: function() { let command = document.getElementById("Social:FocusChat"); if (!this.isAvailable) { this.chatbar.removeAll(); this.chatbar.hidden = command.hidden = true; } else { this.chatbar.hidden = command.hidden = false; } command.setAttribute("disabled", command.hidden ? "true" : "false"); }, focus: function SocialChatBar_focus() { this.chatbar.focus(); } } function sizeSocialPanelToContent(panel, iframe) { // FIXME: bug 764787: Maybe we can use nsIDOMWindowUtils.getRootBounds() here? let doc = iframe.contentDocument; if (!doc || !doc.body) { return; } // We need an element to use for sizing our panel. See if the body defines // an id for that element, otherwise use the body itself. let body = doc.body; let bodyId = body.getAttribute("contentid"); if (bodyId) { body = doc.getElementById(bodyId) || doc.body; } // offsetHeight/Width don't include margins, so account for that. let cs = doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(body); let computedHeight = parseInt(cs.marginTop) + body.offsetHeight + parseInt(cs.marginBottom); let height = Math.max(computedHeight, PANEL_MIN_HEIGHT); let computedWidth = parseInt(cs.marginLeft) + body.offsetWidth + parseInt(cs.marginRight); let width = Math.max(computedWidth, PANEL_MIN_WIDTH); iframe.style.width = width + "px"; iframe.style.height = height + "px"; // since we do not use panel.sizeTo, we need to adjust the arrow ourselves if (panel.state == "open") panel.adjustArrowPosition(); } function DynamicResizeWatcher() { this._mutationObserver = null; } DynamicResizeWatcher.prototype = { start: function DynamicResizeWatcher_start(panel, iframe) { this.stop(); // just in case... let doc = iframe.contentDocument; this._mutationObserver = new iframe.contentWindow.MutationObserver(function(mutations) { sizeSocialPanelToContent(panel, iframe); }); // Observe anything that causes the size to change. let config = {attributes: true, characterData: true, childList: true, subtree: true}; this._mutationObserver.observe(doc, config); // and since this may be setup after the load event has fired we do an // initial resize now. sizeSocialPanelToContent(panel, iframe); }, stop: function DynamicResizeWatcher_stop() { if (this._mutationObserver) { try { this._mutationObserver.disconnect(); } catch (ex) { // may get "TypeError: can't access dead object" which seems strange, // but doesn't seem to indicate a real problem, so ignore it... } this._mutationObserver = null; } } } SocialFlyout = { get panel() { return document.getElementById("social-flyout-panel"); }, get iframe() { if (!this.panel.firstChild) this._createFrame(); return this.panel.firstChild; }, dispatchPanelEvent: function(name) { let doc = this.iframe.contentDocument; let evt = doc.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent(name, true, true, {}); doc.documentElement.dispatchEvent(evt); }, _createFrame: function() { let panel = this.panel; if (!SocialUI.enabled || panel.firstChild) return; // create and initialize the panel for this window let iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("type", "content"); iframe.setAttribute("class", "social-panel-frame"); iframe.setAttribute("flex", "1"); iframe.setAttribute("tooltip", "aHTMLTooltip"); iframe.setAttribute("origin", Social.provider.origin); panel.appendChild(iframe); }, setFlyoutErrorMessage: function SF_setFlyoutErrorMessage() { this.iframe.removeAttribute("src"); this.iframe.webNavigation.loadURI("about:socialerror?mode=compactInfo", null, null, null, null); sizeSocialPanelToContent(this.panel, this.iframe); }, unload: function() { let panel = this.panel; panel.hidePopup(); if (!panel.firstChild) return let iframe = panel.firstChild; if (iframe.socialErrorListener) iframe.socialErrorListener.remove(); panel.removeChild(iframe); }, onShown: function(aEvent) { let panel = this.panel; let iframe = this.iframe; this._dynamicResizer = new DynamicResizeWatcher(); iframe.docShell.isActive = true; iframe.docShell.isAppTab = true; if (iframe.contentDocument.readyState == "complete") { this._dynamicResizer.start(panel, iframe); this.dispatchPanelEvent("socialFrameShow"); } else { // first time load, wait for load and dispatch after load iframe.addEventListener("load", function panelBrowserOnload(e) { iframe.removeEventListener("load", panelBrowserOnload, true); setTimeout(function() { if (SocialFlyout._dynamicResizer) { // may