/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); const PC_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/peerconnection;1"; const PC_ICE_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtcicecandidate;1"; const PC_SESSION_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtcsessiondescription;1"; const PC_MANAGER_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/peerconnectionmanager;1"; const PC_CID = Components.ID("{7cb2b368-b1ce-4560-acac-8e0dbda7d3d0}"); const PC_ICE_CID = Components.ID("{8c5dbd70-2c8e-4ecb-a5ad-2fc919099f01}"); const PC_SESSION_CID = Components.ID("{5f21ffd9-b73f-4ba0-a685-56b4667aaf1c}"); const PC_MANAGER_CID = Components.ID("{7293e901-2be3-4c02-b4bd-cbef6fc24f78}"); // Global list of PeerConnection objects, so they can be cleaned up when // a page is torn down. (Maps inner window ID to an array of PC objects). function GlobalPCList() { this._list = []; this._networkdown = false; // XXX Need to query current state somehow Services.obs.addObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "profile-change-net-teardown", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "network:offline-about-to-go-offline", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "network:offline-status-changed", true); } GlobalPCList.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference, Ci.IPeerConnectionManager]), classID: PC_MANAGER_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: PC_MANAGER_CID, contractID: PC_MANAGER_CONTRACT, classDescription: "PeerConnectionManager", interfaces: [ Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference, Ci.IPeerConnectionManager ]}), _xpcom_factory: { createInstance: function(outer, iid) { if (outer) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION; } return _globalPCList.QueryInterface(iid); } }, addPC: function(pc) { let winID = pc._winID; if (this._list[winID]) { this._list[winID].push(Components.utils.getWeakReference(pc)); } else { this._list[winID] = [Components.utils.getWeakReference(pc)]; } this.removeNullRefs(winID); }, removeNullRefs: function(winID) { if (this._list === undefined || this._list[winID] === undefined) { return; } this._list[winID] = this._list[winID].filter( function (e,i,a) { return e.get() !== null; }); }, hasActivePeerConnection: function(winID) { this.removeNullRefs(winID); return this._list[winID] ? true : false; }, observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "inner-window-destroyed") { let winID = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data; if (this._list[winID]) { this._list[winID].forEach(function(pcref) { let pc = pcref.get(); if (pc !== null) { pc._pc.close(false); delete pc._observer; pc._pc = null; } }); delete this._list[winID]; } } else if (topic == "profile-change-net-teardown" || topic == "network:offline-about-to-go-offline") { // Delete all peerconnections on shutdown - synchronously (we need // them to be done deleting transports before we return)! // Also kill them if "Work Offline" is selected - more can be created // while offline, but attempts to connect them should fail. let array; while ((array = this._list.pop()) != undefined) { array.forEach(function(pcref) { let pc = pcref.get(); if (pc !== null) { pc._pc.close(true); delete pc._observer; pc._pc = null; } }); }; this._networkdown = true; } else if (topic == "network:offline-status-changed") { if (data == "offline") { // this._list shold be empty here this._networkdown = true; } else if (data == "online") { this._networkdown = false; } } }, }; let _globalPCList = new GlobalPCList(); function IceCandidate(candidate) { this.candidate = candidate; this.sdpMid = null; this.sdpMLineIndex = null; } IceCandidate.prototype = { classID: PC_ICE_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: PC_ICE_CID, contractID: PC_ICE_CONTRACT, classDescription: "IceCandidate", interfaces: [ Ci.nsIDOMRTCIceCandidate ], flags: Ci.nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT}), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([ Ci.nsIDOMRTCIceCandidate, Ci.nsIDOMGlobalObjectConstructor ]), constructor: function(win, candidateInitDict) { if (this._win) { throw new Components.Exception("Constructor already called"); } this._win = win; if (candidateInitDict !