/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Sntp.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/systemlibs.js"); var RIL = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ril_consts.js", RIL); // set to true in ril_consts.js to see debug messages var DEBUG = RIL.DEBUG_RIL; // Read debug setting from pref let debugPref = false; try { debugPref = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("ril.debugging.enabled"); } catch(e) { debugPref = false; } DEBUG = RIL.DEBUG_RIL || debugPref; function debug(s) { dump("-*- RadioInterfaceLayer: " + s + "\n"); } const RADIOINTERFACELAYER_CID = Components.ID("{2d831c8d-6017-435b-a80c-e5d422810cea}"); const RADIOINTERFACE_CID = Components.ID("{6a7c91f0-a2b3-4193-8562-8969296c0b54}"); const RILNETWORKINTERFACE_CID = Components.ID("{3bdd52a9-3965-4130-b569-0ac5afed045e}"); const GSMICCINFO_CID = Components.ID("{d90c4261-a99d-47bc-8b05-b057bb7e8f8a}"); const CDMAICCINFO_CID = Components.ID("{39ba3c08-aacc-46d0-8c04-9b619c387061}"); const kNetworkInterfaceStateChangedTopic = "network-interface-state-changed"; const kSmsReceivedObserverTopic = "sms-received"; const kSilentSmsReceivedObserverTopic = "silent-sms-received"; const kSmsSendingObserverTopic = "sms-sending"; const kSmsSentObserverTopic = "sms-sent"; const kSmsFailedObserverTopic = "sms-failed"; const kSmsDeliverySuccessObserverTopic = "sms-delivery-success"; const kSmsDeliveryErrorObserverTopic = "sms-delivery-error"; const kMozSettingsChangedObserverTopic = "mozsettings-changed"; const kSysMsgListenerReadyObserverTopic = "system-message-listener-ready"; const kSysClockChangeObserverTopic = "system-clock-change"; const kScreenStateChangedTopic = "screen-state-changed"; const kClockAutoUpdateEnabled = "time.clock.automatic-update.enabled"; const kClockAutoUpdateAvailable = "time.clock.automatic-update.available"; const kTimezoneAutoUpdateEnabled = "time.timezone.automatic-update.enabled"; const kTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable = "time.timezone.automatic-update.available"; const kCellBroadcastSearchList = "ril.cellbroadcast.searchlist"; const kCellBroadcastDisabled = "ril.cellbroadcast.disabled"; const kPrefenceChangedObserverTopic = "nsPref:changed"; const kClirModePreference = "ril.clirMode"; const DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_RECEIVED = "received"; const DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_SENDING = "sending"; const DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_SENT = "sent"; const DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_ERROR = "error"; const RADIO_POWER_OFF_TIMEOUT = 30000; const SMS_HANDLED_WAKELOCK_TIMEOUT = 5000; const RIL_IPC_MOBILECONNECTION_MSG_NAMES = [ "RIL:GetNumRadioInterfaces", "RIL:GetRilContext", "RIL:GetAvailableNetworks", "RIL:SelectNetwork", "RIL:SelectNetworkAuto", "RIL:SendMMI", "RIL:CancelMMI", "RIL:RegisterMobileConnectionMsg", "RIL:SetCallForwardingOptions", "RIL:GetCallForwardingOptions", "RIL:SetCallBarringOptions", "RIL:GetCallBarringOptions", "RIL:ChangeCallBarringPassword", "RIL:SetCallWaitingOptions", "RIL:GetCallWaitingOptions", "RIL:SetCallingLineIdRestriction", "RIL:GetCallingLineIdRestriction", "RIL:SetRoamingPreference", "RIL:GetRoamingPreference", "RIL:ExitEmergencyCbMode", "RIL:SetVoicePrivacyMode", "RIL:GetVoicePrivacyMode" ]; const RIL_IPC_ICCMANAGER_MSG_NAMES = [ "RIL:GetNumRadioInterfaces", "RIL:SendStkResponse", "RIL:SendStkMenuSelection", "RIL:SendStkTimerExpiration", "RIL:SendStkEventDownload", "RIL:GetCardLockState", "RIL:UnlockCardLock", "RIL:SetCardLock", "RIL:GetCardLockRetryCount", "RIL:IccOpenChannel", "RIL:IccExchangeAPDU", "RIL:IccCloseChannel", "RIL:ReadIccContacts", "RIL:UpdateIccContact", "RIL:RegisterIccMsg" ]; const RIL_IPC_VOICEMAIL_MSG_NAMES = [ "RIL:GetNumRadioInterfaces", "RIL:RegisterVoicemailMsg", "RIL:GetVoicemailInfo" ]; const RIL_IPC_CELLBROADCAST_MSG_NAMES = [ "RIL:GetNumRadioInterfaces", "RIL:RegisterCellBroadcastMsg" ]; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gPowerManagerService", "@mozilla.org/power/powermanagerservice;1", "nsIPowerManagerService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gMobileMessageService", "@mozilla.org/mobilemessage/mobilemessageservice;1", "nsIMobileMessageService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSmsService", "@mozilla.org/sms/smsservice;1", "nsISmsService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gMobileMessageDatabaseService", "@mozilla.org/mobilemessage/rilmobilemessagedatabaseservice;1", "nsIRilMobileMessageDatabaseService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageBroadcaster"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSettingsService", "@mozilla.org/settingsService;1", "nsISettingsService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSystemMessenger", "@mozilla.org/system-message-internal;1", "nsISystemMessagesInternal"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gNetworkManager", "@mozilla.org/network/manager;1", "nsINetworkManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gTimeService", "@mozilla.org/time/timeservice;1", "nsITimeService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSystemWorkerManager", "@mozilla.org/telephony/system-worker-manager;1", "nsISystemWorkerManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gTelephonyProvider", "@mozilla.org/telephony/telephonyprovider;1", "nsIGonkTelephonyProvider"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "WAP", function () { let wap = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/WapPushManager.js", wap); return wap; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "PhoneNumberUtils", function () { let ns = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PhoneNumberUtils.jsm", ns); return ns.PhoneNumberUtils; }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gMessageManager", function () { return { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIMessageListener, Ci.nsIObserver]), ril: null, // Manage message targets in terms of topic. Only the authorized and // registered contents can receive related messages. targetsByTopic: {}, topics: [], targetMessageQueue: [], ready: false, init: function init(ril) { this.ril = ril; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kSysMsgListenerReadyObserverTopic, false); this._registerMessageListeners(); }, _shutdown: function _shutdown() { this.ril = null; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); this._unregisterMessageListeners(); }, _registerMessageListeners: function _registerMessageListeners() { ppmm.addMessageListener("child-process-shutdown", this); for (let msgname of RIL_IPC_MOBILECONNECTION_MSG_NAMES) { ppmm.addMessageListener(msgname, this); } for (let msgName of RIL_IPC_ICCMANAGER_MSG_NAMES) { ppmm.addMessageListener(msgName, this); } for (let msgname of RIL_IPC_VOICEMAIL_MSG_NAMES) { ppmm.addMessageListener(msgname, this); } for (let msgname of RIL_IPC_CELLBROADCAST_MSG_NAMES) { ppmm.addMessageListener(msgname, this); } }, _unregisterMessageListeners: function _unregisterMessageListeners() { ppmm.removeMessageListener("child-process-shutdown", this); for (let msgname of RIL_IPC_MOBILECONNECTION_MSG_NAMES) { ppmm.removeMessageListener(msgname, this); } for (let msgName of RIL_IPC_ICCMANAGER_MSG_NAMES) { ppmm.removeMessageListener(msgName, this); } for (let msgname of RIL_IPC_VOICEMAIL_MSG_NAMES) { ppmm.removeMessageListener(msgname, this); } for (let msgname of RIL_IPC_CELLBROADCAST_MSG_NAMES) { ppmm.removeMessageListener(msgname, this); } ppmm = null; }, _registerMessageTarget: function _registerMessageTarget(topic, target) { let targets = this.targetsByTopic[topic]; if (!targets) { targets = this.targetsByTopic[topic] = []; let list = this.topics; if (list.indexOf(topic) == -1) { list.push(topic); } } if (targets.indexOf(target) != -1) { if (DEBUG) debug("Already registered this target!"); return; } targets.push(target); if (DEBUG) debug("Registered " + topic + " target: " + target); }, _unregisterMessageTarget: function _unregisterMessageTarget(topic, target) { if (topic == null) { // Unregister the target for every topic when no topic is specified. for (let type of this.topics) { this._unregisterMessageTarget(type, target); } return; } // Unregister the target for a specified topic. let targets = this.targetsByTopic[topic]; if (!targets) { return; } let index = targets.indexOf(target); if (index != -1) { targets.splice(index, 1); if (DEBUG) debug("Unregistered " + topic + " target: " + target); } }, _enqueueTargetMessage: function _enqueueTargetMessage(topic, message, options) { let msg = { topic : topic, message : message, options : options }; // Remove previous queued message of same message type, only one message // per message type is allowed in queue. let messageQueue = this.targetMessageQueue; for(let i = 0; i < messageQueue.length; i++) { if (messageQueue[i].message === message) { messageQueue.splice(i, 1); break; } } messageQueue.push(msg); }, _sendTargetMessage: function _sendTargetMessage(topic, message, options) { if (!this.ready) { this._enqueueTargetMessage(topic, message, options); return; } let targets = this.targetsByTopic[topic]; if (!targets) { return; } for (let target of targets) { target.sendAsyncMessage(message, options); } }, _resendQueuedTargetMessage: function _resendQueuedTargetMessage() { this.ready = true; // Here uses this._sendTargetMessage() to resend message, which will // enqueue message if listener is not ready. // So only resend after listener is ready, or it will cause infinate loop and // hang the system. // Dequeue and resend messages. for each (let msg in this.targetMessageQueue) { this._sendTargetMessage(msg.topic, msg.message, msg.options); } this.targetMessageQueue = null; }, /** * nsIMessageListener interface methods. */ receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(msg) { if (DEBUG) debug("Received '" + msg.name + "' message from content process"); if (msg.name == "child-process-shutdown") { // By the time we receive child-process-shutdown, the child process has // already forgotten its permissions so we need to unregister the target // for every permission. this._unregisterMessageTarget(null, msg.target); return null; } if (RIL_IPC_MOBILECONNECTION_MSG_NAMES.indexOf(msg.name) != -1) { if (!msg.target.assertPermission("mobileconnection")) { if (DEBUG) { debug("MobileConnection message " + msg.name + " from a content process with no 'mobileconnection' privileges."); } return null; } } else if (RIL_IPC_ICCMANAGER_MSG_NAMES.indexOf(msg.name) != -1) { if (!msg.target.assertPermission("mobileconnection")) { if (DEBUG) { debug("IccManager message " + msg.name + " from a content process with no 'mobileconnection' privileges."); } return null; } } else if (RIL_IPC_VOICEMAIL_MSG_NAMES.indexOf(msg.name) != -1) { if (!msg.target.assertPermission("voicemail")) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Voicemail message " + msg.name + " from a content process with no 'voicemail' privileges."); } return null; } } else if (RIL_IPC_CELLBROADCAST_MSG_NAMES.indexOf(msg.name) != -1) { if (!msg.target.assertPermission("cellbroadcast")) { if (DEBUG) { debug("Cell Broadcast message " + msg.name + " from a content process with no 'cellbroadcast' privileges."); } return null; } } else { if (DEBUG) debug("Ignoring unknown message type: " + msg.name); return null; } switch (msg.name) { case "RIL:GetNumRadioInterfaces": return this.ril.numRadioInterfaces; case "RIL:RegisterMobileConnectionMsg": this._registerMessageTarget("mobileconnection", msg.target); return null; case "RIL:RegisterIccMsg": this._registerMessageTarget("icc", msg.target); return null; case "RIL:RegisterVoicemailMsg": this._registerMessageTarget("voicemail", msg.target); return null; case "RIL:RegisterCellBroadcastMsg": this._registerMessageTarget("cellbroadcast", msg.target); return null; } let clientId = msg.json.clientId || 0; let radioInterface = this.ril.getRadioInterface(clientId); if (!radioInterface) { if (DEBUG) debug("No such radio interface: " + clientId); return null; } return radioInterface.receiveMessage(msg); }, /** * nsIObserver interface methods. */ observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case kSysMsgListenerReadyObserverTopic: Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kSysMsgListenerReadyObserverTopic); this._resendQueuedTargetMessage(); break; case "xpcom-shutdown": this._shutdown(); break; } }, sendMobileConnectionMessage: function sendMobileConnectionMessage(message, clientId, data) { this._sendTargetMessage("mobileconnection", message, { clientId: clientId, data: data }); }, sendVoicemailMessage: function sendVoicemailMessage(message, clientId, data) { this._sendTargetMessage("voicemail", message, { clientId: clientId, data: data }); }, sendCellBroadcastMessage: function sendCellBroadcastMessage(message, clientId, data) { this._sendTargetMessage("cellbroadcast", message, { clientId: clientId, data: data }); }, sendIccMessage: function sendIccMessage(message, clientId, data) { this._sendTargetMessage("icc", message, { clientId: clientId, data: data }); } }; }); function IccInfo() {} IccInfo.prototype = { iccType: null, iccid: null, mcc: null, mnc: null, spn: null, isDisplayNetworkNameRequired: null, isDisplaySpnRequired: null }; function GsmIccInfo() {} GsmIccInfo.prototype = { __proto__: IccInfo.prototype, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDOMMozGsmIccInfo]), classID: GSMICCINFO_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({ classID: GSMICCINFO_CID, classDescription: "MozGsmIccInfo", flags: Ci.nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT, interfaces: [Ci.nsIDOMMozGsmIccInfo] }), // nsIDOMMozGsmIccInfo msisdn: null }; function CdmaIccInfo() {} CdmaIccInfo.prototype = { __proto__: IccInfo.prototype, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDOMMozCdmaIccInfo]), classID: CDMAICCINFO_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({ classID: CDMAICCINFO_CID, classDescription: "MozCdmaIccInfo", flags: Ci.nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT, interfaces: [Ci.nsIDOMMozCdmaIccInfo] }), // nsIDOMMozCdmaIccInfo mdn: null, min: null }; function RadioInterfaceLayer() { gMessageManager.init(this); let options = { debug: debugPref, cellBroadcastDisabled: false, clirMode: RIL.CLIR_DEFAULT }; try { options.cellBroadcastDisabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(kCellBroadcastDisabled); } catch(e) {} try { options.clirMode = Services.prefs.getIntPref(kClirModePreference); } catch(e) {} let numIfaces = this.numRadioInterfaces; debug(numIfaces + " interfaces"); this.radioInterfaces = []; for (let clientId = 0; clientId < numIfaces; clientId++) { options.clientId = clientId; this.radioInterfaces.push(new RadioInterface(options)); } } RadioInterfaceLayer.prototype = { classID: RADIOINTERFACELAYER_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: RADIOINTERFACELAYER_CID, classDescription: "RadioInterfaceLayer", interfaces: [Ci.nsIRadioInterfaceLayer]}), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIRadioInterfaceLayer, Ci.nsIObserver]), /** * nsIObserver interface methods. */ observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) { // Nothing to do now. Just for profile-after-change. }, /** * nsIRadioInterfaceLayer interface methods. */ getRadioInterface: function getRadioInterface(clientId) { return this.radioInterfaces[clientId]; } }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(RadioInterfaceLayer.prototype, "numRadioInterfaces", function () { // When Gonk property "ro.moz.ril.numclients" is not set, return 1; if // explicitly set to any number larger-equal than 0, return num; else, return // 1 for compatibility. try { let numString = libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.ril.numclients", "1"); let num = parseInt(numString, 10); if (num >= 0) { return num; } } catch (e) {} return 1; }); function WorkerMessenger(radioInterface, options) { // Initial owning attributes. this.radioInterface = radioInterface; this.tokenCallbackMap = {}; // Add a convenient alias to |radioInterface.debug()|. this.debug = radioInterface.debug.bind(radioInterface); if (DEBUG) this.debug("Starting RIL Worker[" + options.clientId + "]"); this.worker = new ChromeWorker("resource://gre/modules/ril_worker.js"); this.worker.onerror = this.onerror.bind(this); this.worker.onmessage = this.onmessage.bind(this); this.send("setInitialOptions", options); gSystemWorkerManager.registerRilWorker(options.clientId, this.worker); } WorkerMessenger.prototype = { radioInterface: null, worker: null, // This gets incremented each time we send out a message. token: 1, // Maps tokens we send out with messages to the message callback. tokenCallbackMap: null, onerror: function onerror(event) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Got an error: " + event.filename + ":" + event.lineno + ": " + event.message + "\n"); } event.preventDefault(); }, /** * Process the incoming message from the RIL worker. */ onmessage: function onmessage(event) { let message = event.data; if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Received message from worker: " + JSON.stringify(message)); } let token = message.rilMessageToken; if (token == null) { // That's an unsolicited message. Pass to RadioInterface directly. this.radioInterface.handleUnsolicitedWorkerMessage(message); return; } let callback = this.tokenCallbackMap[message.rilMessageToken]; if (!callback) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Ignore orphan token: " + message.rilMessageToken); return; } let keep = false; try { keep = callback(message); } catch(e) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("callback throws an exception: " + e); } if (!keep) { delete this.tokenCallbackMap[message.rilMessageToken]; } }, /** * Send arbitrary message to worker. * * @param rilMessageType * A text message type. * @param message [optional] * An optional message object to send. * @param callback [optional] * An optional callback function which is called when worker replies * with an message containing a 'rilMessageToken' attribute of the * same value we passed. This callback function accepts only one * parameter -- the reply from worker. It also returns a boolean * value true to keep current token-callback mapping and wait for * another worker reply, or false to remove the mapping. */ send: function send(rilMessageType, message, callback) { message = message || {}; message.rilMessageToken = this.token; this.token++; if (callback) { // Only create the map if callback is provided. For sending a request // and intentionally leaving the callback undefined, that reply will // be dropped in |this.onmessage| because of that orphan token. // // For sending a request that never replied at all, we're fine with this // because no callback shall be passed and we leave nothing to be cleaned // up later. this.tokenCallbackMap[message.rilMessageToken] = callback; } message.rilMessageType = rilMessageType; this.worker.postMessage(message); }, /** * Send message to worker and return worker reply to RILContentHelper. * * @param msg * A message object from ppmm. * @param rilMessageType * A text string for worker message type. * @param ipcType [optinal] * A text string for ipc message type. 'msg.name' if omitted. * * @TODO: Bug 815526 - deprecate RILContentHelper. */ sendWithIPCMessage: function sendWithIPCMessage(msg, rilMessageType, ipcType) { this.send(rilMessageType, msg.json.data, (function(reply) { ipcType = ipcType || msg.name; msg.target.sendAsyncMessage(ipcType, { clientId: this.radioInterface.clientId, data: reply }); return false; }).bind(this)); } }; function RadioInterface(options) { this.clientId = options.clientId; this.workerMessenger = new WorkerMessenger(this, options); this.dataCallSettings = { oldEnabled: false, enabled: false, roamingEnabled: false }; // apnSettings is used to keep all APN settings. // byApn[] makes it easier to get the APN settings via APN, user // name, and password. // byType[] makes it easier to get the APN settings via APN types. this.apnSettings = { byType: {}, byAPN: {} }; this.rilContext = { radioState: RIL.GECKO_RADIOSTATE_UNAVAILABLE, cardState: RIL.GECKO_CARDSTATE_UNKNOWN, networkSelectionMode: RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_SELECTION_UNKNOWN, iccInfo: null, imsi: null, // These objects implement the nsIDOMMozMobileConnectionInfo interface, // although the actual implementation lives in the content process. So are // the child attributes `network` and `cell`, which implement // nsIDOMMozMobileNetworkInfo and nsIDOMMozMobileCellInfo respectively. voice: {connected: false, emergencyCallsOnly: false, roaming: false, network: null, cell: null, type: null, signalStrength: null, relSignalStrength: null}, data: {connected: false, emergencyCallsOnly: false, roaming: false, network: null, cell: null, type: null, signalStrength: null, relSignalStrength: null}, }; this.voicemailInfo = { number: null, displayName: null }; this.operatorInfo = {}; // Read the 'ril.radio.disabled' setting in order to start with a known // value at boot time. let lock = gSettingsService.createLock(); lock.get("ril.radio.disabled", this); // Read preferred network type from the setting DB. lock.get("ril.radio.preferredNetworkType", this); // Read the APN data from the settings DB. lock.get("ril.data.roaming_enabled", this); lock.get("ril.data.enabled", this); lock.get("ril.data.apnSettings", this); // Read the 'time.clock.automatic-update.enabled' setting to see if // we need to adjust the system clock time by NITZ or SNTP. lock.get(kClockAutoUpdateEnabled, this); // Read the 'time.timezone.automatic-update.enabled' setting to see if // we need to adjust the system timezone by NITZ. lock.get(kTimezoneAutoUpdateEnabled, this); // Set "time.clock.automatic-update.available" to false when starting up. this.setClockAutoUpdateAvailable(false); // Set "time.timezone.automatic-update.available" to false when starting up. this.setTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable(false); // Read the Cell Broadcast Search List setting, string of integers or integer // ranges separated by comma, to set listening channels. lock.get(kCellBroadcastSearchList, this); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kMozSettingsChangedObserverTopic, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kSysMsgListenerReadyObserverTopic, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kSysClockChangeObserverTopic, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kScreenStateChangedTopic, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, kNetworkInterfaceStateChangedTopic, false); Services.prefs.addObserver(kCellBroadcastDisabled, this, false); this.portAddressedSmsApps = {}; this.portAddressedSmsApps[WAP.WDP_PORT_PUSH] = this.handleSmsWdpPortPush.bind(this); this._sntp = new Sntp(this.setClockBySntp.bind(this), Services.prefs.getIntPref('network.sntp.maxRetryCount'), Services.prefs.getIntPref('network.sntp.refreshPeriod'), Services.prefs.getIntPref('network.sntp.timeout'), Services.prefs.getCharPref('network.sntp.pools').split(';'), Services.prefs.getIntPref('network.sntp.port')); } RadioInterface.prototype = { classID: RADIOINTERFACE_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: RADIOINTERFACE_CID, classDescription: "RadioInterface", interfaces: [Ci.nsIRadioInterface]}), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIRadioInterface, Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISettingsServiceCallback]), // A private WorkerMessenger instance. workerMessenger: null, debug: function debug(s) { dump("-*- RadioInterface[" + this.clientId + "]: " + s + "\n"); }, /** * A utility function to copy objects. The srcInfo may contain * 'rilMessageType', should ignore it. */ updateInfo: function updateInfo(srcInfo, destInfo) { for (let key in srcInfo) { if (key === 'rilMessageType') { continue; } destInfo[key] = srcInfo[key]; } }, /** * A utility function to compare objects. The srcInfo may contain * 'rilMessageType', should ignore it. */ isInfoChanged: function isInfoChanged(srcInfo, destInfo) { if (!destInfo) { return true; } for (let key in srcInfo) { if (key === 'rilMessageType') { continue; } if (srcInfo[key] !== destInfo[key]) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * Process a message from the content process. */ receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(msg) { switch (msg.name) { case "RIL:GetRilContext": // This message is sync. return this.rilContext; case "RIL:GetAvailableNetworks": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "getAvailableNetworks"); break; case "RIL:SelectNetwork": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "selectNetwork"); break; case "RIL:SelectNetworkAuto": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "selectNetworkAuto"); break; case "RIL:GetCardLockState": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "iccGetCardLockState", "RIL:CardLockResult"); break; case "RIL:UnlockCardLock": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "iccUnlockCardLock", "RIL:CardLockResult"); break; case "RIL:SetCardLock": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "iccSetCardLock", "RIL:CardLockResult"); break; case "RIL:GetCardLockRetryCount": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "iccGetCardLockRetryCount", "RIL:CardLockRetryCount"); break; case "RIL:SendMMI": this.sendMMI(msg.target, msg.json.data); break; case "RIL:CancelMMI": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "cancelUSSD"); break; case "RIL:SendStkResponse": this.workerMessenger.send("sendStkTerminalResponse", msg.json.data); break; case "RIL:SendStkMenuSelection": this.workerMessenger.send("sendStkMenuSelection", msg.json.data); break; case "RIL:SendStkTimerExpiration": this.workerMessenger.send("sendStkTimerExpiration", msg.json.data); break; case "RIL:SendStkEventDownload": this.workerMessenger.send("sendStkEventDownload", msg.json.data); break; case "RIL:IccOpenChannel": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "iccOpenChannel"); break; case "RIL:IccCloseChannel": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "iccCloseChannel"); break; case "RIL:IccExchangeAPDU": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "iccExchangeAPDU"); break; case "RIL:ReadIccContacts": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "readICCContacts"); break; case "RIL:UpdateIccContact": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "updateICCContact"); break; case "RIL:SetCallForwardingOptions": this.setCallForwardingOptions(msg.target, msg.json.data); break; case "RIL:GetCallForwardingOptions": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "queryCallForwardStatus"); break; case "RIL:SetCallBarringOptions": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "setCallBarring"); break; case "RIL:GetCallBarringOptions": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "queryCallBarringStatus"); break; case "RIL:ChangeCallBarringPassword": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "changeCallBarringPassword"); break; case "RIL:SetCallWaitingOptions": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "setCallWaiting"); break; case "RIL:GetCallWaitingOptions": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "queryCallWaiting"); break; case "RIL:SetCallingLineIdRestriction": this.setCallingLineIdRestriction(msg.target, msg.json.data); break; case "RIL:GetCallingLineIdRestriction": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "getCLIR"); break; case "RIL:ExitEmergencyCbMode": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "exitEmergencyCbMode"); break; case "RIL:GetVoicemailInfo": // This message is sync. return this.voicemailInfo; case "RIL:SetRoamingPreference": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "setRoamingPreference"); break; case "RIL:GetRoamingPreference": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "queryRoamingPreference"); break; case "RIL:SetVoicePrivacyMode": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "setVoicePrivacyMode"); break; case "RIL:GetVoicePrivacyMode": this.workerMessenger.sendWithIPCMessage(msg, "queryVoicePrivacyMode"); break; } return null; }, handleUnsolicitedWorkerMessage: function handleUnsolicitedWorkerMessage(message) { switch (message.rilMessageType) { case "callRing": gTelephonyProvider.notifyCallRing(); break; case "callStateChange": gTelephonyProvider.notifyCallStateChanged(message.call); break; case "callDisconnected": gTelephonyProvider.notifyCallDisconnected(message.call); break; case "conferenceCallStateChanged": gTelephonyProvider.notifyConferenceCallStateChanged(message.state); break; case "cdmaCallWaiting": gTelephonyProvider.notifyCdmaCallWaiting(message.number); break; case "callError": gTelephonyProvider.notifyCallError(message.callIndex, message.errorMsg); break; case "suppSvcNotification": gTelephonyProvider.notifySupplementaryService(message.callIndex, message.notification); break; case "emergencyCbModeChange": this.handleEmergencyCbModeChange(message); break; case "networkinfochanged": this.updateNetworkInfo(message); break; case "networkselectionmodechange": this.updateNetworkSelectionMode(message); break; case "voiceregistrationstatechange": this.updateVoiceConnection(message); break; case "dataregistrationstatechange": this.updateDataConnection(message); break; case "datacallerror": this.handleDataCallError(message); break; case "signalstrengthchange": this.handleSignalStrengthChange(message); break; case "operatorchange": this.handleOperatorChange(message); break; case "otastatuschange": this.handleOtaStatus(message); break; case "radiostatechange": this.handleRadioStateChange(message); break; case "cardstatechange": this.rilContext.cardState = message.cardState; gMessageManager.sendIccMessage("RIL:CardStateChanged", this.clientId, message); break; case "sms-received": let ackOk = this.handleSmsReceived(message); if (ackOk) { this.workerMessenger.send("ackSMS", { result: RIL.PDU_FCS_OK }); } return; case "cellbroadcast-received": message.timestamp = Date.now(); gMessageManager.sendCellBroadcastMessage("RIL:CellBroadcastReceived", this.clientId, message); break; case "datacallstatechange": this.handleDataCallState(message); break; case "datacalllist": this.handleDataCallList(message); break; case "nitzTime": this.handleNitzTime(message); break; case "iccinfochange": this.handleIccInfoChange(message); break; case "iccimsi": this.rilContext.imsi = message.imsi; break; case "iccmbdn": this.handleIccMbdn(message); break; case "USSDReceived": if (DEBUG) this.debug("USSDReceived " + JSON.stringify(message)); this.handleUSSDReceived(message); break; case "stkcommand": this.handleStkProactiveCommand(message); break; case "stksessionend": gMessageManager.sendIccMessage("RIL:StkSessionEnd", this.clientId, null); break; case "setRadioEnabled": let lock = gSettingsService.createLock(); lock.set("ril.radio.disabled", !message.on, null, null); break; case "exitEmergencyCbMode": this.handleExitEmergencyCbMode(message); break; case "cdma-info-rec-received": if (DEBUG) this.debug("cdma-info-rec-received: " + JSON.stringify(message)); gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("cdma-info-rec-received", message); break; default: throw new Error("Don't know about this message type: " + message.rilMessageType); } }, /** * Get phone number from iccInfo. * * If the icc card is gsm card, the phone number is in msisdn. * @see nsIDOMMozGsmIccInfo * * Otherwise, the phone number is in mdn. * @see nsIDOMMozCdmaIccInfo */ getPhoneNumber: function getPhoneNumber() { let iccInfo = this.rilContext.iccInfo; if (!iccInfo) { return null; } // After moving SMS code out of RadioInterfaceLayer, we could use // |iccInfo instanceof Ci.nsIDOMMozGsmIccInfo| here. // TODO: Bug 873351 - B2G SMS: move SMS code out of RadioInterfaceLayer to // SmsService let number = (iccInfo instanceof GsmIccInfo) ? iccInfo.msisdn : iccInfo.mdn; // Workaround an xpconnect issue with undefined string objects. // See bug 808220 if (number === undefined || number === "undefined") { return null; } return number; }, updateNetworkInfo: function updateNetworkInfo(message) { let voiceMessage = message[RIL.NETWORK_INFO_VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE]; let dataMessage = message[RIL.NETWORK_INFO_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE]; let operatorMessage = message[RIL.NETWORK_INFO_OPERATOR]; let selectionMessage = message[RIL.NETWORK_INFO_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE]; let signalMessage = message[RIL.NETWORK_INFO_SIGNAL]; // Batch the *InfoChanged messages together if (voiceMessage) { this.updateVoiceConnection(voiceMessage, true); } if (dataMessage) { this.updateDataConnection(dataMessage, true); } if (operatorMessage) { this.handleOperatorChange(operatorMessage, true); } if (signalMessage) { this.handleSignalStrengthChange(signalMessage, true); } let voice = this.rilContext.voice; let data = this.rilContext.data; this.checkRoamingBetweenOperators(voice); this.checkRoamingBetweenOperators(data); if (voiceMessage || operatorMessage || signalMessage) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:VoiceInfoChanged", this.clientId, voice); } if (dataMessage || operatorMessage || signalMessage) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:DataInfoChanged", this.clientId, data); } if (selectionMessage) { this.updateNetworkSelectionMode(selectionMessage); } }, /** * Fix the roaming. RIL can report roaming in some case it is not * really the case. See bug 787967 * * @param registration The voiceMessage or dataMessage from which the * roaming state will be changed (maybe, if needed). */ checkRoamingBetweenOperators: function checkRoamingBetweenOperators(registration) { let iccInfo = this.rilContext.iccInfo; if (!iccInfo || !registration.connected) { return; } let spn = iccInfo.spn && iccInfo.spn.toLowerCase(); let operator = registration.network; let longName = operator.longName && operator.longName.toLowerCase(); let shortName = operator.shortName && operator.shortName.toLowerCase(); let equalsLongName = longName && (spn == longName); let equalsShortName = shortName && (spn == shortName); let equalsMcc = iccInfo.mcc == operator.mcc; registration.roaming = registration.roaming && !(equalsMcc && (equalsLongName || equalsShortName)); }, /** * Handle data connection changes. * * @param newInfo The new voice connection information. * @param batch When batch is true, the RIL:VoiceInfoChanged message will * not be sent. */ updateVoiceConnection: function updateVoiceConnection(newInfo, batch) { let voiceInfo = this.rilContext.voice; voiceInfo.state = newInfo.state; voiceInfo.connected = newInfo.connected; voiceInfo.roaming = newInfo.roaming; voiceInfo.emergencyCallsOnly = newInfo.emergencyCallsOnly; voiceInfo.type = newInfo.type; // Make sure we also reset the operator and signal strength information // if we drop off the network. if (newInfo.state !== RIL.GECKO_MOBILE_CONNECTION_STATE_REGISTERED) { voiceInfo.cell = null; voiceInfo.network = null; voiceInfo.signalStrength = null; voiceInfo.relSignalStrength = null; } else { voiceInfo.cell = newInfo.cell; voiceInfo.network = this.operatorInfo; } if (!batch) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:VoiceInfoChanged", this.clientId, voiceInfo); } }, /** * Handle the data connection's state has changed. * * @param newInfo The new data connection information. * @param batch When batch is true, the RIL:DataInfoChanged message will * not be sent. */ updateDataConnection: function updateDataConnection(newInfo, batch) { let dataInfo = this.rilContext.data; dataInfo.state = newInfo.state; dataInfo.roaming = newInfo.roaming; dataInfo.emergencyCallsOnly = newInfo.emergencyCallsOnly; dataInfo.type = newInfo.type; // For the data connection, the `connected` flag indicates whether // there's an active data call. let apnSetting = this.apnSettings.byType.default; dataInfo.connected = false; if (apnSetting) { dataInfo.connected = (this.getDataCallStateByType("default") == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED); } // Make sure we also reset the operator and signal strength information // if we drop off the network. if (newInfo.state !== RIL.GECKO_MOBILE_CONNECTION_STATE_REGISTERED) { dataInfo.cell = null; dataInfo.network = null; dataInfo.signalStrength = null; dataInfo.relSignalStrength = null; } else { dataInfo.cell = newInfo.cell; dataInfo.network = this.operatorInfo; } if (!batch) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:DataInfoChanged", this.clientId, dataInfo); } this.updateRILNetworkInterface(); }, /** * Handle data errors */ handleDataCallError: function handleDataCallError(message) { // Notify data call error only for data APN if (this.apnSettings.byType.default) { let apnSetting = this.apnSettings.byType.default; if (message.apn == apnSetting.apn && apnSetting.iface.inConnectedTypes("default")) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:DataError", this.clientId, message); } } this._deliverDataCallCallback("dataCallError", [message]); }, _preferredNetworkType: null, setPreferredNetworkType: function setPreferredNetworkType(value) { let networkType = RIL.RIL_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE_TO_GECKO.indexOf(value); if (networkType < 0) { networkType = (this._preferredNetworkType != null) ? RIL.RIL_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE_TO_GECKO[this._preferredNetworkType] : RIL.GECKO_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE_DEFAULT; gSettingsService.createLock().set("ril.radio.preferredNetworkType", networkType, null); return; } if (networkType == this._preferredNetworkType) { return; } this.workerMessenger.send("setPreferredNetworkType", { networkType: networkType }, (function(response) { if ((this._preferredNetworkType != null) && !response.success) { gSettingsService.createLock().set("ril.radio.preferredNetworkType", this._preferredNetworkType, null); return false; } this._preferredNetworkType = response.networkType; if (DEBUG) { this.debug("_preferredNetworkType is now " + RIL.RIL_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE_TO_GECKO[this._preferredNetworkType]); } return false; }).bind(this)); }, setCellBroadcastSearchList: function setCellBroadcastSearchList(newSearchListStr) { if (newSearchListStr == this._cellBroadcastSearchListStr) { return; } this.workerMessenger.send("setCellBroadcastSearchList", { searchListStr: newSearchListStr }, (function callback(response) { if (!response.success) { let lock = gSettingsService.createLock(); lock.set(kCellBroadcastSearchList, this._cellBroadcastSearchListStr, null); } else { this._cellBroadcastSearchListStr = response.searchListStr; } return false; }).bind(this)); }, /** * Handle signal strength changes. * * @param message The new signal strength. * @param batch When batch is true, the RIL:VoiceInfoChanged and * RIL:DataInfoChanged message will not be sent. */ handleSignalStrengthChange: function handleSignalStrengthChange(message, batch) { let voiceInfo = this.rilContext.voice; // If the voice is not registered, need not to update signal information. if (voiceInfo.state === RIL.GECKO_MOBILE_CONNECTION_STATE_REGISTERED && this.isInfoChanged(message.voice, voiceInfo)) { this.updateInfo(message.voice, voiceInfo); if (!batch) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:VoiceInfoChanged", this.clientId, voiceInfo); } } let dataInfo = this.rilContext.data; // If the data is not registered, need not to update signal information. if (dataInfo.state === RIL.GECKO_MOBILE_CONNECTION_STATE_REGISTERED && this.isInfoChanged(message.data, dataInfo)) { this.updateInfo(message.data, dataInfo); if (!batch) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:DataInfoChanged", this.clientId, dataInfo); } } }, /** * Handle operator information changes. * * @param message The new operator information. * @param batch When batch is true, the RIL:VoiceInfoChanged and * RIL:DataInfoChanged message will not be sent. */ handleOperatorChange: function handleOperatorChange(message, batch) { let operatorInfo = this.operatorInfo; let voice = this.rilContext.voice; let data = this.rilContext.data; if (this.isInfoChanged(message, operatorInfo)) { this.updateInfo(message, operatorInfo); // Update lastKnownNetwork if (message.mcc && message.mnc) { try { Services.prefs.setCharPref("ril.lastKnownNetwork", message.mcc + "-" + message.mnc); } catch (e) {} } // If the voice is unregistered, no need to send RIL:VoiceInfoChanged. if (voice.network && !batch) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:VoiceInfoChanged", this.clientId, voice); } // If the data is unregistered, no need to send RIL:DataInfoChanged. if (data.network && !batch) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:DataInfoChanged", this.clientId, data); } } }, handleOtaStatus: function handleOtaStatus(message) { if (message.status < 0 || RIL.