go null if hidden quickly SocialFlyout._dynamicResizer.start(panel, iframe); SocialFlyout.dispatchPanelEvent("socialFrameShow"); } }, 0); }, true); } }, onHidden: function(aEvent) { this._dynamicResizer.stop(); this._dynamicResizer = null; this.iframe.docShell.isActive = false; this.dispatchPanelEvent("socialFrameHide"); }, load: function(aURL, cb) { if (!Social.provider) return; this.panel.hidden = false; let iframe = this.iframe; // same url with only ref difference does not cause a new load, so we // want to go right to the callback let src = iframe.contentDocument && iframe.contentDocument.documentURIObject; if (!src || !src.equalsExceptRef(Services.io.newURI(aURL, null, null))) { iframe.addEventListener("load", function documentLoaded() { iframe.removeEventListener("load", documentLoaded, true); cb(); }, true); // Force a layout flush by calling .clientTop so // that the docShell of this frame is created iframe.clientTop; Social.setErrorListener(iframe, SocialFlyout.setFlyoutErrorMessage.bind(SocialFlyout)) iframe.setAttribute("src", aURL); } else { // we still need to set the src to trigger the contents hashchange event // for ref changes iframe.setAttribute("src", aURL); cb(); } }, open: function(aURL, yOffset, aCallback) { // Hide any other social panels that may be open. document.getElementById("social-notification-panel").hidePopup(); if (!SocialUI.enabled) return; let panel = this.panel; let iframe = this.iframe; this.load(aURL, function() { sizeSocialPanelToContent(panel, iframe); let anchor = document.getElementById("social-sidebar-browser"); if (panel.state == "open") { panel.moveToAnchor(anchor, "start_before", 0, yOffset, false); } else { panel.openPopup(anchor, "start_before", 0, yOffset, false, false); } if (aCallback) { try { aCallback(iframe.contentWindow); } catch(e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } }); } } SocialShare = { // Called once, after window load, when the Social.provider object is initialized init: function() {}, get panel() { return document.getElementById("social-share-panel"); }, get iframe() { // first element is our menu vbox. if (this.panel.childElementCount == 1) return null; else return this.panel.lastChild; }, _createFrame: function() { let panel = this.panel; if (!SocialUI.enabled || this.iframe) return; this.panel.hidden = false; // create and initialize the panel for this window let iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("type", "content"); iframe.setAttribute("class", "social-share-frame"); iframe.setAttribute("flex", "1"); panel.appendChild(iframe); this.populateProviderMenu(); }, getSelectedProvider: function() { let provider; let lastProviderOrigin = this.iframe && this.iframe.getAttribute("origin"); if (lastProviderOrigin) { provider = Social._getProviderFromOrigin(lastProviderOrigin); } if (!provider) provider = Social.provider || Social.defaultProvider; // if our provider has no shareURL, select the first one that does if (provider && !provider.shareURL) { let providers = [p for (p of Social.providers) if (p.shareURL)]; provider = providers.length > 0 && providers[0]; } return provider; }, populateProviderMenu: function() { if (!this.iframe) return; let providers = [p for (p of Social.providers) if (p.shareURL)]; let hbox = document.getElementById("social-share-provider-buttons"); // selectable providers are inserted before the provider-menu seperator, // remove any menuitems in that area while (hbox.firstChild) { hbox.removeChild(hbox.firstChild); } // reset our share toolbar // only show a selection if there is more than one if (!SocialUI.enabled || providers.length < 2) { this.panel.firstChild.hidden = true; return; } let selectedProvider = this.getSelectedProvider(); for (let provider of providers) { let button = document.createElement("toolbarbutton"); button.setAttribute("class", "toolbarbutton share-provider-button"); button.setAttribute("type", "radio"); button.setAttribute("group", "share-providers"); button.setAttribute("image", provider.iconURL); button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", provider.name); button.setAttribute("origin", provider.origin); button.setAttribute("oncommand", "SocialShare.sharePage(this.getAttribute('origin')); this.checked=true;"); if (provider == selectedProvider) { this.defaultButton = button; } hbox.appendChild(button); } if (!this.defaultButton) { this.defaultButton = hbox.firstChild } this.defaultButton.setAttribute("checked", "true"); this.panel.firstChild.hidden = false; }, get shareButton() { return document.getElementById("social-share-button"); }, canSharePage: function(aURI) { // we do not enable sharing from private sessions if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) return false; if (!aURI || !