== undefined) { this.candidate = candidateInitDict.candidate || null; this.sdpMid = candidateInitDict.sdpMid || null; this.sdpMLineIndex = candidateInitDict.sdpMLineIndex === null ? null : candidateInitDict.sdpMLineIndex + 1; } else { this.candidate = this.sdpMid = this.sdpMLineIndex = null; } } }; function SessionDescription(type, sdp) { this.type = type; this.sdp = sdp; } SessionDescription.prototype = { classID: PC_SESSION_CID, classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: PC_SESSION_CID, contractID: PC_SESSION_CONTRACT, classDescription: "SessionDescription", interfaces: [ Ci.nsIDOMRTCSessionDescription ], flags: Ci.nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT}), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([ Ci.nsIDOMRTCSessionDescription, Ci.nsIDOMGlobalObjectConstructor ]), constructor: function(win, descriptionInitDict) { if (this._win) { throw new Components.Exception("Constructor already called"); } this._win = win; if (descriptionInitDict !== undefined) { this.type = descriptionInitDict.type || null; this.sdp = descriptionInitDict.sdp || null; } else { this.type = this.sdp = null; } }, toString: function() { return JSON.stringify({ type: this.type, sdp: this.sdp }); } }; function PeerConnection() { this._queue = []; this._pc = null; this._observer = null; this._closed = false; this._onCreateOfferSuccess = null; this._onCreateOfferFailure = null; this._onCreateAnswerSuccess = null; this._onCreateAnswerFailure = null; this._pendingType = null; this._localType = null; this._remoteType = null; /** * Everytime we get a request from content, we put it in the queue. If * there are no pending operations though, we will execute it immediately. * In PeerConnectionObserver, whenever we are notified that an operation * has finished, we will check the queue for the next operation and execute * if neccesary. The _pending flag indicates whether an operation is currently * in progress. */ this._pending = false; // Public attributes. this.onaddstream = null; this.onopen = null; this.onremovestream = null; this.onicecandidate = null; this.onstatechange = null; this.ongatheringchange = null; this.onicechange = null; // Data channel. this.ondatachannel = null; this.onconnection = null; this.onclosedconnection = null; } PeerConnection.prototype = { classID: PC_CID, classInfo: Cu.getDOMClassInfo("RTCPeerConnection"), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([ Ci.nsIDOMRTCPeerConnection, Ci.nsIDOMGlobalObjectConstructor, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference ]), // Constructor is an explicit function, because of nsIDOMGlobalObjectConstructor. constructor: function(win, rtcConfig) { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.peerconnection.enabled")) { throw new Components.Exception("PeerConnection not enabled (did you set the pref?)"); } if (this._win) { throw new Components.Exception("RTCPeerConnection constructor already called"); } if (!rtcConfig || !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.peerconnection.use_document_iceservers")) { rtcConfig = {iceServers: JSON.parse(Services.prefs.getCharPref("media.peerconnection.default_iceservers"))}; } this._mustValidateRTCConfiguration(rtcConfig, "RTCPeerConnection constructor passed invalid RTCConfiguration"); if (_globalPCList._networkdown) { throw new Components.Exception("Can't create RTCPeerConnections when the network is down"); } this._pc = Cc["@mozilla.org/peerconnection;1"]. createInstance(Ci.IPeerConnection); this._observer = new PeerConnectionObserver(this); // Nothing starts until ICE gathering completes. this._queueOrRun({ func: this._pc.initialize, args: [this._observer, win, rtcConfig, Services.tm.currentThread], wait: true }); this._win = win; this._winID = this._win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils).currentInnerWindowID; // Add a reference to the PeerConnection to global list. _globalPCList.addPC(this); }, /** * Add a function to the queue or run it immediately if the queue is empty. * Argument is an object with the func, args and wait properties; wait should * be set to true if the function has a success/error callback that will * call _executeNext, false if it doesn't have a callback. */ _queueOrRun: function(obj) { this._checkClosed(); if (!this._pending) { if (obj.type !