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_TO_GECKO.length <= message.status) { return; } let status = RIL.CDMA_OTA_PROVISION_STATUS_TO_GECKO[message.status]; gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:OtaStatusChanged", this.clientId, status); }, handleRadioStateChange: function handleRadioStateChange(message) { this._changingRadioPower = false; let newState = message.radioState; if (this.rilContext.radioState == newState) { return; } this.rilContext.radioState = newState; //TODO Should we notify this change as a card state change? this._ensureRadioState(); }, _ensureRadioState: function _ensureRadioState() { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Reported radio state is " + this.rilContext.radioState + ", desired radio enabled state is " + this._radioEnabled); } if (this._radioEnabled == null) { // We haven't read the initial value from the settings DB yet. // Wait for that. return; } if (!this._sysMsgListenerReady) { // The UI's system app isn't ready yet for us to receive any // events (e.g. incoming SMS, etc.). Wait for that. return; } if (this.rilContext.radioState == RIL.GECKO_RADIOSTATE_UNKNOWN) { // We haven't received a radio state notification from the RIL // yet. Wait for that. return; } if (this._changingRadioPower) { // We're changing the radio power currently, ignore any changes. return; } if (this.rilContext.radioState == RIL.GECKO_RADIOSTATE_OFF && this._radioEnabled) { this._changingRadioPower = true; this.setRadioEnabled(true); } if (this.rilContext.radioState == RIL.GECKO_RADIOSTATE_READY && !this._radioEnabled) { this._changingRadioPower = true; this.powerOffRadioSafely(); } }, _radioOffTimer: null, _cancelRadioOffTimer: function _cancelRadioOffTimer() { if (this._radioOffTimer) { this._radioOffTimer.cancel(); } }, _fireRadioOffTimer: function _fireRadioOffTimer() { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Radio off timer expired, set radio power off right away."); this.setRadioEnabled(false); }, /** * Clean up all existing data calls before turning radio off. */ powerOffRadioSafely: function powerOffRadioSafely() { let dataDisconnecting = false; for each (let apnSetting in this.apnSettings.byAPN) { for each (let type in apnSetting.types) { if (this.getDataCallStateByType(type) == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED) { this.deactivateDataCallByType(type); dataDisconnecting = true; } } } if (dataDisconnecting) { if (this._radioOffTimer == null) { this._radioOffTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); } this._radioOffTimer.initWithCallback(this._fireRadioOffTimer.bind(this), RADIO_POWER_OFF_TIMEOUT, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return; } this.setRadioEnabled(false); }, /** * This function will do the following steps: * 1. Clear the old APN settings. * 2. Combine APN, user name, and password as the key of byAPN{} and store * corresponding APN setting into byApn{}, which makes it easiler to get * the APN setting. * 3. Use APN type as the index of byType{} and store the link of * corresponding APN setting into byType{}, which makes it easier to get * the APN setting via APN types. */ updateApnSettings: function updateApnSettings(allApnSettings) { let thisSimApnSettings = allApnSettings[this.clientId]; if (!thisSimApnSettings) { return; } // Clear old APN settings. for each (let apnSetting in this.apnSettings.byAPN) { // Clear all connections of this APN settings. for each (let type in apnSetting.types) { if (this.getDataCallStateByType(type) == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED) { this.deactivateDataCallByType(type); } } if (apnSetting.iface.name in gNetworkManager.networkInterfaces) { gNetworkManager.unregisterNetworkInterface(apnSetting.iface); } this.unregisterDataCallCallback(apnSetting.iface); delete apnSetting.iface; } this.apnSettings.byAPN = {}; this.apnSettings.byType = {}; // Create new APN settings. for (let apnIndex = 0; thisSimApnSettings[apnIndex]; apnIndex++) { let inputApnSetting = thisSimApnSettings[apnIndex]; if (!this.validateApnSetting(inputApnSetting)) { continue; } // Combine APN, user name, and password as the key of byAPN{} to get // the corresponding APN setting. let apnKey = inputApnSetting.apn + (inputApnSetting.user || '') + (inputApnSetting.password || ''); if (!this.apnSettings.byAPN[apnKey]) { this.apnSettings.byAPN[apnKey] = {}; this.apnSettings.byAPN[apnKey] = inputApnSetting; this.apnSettings.byAPN[apnKey].iface = new RILNetworkInterface(this, this.apnSettings.byAPN[apnKey]); } else { this.apnSettings.byAPN[apnKey].types.push(inputApnSetting.types); } for each (let type in inputApnSetting.types) { this.apnSettings.byType[type] = {}; this.apnSettings.byType[type] = this.apnSettings.byAPN[apnKey]; } } }, /** * Check if we get all necessary APN data. */ validateApnSetting: function validateApnSetting(apnSetting) { return (apnSetting && apnSetting.apn && apnSetting.types && apnSetting.types.length); }, updateRILNetworkInterface: function updateRILNetworkInterface() { let apnSetting = this.apnSettings.byType.default; if (!this.validateApnSetting(apnSetting)) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("We haven't gotten completely the APN data."); } return; } // This check avoids data call connection if the radio is not ready // yet after toggling off airplane mode. if (this.rilContext.radioState != RIL.GECKO_RADIOSTATE_READY) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("RIL is not ready for data connection: radio's not ready"); } return; } // We only watch at "ril.data.enabled" flag changes for connecting or // disconnecting the data call. If the value of "ril.data.enabled" is // true and any of the remaining flags change the setting application // should turn this flag to false and then to true in order to reload // the new values and reconnect the data call. if (this.dataCallSettings.oldEnabled == this.dataCallSettings.enabled) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("No changes for ril.data.enabled flag. Nothing to do."); } return; } let defaultDataCallState = this.getDataCallStateByType("default"); if (defaultDataCallState == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTING || defaultDataCallState == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_DISCONNECTING) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Nothing to do during connecting/disconnecting in progress."); } return; } let dataInfo = this.rilContext.data; let isRegistered = dataInfo.state == RIL.GECKO_MOBILE_CONNECTION_STATE_REGISTERED; let haveDataConnection = dataInfo.type != RIL.GECKO_MOBILE_CONNECTION_STATE_UNKNOWN; if (!isRegistered || !haveDataConnection) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("RIL is not ready for data connection: Phone's not " + "registered or doesn't have data connection."); } return; } let wifi_active = false; if (gNetworkManager.active && gNetworkManager.active.type == Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI) { wifi_active = true; } let defaultDataCallConnected = defaultDataCallState == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED; if (defaultDataCallConnected && (!this.dataCallSettings.enabled || (dataInfo.roaming && !this.dataCallSettings.roamingEnabled))) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Data call settings: disconnect data call."); this.deactivateDataCallByType("default"); return; } if (defaultDataCallConnected && wifi_active) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Disconnect data call when Wifi is connected."); this.deactivateDataCallByType("default"); return; } if (!this.dataCallSettings.enabled || defaultDataCallConnected) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Data call settings: nothing to do."); return; } if (dataInfo.roaming && !this.dataCallSettings.roamingEnabled) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("We're roaming, but data roaming is disabled."); return; } if (wifi_active) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Don't connect data call when Wifi is connected."); return; } if (this._changingRadioPower) { // We're changing the radio power currently, ignore any changes. return; } if (DEBUG) this.debug("Data call settings: connect data call."); this.setupDataCallByType("default"); }, /** * Update network selection mode */ updateNetworkSelectionMode: function updateNetworkSelectionMode(message) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("updateNetworkSelectionMode: " + JSON.stringify(message)); this.rilContext.networkSelectionMode = message.mode; gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:NetworkSelectionModeChanged", this.clientId, message); }, /** * Handle emergency callback mode change. */ handleEmergencyCbModeChange: function handleEmergencyCbModeChange(message) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("handleEmergencyCbModeChange: " + JSON.stringify(message)); gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:EmergencyCbModeChanged", this.clientId, message); }, /** * Handle WDP port push PDU. Constructor WDP bearer information and deliver * to WapPushManager. * * @param message * A SMS message. */ handleSmsWdpPortPush: function handleSmsWdpPortPush(message) { if (message.encoding != RIL.PDU_DCS_MSG_CODING_8BITS_ALPHABET) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Got port addressed SMS but not encoded in 8-bit alphabet." + " Drop!"); } return; } let options = { bearer: WAP.WDP_BEARER_GSM_SMS_GSM_MSISDN, sourceAddress: message.sender, sourcePort: message.header.originatorPort, destinationAddress: this.rilContext.iccInfo.msisdn, destinationPort: message.header.destinationPort, }; WAP.WapPushManager.receiveWdpPDU(message.fullData, message.fullData.length, 0, options); }, /** * A helper to broadcast the system message to launch registered apps * like Costcontrol, Notification and Message app... etc. * * @param aName * The system message name. * @param aDomMessage * The nsIDOMMozSmsMessage object. */ broadcastSmsSystemMessage: function broadcastSmsSystemMessage(aName, aDomMessage) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Broadcasting the SMS system message: " + aName); // Sadly we cannot directly broadcast the aDomMessage object // because the system message mechamism will rewrap the object // based on the content window, which needs to know the properties. gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage(aName, { type: aDomMessage.type, id: aDomMessage.id, threadId: aDomMessage.threadId, delivery: aDomMessage.delivery, deliveryStatus: aDomMessage.deliveryStatus, sender: aDomMessage.sender, receiver: aDomMessage.receiver, body: aDomMessage.body, messageClass: aDomMessage.messageClass, timestamp: aDomMessage.timestamp, read: aDomMessage.read }); }, // The following attributes/functions are used for acquiring the CPU wake // lock when the RIL handles the received SMS. Note that we need a timer to // bound the lock's life cycle to avoid exhausting the battery. _smsHandledWakeLock: null, _smsHandledWakeLockTimer: null, _cancelSmsHandledWakeLockTimer: function _cancelSmsHandledWakeLockTimer() { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Releasing the CPU wake lock for handling SMS."); if (this._smsHandledWakeLockTimer) { this._smsHandledWakeLockTimer.cancel(); } if (this._smsHandledWakeLock) { this._smsHandledWakeLock.unlock(); this._smsHandledWakeLock = null; } }, portAddressedSmsApps: null, handleSmsReceived: function handleSmsReceived(message) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("handleSmsReceived: " + JSON.stringify(message)); // We need to acquire a CPU wake lock to avoid the system falling into // the sleep mode when the RIL handles the received SMS. if (!this._smsHandledWakeLock) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Acquiring a CPU wake lock for handling SMS."); this._smsHandledWakeLock = gPowerManagerService.newWakeLock("cpu"); } if (!this._smsHandledWakeLockTimer) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Creating a timer for releasing the CPU wake