(aURI.schemeIs('http') || aURI.schemeIs('https'))) return false; return true; }, update: function() { let shareButton = this.shareButton; shareButton.hidden = !SocialUI.enabled || [p for (p of Social.providers) if (p.shareURL)].length == 0; shareButton.disabled = shareButton.hidden || !this.canSharePage(gBrowser.currentURI); // also update the relevent command's disabled state so the keyboard // shortcut only works when available. let cmd = document.getElementById("Social:SharePage"); cmd.setAttribute("disabled", shareButton.disabled ? "true" : "false"); }, onShowing: function() { this.shareButton.setAttribute("open", "true"); }, onHidden: function() { this.shareButton.removeAttribute("open"); this.iframe.setAttribute("src", "data:text/plain;charset=utf8,") this.currentShare = null; }, setErrorMessage: function() { let iframe = this.iframe; if (!iframe) return; iframe.removeAttribute("src"); iframe.webNavigation.loadURI("about:socialerror?mode=compactInfo&origin=" + encodeURIComponent(iframe.getAttribute("origin")), null, null, null, null); sizeSocialPanelToContent(this.panel, iframe); }, sharePage: function(providerOrigin, graphData) { // if providerOrigin is undefined, we use the last-used provider, or the // current/default provider. The provider selection in the share panel // will call sharePage with an origin for us to switch to. this._createFrame(); let iframe = this.iframe; let provider; if (providerOrigin) provider = Social._getProviderFromOrigin(providerOrigin); else provider = this.getSelectedProvider(); if (!provider || !provider.shareURL) return; // graphData is an optional param that either defines the full set of data // to be shared, or partial data about the current page. It is set by a call // in mozSocial API, or via nsContentMenu calls. If it is present, it MUST // define at least url. If it is undefined, we're sharing the current url in // the browser tab. let sharedURI = graphData ? Services.io.newURI(graphData.url, null, null) : gBrowser.currentURI; if (!this.canSharePage(sharedURI)) return; // the point of this action type is that we can use existing share // endpoints (e.g. oexchange) that do not support additional // socialapi functionality. One tweak is that we shoot an event // containing the open graph data. let pageData = graphData ? graphData : this.currentShare; if (!pageData || sharedURI == gBrowser.currentURI) { pageData = OpenGraphBuilder.getData(gBrowser); if (graphData) { // overwrite data retreived from page with data given to us as a param for (let p in graphData) { pageData[p] = graphData[p]; } } } this.currentShare = pageData; let shareEndpoint = this._generateShareEndpointURL(provider.shareURL, pageData); this._dynamicResizer = new DynamicResizeWatcher(); // if we've already loaded this provider/page share endpoint, we don't want // to add another load event listener. let reload = true; let endpointMatch = shareEndpoint == iframe.getAttribute("src"); let docLoaded = iframe.contentDocument && iframe.contentDocument.readyState == "complete"; if (endpointMatch && docLoaded) { reload = shareEndpoint != iframe.contentDocument.location.spec; } if (!reload) { this._dynamicResizer.start(this.panel, iframe); iframe.docShell.isActive = true; iframe.docShell.isAppTab = true; let evt = iframe.contentDocument.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent("OpenGraphData", true, true, JSON.stringify(pageData)); iframe.contentDocument.documentElement.dispatchEvent(evt); } else { // first time load, wait for load and dispatch after load iframe.addEventListener("load", function panelBrowserOnload(e) { iframe.removeEventListener("load", panelBrowserOnload, true); iframe.docShell.isActive = true; iframe.docShell.isAppTab = true; setTimeout(function() { if (SocialShare._dynamicResizer) { // may go null if hidden quickly SocialShare._dynamicResizer.start(iframe.parentNode, iframe); } }, 0); let evt = iframe.contentDocument.