import subprocess from devicemanager import DeviceManager, DMError import re class DeviceManagerADB(DeviceManager): def __init__(self, host = None, port = 20701, retrylimit = 5): = host self.port = port self.retrylimit = retrylimit self.retries = 0 self._sock = None self.getDeviceRoot() try: # a test to see if we have root privs self.checkCmd(["shell", "ls", "/sbin"]) except: try: self.checkCmd(["root"]) except: print "restarting as root failed" # external function # returns: # success: True # failure: False def pushFile(self, localname, destname): try: self.checkCmd(["push", localname, destname]) self.chmodDir(destname) return True except: return False # external function # returns: # success: directory name # failure: None def mkDir(self, name): try: self.checkCmd(["shell", "mkdir", name]) return name except: return None # make directory structure on the device # external function # returns: # success: directory structure that we created # failure: None def mkDirs(self, filename): self.checkCmd(["shell", "mkdir", "-p ", name]) return filename # push localDir from host to remoteDir on the device # external function # returns: # success: remoteDir # failure: None def pushDir(self, localDir, remoteDir): try: self.checkCmd(["push", localDir, remoteDir]) self.chmodDir(remoteDir) return True except: print "pushing " + localDir + " to " + remoteDir + " failed" return False # external function # returns: # success: True # failure: False def dirExists(self, dirname): try: self.checkCmd(["shell", "ls", dirname]) return True except: return False # Because we always have / style paths we make this a lot easier with some # assumptions # external function # returns: # success: True # failure: False def fileExists(self, filepath): self.checkCmd(["shell", "ls", filepath]) return True def removeFile(self, filename): return self.runCmd(["shell", "rm", filename]) # does a recursive delete of directory on the device: rm -Rf remoteDir # external function # returns: # success: output of telnet, i.e. "removing file: /mnt/sdcard/tests/test.txt" # failure: None def removeSingleDir(self, remoteDir): return self.runCmd(["shell", "rmdir", remoteDir]) # does a recursive delete of directory on the device: rm -Rf remoteDir # external function # returns: # success: output of telnet, i.e. "removing file: /mnt/sdcard/tests/test.txt" # failure: None def removeDir(self, remoteDir): out = "" if (self.isDir(remoteDir)): files = self.listFiles(remoteDir.strip()) for f in files: if (self.isDir(remoteDir.strip() + "/" + f.strip())): out += self.removeDir(remoteDir.strip() + "/" + f.strip()) else: out += self.removeFile(remoteDir.strip()) out += self.removeSingleDir(remoteDir) else: out += self.removeFile(remoteDir.strip()) return out def isDir(self, remotePath): p = self.runCmd(["shell", "ls", remotePath]) data = p.stdout.readlines() if (len(data) == 0): return True if (len(data) == 1): if (data[0] == remotePath): return False if (data[0].find("No such file or directory") != -1): return False if (data[0].find("Not a directory") != -1): return False return True def listFiles(self, rootdir): p = self.runCmd(["shell", "ls", rootdir]) data = p.stdout.readlines() if (len(data) == 1): if (data[0] == rootdir): return [] if (data[0].find("No such file or directory") != -1): return [] if (data[0].find("Not a directory") != -1): return [] return data # external function # returns: # success: array of process tuples # failure: [] def getProcessList(self): p = self.runCmd(["shell", "ps"]) # first line is the headers p.stdout.readline() proc = p.stdout.readline() ret = [] while (proc): els = proc.split() ret.append(list([els[1], els[len(els) - 1], els[0]])) proc = p.stdout.readline() return ret # external function # returns: # success: pid # failure: None def fireProcess(self, appname, failIfRunning=False): return self.runCmd(["shell", appname]).pid # external function # returns: # success: output filename # failure: None def launchProcess(self, cmd, outputFile = "process.txt", cwd = '', env = '', failIfRunning=False): acmd = ["shell", "am","start"] cmd = ' '.join(cmd) i = cmd.find(" ") acmd.append("-n") acmd.append(cmd[0:i] + "/.App") acmd.append("--es") acmd.append("args") acmd.append(cmd[i:]) print acmd self.checkCmd(acmd) return outputFile; # external function # returns: # success: output from testagent # failure: None def killProcess(self, appname): procs = self.getProcessList() for proc in procs: if (proc[1] == appname): p = self.runCmd(["shell", "ps"]) return return None # external function # returns: # success: filecontents # failure: None def catFile(self, remoteFile): #p = self.runCmd(["shell", "cat", remoteFile]) #return return self.getFile(remoteFile) # external function # returns: # success: output of pullfile, string # failure: None def pullFile(self, remoteFile): #return self.catFile(remoteFile) return self.getFile(remoteFile) # copy file from device (remoteFile) to host (localFile) # external function # returns: # success: output of pullfile, string # failure: None def getFile(self, remoteFile, localFile = 'tmpfile_dm_adb'): try: self.checkCmd(["pull", remoteFile, localFile]) f = open(localFile) ret = f.close() return ret; except: return None # copy directory structure from device (remoteDir) to host (localDir) # external function # checkDir exists so that we don't create local directories if the # remote directory doesn't exist but also so that we don't call isDir # twice when recursing. # returns: # success: list of files, string # failure: None def getDirectory(self, remoteDir, localDir, checkDir=True): ret = [] p = self.runCmd(["pull", remoteDir, localDir]) p.stderr.readline() line = p.stderr.readline() while (line): els = line.split() f = els[len(els) - 1] i = f.find(localDir) if (i != -1): if (localDir[len(localDir) - 1] != '/'): i = i + 1 f = f[i + len(localDir):] i = f.find("/") if (i > 0): f = f[0:i] ret.append(f) line = p.stderr.readline() #the last line is a summary ret.pop(len(ret) - 1) return ret # true/false check if the two files have the same md5 sum # external function # returns: # success: True # failure: False def validateFile(self, remoteFile, localFile): return self.getRemoteHash(remoteFile) == self.getLocalHash(localFile) # return the md5 sum of a remote file # internal function # returns: # success: MD5 hash for given filename # failure: None def getRemoteHash(self, filename): data = p = self.runCmd(["shell", "ls", "-l", filename]) return data.split()[3] def getLocalHash(self, filename): data = p = subprocess.Popen(["ls", "-l", filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return data.split()[4] # Gets the device root for the testing area on the device # For all devices we will use / type slashes and depend on the device-agent # to sort those out. The agent will return us the device location where we # should store things, we will then create our /tests structure relative to # that returned path. # Structure on the device is as follows: # /tests # /| --> approot # /profile # /xpcshell # /reftest # /mochitest # # external function # returns: # success: path for device root # failure: None def getDeviceRoot(self): if (not self.dirExists("/data/local/tests")): self.mkDir("/data/local/tests") return "/data/local/tests" # Either we will have /tests/fennec or /tests/firefox but we will never have # both. Return the one that exists # TODO: ensure we can support org.mozilla.firefox # external function # returns: # success: path for app root # failure: None def getAppRoot(self): devroot = self.getDeviceRoot() if (devroot == None): return None if (self.dirExists(devroot + '/fennec')): return devroot + '/fennec' elif (self.dirExists(devroot + '/firefox')): return devroot + '/firefox' elif (self.dirExsts('/data/data/org.mozilla.fennec')): return 'org.mozilla.fennec' elif (self.dirExists('/data/data/org.mozilla.firefox')): return 'org.mozilla.firefox' # Failure (either not installed or not a recognized platform) return None # Gets the directory location on the device for a specific test type # Type is one of: xpcshell|reftest|mochitest # external function # returns: # success: path for test root # failure: None def getTestRoot(self, type): devroot = self.getDeviceRoot() if (devroot == None): return None if ('xpcshell', type, re.I)): self.testRoot = devroot + '/xpcshell' elif ('?(i)reftest', type)): self.testRoot = devroot + '/reftest' elif ('?(i)mochitest', type)): self.testRoot = devroot + '/mochitest' return self.testRoot # external function # returns: # success: status from test agent # failure: None def reboot(self, wait = False): ret = self.runCmd(["reboot"]) if (not wait): return "Success" countdown = 40 while (countdown > 0): countdown try: self.checkCmd(["wait-for-device", "shell", "ls", "/sbin"]) return ret except: try: self.checkCmd(["root"]) except: time.sleep(1) print "couldn't get root" return "Success" # external function # returns: # success: text status from command or callback server # failure: None def updateApp(self, appBundlePath, processName=None, destPath=None, ipAddr=None, port=30000): return self.runCmd(["install", "-r", appBundlePath]) # Returns information about the device: # Directive indicates the information you want to get, your choices are: # os - name of the os # id - unique id of the device # uptime - uptime of the device # systime - system time of the device # screen - screen resolution # memory - memory stats # process - list of running processes (same as ps) # disk - total, free, available bytes on disk # power - power status (charge, battery temp) # all - all of them - or call it with no parameters to get all the information # returns: # success: dict of info strings by directive name # failure: {} def getInfo(self, directive="all"): ret = {} if (directive == "id" or directive == "all"): ret["id"] = self.runCmd(["get-serialno"]) if (directive == "os" or directive == "all"): ret["os"] = self.runCmd(["shell", "getprop", ""]) if (directive == "uptime" or directive == "all"): utime = self.runCmd(["shell", "uptime"]) if (not utime): raise DMError("error getting uptime") utime = utime[9:] hours = utime[0:utime.find(":")] utime = utime[utime[1:].find(":") + 2:] minutes = utime[0:utime.find(":")] utime = utime[utime[1:].find(":") + 2:] seconds = utime[0:utime.find(",")] ret["uptime"] = ["0 days " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes " + seconds + " seconds"] if (directive == "process" or directive == "all"): ret["process"] = self.runCmd(["shell", "ps"]) if (directive == "systime" or directive == "all"): ret["systime"] = self.runCmd(["shell", "date"]) print ret return ret def runCmd(self, args): args.insert(0, "adb") return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) def checkCmd(self, args): args.insert(0, "adb") return subprocess.check_call(args) def chmodDir(self, remoteDir): print "called chmodDir" if (self.isDir(remoteDir)): files = self.listFiles(remoteDir.strip()) for f in files: if (self.isDir(remoteDir.strip() + "/" + f.strip())): self.chmodDir(remoteDir.strip() + "/" + f.strip()) else: self.checkCmd(["shell", "chmod", "777", remoteDir.strip()]) print "chmod " + remoteDir.strip() self.checkCmd(["shell", "chmod", "777", remoteDir]) print "chmod " + remoteDir else: self.checkCmd(["shell", "chmod", "777", remoteDir.strip()]) print "chmod " + remoteDir