lock."); this._smsHandledWakeLockTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); } if (DEBUG) this.debug("Setting the timer for releasing the CPU wake lock."); this._smsHandledWakeLockTimer .initWithCallback(this._cancelSmsHandledWakeLockTimer.bind(this), SMS_HANDLED_WAKELOCK_TIMEOUT, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); // FIXME: Bug 737202 - Typed arrays become normal arrays when sent to/from workers if (message.encoding == RIL.PDU_DCS_MSG_CODING_8BITS_ALPHABET) { message.fullData = new Uint8Array(message.fullData); } // Dispatch to registered handler if application port addressing is // available. Note that the destination port can possibly be zero when // representing a UDP/TCP port. if (message.header && message.header.destinationPort != null) { let handler = this.portAddressedSmsApps[message.header.destinationPort]; if (handler) { handler(message); } return true; } if (message.encoding == RIL.PDU_DCS_MSG_CODING_8BITS_ALPHABET) { // Don't know how to handle binary data yet. return true; } message.type = "sms"; message.sender = message.sender || null; message.receiver = this.getPhoneNumber(); message.body = message.fullBody = message.fullBody || null; message.timestamp = Date.now(); if (gSmsService.isSilentNumber(message.sender)) { message.id = -1; message.threadId = 0; message.delivery = DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_RECEIVED; message.deliveryStatus = RIL.GECKO_SMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_SUCCESS; message.read = false; let domMessage = gMobileMessageService.createSmsMessage(message.id, message.threadId, message.delivery, message.deliveryStatus, message.sender, message.receiver, message.body, message.messageClass, message.timestamp, message.read); Services.obs.notifyObservers(domMessage, kSilentSmsReceivedObserverTopic, null); return true; } // TODO: Bug #768441 // For now we don't store indicators persistently. When the mwi.discard // flag is false, we'll need to persist the indicator to EFmwis. // See TS 23.040 let mwi = message.mwi; if (mwi) { mwi.returnNumber = message.sender; mwi.returnMessage = message.fullBody; gMessageManager.sendVoicemailMessage("RIL:VoicemailNotification", this.clientId, mwi); return true; } let notifyReceived = function notifyReceived(rv, domMessage) { let success = Components.isSuccessCode(rv); // Acknowledge the reception of the SMS. this.workerMessenger.send("ackSMS", { result: (success ? RIL.PDU_FCS_OK : RIL.PDU_FCS_MEMORY_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED) }); if (!success) { // At this point we could send a message to content to notify the user // that storing an incoming SMS failed, most likely due to a full disk. if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Could not store SMS " + message.id + ", error code " + rv); } return; } this.broadcastSmsSystemMessage("sms-received", domMessage); Services.obs.notifyObservers(domMessage, kSmsReceivedObserverTopic, null); }.bind(this); if (message.messageClass != RIL.GECKO_SMS_MESSAGE_CLASSES[RIL.PDU_DCS_MSG_CLASS_0]) { message.id = gMobileMessageDatabaseService.saveReceivedMessage(message, notifyReceived); } else { message.id = -1; message.threadId = 0; message.delivery = DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_RECEIVED; message.deliveryStatus = RIL.GECKO_SMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_SUCCESS; message.read = false; let domMessage = gMobileMessageService.createSmsMessage(message.id, message.threadId, message.delivery, message.deliveryStatus, message.sender, message.receiver, message.body, message.messageClass, message.timestamp, message.read); notifyReceived(Cr.NS_OK, domMessage); } // SMS ACK will be sent in notifyReceived. Return false here. return false; }, /** * Handle data call state changes. */ handleDataCallState: function handleDataCallState(datacall) { let data = this.rilContext.data; let apnSetting = this.apnSettings.byType.default; let dataCallConnected = (datacall.state == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED); if (apnSetting && datacall.ifname) { if (dataCallConnected && datacall.apn == apnSetting.apn && apnSetting.iface.inConnectedTypes("default")) { data.connected = dataCallConnected; gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:DataInfoChanged", this.clientId, data); data.apn = datacall.apn; } else if (!dataCallConnected && datacall.apn == data.apn) { data.connected = dataCallConnected; delete data.apn; gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:DataInfoChanged", this.clientId, data); } } this._deliverDataCallCallback("dataCallStateChanged", [datacall]); // Process pending radio power off request after all data calls // are disconnected. if (datacall.state == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_UNKNOWN && this._changingRadioPower) { let anyDataConnected = false; for each (let apnSetting in this.apnSettings.byAPN) { for each (let type in apnSetting.types) { if (this.getDataCallStateByType(type) == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED) { anyDataConnected = true; break; } } if (anyDataConnected) { break; } } if (!anyDataConnected) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("All data connections are disconnected, set radio off."); this._cancelRadioOffTimer(); this.setRadioEnabled(false); } } }, /** * Handle data call list. */ handleDataCallList: function handleDataCallList(message) { this._deliverDataCallCallback("receiveDataCallList", [message.datacalls, message.datacalls.length]); }, /** * Set the setting value of "time.clock.automatic-update.available". */ setClockAutoUpdateAvailable: function setClockAutoUpdateAvailable(value) { gSettingsService.createLock().set(kClockAutoUpdateAvailable, value, null, "fromInternalSetting"); }, /** * Set the setting value of "time.timezone.automatic-update.available". */ setTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable: function setTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable(value) { gSettingsService.createLock().set(kTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable, value, null, "fromInternalSetting"); }, /** * Set the system clock by NITZ. */ setClockByNitz: function setClockByNitz(message) { // To set the system clock time. Note that there could be a time diff // between when the NITZ was received and when the time is actually set. gTimeService.set( message.networkTimeInMS + (Date.now() - message.receiveTimeInMS)); }, /** * Set the system time zone by NITZ. */ setTimezoneByNitz: function setTimezoneByNitz(message) { // To set the sytem timezone. Note that we need to convert the time zone // value to a UTC repesentation string in the format of "UTC(+/-)hh:mm". // Ex, time zone -480 is "UTC+08:00"; time zone 630 is "UTC-10:30". // // We can unapply the DST correction if we want the raw time zone offset: // message.networkTimeZoneInMinutes -= message.networkDSTInMinutes; if (message.networkTimeZoneInMinutes != (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset()) { let absTimeZoneInMinutes = Math.abs(message.networkTimeZoneInMinutes); let timeZoneStr = "UTC"; timeZoneStr += (message.networkTimeZoneInMinutes > 0 ? "-" : "+"); timeZoneStr += ("0" + Math.floor(absTimeZoneInMinutes / 60)).slice(-2); timeZoneStr += ":"; timeZoneStr += ("0" + absTimeZoneInMinutes % 60).slice(-2); gSettingsService.createLock().set("time.timezone", timeZoneStr, null); } }, /** * Handle the NITZ message. */ handleNitzTime: function handleNitzTime(message) { // Got the NITZ info received from the ril_worker. this.setClockAutoUpdateAvailable(true); this.setTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable(true); // Cache the latest NITZ message whenever receiving it. this._lastNitzMessage = message; // Set the received NITZ clock if the setting is enabled. if (this._clockAutoUpdateEnabled) { this.setClockByNitz(message); } // Set the received NITZ timezone if the setting is enabled. if (this._timezoneAutoUpdateEnabled) { this.setTimezoneByNitz(message); } }, /** * Set the system clock by SNTP. */ setClockBySntp: function setClockBySntp(offset) { // Got the SNTP info. this.setClockAutoUpdateAvailable(true); if (!this._clockAutoUpdateEnabled) { return; } if (this._lastNitzMessage) { debug("SNTP: NITZ available, discard SNTP"); return; } gTimeService.set(Date.now() + offset); }, handleIccMbdn: function handleIccMbdn(message) { let voicemailInfo = this.voicemailInfo; voicemailInfo.number = message.number; voicemailInfo.displayName = message.alphaId; gMessageManager.sendVoicemailMessage("RIL:VoicemailInfoChanged", this.clientId, voicemailInfo); }, handleIccInfoChange: function handleIccInfoChange(message) { let oldSpn = this.rilContext.iccInfo ? this.rilContext.iccInfo.spn : null; if (!message || !message.iccType) { // Card is not detected, clear iccInfo to null. this.rilContext.iccInfo = null; } else { if (!this.rilContext.iccInfo) { if (message.iccType === "ruim" || message.iccType === "csim") { this.rilContext.iccInfo = new CdmaIccInfo(); } else { this.rilContext.iccInfo = new GsmIccInfo(); } } if (!this.isInfoChanged(message, this.rilContext.iccInfo)) { return; } this.updateInfo(message, this.rilContext.iccInfo); } // RIL:IccInfoChanged corresponds to a DOM event that gets fired only // when iccInfo has changed. gMessageManager.sendIccMessage("RIL:IccInfoChanged", this.clientId, message.iccType ? message : null); // Update lastKnownSimMcc. if (message.mcc) { try { Services.prefs.setCharPref("ril.lastKnownSimMcc", message.mcc.toString()); } catch (e) {} } // Update lastKnownHomeNetwork. if (message.mcc && message.mnc) { try { Services.prefs.setCharPref("ril.lastKnownHomeNetwork", message.mcc + "-" + message.mnc); } catch (e) {} } // If spn becomes available, we should check roaming again. if (!oldSpn && message.spn) { let voice = this.rilContext.voice; let data = this.rilContext.data; let voiceRoaming = voice.roaming; let dataRoaming = data.roaming; this.checkRoamingBetweenOperators(voice); this.checkRoamingBetweenOperators(data); if (voiceRoaming != voice.roaming) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:VoiceInfoChanged", this.clientId, voice); } if (dataRoaming != data.roaming) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:DataInfoChanged", this.clientId, data); } } }, handleUSSDReceived: function handleUSSDReceived(ussd) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("handleUSSDReceived " + JSON.stringify(ussd)); gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("ussd-received", ussd); gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:USSDReceived", this.clientId, ussd); }, handleStkProactiveCommand: function handleStkProactiveCommand(message) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("handleStkProactiveCommand " + JSON.stringify(message)); gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("icc-stkcommand", message); gMessageManager.sendIccMessage("RIL:StkCommand", this.clientId, message); }, handleExitEmergencyCbMode: function handleExitEmergencyCbMode(message) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("handleExitEmergencyCbMode: " + JSON.stringify(message)); gMessageManager.sendRequestResults("RIL:ExitEmergencyCbMode", message); }, // nsIObserver observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case kSysMsgListenerReadyObserverTopic: Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kSysMsgListenerReadyObserverTopic); this._sysMsgListenerReady = true; this._ensureRadioState(); break; case kMozSettingsChangedObserverTopic: let setting = JSON.parse(data); this.handleSettingsChange(setting.key, setting.value, setting.message); break; case kPrefenceChangedObserverTopic: if (data === kCellBroadcastDisabled) { let value = false; try { value = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(kCellBroadcastDisabled); } catch(e) {} this.workerMessenger.send("setCellBroadcastDisabled", { disabled: value }); } break; case "xpcom-shutdown": // Cancel the timer of the CPU wake lock for handling the received SMS. this._cancelSmsHandledWakeLockTimer(); // Shutdown all RIL network interfaces for each (let apnSetting in this.apnSettings.byAPN) { if (apnSetting.iface) { apnSetting.iface.shutdown(); } } Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kMozSettingsChangedObserverTopic); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kSysClockChangeObserverTopic); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kScreenStateChangedTopic); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, kNetworkInterfaceStateChangedTopic); Services.prefs.removeObserver(kCellBroadcastDisabled, this); break; case kSysClockChangeObserverTopic: let offset = parseInt(data, 10); if (this._lastNitzMessage) { this._lastNitzMessage.receiveTimeInMS += offset; } this._sntp.updateOffset(offset); break; case kNetworkInterfaceStateChangedTopic: let network = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINetworkInterface); if (network.state == Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED) { // Check SNTP when we have data connection, this may not take // effect immediately before the setting get enabled. if (this._sntp.isExpired()) { this._sntp.request(); } } break; case kScreenStateChangedTopic: this.workerMessenger.send("setScreenState", { on: (data === "on") }); break; } }, // Flag to determine whether the UI's system app is ready to receive // events yet. _sysMsgListenerReady: false, // Flag to determine the radio state to start with when we boot up. It // corresponds to the 'ril.radio.disabled' setting from the UI. _radioEnabled: null, // Flag to ignore any radio power change requests during We're changing // the radio power. _changingRadioPower: false, // Data calls setting. dataCallSettings: null, apnSettings: null, // Flag to determine whether to update system clock automatically. It // corresponds to the 'time.clock.automatic-update.enabled' setting. _clockAutoUpdateEnabled: null, // Flag to determine whether to update system timezone automatically. It // corresponds to the 'time.clock.automatic-update.enabled' setting. _timezoneAutoUpdateEnabled: null, // Remember the last NITZ message so that we can set the time based on // the network immediately when users enable network-based time. _lastNitzMessage: null, // Object that handles SNTP. _sntp: null, // Cell Broadcast settings values. _cellBroadcastSearchListStr: null, handleSettingsChange: function handleSettingsChange(aName, aResult, aMessage) { // Don't allow any content processes to modify the setting // "time.clock.automatic-update.available" except for the chrome process. if (aName === kClockAutoUpdateAvailable && aMessage !