== undefined) { this._pendingType = obj.type; } obj.func.apply(this, obj.args); if (obj.wait) { this._pending = true; } } else { this._queue.push(obj); } }, // Pick the next item from the queue and run it. _executeNext: function() { if (this._queue.length) { let obj = this._queue.shift(); if (obj.type !== undefined) { this._pendingType = obj.type; } obj.func.apply(this, obj.args); if (!obj.wait) { this._executeNext(); } } else { this._pending = false; } }, /** * An RTCConfiguration looks like this: * * { "iceServers": [ { url:"stun:" }, * { url:"turn:user@turn.example.org", credential:"mypass"} ] } * * We check for basic structure and well-formed stun/turn urls, but not * validity of servers themselves, before passing along to C++. * ErrorMsg is passed in to detail which array-entry failed, if any. */ _mustValidateRTCConfiguration: function(rtcConfig, errorMsg) { function isObject(obj) { return obj && (typeof obj === "object"); } function isArraylike(obj) { return isObject(obj) && ("length" in obj); } function nicerNewURI(uriStr, errorMsg) { let ios = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIIOService); try { return ios.newURI(uriStr, null, null); } catch (e if (e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI)) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg + " - malformed URI: " + uriStr, Cr.NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI); } } function mustValidateServer(server) { let url = nicerNewURI(server.url, errorMsg); if (!(url.scheme in { stun:1, stuns:1, turn:1, turns:1 })) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg + " - improper scheme: " + url.scheme, Cr.NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI); } if (server.credential && isObject(server.credential)) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg + " - invalid credential"); } } if (!isObject(rtcConfig)) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg); } if (!isArraylike(rtcConfig.iceServers)) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg + " - iceServers [] property not present"); } let len = rtcConfig.iceServers.length; for (let i=0; i < len; i++) { mustValidateServer (rtcConfig.iceServers[i], errorMsg); } }, /** * Constraints look like this: * * { * mandatory: {"OfferToReceiveAudio": true, "OfferToReceiveVideo": true }, * optional: [{"VoiceActivityDetection": true}, {"FooBar": 10}] * } * * We check for basic structure of constraints and the validity of * mandatory constraints against those we support (fail if we don't). * Unknown optional constraints may be of any type. */ _mustValidateConstraints: function(constraints, errorMsg) { function isObject(obj) { return obj && (typeof obj === "object"); } function isArraylike(obj) { return isObject(obj) && ("length" in obj); } const SUPPORTED_CONSTRAINTS = { OfferToReceiveAudio:1, OfferToReceiveVideo:1, MozDontOfferDataChannel:1 }; const OTHER_KNOWN_CONSTRAINTS = { VoiceActivityDetection:1, IceTransports:1, RequestIdentity:1 }; // Parse-aid: Testing for pilot error of missing outer block avoids // otherwise silent no-op since both mandatory and optional are optional if (!isObject(constraints) || Array.isArray(constraints)) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg); } if (constraints.mandatory) { // Testing for pilot error of using [] on mandatory here throws nicer msg // (arrays would throw in loop below regardless but with more cryptic msg) if (!isObject(constraints.mandatory) || Array.isArray(constraints.mandatory)) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg + " - malformed mandatory constraints"); } for (let constraint in constraints.mandatory) { if (!(constraint in SUPPORTED_CONSTRAINTS) && constraints.mandatory.hasOwnProperty(constraint)) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg + " - " + ((constraint in OTHER_KNOWN_CONSTRAINTS)? "unsupported" : "unknown") + " mandatory constraint: " + constraint); } } } if (constraints.optional) { if (!isArraylike(constraints.optional)) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg + " - malformed optional constraint array"); } let len = constraints.optional.