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent("OpenGraphData", true, true, JSON.stringify(pageData)); iframe.contentDocument.documentElement.dispatchEvent(evt); }, true); } // always ensure that origin belongs to the endpoint let uri = Services.io.newURI(shareEndpoint, null, null); iframe.setAttribute("origin", provider.origin); iframe.setAttribute("src", shareEndpoint); let navBar = document.getElementById("nav-bar"); let anchor = navBar.getAttribute("mode") == "text" ? document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this.shareButton, "class", "toolbarbutton-text") : document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this.shareButton, "class", "toolbarbutton-icon"); this.panel.openPopup(anchor, "bottomcenter topright", 0, 0, false, false); Social.setErrorListener(iframe, this.setErrorMessage.bind(this)); }, _generateShareEndpointURL: function(shareURL, pageData) { // support for existing share endpoints by supporting their querystring // arguments. parse the query string template and do replacements where // necessary the query names may be different than ours, so we could see // u=%{url} or url=%{url} let [shareEndpoint, queryString] = shareURL.split("?"); let query = {}; if (queryString) { queryString.split('&').forEach(function (val) { let [name, value] = val.split('='); let p = /%\{(.+)\}/.exec(value); if (!p) { // preserve non-template query vars query[name] = value; } else if (pageData[p[1]]) { query[name] = pageData[p[1]]; } else if (p[1] == "body") { // build a body for emailers let body = ""; if (pageData.title) body += pageData.title + "\n\n"; if (pageData.description) body += pageData.description + "\n\n"; if (pageData.text) body += pageData.text + "\n\n"; body += pageData.url; query["body"] = body; } }); } var str = []; for (let p in query) str.push(p + "=" + encodeURIComponent(query[p])); if (str.length) shareEndpoint = shareEndpoint + "?" + str.join("&"); return shareEndpoint; } }; SocialMark = { // Called once, after window load, when the Social.provider object is initialized init: function SSB_init() { }, get button() { return document.getElementById("social-mark-button"); }, canMarkPage: function SSB_canMarkPage(aURI) { // We only allow sharing of http or https return aURI && (aURI.schemeIs('http') || aURI.schemeIs('https')); }, // Called when the Social.provider changes update: function SSB_updateButtonState() { let markButton = this.button; // always show button if provider supports marks markButton.hidden = !SocialUI.enabled || Social.provider.pageMarkInfo == null; markButton.disabled = markButton.hidden || !this.canMarkPage(gBrowser.currentURI); // also update the relevent command's disabled state so the keyboard // shortcut only works when available. let cmd = document.getElementById("Social:TogglePageMark"); cmd.setAttribute("disabled", markButton.disabled ? "true" : "false"); }, togglePageMark: function(aCallback) { if (this.button.disabled) return; this.toggleURIMark(gBrowser.currentURI, aCallback) }, toggleURIMark: function(aURI, aCallback) { let update = function(marked) { this._updateMarkState(marked); if (aCallback) aCallback(marked); }.bind(this); Social.isURIMarked(aURI, function(marked) { if (marked) { Social.unmarkURI(aURI, update); } else { Social.markURI(aURI, update); } }); }, updateMarkState: function SSB_updateMarkState() { this.update(); if (!this.button.hidden) Social.isURIMarked(gBrowser.currentURI, this._updateMarkState.bind(this)); }, _updateMarkState: function(currentPageMarked) { // callback for isURIMarked let markButton = this.button; let pageMarkInfo = SocialUI.enabled ? Social.provider.pageMarkInfo : null; // Update the mark button, if present if (!markButton || markButton.hidden || !pageMarkInfo) return; let imageURL; if (!markButton.disabled && currentPageMarked) { markButton.setAttribute("marked", "true"); markButton.setAttribute("label", pageMarkInfo.messages.markedLabel); markButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", pageMarkInfo.messages.markedTooltip); imageURL = pageMarkInfo.images.marked; } else { markButton.removeAttribute("marked"); markButton.setAttribute("label", pageMarkInfo.messages.unmarkedLabel); markButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", pageMarkInfo.messages.unmarkedTooltip); imageURL = pageMarkInfo.images.unmarked; } markButton.style.listStyleImage = "url(" + imageURL + ")"; } }; SocialMenu = { init: function SocialMenu_init() { }, populate: function SocialMenu_populate() { let submenu = document.getElementById("menu_social-statusarea-popup"); let ambientMenuItems = submenu.getElementsByClassName("ambient-menuitem"); while (ambientMenuItems.length) submenu.removeChild(ambientMenuItems.item(0)); let separator = document.getElementById("socialAmbientMenuSeparator"); separator.hidden = true; let provider = SocialUI.enabled ? Social.provider : null; if (!provider) return; let iconNames = Object.keys(provider.ambientNotificationIcons); for (let name of iconNames) { let icon = provider.ambientNotificationIcons[name]; if (!icon.label || !icon.menuURL) continue; separator.hidden = false; let menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuitem.setAttribute("label", icon.label); menuitem.classList.add("ambient-menuitem"); menuitem.addEventListener("command", function() { openUILinkIn(icon.menuURL, "tab"); }, false); submenu.insertBefore(menuitem, separator); } } }; // XXX Need to audit that this is being initialized correctly SocialToolbar = { // Called once, after window load, when the Social.provider object is // initialized. init: function SocialToolbar_init() { this._dynamicResizer = new DynamicResizeWatcher(); }, update: function() { this._updateButtonHiddenState(); this.updateProvider(); this.populateProviderMenus(); }, // Called when the Social.provider changes updateProvider: function () { let provider = Social.provider; if (provider) { this.button.setAttribute("label", provider.name); this.button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", provider.name); this.button.style.listStyleImage = "url(" + provider.iconURL + ")"; this.updateProfile(); } else { this.button.setAttribute("label", gNavigatorBundle.getString("service.toolbarbutton.label")); this.button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", gNavigatorBundle.getString("service.toolbarbutton.tooltiptext")); this.button.style.removeProperty("list-style-image"); } this.updateButton(); }, get button() { return document.getElementById("social-provider-button"); }, // Note: this doesn't actually handle hiding the toolbar button, // socialActiveBroadcaster is responsible for that. _updateButtonHiddenState: function SocialToolbar_updateButtonHiddenState() { let socialEnabled = SocialUI.enabled; for (let className of ["social-statusarea-separator", "social-statusarea-user"]) { for (let element of document.getElementsByClassName(className)) element.hidden = !socialEnabled; } let toggleNotificationsCommand = document.getElementById("Social:ToggleNotifications"); toggleNotificationsCommand.setAttribute("hidden", !socialEnabled); if (!Social.haveLoggedInUser() || !socialEnabled) { let parent = document.getElementById("social-notification-panel"); while (parent.hasChildNodes()) { let frame = parent.firstChild; SharedFrame.forgetGroup(frame.id); parent.removeChild(frame); } let tbi = document.getElementById("social-toolbar-item"); if (tbi) { // SocialMark is the last button allways let next = SocialMark.button.previousSibling; while (next != this.button) { tbi.removeChild(next); next = SocialMark.button.previousSibling; } } } }, updateProfile: function SocialToolbar_updateProfile() { // Profile may not have been initialized yet, since it depends on a worker // response. In that case we'll be called again when it's available, via // social:profile-changed if (!Social.provider) return; let profile = Social.provider.profile || {}; let userPortrait = profile.portrait; let userDetailsBroadcaster = document.getElementById("socialBroadcaster_userDetails"); let loggedInStatusValue = profile.userName || userDetailsBroadcaster.getAttribute("notLoggedInLabel"); // "image" and "label" are used by Mac's native menus that do not render the menuitem's children // elements. "src" and "value" are used by the image/label children on the other platforms. if (userPortrait) { userDetailsBroadcaster.setAttribute("src", userPortrait); userDetailsBroadcaster.setAttribute("image", userPortrait); } else { userDetailsBroadcaster.removeAttribute("src"); userDetailsBroadcaster.removeAttribute("image"); } userDetailsBroadcaster.setAttribute("value", loggedInStatusValue); userDetailsBroadcaster.setAttribute("label", loggedInStatusValue); }, updateButton: function SocialToolbar_updateButton() { this._updateButtonHiddenState(); let panel = document.getElementById("social-notification-panel"); panel.hidden = !SocialUI.enabled; let command = document.getElementById("Social:ToggleNotifications"); command.setAttribute("checked", Services.prefs.getBoolPref("social.toast-notifications.enabled")); const CACHE_PREF_NAME = "social.cached.ambientNotificationIcons"; // provider.profile == undefined means no response yet from the provider // to tell us whether the user is logged in or not. if (!SocialUI.enabled || (!Social.haveLoggedInUser() && Social.provider.profile !