/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['ContactDB']; let DEBUG = 0; /* static functions */ if (DEBUG) debug = function (s) { dump("-*- ContactDB component: " + s + "\n"); } else debug = function (s) {} const Cu = Components.utils; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const DB_NAME = "contacts"; const DB_VERSION = 1; const STORE_NAME = "contacts"; function ContactDB(aGlobal) { debug("Constructor"); this._global = aGlobal; } ContactDB.prototype = { // Cache the DB db: null, close: function close() { debug("close"); if (this.db) this.db.close(); }, /** * Prepare the database. This may include opening the database and upgrading * it to the latest schema version. * * @return (via callback) a database ready for use. */ ensureDB: function ensureDB(callback, failureCb) { if (this.db) { debug("ensureDB: already have a database, returning early."); callback(this.db); return; } let self = this; debug("try to open database:" + DB_NAME + " " + DB_VERSION); let request = this._global.mozIndexedDB.open(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION); request.onsuccess = function (event) { debug("Opened database:", DB_NAME, DB_VERSION); self.db = event.target.result; self.db.onversionchange = function(event) { debug("WARNING: DB modified from a different window."); } callback(self.db); }; request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) { debug("Database needs upgrade:" + DB_NAME + event.oldVersion + event.newVersion); debug("Correct new database version:" + event.newVersion == DB_VERSION); let db = event.target.result; switch (event.oldVersion) { case 0: debug("New database"); self.createSchema(db); break; default: debug("No idea what to do with old database version:" + event.oldVersion); failureCb(event.target.errorMessage); break; } }; request.onerror = function (event) { debug("Failed to open database:", DB_NAME); failureCb(event.target.errorMessage); }; request.onblocked = function (event) { debug("Opening database request is blocked."); }; }, /** * Create the initial database schema. * * The schema of records stored is as follows: * * {id: "...", // UUID * published: Date(...), // First published date. * updated: Date(...), // Last updated date. * properties: {...} // Object holding the ContactProperties * } */ createSchema: function createSchema(db) { let objectStore = db.createObjectStore(STORE_NAME, {keyPath: "id"}); // Metadata indexes objectStore.createIndex("published", "published", { unique: false }); objectStore.createIndex("updated", "updated", { unique: false }); // Properties indexes objectStore.createIndex("nickname", "properties.nickname", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("name", "properties.name", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("familyName", "properties.familyName", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("givenName", "properties.givenName", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("tel", "properties.tel", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("email", "properties.email", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("note", "properties.note", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("nicknameLowerCase", "search.nickname", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("nameLowerCase", "search.name", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("familyNameLowerCase", "search.familyName", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("givenNameLowerCase", "search.givenName", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("telLowerCase", "search.tel", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("emailLowerCase", "search.email", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); objectStore.createIndex("noteLowerCase", "search.note", { unique: false, multiEntry: true }); debug("Created object stores and indexes"); }, /** * Start a new transaction. * * @param txn_type * Type of transaction (e.g. "readwrite") * @param callback * Function to call when the transaction is available. It will * be invoked with the transaction and the 'contacts' object store. * @param successCb [optional] * Success callback to call on a successful transaction commit. * @param failureCb [optional] * Error callback to call when an error is encountered. */ newTxn: function newTxn(txn_type, callback, successCb, failureCb) { this.ensureDB(function (db) { debug("Starting new transaction" + txn_type); let txn = db.transaction(STORE_NAME, txn_type); debug("Retrieving object store", STORE_NAME); let store = txn.objectStore(STORE_NAME); txn.oncomplete = function (event) { debug("Transaction complete. Returning to callback."); successCb(txn.result); }; txn.onabort = function (event) { debug("Caught error on transaction" + event.target.error.name); switch(event.target.error.name) { case "AbortError": case "ConstraintError": case "DataError": case "SyntaxError": case "InvalidStateError": case "NotFoundError": case "QuotaExceededError": case "ReadOnlyError": case "TimeoutError": case "TransactionInactiveError": case "VersionError": case "UnknownError": failureCb("UnknownError"); break; default: debug("Unknown error", event.target.error.name); failureCb("UnknownError"); break; } }; callback(txn, store); }, failureCb); }, makeImport: function makeImport(aContact) { let contact = {}; contact.properties = { name: [], honorificPrefix: [], givenName: [], additionalName: [], familyName: [], honorificSuffix: [], nickname: [], email: [], photo: [], url: [], category: [], adr: [], tel: [], org: [], bday: null, note: [], impp: [], anniversary: null, sex: null, genderIdentity: null }; contact.search = { name: [], honorificPrefix: [], givenName: [], additionalName: [], familyName: [], honorificSuffix: [], nickname: [], email: [], category: [], tel: [], org: [], note: [], impp: [] }; for (let field in aContact.properties) { contact.properties[field] = aContact.properties[field]; // Add