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (!isObject(constraints.optional[i])) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg + " - malformed optional constraint: " + constraints.optional[i]); } let constraints_per_entry = 0; for (let constraint in constraints.optional[i]) { if (constraints.optional[i].hasOwnProperty(constraint)) { if (constraints_per_entry) { throw new Components.Exception(errorMsg + " - optional constraint must be single key/value pair"); } constraints_per_entry += 1; } } } } }, // Ideally, this should be of the form _checkState(state), // where the state is taken from an enumeration containing // the valid peer connection states defined in the WebRTC // spec. See Bug 831756. _checkClosed: function() { if (this._closed) { throw new Components.Exception("Peer connection is closed"); } }, createOffer: function(onSuccess, onError, constraints) { if (!constraints) { constraints = {}; } this._mustValidateConstraints(constraints, "createOffer passed invalid constraints"); this._onCreateOfferSuccess = onSuccess; this._onCreateOfferFailure = onError; this._queueOrRun({ func: this._pc.createOffer, args: [constraints], wait: true }); }, _createAnswer: function(onSuccess, onError, constraints, provisional) { this._onCreateAnswerSuccess = onSuccess; this._onCreateAnswerFailure = onError; if (!this.remoteDescription) { this._observer.onCreateAnswerError(Ci.IPeerConnection.kInvalidState, "setRemoteDescription not called"); return; } if (this.remoteDescription.type != "offer") { this._observer.onCreateAnswerError(Ci.IPeerConnection.kInvalidState, "No outstanding offer"); return; } // TODO: Implement provisional answer. this._pc.createAnswer(constraints); }, createAnswer: function(onSuccess, onError, constraints, provisional) { if (!constraints) { constraints = {}; } this._mustValidateConstraints(constraints, "createAnswer passed invalid constraints"); if (!provisional) { provisional = false; } this._queueOrRun({ func: this._createAnswer, args: [onSuccess, onError, constraints, provisional], wait: true }); }, setLocalDescription: function(desc, onSuccess, onError) { // TODO -- if we have two setLocalDescriptions in the // queue,this code overwrites the callbacks for the first // one with the callbacks for the second one. See Bug 831759. this._onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess = onSuccess; this._onSetLocalDescriptionFailure = onError; let type; switch (desc.type) { case "offer": type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionOffer; break; case "answer": type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionAnswer; break; default: throw new Components.Exception("Invalid type " + desc.type + " provided to setLocalDescription"); break; } this._queueOrRun({ func: this._pc.setLocalDescription, args: [type, desc.sdp], wait: true, type: desc.type }); }, setRemoteDescription: function(desc, onSuccess, onError) { // TODO -- if we have two setRemoteDescriptions in the // queue, this code overwrites the callbacks for the first // one with the callbacks for the second one. See Bug 831759. this._onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess = onSuccess; this._onSetRemoteDescriptionFailure = onError; let type; switch (desc.type) { case "offer": type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionOffer; break; case "answer": type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionAnswer; break; default: throw new Components.Exception("Invalid type " + desc.type + " provided to setRemoteDescription"); break; } this._queueOrRun({ func: this._pc.setRemoteDescription, args: [type, desc.sdp], wait: true, type: desc.type }); }, updateIce: function(config, constraints, restart) { return Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, addIceCandidate: function(cand, onSuccess, onError) { if (!cand) { throw new Components.Exception("NULL candidate passed to addIceCandidate!"); } if (!cand.candidate || !cand.sdpMLineIndex) { throw new Components.Exception("Invalid candidate passed to addIceCandidate!"); } this._onAddIceCandidateSuccess = onSuccess; this._onAddIceCandidateError = onError; this._queueOrRun({ func: this._pc.addIceCandidate, args: [cand.candidate, cand.sdpMid || "", cand.sdpMLineIndex], wait: true }); }, addStream: function(stream, constraints) { // TODO: Implement constraints. this._queueOrRun({ func: this._pc.addStream, args: [stream], wait: false }); }, removeStream: function(stream) { //Bug844295: Not implemeting this functionality. return Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, close: function() { this._queueOrRun({ func: this._pc.close, args: [false], wait: false }); this._closed = true; }, get localStreams() { this._checkClosed(); return this._pc.localStreams; }, get remoteStreams() { this._checkClosed(); return this._pc.remoteStreams; }, get localDescription() { this._checkClosed(); let sdp = this._pc.localDescription; if (sdp.length == 0) { return null; } return { type: this._localType, sdp: sdp, __exposedProps__: { type: "rw", sdp: "rw" } }; }, get remoteDescription() { this._checkClosed(); let sdp = this._pc.remoteDescription; if (sdp.length == 0) { return null; } return { type: this._remoteType, sdp: sdp, __exposedProps__: { type: "rw", sdp: "rw" } }; }, get readyState() { // checking for our local pc closed indication // before invoking the pc methods. if(this._closed) { return "closed"; } var state="undefined"; switch (this._pc.readyState) { case Ci.IPeerConnection.kNew: state = "new"; break; case Ci.IPeerConnection.kNegotiating: state = "negotiating"; break; case Ci.IPeerConnection.kActive: state = "active"; break; case Ci.IPeerConnection.kClosing: state = "closing"; break; case Ci.IPeerConnection.kClosed: state = "closed"; break; } return state; }, createDataChannel: function(label, dict) { this._checkClosed(); if (dict == undefined) { dict = {}; } if (dict.maxRetransmitTime != undefined && dict.maxRetransmitNum != undefined) { throw new Components.Exception("Both maxRetransmitTime and maxRetransmitNum cannot be provided"); } let protocol; if (dict.protocol == undefined) { protocol = ""; } else { protocol = dict.protocol; } // Must determine the type where we still know if entries are undefined. let type; if (dict.maxRetransmitTime != undefined) { type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kDataChannelPartialReliableTimed; } else if (dict.maxRetransmitNum != undefined) { type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kDataChannelPartialReliableRexmit; } else { type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kDataChannelReliable; } // Synchronous since it doesn't block. let channel = this._pc.createDataChannel( label, protocol, type, dict.outOfOrderAllowed, dict.maxRetransmitTime, dict.maxRetransmitNum, dict.preset ? true : false, dict.stream != undefined ? dict.stream : 0xFFFF ); return channel; }, connectDataConnection: function(localport, remoteport, numstreams) { if (numstreams == undefined || numstreams <= 0) { numstreams = 16; } this._queueOrRun({ func: this._pc.connectDataConnection, args: [localport, remoteport, numstreams], wait: false }); } }; // This is a separate object because we don't want to expose it to DOM. function PeerConnectionObserver(dompc) { this._dompc = dompc; } PeerConnectionObserver.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.IPeerConnectionObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), // These strings must match those defined in the WebRTC spec. reasonName: [ "NO_ERROR", // Should never happen -- only used for testing "INVALID_CONSTRAINTS_TYPE", "INVALID_CANDIDATE_TYPE", "INVALID_MEDIASTREAM_TRACK", "INVALID_STATE", "INVALID_SESSION_DESCRIPTION", "INCOMPATIBLE_SESSION_DESCRIPTION", "INCOMPATIBLE_CONSTRAINTS", "INCOMPATIBLE_MEDIASTREAMTRACK", "INTERNAL_ERROR" ], callErrorCallback: function(callback, code, message) { if (code > Ci.IPeerConnection.kMaxErrorType) { code = Ci.IPeerConnection.kInternalError; } if (typeof message !