== undefined)) { // Either no enabled provider, or there is a provider and it has // responded with a profile and the user isn't loggedin. The icons // etc have already been removed by updateButtonHiddenState, so we want // to nuke any cached icons we have and get out of here! Services.prefs.clearUserPref(CACHE_PREF_NAME); return; } let icons = Social.provider.ambientNotificationIcons; let iconNames = Object.keys(icons); if (Social.provider.profile === undefined) { // provider has not told us about the login state yet - see if we have // a cached version for this provider. let cached; try { cached = JSON.parse(Services.prefs.getComplexValue(CACHE_PREF_NAME, Ci.nsISupportsString).data); } catch (ex) {} if (cached && cached.provider == Social.provider.origin && cached.data) { icons = cached.data; iconNames = Object.keys(icons); // delete the counter data as it is almost certainly stale. for each(let name in iconNames) { icons[name].counter = ''; } } } else { // We have a logged in user - save the current set of icons back to the // "cache" so we can use them next startup. let str = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); str.data = JSON.stringify({provider: Social.provider.origin, data: icons}); Services.prefs.setComplexValue(CACHE_PREF_NAME, Ci.nsISupportsString, str); } let toolbarButtons = document.createDocumentFragment(); let createdFrames = []; for each(let name in iconNames) { let icon = icons[name]; let notificationFrameId = "social-status-" + icon.name; let notificationFrame = document.getElementById(notificationFrameId); if (!notificationFrame) { notificationFrame = SharedFrame.createFrame( notificationFrameId, /* frame name */ panel, /* parent */ { "type": "content", "mozbrowser": "true", "class": "social-panel-frame", "id": notificationFrameId, "tooltip": "aHTMLTooltip", // work around bug 793057 - by making the panel roughly the final size // we are more likely to have the anchor in the correct position. "style": "width: " + PANEL_MIN_WIDTH + "px;", "origin": Social.provider.origin, "src": icon.contentPanel } ); createdFrames.push(notificationFrame); } else { notificationFrame.setAttribute("origin", Social.provider.origin); SharedFrame.updateURL(notificationFrameId, icon.contentPanel); } let toolbarButtonId = "social-notification-icon-" + icon.name; let toolbarButton = document.getElementById(toolbarButtonId); if (!toolbarButton) { toolbarButton = document.createElement("toolbarbutton"); toolbarButton.setAttribute("type", "badged"); toolbarButton.classList.add("toolbarbutton-1"); toolbarButton.setAttribute("id", toolbarButtonId); toolbarButton.setAttribute("notificationFrameId", notificationFrameId); toolbarButton.addEventListener("mousedown", function (event) { if (event.button == 0 && panel.state == "closed") SocialToolbar.showAmbientPopup(toolbarButton); }); toolbarButtons.appendChild(toolbarButton); } toolbarButton.style.listStyleImage = "url(" + icon.iconURL + ")"; toolbarButton.setAttribute("label", icon.label); toolbarButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", icon.label); let badge = icon.counter || ""; toolbarButton.setAttribute("badge", badge); let ariaLabel = icon.label; // if there is a badge value, we must use a localizable string to insert it. if (badge) ariaLabel = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("social.aria.toolbarButtonBadgeText", [ariaLabel, badge]); toolbarButton.setAttribute("aria-label", ariaLabel); } let socialToolbarItem = document.getElementById("social-toolbar-item"); socialToolbarItem.insertBefore(toolbarButtons, SocialMark.button); for (let frame of createdFrames) { if (frame.socialErrorListener) { frame.socialErrorListener.remove(); } if (frame.docShell) { frame.docShell.isActive = false; Social.setErrorListener(frame, this.setPanelErrorMessage.bind(this)); } } }, showAmbientPopup: function SocialToolbar_showAmbientPopup(aToolbarButton) { // Hide any other social panels that may be open. SocialFlyout.panel.hidePopup(); let panel = document.getElementById("social-notification-panel"); let notificationFrameId = aToolbarButton.getAttribute("notificationFrameId"); let notificationFrame = document.getElementById(notificationFrameId); let wasAlive = SharedFrame.isGroupAlive(notificationFrameId); SharedFrame.setOwner(notificationFrameId, notificationFrame); // Clear dimensions on all browsers so the panel size will // only use the selected browser. let frameIter = panel.firstElementChild; while (frameIter) { frameIter.collapsed = (frameIter != notificationFrame); frameIter = frameIter.nextElementSibling; } function dispatchPanelEvent(name) { let evt = notificationFrame.contentDocument.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent(name, true, true, {}); notificationFrame.contentDocument.documentElement.dispatchEvent(evt); } let dynamicResizer = this._dynamicResizer; panel.addEventListener("popuphidden", function onpopuphiding() { panel.removeEventListener("popuphidden", onpopuphiding); aToolbarButton.removeAttribute("open"); aToolbarButton.parentNode.removeAttribute("open"); dynamicResizer.stop(); notificationFrame.docShell.isActive = false; dispatchPanelEvent("socialFrameHide"); }); panel.addEventListener("popupshown", function onpopupshown() { panel.removeEventListener("popupshown", onpopupshown); // This attribute is needed on both the button and the // containing toolbaritem since the buttons on OS X have // moz-appearance:none, while their container gets // moz-appearance:toolbarbutton due to the way that toolbar buttons // get combined on OS X. aToolbarButton.setAttribute("open", "true"); aToolbarButton.parentNode.setAttribute("open", "true"); notificationFrame.docShell.isActive = true; notificationFrame.docShell.isAppTab = true; if (notificationFrame.contentDocument.readyState == "complete" && wasAlive) { dynamicResizer.start(panel, notificationFrame); dispatchPanelEvent("socialFrameShow"); } else { // first time load, wait for load and dispatch after load notificationFrame.addEventListener("load", function panelBrowserOnload(e) { notificationFrame.removeEventListener("load", panelBrowserOnload, true); dynamicResizer.start(panel, notificationFrame); setTimeout(function() { dispatchPanelEvent("socialFrameShow"); }, 0); }, true); } }); let navBar = document.getElementById("nav-bar"); let anchor = navBar.getAttribute("mode") == "text" ? document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aToolbarButton, "class", "toolbarbutton-text") : document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aToolbarButton, "class", "toolbarbutton-badge-container"); // Bug 849216 - open the popup in a setTimeout so we avoid the auto-rollup // handling from preventing it being opened in some cases. setTimeout(function() { panel.openPopup(anchor, "bottomcenter topright", 0, 0, false, false); }, 0); }, setPanelErrorMessage: function SocialToolbar_setPanelErrorMessage(aNotificationFrame) { if (!aNotificationFrame) return; let src = aNotificationFrame.getAttribute("src"); aNotificationFrame.removeAttribute("src"); aNotificationFrame.webNavigation.loadURI("about:socialerror?mode=tryAgainOnly&url=" + encodeURIComponent(src), null, null, null, null); let panel = aNotificationFrame.parentNode; sizeSocialPanelToContent(panel, aNotificationFrame); }, populateProviderMenus: function SocialToolbar_renderProviderMenus() { let providerMenuSeps = document.getElementsByClassName("social-provider-menu"); for (let providerMenuSep of providerMenuSeps) this._populateProviderMenu(providerMenuSep); }, _populateProviderMenu: function SocialToolbar_renderProviderMenu(providerMenuSep) { let menu = providerMenuSep.parentNode; // selectable providers are inserted before the provider-menu seperator, // remove any menuitems in that area while (providerMenuSep.previousSibling.nodeName == "menuitem") { menu.removeChild(providerMenuSep.previousSibling); } // only show a selection if enabled and there is more than one let providers = [p for (p of Social.providers) if (p.workerURL || p.sidebarURL)]; if (providers.length < 2) { providerMenuSep.hidden = true; return; } for (let provider of providers) { let menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuitem.className = "menuitem-iconic social-provider-menuitem"; menuitem.setAttribute("image", provider.iconURL); menuitem.setAttribute("label", provider.name); menuitem.setAttribute("origin", provider.origin); if (provider == Social.provider) { menuitem.