== "fromInternalSetting") { let isClockAutoUpdateAvailable = this._lastNitzMessage !== null || this._sntp.isAvailable(); if (aResult !== isClockAutoUpdateAvailable) { debug("Content processes cannot modify 'time.clock.automatic-update.available'. Restore!"); // Restore the setting to the current value. this.setClockAutoUpdateAvailable(isClockAutoUpdateAvailable); } } // Don't allow any content processes to modify the setting // "time.timezone.automatic-update.available" except for the chrome // process. if (aName === kTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable && aMessage !== "fromInternalSetting") { let isTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable = this._lastNitzMessage !== null; if (aResult !== isTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Content processes cannot modify 'time.timezone.automatic-update.available'. Restore!"); } // Restore the setting to the current value. this.setTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable(isTimezoneAutoUpdateAvailable); } } this.handle(aName, aResult); }, // nsISettingsServiceCallback handle: function handle(aName, aResult) { switch(aName) { case "ril.radio.disabled": if (DEBUG) this.debug("'ril.radio.disabled' is now " + aResult); this._radioEnabled = !aResult; this._ensureRadioState(); break; case "ril.radio.preferredNetworkType": if (DEBUG) this.debug("'ril.radio.preferredNetworkType' is now " + aResult); this.setPreferredNetworkType(aResult); break; case "ril.data.enabled": if (DEBUG) this.debug("'ril.data.enabled' is now " + aResult); let enabled; if (Array.isArray(aResult)) { enabled = aResult[this.clientId]; } else { // Backward compability enabled = aResult; } this.dataCallSettings.oldEnabled = this.dataCallSettings.enabled; this.dataCallSettings.enabled = enabled; this.updateRILNetworkInterface(); break; case "ril.data.roaming_enabled": if (DEBUG) this.debug("'ril.data.roaming_enabled' is now " + aResult); this.dataCallSettings.roamingEnabled = aResult; this.updateRILNetworkInterface(); break; case "ril.data.apnSettings": if (DEBUG) this.debug("'ril.data.apnSettings' is now " + JSON.stringify(aResult)); if (aResult) { this.updateApnSettings(aResult); this.updateRILNetworkInterface(); } break; case kClockAutoUpdateEnabled: this._clockAutoUpdateEnabled = aResult; if (!this._clockAutoUpdateEnabled) { break; } // Set the latest cached NITZ time if it's available. if (this._lastNitzMessage) { this.setClockByNitz(this._lastNitzMessage); } else if (gNetworkManager.active && gNetworkManager.active.state == Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED) { // Set the latest cached SNTP time if it's available. if (!this._sntp.isExpired()) { this.setClockBySntp(this._sntp.getOffset()); } else { // Or refresh the SNTP. this._sntp.request(); } } break; case kTimezoneAutoUpdateEnabled: this._timezoneAutoUpdateEnabled = aResult; if (this._timezoneAutoUpdateEnabled) { // Apply the latest cached NITZ for timezone if it's available. if (this._timezoneAutoUpdateEnabled && this._lastNitzMessage) { this.setTimezoneByNitz(this._lastNitzMessage); } } break; case kCellBroadcastSearchList: if (DEBUG) { this.debug("'" + kCellBroadcastSearchList + "' is now " + aResult); } this.setCellBroadcastSearchList(aResult); break; } }, handleError: function handleError(aErrorMessage) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("There was an error while reading RIL settings."); // Default radio to on. this._radioEnabled = true; this._ensureRadioState(); // Clean data call setting. this.dataCallSettings.oldEnabled = false; this.dataCallSettings.enabled = false; this.dataCallSettings.roamingEnabled = false; this.apnSettings = { byType: {}, byAPN: {}, }; }, // nsIRadioInterface setRadioEnabled: function setRadioEnabled(value) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Setting radio power to " + value); this.workerMessenger.send("setRadioPower", { on: value }); }, rilContext: null, // Handle phone functions of nsIRILContentHelper _sendCfStateChanged: function _sendCfStateChanged(message) { gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:CfStateChanged", this.clientId, message); }, _updateCallingLineIdRestrictionPref: function _updateCallingLineIdRestrictionPref(mode) { try { Services.prefs.setIntPref(kClirModePreference, mode); Services.prefs.savePrefFile(null); if (DEBUG) { this.debug(kClirModePreference + " pref is now " + mode); } } catch (e) {} }, sendMMI: function sendMMI(target, message) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("SendMMI " + JSON.stringify(message)); this.workerMessenger.send("sendMMI", message, (function(response) { if (response.isSetCallForward) { this._sendCfStateChanged(response); } else if (response.isSetCLIR && response.success) { this._updateCallingLineIdRestrictionPref(response.clirMode); } target.sendAsyncMessage("RIL:SendMMI", { clientId: this.clientId, data: response }); return false; }).bind(this)); }, setCallForwardingOptions: function setCallForwardingOptions(target, message) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("setCallForwardingOptions: " + JSON.stringify(message)); message.serviceClass = RIL.ICC_SERVICE_CLASS_VOICE; this.workerMessenger.send("setCallForward", message, (function(response) { this._sendCfStateChanged(response); target.sendAsyncMessage("RIL:SetCallForwardingOptions", { clientId: this.clientId, data: response }); return false; }).bind(this)); }, setCallingLineIdRestriction: function setCallingLineIdRestriction(target, message) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("setCallingLineIdRestriction: " + JSON.stringify(message)); } this.workerMessenger.send("setCLIR", message, (function(response) { if (response.success) { this._updateCallingLineIdRestrictionPref(response.clirMode); } target.sendAsyncMessage("RIL:SetCallingLineIdRestriction", { clientId: this.clientId, data: response }); return false; }).bind(this)); }, /** * List of tuples of national language identifier pairs. * * TODO: Support static/runtime settings, see bug 733331. */ enabledGsmTableTuples: [ [RIL.PDU_NL_IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT, RIL.PDU_NL_IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT], ], /** * Use 16-bit reference number for concatenated outgoint messages. * * TODO: Support static/runtime settings, see bug 733331. */ segmentRef16Bit: false, /** * Get valid SMS concatenation reference number. */ _segmentRef: 0, get nextSegmentRef() { let ref = this._segmentRef++; this._segmentRef %= (this.segmentRef16Bit ? 65535 : 255); // 0 is not a valid SMS concatenation reference number. return ref + 1; }, /** * Calculate encoded length using specified locking/single shift table * * @param message * message string to be encoded. * @param langTable * locking shift table string. * @param langShiftTable * single shift table string. * @param strict7BitEncoding * Optional. Enable Latin characters replacement with corresponding * ones in GSM SMS 7-bit default alphabet. * * @return encoded length in septets. * * @note that the algorithm used in this function must match exactly with * GsmPDUHelper#writeStringAsSeptets. */ _countGsm7BitSeptets: function _countGsm7BitSeptets(message, langTable, langShiftTable, strict7BitEncoding) { let length = 0; for (let msgIndex = 0; msgIndex < message.length; msgIndex++) { let c = message.charAt(msgIndex); if (strict7BitEncoding) { c = RIL.GSM_SMS_STRICT_7BIT_CHARMAP[c] || c; } let septet = langTable.indexOf(c); // According to 3GPP TS 23.038, section 6.1.1 General notes, "The // characters marked '1)' are not used but are displayed as a space." if (septet == RIL.PDU_NL_EXTENDED_ESCAPE) { continue; } if (septet >= 0) { length++; continue; } septet = langShiftTable.indexOf(c); if (septet < 0) { if (!strict7BitEncoding) { return -1; } // Bug 816082, when strict7BitEncoding is enabled, we should replace // characters that can't be encoded with GSM 7-Bit alphabets with '*'. c = '*'; if (langTable.indexOf(c) >= 0) { length++; } else if (langShiftTable.indexOf(c) >= 0) { length += 2; } else { // We can't even encode a '*' character with current configuration. return -1; } continue; } // According to 3GPP TS 23.038 B.2, "This code represents a control // character and therefore must not be used for language specific // characters." if (septet == RIL.PDU_NL_RESERVED_CONTROL) { continue; } // The character is not found in locking shfit table, but could be // encoded as with single shift table. Note that it's // still possible for septet to has the value of PDU_NL_EXTENDED_ESCAPE, // but we can display it as a space in this case as said in previous // comment. length += 2; } return length; }, /** * Calculate user data length of specified message string encoded in GSM 7Bit * alphabets. * * @param message * a message string to be encoded. * @param strict7BitEncoding * Optional. Enable Latin characters replacement with corresponding * ones in GSM SMS 7-bit default alphabet. * * @return null or an options object with attributes `dcs`, * `userDataHeaderLength`, `encodedFullBodyLength`, `langIndex`, * `langShiftIndex`, `segmentMaxSeq` set. * * @see #_calculateUserDataLength(). */ _calculateUserDataLength7Bit: function _calculateUserDataLength7Bit(message, strict7BitEncoding) { let options = null; let minUserDataSeptets = Number.MAX_VALUE; for (let i = 0; i < this.enabledGsmTableTuples.length; i++) { let [langIndex, langShiftIndex] = this.enabledGsmTableTuples[i]; const langTable = RIL.PDU_NL_LOCKING_SHIFT_TABLES[langIndex]; const langShiftTable = RIL.PDU_NL_SINGLE_SHIFT_TABLES[langShiftIndex]; let bodySeptets = this._countGsm7BitSeptets(message, langTable, langShiftTable, strict7BitEncoding); if (bodySeptets < 0) { continue; } let headerLen = 0; if (langIndex != RIL.PDU_NL_IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT) { headerLen += 3; // IEI + len + langIndex } if (langShiftIndex != RIL.PDU_NL_IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT) { headerLen += 3; // IEI + len + langShiftIndex } // Calculate full user data length, note the extra byte is for header len let headerSeptets = Math.ceil((headerLen ? headerLen + 1 : 0) * 8 / 7); let segmentSeptets = RIL.PDU_MAX_USER_DATA_7BIT; if ((bodySeptets + headerSeptets) > segmentSeptets) { headerLen += this.segmentRef16Bit ? 6 : 5; headerSeptets = Math.ceil((headerLen + 1) * 8 / 7); segmentSeptets -= headerSeptets; } let segments = Math.ceil(bodySeptets / segmentSeptets); let userDataSeptets = bodySeptets + headerSeptets * segments; if (userDataSeptets >= minUserDataSeptets) { continue; } minUserDataSeptets = userDataSeptets; options = { dcs: RIL.PDU_DCS_MSG_CODING_7BITS_ALPHABET, encodedFullBodyLength: bodySeptets, userDataHeaderLength: headerLen, langIndex: langIndex, langShiftIndex: langShiftIndex, segmentMaxSeq: segments, segmentChars: segmentSeptets, }; } return options; }, /** * Calculate user data length of specified message string encoded in UCS2. * * @param message * a message string to be encoded. * * @return an options object with attributes `dcs`, `userDataHeaderLength`, * `encodedFullBodyLength`, `segmentMaxSeq` set. * * @see #_calculateUserDataLength(). */ _calculateUserDataLengthUCS2: function _calculateUserDataLengthUCS2(message) { let bodyChars = message.length; let headerLen = 0; let headerChars = Math.ceil((headerLen ? headerLen + 1 : 0) / 2); let segmentChars = RIL.PDU_MAX_USER_DATA_UCS2; if ((bodyChars + headerChars) > segmentChars) { headerLen += this.segmentRef16Bit ? 