/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests if malformed JSON responses are handled correctly. */ function test() { initNetMonitor(JSON_MALFORMED_URL).then(([aTab, aDebuggee, aMonitor]) => { info("Starting test... "); let { document, Editor, NetMonitorView } = aMonitor.panelWin; let { RequestsMenu } = NetMonitorView; RequestsMenu.lazyUpdate = false; waitForNetworkEvents(aMonitor, 1).then(() => { verifyRequestItemTarget(RequestsMenu.getItemAtIndex(0), "GET", CONTENT_TYPE_SJS + "?fmt=json-malformed", { status: 200, statusText: "OK", type: "json", fullMimeType: "text/json; charset=utf-8" }); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" }, document.getElementById("details-pane-toggle")); EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" }, document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[3]); let tab = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tab")[3]; let tabpanel = document.querySelectorAll("#details-pane tabpanel")[3]; let RESPONSE_BODY_DISPLAYED = aMonitor.panelWin.EVENTS.RESPONSE_BODY_DISPLAYED; waitFor(aMonitor.panelWin, RESPONSE_BODY_DISPLAYED).then(() => { is(tab.getAttribute("selected"), "true", "The response tab in the network details pane should be selected."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#response-content-info-header") .hasAttribute("hidden"), false, "The response info header doesn't have the intended visibility."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#response-content-info-header") .getAttribute("value"), "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data at line 1 column 40 of the JSON data", "The response info header doesn't have the intended value attribute."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#response-content-info-header") .getAttribute("tooltiptext"), "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data at line 1 column 40 of the JSON data", "The response info header doesn't have the intended tooltiptext attribute."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#response-content-json-box") .hasAttribute("hidden"), true, "The response content json box doesn't have the intended visibility."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#response-content-textarea-box") .hasAttribute("hidden"), false, "The response content textarea box doesn't have the intended visibility."); is(tabpanel.querySelector("#response-content-image-box") .hasAttribute("hidden"), true, "The response content image box doesn't have the intended visibility."); NetMonitorView.editor("#response-content-textarea").then((aEditor) => { is(aEditor.getText(), "{ \"greeting\": \"Hello malformed JSON!\" },", "The text shown in the source editor is incorrect."); is(aEditor.getMode(), Editor.modes.js, "The mode active in the source editor is incorrect."); teardown(aMonitor).then(finish); }); }); }); aDebuggee.performRequests(); }); }