== "string") { message = this.reasonName[code]; } if (callback) { try { callback.onCallback({ name: this.reasonName[code], message: message, __exposedProps__: { name: "rw", message: "rw" } }); } catch(e) {} } }, onCreateOfferSuccess: function(offer) { if (this._dompc._onCreateOfferSuccess) { try { this._dompc._onCreateOfferSuccess.onCallback({ type: "offer", sdp: offer, __exposedProps__: { type: "rw", sdp: "rw" } }); } catch(e) {} } this._dompc._executeNext(); }, onCreateOfferError: function(code, message) { this.callErrorCallback (this._dompc._onCreateOfferFailure, code, message); this._dompc._executeNext(); }, onCreateAnswerSuccess: function(answer) { if (this._dompc._onCreateAnswerSuccess) { try { this._dompc._onCreateAnswerSuccess.onCallback({ type: "answer", sdp: answer, __exposedProps__: { type: "rw", sdp: "rw" } }); } catch(e) {} } this._dompc._executeNext(); }, onCreateAnswerError: function(code, message) { this.callErrorCallback (this._dompc._onCreateAnswerFailure, code, message); this._dompc._executeNext(); }, onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess: function() { this._dompc._localType = this._dompc._pendingType; this._dompc._pendingType = null; if (this._dompc._onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess) { try { this._dompc._onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess.onCallback(); } catch(e) {} } this._dompc._executeNext(); }, onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess: function() { this._dompc._remoteType = this._dompc._pendingType; this._dompc._pendingType = null; if (this._dompc._onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess) { try { this._dompc._onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess.onCallback(); } catch(e) {} } this._dompc._executeNext(); }, onSetLocalDescriptionError: function(code, message) { this._dompc._pendingType = null; this.callErrorCallback (this._dompc._onSetLocalDescriptionFailure, code, message); this._dompc._executeNext(); }, onSetRemoteDescriptionError: function(code, message) { this._dompc._pendingType = null; this.callErrorCallback (this._dompc._onSetRemoteDescriptionFailure, code, message); this._dompc._executeNext(); }, onAddIceCandidateSuccess: function() { this._dompc._pendingType = null; if (this._dompc._onAddIceCandidateSuccess) { this._dompc._onAddIceCandidateSuccess.onCallback(); } this._dompc._executeNext(); }, onAddIceCandidateError: function(code, message) { this._dompc._pendingType = null; this.callErrorCallback (this._dompc._onAddIceCandidateError, code, message); this._dompc._executeNext(); }, onStateChange: function(state) { if (state != Ci.IPeerConnectionObserver.kIceState) { return; } let self = this; let iceCb = function() {}; let iceGatherCb = function() {}; if (this._dompc.onicechange) { iceCb = function(args) { try { self._dompc.onicechange(args); } catch(e) {} }; } if (this._dompc.ongatheringchange) { iceGatherCb = function(args) { try { self._dompc.ongatheringchange(args); } catch(e) {} }; } switch (this._dompc._pc.iceState) { case Ci.IPeerConnection.kIceGathering: iceGatherCb("gathering"); break; case Ci.IPeerConnection.kIceWaiting: iceCb("starting"); this._dompc._executeNext(); break; case Ci.IPeerConnection.kIceChecking: iceCb("checking"); break; case Ci.IPeerConnection.kIceConnected: // ICE gathering complete. iceCb("connected"); iceGatherCb("complete"); break; case Ci.IPeerConnection.kIceFailed: iceCb("failed"); break; default: // Unknown state! break; } }, onAddStream: function(stream, type) { if (this._dompc.onaddstream) { try { this._dompc.onaddstream.onCallback({ stream: stream, type: type, __exposedProps__: { stream: "r", type: "r" } }); } catch(e) {} } }, onRemoveStream: function(stream, type) { if (this._dompc.onremovestream) { try { this._dompc.onremovestream.onCallback({ stream: stream, type: type, __exposedProps__: { stream: "r", type: "r" } }); } catch(e) {} } }, foundIceCandidate: function(cand) { if (this._dompc.onicecandidate) { try { this._dompc.onicecandidate.onCallback({ candidate: cand, __exposedProps__: { candidate: "rw" } }); } catch(e) {} } }, notifyDataChannel: function(channel) { if (this._dompc.ondatachannel) { try { this._dompc.ondatachannel.onCallback({ channel: channel, __exposedProps__: { channel: "r" } }); } catch(e) {} } }, notifyConnection: function() { if (this._dompc.onconnection) { try { this._dompc.onconnection.onCallback(); } catch(e) {} } }, notifyClosedConnection: function() { if (this._dompc.onclosedconnection) { try { this._dompc.onclosedconnection.onCallback(); } catch(e) {} } } }; this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory( [GlobalPCList, IceCandidate, SessionDescription, PeerConnection] );