search fields if (aContact.properties[field] && contact.search[field]) { for (let i = 0; i <= aContact.properties[field].length; i++) { if (aContact.properties[field][i]) { if (field == "tel") { // Special case telephone number. // "+1-234-567" should also be found with 1234, 234-56, 23456 // Chop off the first characters let number = aContact.properties[field][i]; for(let i = 0; i < number.length; i++) { contact.search[field].push(number.substring(i, number.length)); } // Store +1-234-567 as ["1234567", "234567"...] let digits = number.match(/\d/g); if (digits && number.length != digits.length) { digits = digits.join(''); for(let i = 0; i < digits.length; i++) { contact.search[field].push(digits.substring(i, digits.length)); } } debug("lookup: " + JSON.stringify(contact.search[field])); } else { contact.search[field].push(aContact.properties[field][i].toLowerCase()); } } } } } debug("contact:" + JSON.stringify(contact)); contact.updated = aContact.updated; contact.published = aContact.published; contact.id = aContact.id; return contact; }, makeExport: function makeExport(aRecord) { let contact = {}; contact.properties = aRecord.properties; for (let field in aRecord.properties) contact.properties[field] = aRecord.properties[field]; contact.updated = aRecord.updated; contact.published = aRecord.published; contact.id = aRecord.id; return contact; }, updateRecordMetadata: function updateRecordMetadata(record) { if (!record.id) { Cu.reportError("Contact without ID"); } if (!record.published) { record.published = new Date(); } record.updated = new Date(); }, saveContact: function saveContact(aContact, successCb, errorCb) { let contact = this.makeImport(aContact); this.newTxn("readwrite", function (txn, store) { debug("Going to update" + JSON.stringify(contact)); // Look up the existing record and compare the update timestamp. // If no record exists, just add the new entry. let newRequest = store.get(contact.id); newRequest.onsuccess = function (event) { if (!event.target.result) { debug("new record!") this.updateRecordMetadata(contact); store.put(contact); } else { debug("old record!") if (new Date(typeof contact.updated === "undefined" ? 0 : contact.updated) < new Date(event.target.result.updated)) { debug("rev check fail!"); txn.abort(); return; } else { debug("rev check OK"); contact.published = event.target.result.published; contact.updated = new Date(); store.put(contact); } } }.bind(this); }.bind(this), successCb, errorCb); }, removeContact: function removeContact(aId, aSuccessCb, aErrorCb) { this.newTxn("readwrite", function (txn, store) { debug("Going to delete" + aId); store.delete(aId); }, aSuccessCb, aErrorCb); }, clear: function clear(aSuccessCb, aErrorCb) { this.newTxn("readwrite", function (txn, store) { debug("Going to clear all!"); store.clear(); }, aSuccessCb, aErrorCb); }, /** * @param successCb * Callback function to invoke with result array. * @param failureCb [optional] * Callback function to invoke when there was an error. * @param options [optional] * Object specifying search options. Possible attributes: * - filterBy * - filterOp * - filterValue * - count * Possibly supported in the future: * - fields * - sortBy * - sortOrder * - startIndex */ find: function find(aSuccessCb, aFailureCb, aOptions) { debug("ContactDB:find val:" + aOptions.filterValue + " by: " + aOptions.filterBy + " op: " + aOptions.filterOp + "\n"); let self = this; this.newTxn("readonly", function (txn, store) { if (aOptions && (aOptions.filterOp == "equals" || aOptions.filterOp == "contains")) { self._findWithIndex(txn, store, aOptions); } else { self._findAll(txn, store, aOptions); } }, aSuccessCb, aFailureCb); }, _findWithIndex: function _findWithIndex(txn, store, options) { debug("_findWithIndex: " + options.filterValue +" " + options.filterOp + " " + options.filterBy + " "); let fields = options.filterBy; for (let key in fields) { debug("key: " + fields[key]); if (!store.indexNames.contains(fields[key]) && !fields[key] == "id") { debug("Key not valid!" + fields[key] + ", " + store.indexNames); txn.abort(); return; } } // lookup for all keys if (options.filterBy.length == 0) { debug("search in all fields!" + JSON.stringify(store.indexNames)); for(let myIndex = 0; myIndex < store.indexNames.length; myIndex++) { fields = Array.concat(fields, store.indexNames[myIndex]) } } // Sorting functions takes care of limit if set. let limit = options.sortBy === 'undefined' ? options.filterLimit : null; let filter_keys = fields.slice(); for (let key = filter_keys.shift(); key; key = filter_keys.shift()) { let request; if (key == "id") { // store.get would return an object and not an array request = store.getAll(options.filterValue); } else if (options.filterOp == "equals") { debug("Getting index: " + key); // case sensitive let index = store.index(key); request = index.getAll(options.filterValue, limit); } else { // not case sensitive let tmp = options.filterValue.toLowerCase(); let range = this._global.IDBKeyRange.bound(tmp, tmp + "\uFFFF"); let index = store.index(key + "LowerCase"); request = index.getAll(range, limit); } if (!txn.result) txn.result = {}; request.onsuccess = function (event) { debug("Request successful. Record count:" + event.target.result.length); for (let i in event.target.result) txn.result[event.target.result[i].id] = this.makeExport(event.target.result[i]); }.bind(this); } }, _findAll: function _findAll(txn, store, options) { debug("ContactDB:_findAll: " + JSON.stringify(options)); if (!txn.result) txn.result = {}; // Sorting functions takes care of limit if set. let limit = options.sortBy === 'undefined' ? options.filterLimit : null; store.getAll(null, limit).onsuccess = function (event) { debug("Request successful. Record count:", event.target.result.length); for (let i in event.target.result) txn.result[event.target.result[i].id] = this.makeExport(event.target.result[i]); }.bind(this); } };