6 : 5; headerChars = Math.ceil((headerLen + 1) / 2); segmentChars -= headerChars; } let segments = Math.ceil(bodyChars / segmentChars); return { dcs: RIL.PDU_DCS_MSG_CODING_16BITS_ALPHABET, encodedFullBodyLength: bodyChars * 2, userDataHeaderLength: headerLen, segmentMaxSeq: segments, segmentChars: segmentChars, }; }, /** * Calculate user data length and its encoding. * * @param message * a message string to be encoded. * @param strict7BitEncoding * Optional. Enable Latin characters replacement with corresponding * ones in GSM SMS 7-bit default alphabet. * * @return an options object with some or all of following attributes set: * * @param dcs * Data coding scheme. One of the PDU_DCS_MSG_CODING_*BITS_ALPHABET * constants. * @param userDataHeaderLength * Length of embedded user data header, in bytes. The whole header * size will be userDataHeaderLength + 1; 0 for no header. * @param encodedFullBodyLength * Length of the message body when encoded with the given DCS. For * UCS2, in bytes; for 7-bit, in septets. * @param langIndex * Table index used for normal 7-bit encoded character lookup. * @param langShiftIndex * Table index used for escaped 7-bit encoded character lookup. * @param segmentMaxSeq * Max sequence number of a multi-part messages, or 1 for single one. * This number might not be accurate for a multi-part message until * it's processed by #_fragmentText() again. */ _calculateUserDataLength: function _calculateUserDataLength(message, strict7BitEncoding) { let options = this._calculateUserDataLength7Bit(message, strict7BitEncoding); if (!options) { options = this._calculateUserDataLengthUCS2(message); } if (DEBUG) this.debug("_calculateUserDataLength: " + JSON.stringify(options)); return options; }, /** * Fragment GSM 7-Bit encodable string for transmission. * * @param text * text string to be fragmented. * @param langTable * locking shift table string. * @param langShiftTable * single shift table string. * @param segmentSeptets * Number of available spetets per segment. * @param strict7BitEncoding * Optional. Enable Latin characters replacement with corresponding * ones in GSM SMS 7-bit default alphabet. * * @return an array of objects. See #_fragmentText() for detailed definition. */ _fragmentText7Bit: function _fragmentText7Bit(text, langTable, langShiftTable, segmentSeptets, strict7BitEncoding) { let ret = []; let body = "", len = 0; for (let i = 0, inc = 0; i < text.length; i++) { let c = text.charAt(i); if (strict7BitEncoding) { c = RIL.GSM_SMS_STRICT_7BIT_CHARMAP[c] || c; } let septet = langTable.indexOf(c); if (septet == RIL.PDU_NL_EXTENDED_ESCAPE) { continue; } if (septet >= 0) { inc = 1; } else { septet = langShiftTable.indexOf(c); if (septet == RIL.PDU_NL_RESERVED_CONTROL) { continue; } inc = 2; if (septet < 0) { if (!strict7BitEncoding) { throw new Error("Given text cannot be encoded with GSM 7-bit Alphabet!"); } // Bug 816082, when strict7BitEncoding is enabled, we should replace // characters that can't be encoded with GSM 7-Bit alphabets with '*'. c = '*'; if (langTable.indexOf(c) >= 0) { inc = 1; } } } if ((len + inc) > segmentSeptets) { ret.push({ body: body, encodedBodyLength: len, }); body = c; len = inc; } else { body += c; len += inc; } } if (len) { ret.push({ body: body, encodedBodyLength: len, }); } return ret; }, /** * Fragment UCS2 encodable string for transmission. * * @param text * text string to be fragmented. * @param segmentChars * Number of available characters per segment. * * @return an array of objects. See #_fragmentText() for detailed definition. */ _fragmentTextUCS2: function _fragmentTextUCS2(text, segmentChars) { let ret = []; for (let offset = 0; offset < text.length; offset += segmentChars) { let str = text.substr(offset, segmentChars); ret.push({ body: str, encodedBodyLength: str.length * 2, }); } return ret; }, /** * Fragment string for transmission. * * Fragment input text string into an array of objects that contains * attributes `body`, substring for this segment, `encodedBodyLength`, * length of the encoded segment body in septets. * * @param text * Text string to be fragmented. * @param options * Optional pre-calculated option object. The output array will be * stored at options.segments if there are multiple segments. * @param strict7BitEncoding * Optional. Enable Latin characters replacement with corresponding * ones in GSM SMS 7-bit default alphabet. * * @return Populated options object. */ _fragmentText: function _fragmentText(text, options, strict7BitEncoding) { if (!options) { options = this._calculateUserDataLength(text, strict7BitEncoding); } if (options.dcs == RIL.PDU_DCS_MSG_CODING_7BITS_ALPHABET) { const langTable = RIL.PDU_NL_LOCKING_SHIFT_TABLES[options.langIndex]; const langShiftTable = RIL.PDU_NL_SINGLE_SHIFT_TABLES[options.langShiftIndex]; options.segments = this._fragmentText7Bit(text, langTable, langShiftTable, options.segmentChars, strict7BitEncoding); } else { options.segments = this._fragmentTextUCS2(text, options.segmentChars); } // Re-sync options.segmentMaxSeq with actual length of returning array. options.segmentMaxSeq = options.segments.length; return options; }, getSegmentInfoForText: function getSegmentInfoForText(text, request) { let strict7BitEncoding; try { strict7BitEncoding = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.sms.strict7BitEncoding"); } catch (e) { strict7BitEncoding = false; } let options = this._fragmentText(text, null, strict7BitEncoding); let charsInLastSegment; if (options.segmentMaxSeq) { let lastSegment = options.segments[options.segmentMaxSeq - 1]; charsInLastSegment = lastSegment.encodedBodyLength; if (options.dcs == RIL.PDU_DCS_MSG_CODING_16BITS_ALPHABET) { // In UCS2 encoding, encodedBodyLength is in octets. charsInLastSegment /= 2; } } else { charsInLastSegment = 0; } let result = gMobileMessageService .createSmsSegmentInfo(options.segmentMaxSeq, options.segmentChars, options.segmentChars - charsInLastSegment); request.notifySegmentInfoForTextGot(result); }, sendSMS: function sendSMS(number, message, silent, request) { let strict7BitEncoding; try { strict7BitEncoding = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.sms.strict7BitEncoding"); } catch (e) { strict7BitEncoding = false; } let options = this._fragmentText(message, null, strict7BitEncoding); options.number = PhoneNumberUtils.normalize(number); let requestStatusReport; try { requestStatusReport = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.sms.requestStatusReport"); } catch (e) { requestStatusReport = true; } options.requestStatusReport = requestStatusReport && !silent; if (options.segmentMaxSeq > 1) { options.segmentRef16Bit = this.segmentRef16Bit; options.segmentRef = this.nextSegmentRef; } let notifyResult = (function notifyResult(rv, domMessage) { // TODO bug 832140 handle !Components.isSuccessCode(rv) if (!silent) { Services.obs.notifyObservers(domMessage, kSmsSendingObserverTopic, null); } // If the radio is disabled or the SIM card is not ready, just directly // return with the corresponding error code. let errorCode; if (!PhoneNumberUtils.isPlainPhoneNumber(options.number)) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Error! Address is invalid when sending SMS: " + options.number); errorCode = Ci.nsIMobileMessageCallback.INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR; } else if (!this._radioEnabled) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Error! Radio is disabled when sending SMS."); errorCode = Ci.nsIMobileMessageCallback.RADIO_DISABLED_ERROR; } else if (this.rilContext.cardState != "ready") { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Error! SIM card is not ready when sending SMS."); errorCode = Ci.nsIMobileMessageCallback.NO_SIM_CARD_ERROR; } if (errorCode) { if (silent) { request.notifySendMessageFailed(errorCode); return; } gMobileMessageDatabaseService .setMessageDeliveryByMessageId(domMessage.id, null, DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_ERROR, RIL.GECKO_SMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_ERROR, null, function notifyResult(rv, domMessage) { // TODO bug 832140 handle !Components.isSuccessCode(rv) request.notifySendMessageFailed(errorCode); Services.obs.notifyObservers(domMessage, kSmsFailedObserverTopic, null); }); return; } // Keep current SMS message info for sent/delivered notifications let context = { request: request, sms: domMessage, requestStatusReport: options.requestStatusReport, silent: silent }; // This is the entry point starting to send SMS. this.workerMessenger.send("sendSMS", options, (function(context, response) { if (response.errorMsg) { // Failed to send SMS out. let error = Ci.nsIMobileMessageCallback.UNKNOWN_ERROR; switch (response.errorMsg) { case RIL.ERROR_RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE: error = Ci.nsIMobileMessageCallback.NO_SIGNAL_ERROR; break; case RIL.ERROR_FDN_CHECK_FAILURE: error = Ci.nsIMobileMessageCallback.FDN_CHECK_ERROR; break; } if (context.silent) { context.request.notifySendMessageFailed(error); return false; } gMobileMessageDatabaseService .setMessageDeliveryByMessageId(context.sms.id, null, DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_ERROR, RIL.GECKO_SMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_ERROR, null, function notifyResult(rv, domMessage) { // TODO bug 832140 handle !Components.isSuccessCode(rv) context.request.notifySendMessageFailed(error); Services.obs.notifyObservers(domMessage, kSmsFailedObserverTopic, null); }); return false; } // End of send failure. if (response.deliveryStatus) { // Message delivery. gMobileMessageDatabaseService .setMessageDeliveryByMessageId(context.sms.id, null, context.sms.delivery, response.deliveryStatus, null, function notifyResult(rv, domMessage) { // TODO bug 832140 handle !Components.isSuccessCode(rv) let topic = (response.deliveryStatus == RIL.GECKO_SMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_SUCCESS) ? kSmsDeliverySuccessObserverTopic : kSmsDeliveryErrorObserverTopic; Services.obs.notifyObservers(domMessage, topic, null); }); // Send transaction has ended completely. return false; } // End of message delivery. // Message sent. if (context.silent) { // There is no way to modify nsIDOMMozSmsMessage attributes as they are // read only so we just create a new sms instance to send along with // the notification. let sms = context.sms; context.request.notifyMessageSent( gMobileMessageService.createSmsMessage(sms.id, sms.threadId, DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_SENT, sms.deliveryStatus, sms.sender, sms.receiver, sms.body, sms.messageClass, sms.timestamp, sms.read)); // We don't wait for SMS-DELIVER-REPORT for silent one. return false; } gMobileMessageDatabaseService .setMessageDeliveryByMessageId(context.sms.id, null, DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_SENT, context.sms.deliveryStatus, null, (function notifyResult(rv, domMessage) { // TODO bug 832140 handle !Components.isSuccessCode(rv) this.broadcastSmsSystemMessage("sms-sent", domMessage); if (context.requestStatusReport) { context.sms = domMessage; } context.request.notifyMessageSent(domMessage); Services.obs.notifyObservers(domMessage, kSmsSentObserverTopic, null); }).bind(this)); // Only keep current context if we have requested for delivery report. return context.requestStatusReport; }).bind(this, context)); // End of |workerMessenger.send| callback. }).bind(this); // End of DB saveSendingMessage callback. let sendingMessage = { type: "sms", sender: this.getPhoneNumber(), receiver: number, body: message, deliveryStatusRequested: options.requestStatusReport, timestamp: Date.now() }; if (silent) { let deliveryStatus = RIL.GECKO_SMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_PENDING; let delivery = DOM_MOBILE_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_SENDING; let domMessage = gMobileMessageService.createSmsMessage(-1, // id 0, // threadId delivery, deliveryStatus, sendingMessage.sender, sendingMessage.receiver, sendingMessage.body, "normal", // message class sendingMessage.timestamp, false); notifyResult(Cr.NS_OK, domMessage); return; } let id = gMobileMessageDatabaseService.saveSendingMessage( sendingMessage, notifyResult); }, registerDataCallCallback: function registerDataCallCallback(callback) { if (this._datacall_callbacks) { if (this._datacall_callbacks.indexOf(callback) != -1) { throw new Error("Already registered this callback!"); } } else { this._datacall_callbacks = []; } this._datacall_callbacks.push(callback); if (DEBUG) this.debug("Registering callback: " + callback); }, unregisterDataCallCallback: function unregisterDataCallCallback(callback) { if (!this._datacall_callbacks) { return; } let index = this._datacall_callbacks.indexOf(callback); if (index != -1) { this._datacall_callbacks.splice(index, 1); if (DEBUG) this.debug("Unregistering callback: " + callback); } }, _deliverDataCallCallback: function _deliverDataCallCallback(name, args) { // We need to worry about callback registration state mutations during the // callback firing. The behaviour we want is to *not* call any callbacks // that are added during the firing and to *not* call any callbacks that are // removed during the firing. To address this, we make a copy of the // callback list before dispatching and then double-check that each callback // is still registered before calling it. if (!this._datacall_callbacks) { return; } let callbacks = this._datacall_callbacks.slice(); for (let callback of callbacks) { if (this._datacall_callbacks.indexOf(callback) == -1) { continue; } let handler = callback[name]; if (typeof handler != "function") { throw new Error("No handler for " + name); } try { handler.apply(callback, args); } catch (e) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("callback