/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const nsPK11TokenDB = "@mozilla.org/security/pk11tokendb;1"; const nsIPK11TokenDB = Components.interfaces.nsIPK11TokenDB; const nsIDialogParamBlock = Components.interfaces.nsIDialogParamBlock; const nsPKCS11ModuleDB = "@mozilla.org/security/pkcs11moduledb;1"; const nsIPKCS11ModuleDB = Components.interfaces.nsIPKCS11ModuleDB; const nsIPKCS11Slot = Components.interfaces.nsIPKCS11Slot; const nsIPK11Token = Components.interfaces.nsIPK11Token; var params; var tokenName=""; var pw1; function doPrompt(msg) { let prompts = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService); prompts.alert(window, null, msg); } function onLoad() { document.documentElement.getButton("accept").disabled = true; pw1 = document.getElementById("pw1"); try { params = window.arguments[0].QueryInterface(nsIDialogParamBlock); tokenName = params.GetString(1); } catch(exception) { // this should not happen. // previously we had self.name, but self.name was a bad idea // as window name must be a subset of ascii, and the code was // previously trying to assign unicode to the window's name. // I checked all the places where we get a password prompt and // all of them pass an argument as part of this patch. tokenName=""; } if(tokenName=="") { var sectokdb = Components.classes[nsPK11TokenDB].getService(nsIPK11TokenDB); var tokenList = sectokdb.listTokens(); var enumElement; var i=0; var menu = document.getElementById("tokenMenu"); try { for ( ; !tokenList.isDone(); tokenList.next()) { enumElement = tokenList.currentItem(); var token = enumElement.QueryInterface(nsIPK11Token); if(token.needsLogin() || !(token.needsUserInit)) { var menuItemNode = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuItemNode.setAttribute("value", token.tokenName); menuItemNode.setAttribute("label", token.tokenName); menu.firstChild.appendChild(menuItemNode); if (i == 0) { menu.selectedItem = menuItemNode; tokenName = token.tokenName; } i++; } } }catch(exception){} } else { var sel = document.getElementById("tokenMenu"); sel.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); var tag = document.getElementById("tokenName"); tag.setAttribute("value",tokenName); } process(); } function onMenuChange() { //get the selected token var list = document.getElementById("tokenMenu"); tokenName = list.value; process(); } function process() { var secmoddb = Components.classes[nsPKCS11ModuleDB].getService(nsIPKCS11ModuleDB); var bundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://pippki/locale/pippki.properties"); // If the token is unitialized, don't use the old password box. // Otherwise, do. var slot = secmoddb.findSlotByName(tokenName); if (slot) { var oldpwbox = document.getElementById("oldpw"); var msgBox = document.getElementById("message"); var status = slot.status; if (status == nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_UNINITIALIZED || status == nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_READY) { oldpwbox.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); msgBox.setAttribute("value", bundle.GetStringFromName("password_not_set")); msgBox.setAttribute("hidden", "false"); if (status == nsIPKCS11Slot.SLOT_READY) { oldpwbox.setAttribute("inited", "empty"); } else { oldpwbox.setAttribute("inited", "true"); } // Select first password field document.getElementById('pw1').focus(); } else { // Select old password field oldpwbox.setAttribute("hidden", "false"); msgBox.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); oldpwbox.setAttribute("inited", "false"); oldpwbox.focus(); } } if (params) { // Return value 0 means "canceled" params.SetInt(1, 0); } checkPasswords(); } function onP12Load(disableOkButton) { document.documentElement.getButton("accept").disabled = disableOkButton; pw1 = document.getElementById("pw1"); params = window.arguments[0].QueryInterface(nsIDialogParamBlock); // Select first password field document.getElementById('pw1').focus(); } function setPassword() { var pk11db = Components.classes[nsPK11TokenDB].getService(nsIPK11TokenDB); var token = pk11db.findTokenByName(tokenName); var oldpwbox = document.getElementById("oldpw"); var initpw = oldpwbox.getAttribute("inited"); var bundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://pippki/locale/pippki.properties"); var success = false; if (initpw == "false" || initpw == "empty") { try { var oldpw = ""; var passok = 0; if (initpw == "empty") { passok = 1; } else { oldpw = oldpwbox.value; passok = token.checkPassword(oldpw); } if (passok) { if (initpw == "empty" && pw1.value == "") { // This makes no sense that we arrive here, // we reached a case that should have been prevented by checkPasswords. } else { if (pw1.value == "") { var secmoddb = Components.classes[nsPKCS11ModuleDB].getService(nsIPKCS11ModuleDB); if (secmoddb.isFIPSEnabled) { // empty passwords are not allowed in FIPS mode doPrompt(bundle.GetStringFromName("pw_change2empty_in_fips_mode")); passok = 0; } } if (passok) { token.changePassword(oldpw, pw1.value); if (pw1.value == "") { doPrompt(bundle.GetStringFromName("pw_erased_ok") + " " + bundle.GetStringFromName("pw_empty_warning")); } else { doPrompt(bundle.GetStringFromName("pw_change_ok")); } success = true; } } } else { oldpwbox.focus(); oldpwbox.setAttribute("value", ""); doPrompt(bundle.GetStringFromName("incorrect_pw")); } } catch (e) { doPrompt(bundle.GetStringFromName("failed_pw_change")); } } else { token.initPassword(pw1.value); if (pw1.value == "") { doPrompt(bundle.GetStringFromName("pw_not_wanted") + " " + bundle.GetStringFromName("pw_empty_warning")); } success = true; } if (success && params) // Return value 1 means "successfully executed ok" params.SetInt(1, 1); // Terminate dialog return success; } function getPassword() { // grab what was entered params.SetString(2, pw1.value); // Return value params.SetInt(1, 1); // Terminate dialog return true; } function setP12Password() { // grab what was entered params.SetString(2, pw1.value); // Return value params.SetInt(1, 1); // Terminate dialog return true; } function setPasswordStrength() { // Here is how we weigh the quality of the password // number of characters // numbers // non-alpha-numeric chars // upper and lower case characters var pw=document.getElementById('pw1').value; // doPrompt("password='" + pw +"'"); //length of the password var pwlength=(pw.length); if (pwlength>5) pwlength=5; //use of numbers in the password var numnumeric = pw.replace (/[0-9]/g, ""); var numeric=(pw.length - numnumeric.length); if (numeric>3) numeric=3; //use of symbols in the password var symbols = pw.replace (/\W/g, ""); var numsymbols=(pw.length - symbols.length); if (numsymbols>3) numsymbols=3; //use of uppercase in the password var numupper = pw.replace (/[A-Z]/g, ""); var upper=(pw.length - numupper.length); if (upper>3) upper=3; var pwstrength=((pwlength*10)-20) + (numeric*10) + (numsymbols*15) + (upper*10); // make sure we're give a value between 0 and 100 if ( pwstrength < 0 ) { pwstrength = 0; } if ( pwstrength > 100 ) { pwstrength = 100; } var mymeter=document.getElementById('pwmeter'); mymeter.setAttribute("value",pwstrength); return; } function checkPasswords() { var pw1=document.getElementById('pw1').value; var pw2=document.getElementById('pw2').value; var oldpwbox = document.getElementById("oldpw"); if (oldpwbox) { var initpw = oldpwbox.getAttribute("inited"); if (initpw == "empty" && pw1 == "") { // The token has already been initialized, therefore this dialog // was called with the intention to change the password. // The token currently uses an empty password. // We will not allow changing the password from empty to empty. document.documentElement.getButton("accept").disabled = true; return; } } document.documentElement.getButton("accept").disabled = (pw1 != pw2); }