"use strict"; /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Asynchronous front-end for OS.File. * * This front-end is meant to be imported from the main thread. In turn, * it spawns one worker (perhaps more in the future) and delegates all * disk I/O to this worker. * * Documentation note: most of the functions and methods in this module * return promises. For clarity, we denote as follows a promise that may resolve * with type |A| and some value |value| or reject with type |B| and some * reason |reason| * @resolves {A} value * @rejects {B} reason */ let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["OS"]; Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_shared_allthreads.jsm"); let LOG = OS.Shared.LOG.bind(OS.Shared, "Controller"); // A simple flag used to control debugging messages. // FIXME: Once this library has been battle-tested, this flag will // either be removed or replaced with a preference. const DEBUG = true; // The constructor for file errors. let OSError; if (OS.Constants.Win) { Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_win_allthreads.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile/ospath_win_back.jsm"); OSError = OS.Shared.Win.Error; } else if (OS.Constants.libc) { Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_unix_allthreads.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile/ospath_unix_back.jsm"); OSError = OS.Shared.Unix.Error; } else { throw new Error("I am neither under Windows nor under a Posix system"); } let Type = OS.Shared.Type; // The library of promises. Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/commonjs/promise/core.js"); const noOptions = {}; /** * An implementation of queues (FIFO). * * The current implementation uses two arrays and runs in O(n * log(n)). * It is optimized for the case in which many items are enqueued sequentially. */ let Queue = function Queue() { // The array to which the following |push| operations will add elements. // If |null|, |this._pushing| will receive a new array. // @type {Array|null} this._pushing = null; // The array from which the following |pop| operations will remove elements. // If |null|, |this._popping| will receive |this._pushing| // @type {Array|null} this._popping = null; // The number of items in |this._popping| that have been popped already this._popindex = 0; }; Queue.prototype = { /** * Push a new element */ push: function push(x) { if (!this._pushing) { this._pushing = []; } this._pushing.push({ value: x }); }, /** * Pop an element. * * If the queue is empty, raise |Error|. */ pop: function pop() { if (!this._popping) { if (!this._pushing) { throw new Error("Queue is empty"); } this._popping = this._pushing; this._pushing = null; this._popindex = 0; } let result = this._popping[this._popindex]; delete this._popping[this._popindex]; ++this._popindex; if (this._popindex >= this._popping.length) { this._popping = null; } return result.value; } }; /** * An object responsible for dispatching messages to * a worker and routing the responses. * * In this implementation, the Scheduler uses only * one worker. */ let Scheduler = { /** * Instantiate the worker lazily. */ get _worker() { delete this._worker; let worker = new ChromeWorker("osfile_async_worker.js"); let self = this; Object.defineProperty(this, "_worker", {value: worker }); /** * Receive errors that are not instances of OS.File.Error, propagate * them to the listeners. * * The worker knows how to serialize errors that are instances * of |OS.File.Error|. These are treated by |worker.onmessage|. * However, for other errors, we rely on DOM's mechanism for * serializing errors, which transmits these errors through * |worker.onerror|. * * @param {Error} error Some JS error. */ worker.onerror = function onerror(error) { if (DEBUG) { LOG("Received uncaught error from worker", JSON.stringify(error.message), error.message); } error.preventDefault(); let {deferred} = self._queue.pop(); deferred.reject(error); }; /** * Receive messages from the worker, propagate them to the listeners. * * Messages must have one of the following shapes: * - {ok: some_value} in case of success * - {fail: some_error} in case of error, where * some_error can be deserialized by * |OS.File.Error.fromMsg| * * Messages may also contain a field |id| to help * with debugging. * * @param {*} msg The message received from the worker. */ worker.onmessage = function onmessage(msg) { if (DEBUG) { LOG("Received message from worker", JSON.stringify(msg.data)); } let handler = self._queue.pop(); let deferred = handler.deferred; let data = msg.data; if (data.id != handler.id) { throw new Error("Internal error: expecting msg " + handler.id + ", " + " got " + data.id + ": " + JSON.stringify(msg.data)); } if ("ok" in data) { deferred.resolve(data.ok); } else if ("fail" in data) { let error; try { error = OS.File.Error.fromMsg(data.fail); } catch (x) { LOG("Cannot decode OS.File.Error", data.fail, data.id); deferred.reject(x); return; } deferred.reject(error); } else { throw new Error("Message does not respect protocol: " + data.toSource()); } }; return worker; }, /** * The queue of deferred, waiting for the completion of their * respective job by the worker. * * Each item in the list may contain an additional field |closure|, * used to store strong references to value that must not be * garbage-collected before the reply has been received (e.g. * arrays). * * @type {Queue<{deferred:deferred, closure:*=}>} */ _queue: new Queue(), /** * The number of the current message. * * Used for debugging purposes. */ _id: 0, /** * Post a message to a worker. * * @param {string} fun The name of the function to call. * @param array The contents of the message. * @param closure An object holding references that should not be * garbage-collected before the message treatment is complete. * * @return {promise} */ post: function post(fun, array, closure) { let deferred = Promise.defer(); let id = ++this._id; let message = {fun: fun, args: array, id: id}; if (DEBUG) { LOG("Posting message", JSON.stringify(message)); } this._queue.push({deferred:deferred, closure: closure, id: id}); this._worker.postMessage(message); if (DEBUG) { LOG("Message posted"); } return deferred.promise; } }; /** * Representation of a file, with asynchronous methods. * * @param {*} fdmsg The _message_ representing the platform-specific file * handle. * * @constructor */ let File = function File(fdmsg) { // FIXME: At the moment, |File| does not close on finalize // (see bug 777715) this._fdmsg = fdmsg; this._closeResult = null; this._closed = null; }; File.prototype = { /** * Close a file asynchronously. * * This method is idempotent. * * @return {promise} * @resolves {null} * @rejects {OS.File.Error} */ close: function close() { if (this._fdmsg) { let msg = this._fdmsg; this._fdmsg = null; return this._closeResult = Scheduler.post("File_prototype_close", [msg], this); } return this._closeResult; }, /** * Fetch information about the file. * * @return {promise} * @resolves {OS.File.Info} The latest information about the file. * @rejects {OS.File.Error} */ stat: function stat() { if (!this._fdmsg) { return Promise.reject(OSError.closed("accessing file")); } return Scheduler.post("File_prototype_stat", [this._fdmsg], this).then( File.Info.fromMsg ); }, /** * Read a number of bytes from the file and into a buffer. * * @param {ArrayBuffer|C void*} buffer This buffer will be modified * by another thread. Using this buffer before the |read| operation * has completed is a BAD IDEA. * @param {JSON} options * * @return {promise} * @resolves {number} The number of bytes effectively read. * @rejects {OS.File.Error} */ readTo: function readTo(buffer, options) { // If |buffer| is an ArrayBuffer and there is no |bytes| options, // we need to extract the |byteLength| now, as it will be lost // by communication if ("byteLength" in buffer && (!options || !"bytes" in options)) { options = Object.create(options || noOptions, {bytes: {value: buffer.byteLength, enumerable: true}}); } // Note: Classic semantics for ArrayBuffer communication would imply // that posting the ArrayBuffer removes ownership from the sender // thread. Here, we use Type.voidptr_t.toMsg to ensure that these // semantics do not apply. return Scheduler.post("File_prototype_readTo", [this._fdmsg, Type.void_t.out_ptr.toMsg(buffer), options], buffer/*Ensure that |buffer| is not gc-ed*/); }, /** * Write a number of bytes from the file and into a buffer. * * @param {ArrayBuffer|C void*} buffer This buffer will be accessed * by another thread. Using this buffer before the |write| operation * has completed is a BAD IDEA. * * @return {promise} * @resolves {number} The number of bytes effectively written. * @rejects {OS.File.Error} */ write: function write(buffer, options) { // If |buffer| is an ArrayBuffer and there is no |bytes| options, // we need to extract the |byteLength| now, as it will be lost // by communication if ("byteLength" in buffer && (!options || !"bytes" in options)) { options = Object.create(options || noOptions, {bytes: {value: buffer.byteLength, enumerable: true}}); } // Note: Classic semantics for ArrayBuffer communication would imply // that posting the ArrayBuffer removes ownership from the sender // thread. Here, we use Type.voidptr_t.toMsg to ensure that these // semantics do not