handler for " + name + " threw an exception: " + e); } } } }, setupDataCallByType: function setupDataCallByType(apntype) { let apnSetting = this.apnSettings.byType[apntype]; if (!apnSetting) { return; } let dataInfo = this.rilContext.data; if (dataInfo.state != RIL.GECKO_MOBILE_CONNECTION_STATE_REGISTERED || dataInfo.type == RIL.GECKO_MOBILE_CONNECTION_STATE_UNKNOWN) { return; } apnSetting.iface.connect(apntype); // We just call connect() function, so this interface should be in // connecting state. If this interface is already in connected state, we // are sure that this interface have successfully established connection // for other data call types before we call connect() function for current // data call type. In this circumstance, we have to directly update the // necessary data call and interface information to RILContentHelper // and network manager for current data call type. if (apnSetting.iface.connected) { if (apntype == "default" && !dataInfo.connected) { dataInfo.connected = true; gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:DataInfoChanged", this.clientId, dataInfo); } // Update the interface status via-registration if the interface has // already been registered in the network manager. if (apnSetting.iface.name in gNetworkManager.networkInterfaces) { gNetworkManager.unregisterNetworkInterface(apnSetting.iface); } gNetworkManager.registerNetworkInterface(apnSetting.iface); Services.obs.notifyObservers(apnSetting.iface, kNetworkInterfaceStateChangedTopic, null); } }, deactivateDataCallByType: function deactivateDataCallByType(apntype) { let apnSetting = this.apnSettings.byType[apntype]; if (!apnSetting) { return; } apnSetting.iface.disconnect(apntype); // We just call disconnect() function, so this interface should be in // disconnecting state. If this interface is still in connected state, we // are sure that other data call types still need this connection of this // interface. In this circumstance, we have to directly update the // necessary data call and interface information to RILContentHelper // and network manager for current data call type. if (apnSetting.iface.connectedTypes.length && apnSetting.iface.connected) { let dataInfo = this.rilContext.data; if (apntype == "default" && dataInfo.connected) { dataInfo.connected = false; gMessageManager.sendMobileConnectionMessage("RIL:DataInfoChanged", this.clientId, dataInfo); } // Update the interface status via-registration if the interface has // already been registered in the network manager. if (apnSetting.iface.name in gNetworkManager.networkInterfaces) { gNetworkManager.unregisterNetworkInterface(apnSetting.iface); } gNetworkManager.registerNetworkInterface(apnSetting.iface); Services.obs.notifyObservers(apnSetting.iface, kNetworkInterfaceStateChangedTopic, null); } }, getDataCallStateByType: function getDataCallStateByType(apntype) { let apnSetting = this.apnSettings.byType[apntype]; if (!apnSetting) { return RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_UNKNOWN; } if (!apnSetting.iface.inConnectedTypes(apntype)) { return RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_DISCONNECTED; } return apnSetting.iface.state; }, setupDataCall: function setupDataCall(radioTech, apn, user, passwd, chappap, pdptype) { this.workerMessenger.send("setupDataCall", { radioTech: radioTech, apn: apn, user: user, passwd: passwd, chappap: chappap, pdptype: pdptype }); }, deactivateDataCall: function deactivateDataCall(cid, reason) { this.workerMessenger.send("deactivateDataCall", { cid: cid, reason: reason }); }, sendWorkerMessage: function sendWorkerMessage(rilMessageType, message, callback) { this.workerMessenger.send(rilMessageType, message, function (response) { return callback.handleResponse(response); }); } }; function RILNetworkInterface(radioInterface, apnSetting) { this.radioInterface = radioInterface; this.apnSetting = apnSetting; this.connectedTypes = []; } RILNetworkInterface.prototype = { classID: RILNETWORKINTERFACE_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: RILNETWORKINTERFACE_CID, classDescription: "RILNetworkInterface", interfaces: [Ci.nsINetworkInterface, Ci.nsIRILDataCallback]}), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsINetworkInterface, Ci.nsIRILDataCallback]), // nsINetworkInterface NETWORK_STATE_UNKNOWN: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_STATE_UNKNOWN, NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTING: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.CONNECTING, NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.CONNECTED, NETWORK_STATE_DISCONNECTING: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.DISCONNECTING, NETWORK_STATE_DISCONNECTED: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.DISCONNECTED, state: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_STATE_UNKNOWN, NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI, NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE, NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_MMS: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_MMS, NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL, // The network manager should only need to add the host route for "other" // types, which is the same handling method as the supl type. So let the // definition of other types to be the same as the one of supl type. NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_OTHERS: Ci.nsINetworkInterface.NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL, /** * Standard values for the APN connection retry process * Retry funcion: time(secs) = A * numer_of_retries^2 + B */ NETWORK_APNRETRY_FACTOR: 8, NETWORK_APNRETRY_ORIGIN: 3, NETWORK_APNRETRY_MAXRETRIES: 10, // Event timer for connection retries timer: null, get type() { if (this.connectedTypes.indexOf("default") != -1) { return this.NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE; } if (this.connectedTypes.indexOf("mms") != -1) { return this.NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_MMS; } if (this.connectedTypes.indexOf("supl") != -1) { return this.NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL; } return this.NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_OTHERS; }, name: null, ip: null, netmask: null, broadcast: null, dns1: null, dns2: null, get httpProxyHost() { return this.apnSetting.proxy || ''; }, get httpProxyPort() { return this.apnSetting.port || ''; }, debug: function debug(s) { dump("-*- RILNetworkInterface[" + this.radioInterface.clientId + ":" + this.type + "]: " + s + "\n"); }, // nsIRILDataCallback dataCallError: function dataCallError(message) { if (message.apn != this.apnSetting.apn) { return; } if (DEBUG) this.debug("Data call error on APN: " + message.apn); this.reset(); }, dataCallStateChanged: function dataCallStateChanged(datacall) { if (this.cid && this.cid != datacall.cid) { // If data call for this connection existed but cid mismatched, // it means this datacall state change is not for us. return; } // If data call for this connection does not exist, it could be state // change for new data call. We only update data call state change // if APN name matched. if (!this.cid && datacall.apn != this.apnSetting.apn) { return; } if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Data call ID: " + datacall.cid + ", interface name: " + datacall.ifname + ", APN name: " + datacall.apn); } if (this.connecting && (datacall.state == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTING || datacall.state == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED)) { this.connecting = false; this.cid = datacall.cid; this.name = datacall.ifname; this.ip = datacall.ip; this.netmask = datacall.netmask; this.broadcast = datacall.broadcast; this.gateway = datacall.gw; if (datacall.dns) { this.dns1 = datacall.dns[0]; this.dns2 = datacall.dns[1]; } if (!this.registeredAsNetworkInterface) { gNetworkManager.registerNetworkInterface(this); this.registeredAsNetworkInterface = true; } } // In current design, we don't update status of secondary APN if it shares // same APN name with the default APN. In this condition, this.cid will // not be set and we don't want to update its status. if (this.cid == null) { return; } if (this.state == datacall.state) { if (datacall.state != GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED) { return; } // State remains connected, check for minor changes. let changed = false; if (this.gateway != datacall.gw) { this.gateway = datacall.gw; changed = true; } if (datacall.dns && (this.dns1 != datacall.dns[0] || this.dns2 != datacall.dns[1])) { this.dns1 = datacall.dns[0]; this.dns2 = datacall.dns[1]; changed = true; } if (changed) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("Notify for data call minor changes."); Services.obs.notifyObservers(this, kNetworkInterfaceStateChangedTopic, null); } return; } this.state = datacall.state; // In case the data setting changed while the datacall was being started or // ended, let's re-check the setting and potentially adjust the datacall // state again. if (this.radioInterface.apnSettings.byType.default && (this.radioInterface.apnSettings.byType.default.apn == this.apnSetting.apn)) { this.radioInterface.updateRILNetworkInterface(); } if (this.state == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_UNKNOWN && this.registeredAsNetworkInterface) { gNetworkManager.unregisterNetworkInterface(this); this.registeredAsNetworkInterface = false; this.cid = null; this.connectedTypes = []; return; } Services.obs.notifyObservers(this, kNetworkInterfaceStateChangedTopic, null); }, receiveDataCallList: function receiveDataCallList(dataCalls, length) { }, // Helpers cid: null, registeredAsDataCallCallback: false, registeredAsNetworkInterface: false, connecting: false, apnSetting: null, // APN failed connections. Retry counter apnRetryCounter: 0, connectedTypes: null, inConnectedTypes: function inConnectedTypes(type) { return this.connectedTypes.indexOf(type) != -1; }, get connected() { return this.state == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED; }, connect: function connect(apntype) { if (apntype && !this.inConnectedTypes(apntype)) { this.connectedTypes.push(apntype); } if (this.connecting || this.connected) { return; } // When the retry mechanism is running in background and someone calls // disconnect(), this.connectedTypes.length has chances to become 0. if (!this.connectedTypes.length) { return; } if (!this.registeredAsDataCallCallback) { this.radioInterface.registerDataCallCallback(this); this.registeredAsDataCallCallback = true; } if (!this.apnSetting.apn) { if (DEBUG) this.debug("APN name is empty, nothing to do."); return; } if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Going to set up data connection with APN " + this.apnSetting.apn); } let radioTechType = this.radioInterface.rilContext.data.type; let radioTechnology = RIL.GECKO_RADIO_TECH.indexOf(radioTechType); let authType = RIL.RIL_DATACALL_AUTH_TO_GECKO.indexOf(this.apnSetting.authtype); // Use the default authType if the value in database is invalid. // For the case that user might not select the authentication type. if (authType == -1) { if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Invalid authType " + this.apnSetting.authtype); } authType = RIL.RIL_DATACALL_AUTH_TO_GECKO.indexOf(RIL.GECKO_DATACALL_AUTH_DEFAULT); } this.radioInterface.setupDataCall(radioTechnology, this.apnSetting.apn, this.apnSetting.user, this.apnSetting.password, authType, "IP"); this.connecting = true; }, reset: function reset() { let apnRetryTimer; this.connecting = false; // We will retry the connection in increasing times // based on the function: time = A * numer_of_retries^2 + B if (this.apnRetryCounter >= this.NETWORK_APNRETRY_MAXRETRIES) { this.apnRetryCounter = 0; this.timer = null; this.connectedTypes = []; if (DEBUG) this.debug("Too many APN Connection retries - STOP retrying"); return; } apnRetryTimer = this.NETWORK_APNRETRY_FACTOR * (this.apnRetryCounter * this.apnRetryCounter) + this.NETWORK_APNRETRY_ORIGIN; this.apnRetryCounter++; if (DEBUG) { this.debug("Data call - APN Connection Retry Timer (secs-counter): " + apnRetryTimer + "-" + this.apnRetryCounter); } if (this.timer == null) { // Event timer for connection retries this.timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); } this.timer.initWithCallback(this, apnRetryTimer * 1000, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); }, disconnect: function disconnect(apntype) { let index = this.connectedTypes.indexOf(apntype); if (index != -1) { this.connectedTypes.splice(index, 1); } if (this.connectedTypes.length) { return; } if (this.state == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_DISCONNECTING || this.state == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_DISCONNECTED || this.state == RIL.GECKO_NETWORK_STATE_UNKNOWN) { return; } let reason = RIL.DATACALL_DEACTIVATE_NO_REASON; if (DEBUG) this.debug("Going to disconnet data connection " + this.cid); this.radioInterface.deactivateDataCall(this.cid, reason); }, // Entry method for timer events. Used to reconnect to a failed APN notify: function(timer) { this.connect(); }, shutdown: function() { this.timer = null; } }; this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([RadioInterfaceLayer]);