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } else { menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", "Social.setProviderByOrigin(this.getAttribute('origin'));"); } menu.insertBefore(menuitem, providerMenuSep); } providerMenuSep.hidden = false; } } SocialSidebar = { // Called once, after window load, when the Social.provider object is initialized init: function SocialSidebar_init() { let sbrowser = document.getElementById("social-sidebar-browser"); Social.setErrorListener(sbrowser, this.setSidebarErrorMessage.bind(this)); // setting isAppTab causes clicks on untargeted links to open new tabs sbrowser.docShell.isAppTab = true; }, // Whether the sidebar can be shown for this window. get canShow() { return SocialUI.enabled && Social.provider.sidebarURL; }, // Whether the user has toggled the sidebar on (for windows where it can appear) get opened() { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("social.sidebar.open") && !document.mozFullScreen; }, setSidebarVisibilityState: function(aEnabled) { let sbrowser = document.getElementById("social-sidebar-browser"); // it's possible we'll be called twice with aEnabled=false so let's // just assume we may often be called with the same state. if (aEnabled == sbrowser.docShellIsActive) return; sbrowser.docShellIsActive = aEnabled; let evt = sbrowser.contentDocument.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent(aEnabled ? "socialFrameShow" : "socialFrameHide", true, true, {}); sbrowser.contentDocument.documentElement.dispatchEvent(evt); }, update: function SocialSidebar_update() { clearTimeout(this._unloadTimeoutId); // Hide the toggle menu item if the sidebar cannot appear let command = document.getElementById("Social:ToggleSidebar"); command.setAttribute("hidden", this.canShow ? "false" : "true"); // Hide the sidebar if it cannot appear, or has been toggled off. // Also set the command "checked" state accordingly. let hideSidebar = !this.canShow || !this.opened; let broadcaster = document.getElementById("socialSidebarBroadcaster"); broadcaster.hidden = hideSidebar; command.setAttribute("checked", !hideSidebar); let sbrowser = document.getElementById("social-sidebar-browser"); if (hideSidebar) { sbrowser.removeEventListener("load", SocialSidebar._loadListener, true); this.setSidebarVisibilityState(false); // If we've been disabled, unload the sidebar content immediately; // if the sidebar was just toggled to invisible, wait a timeout // before unloading. if (!this.canShow) { this.unloadSidebar(); } else { this._unloadTimeoutId = setTimeout( this.unloadSidebar, Services.prefs.getIntPref("social.sidebar.unload_timeout_ms") ); } } else { sbrowser.setAttribute("origin", Social.provider.origin); if (Social.provider.errorState == "frameworker-error") { SocialSidebar.setSidebarErrorMessage(); return; } // Make sure the right sidebar URL is loaded if (sbrowser.getAttribute("src") != Social.provider.sidebarURL) { sbrowser.setAttribute("src", Social.provider.sidebarURL); sbrowser.addEventListener("load", SocialSidebar._loadListener, true); } else { this.setSidebarVisibilityState(true); } } }, _loadListener: function SocialSidebar_loadListener() { let sbrowser = document.getElementById("social-sidebar-browser"); sbrowser.removeEventListener("load", SocialSidebar._loadListener, true); SocialSidebar.setSidebarVisibilityState(true); }, unloadSidebar: function SocialSidebar_unloadSidebar() { let sbrowser = document.getElementById("social-sidebar-browser"); if (!sbrowser.hasAttribute("origin")) return; sbrowser.stop(); sbrowser.removeAttribute("origin"); sbrowser.setAttribute("src", "about:blank"); SocialFlyout.unload(); }, _unloadTimeoutId: 0, setSidebarErrorMessage: function() { let sbrowser = document.getElementById("social-sidebar-browser"); // a frameworker error "trumps" a sidebar error. if (Social.provider.errorState == "frameworker-error") { sbrowser.setAttribute("src", "about:socialerror?mode=workerFailure"); } else { let url = encodeURIComponent(Social.provider.sidebarURL); sbrowser.loadURI("about:socialerror?mode=tryAgain&url=" + url, null, null); } } } })();