apply. return Scheduler.post("File_prototype_write", [this._fdmsg, Type.void_t.in_ptr.toMsg(buffer), options], buffer/*Ensure that |buffer| is not gc-ed*/); }, /** * Read bytes from this file to a new buffer. * * @param {number=} bytes If unspecified, read all the remaining bytes from * this file. If specified, read |bytes| bytes, or less if the file does not * contain that many bytes. * @return {promise} * @resolves {buffer: ArrayBuffer, bytes: bytes} A buffer containing the * bytes read and the number of bytes read. Note that |buffer| may be * larger than the number of bytes actually read. */ read: function read(nbytes) { // FIXME: Once bug 720949 has landed, we should be able to simplify // considerably the implementation of |readAll| let self = this; let promise; if (nbytes != null) { promise = Promise.resolve(nbytes); } else { promise = this.stat(); promise = promise.then(function withStat(stat) { return stat.size; }); } let buffer; promise = promise.then( function withSize(size) { buffer = new ArrayBuffer(size); return self.readTo(buffer); } ); promise = promise.then( function afterReadTo(bytes) { return { bytes: bytes, buffer: buffer }; } ); return promise; }, /** * Return the current position in the file, as bytes. * * @return {promise} * @resolves {number} The current position in the file, * as a number of bytes since the start of the file. */ getPosition: function getPosition() { return Scheduler.post("File_prototype_getPosition", [this._fdmsg]); }, /** * Set the current position in the file, as bytes. * * @param {number} pos A number of bytes. * @param {number} whence The reference position in the file, * which may be either POS_START (from the start of the file), * POS_END (from the end of the file) or POS_CUR (from the * current position in the file). * * @return {promise} */ setPosition: function setPosition(pos, whence) { return Scheduler.post("File_prototype_setPosition", [this._fdmsg, pos, whence]); } }; /** * Open a file asynchronously. * * @return {promise} * @resolves {OS.File} * @rejects {OS.Error} */ File.open = function open(path, mode, options) { return Scheduler.post( "open", [Type.path.toMsg(path), mode, options], path ).then( function onSuccess(msg) { return new File(msg); } ); }; /** * Get the information on the file. * * @return {promise} * @resolves {OS.File.Info} * @rejects {OS.Error} */ File.stat = function stat(path) { return Scheduler.post( "stat", [Type.path.toMsg(path)], path).then(File.Info.fromMsg); }; /** * Fetch the current directory * * @return {promise} * @resolves {string} The current directory, as a path usable with OS.Path * @rejects {OS.Error} */ File.getCurrentDirectory = function getCurrentDirectory() { return Scheduler.post( "getCurrentDirectory" ).then(Type.path.fromMsg); }; /** * Change the current directory * * @param {string} path The OS-specific path to the current directory. * You should use the methods of OS.Path and the constants of OS.Constants.Path * to build OS-specific paths in a portable manner. * * @return {promise} * @resolves {null} * @rejects {OS.Error} */ File.setCurrentDirectory = function setCurrentDirectory(path) { return Scheduler.post( "setCurrentDirectory", [Type.path.toMsg(path)], path ); }; /** * Copy a file to a destination. * * @param {string} sourcePath The platform-specific path at which * the file may currently be found. * @param {string} destPath The platform-specific path at which the * file should be copied. * @param {*=} options An object which may contain the following fields: * * @option {bool} noOverwrite - If true, this function will fail if * a file already exists at |destPath|. Otherwise, if this file exists, * it will be erased silently. * * @rejects {OS.File.Error} In case of any error. * * General note: The behavior of this function is defined only when * it is called on a single file. If it is called on a directory, the * behavior is undefined and may not be the same across all platforms. * * General note: The behavior of this function with respect to metadata * is unspecified. Metadata may or may not be copied with the file. The * behavior may not be the same across all platforms. */ File.copy = function copy(sourcePath, destPath, options) { return Scheduler.post("copy", [Type.path.toMsg(sourcePath), Type.path.toMsg(destPath), options], [sourcePath, destPath]); }; /** * Move a file to a destination. * * @param {string} sourcePath The platform-specific path at which * the file may currently be found. * @param {string} destPath The platform-specific path at which the * file should be moved. * @param {*=} options An object which may contain the following fields: * * @option {bool} noOverwrite - If set, this function will fail if * a file already exists at |destPath|. Otherwise, if this file exists, * it will be erased silently. * * @returns {Promise} * @rejects {OS.File.Error} In case of any error. * * General note: The behavior of this function is defined only when * it is called on a single file. If it is called on a directory, the * behavior is undefined and may not be the same across all platforms. * * General note: The behavior of this function with respect to metadata * is unspecified. Metadata may or may not be moved with the file. The * behavior may not be the same across all platforms. */ File.move = function move(sourcePath, destPath, options) { return Scheduler.post("move", [Type.path.toMsg(sourcePath), Type.path.toMsg(destPath), options], [sourcePath, destPath]); }; /** * Remove an empty directory. * * @param {string} path The name of the directory to remove. * @param {*=} options Additional options. * - {bool} ignoreAbsent If |true|, do not fail if the * directory does not exist yet. */ File.removeEmptyDir = function removeEmptyDir(path, options) { return Scheduler.post("removeEmptyDir", [Type.path.toMsg(path), options], path); }; /** * Create a directory. * * @param {string} path The name of the directory. * @param {*=} options Additional options. * Implementations may interpret the following fields: * * - {C pointer} winSecurity If specified, security attributes * as per winapi function |CreateDirectory|. If unspecified, * use the default security descriptor, inherited from the * parent directory. */ File.makeDir = function makeDir(path, options) { return Scheduler.post("makeDir", [Type.path.toMsg(path), options], path); }; /** * Information on a file, as returned by OS.File.stat or * OS.File.prototype.stat * * @constructor */ File.Info = function Info(value) { return value; }; File.Info.fromMsg = function fromMsg(value) { return new File.Info(value); }; /** * Iterate asynchronously through a directory * * @constructor */ let DirectoryIterator = function DirectoryIterator(path, options) { /** * Open the iterator on the worker thread * * @type {Promise} * @resolves {*} A message accepted by the methods of DirectoryIterator * in the worker thread * @rejects {StopIteration} If all entries have already been visited * or the iterator has been closed. */ this._itmsg = Scheduler.post( "new_DirectoryIterator", [Type.path.toMsg(path), options], path ); this._isClosed = false; }; DirectoryIterator.prototype = { /** * Get the next entry in the directory. * * @return {Promise} * @resolves {OS.File.Entry} * @rejects {StopIteration} If all entries have already been visited. */ next: function next() { let self = this; let promise = this._itmsg; // Get the iterator, call _next promise = promise.then( function withIterator(iterator) { return self._next(iterator); }); return promise; }, /** * Get several entries at once. * * @param {number=} length If specified, the number of entries * to return. If unspecified, return all remaining entries. * @return {Promise} * @resolves {Array} An array containing the |length| next entries. */ nextBatch: function nextBatch(size) { if (this._isClosed) { return Promise.resolve([]); } let promise = this._itmsg; promise = promise.then( function withIterator(iterator) { return Scheduler.post("DirectoryIterator_prototype_nextBatch", [iterator, size]); }); promise = promise.then( function withEntries(array) { return array.map(DirectoryIterator.Entry.fromMsg); }); return promise; }, /** * Apply a function to all elements of the directory sequentially. * * @param {Function} cb This function will be applied to all entries * of the directory. It receives as arguments * - the OS.File.Entry corresponding to the entry; * - the index of the entry in the enumeration; * - the iterator itself - return |iterator.close()| to stop the loop. * * If the callback returns a promise, iteration waits until the * promise is resolved before proceeding. * * @return {Promise} A promise resolved once the loop has reached * its end. */ forEach: function forEach(cb, options) { if (this._isClosed) { return Promise.resolve(); } let self = this; let position = 0; let iterator; // Grab iterator let promise = this._itmsg.then( function(aIterator) { iterator = aIterator; } ); // Then iterate let loop = function loop() { if (self._isClosed) { return Promise.resolve(); } return self._next(iterator).then( function onSuccess(value) { return Promise.resolve(cb(value, position++, self)).then(loop); }, function onFailure(reason) { if (reason == StopIteration) { return; } throw reason; } ); }; return promise.then(loop); }, /** * Auxiliary method: fetch the next item * * @rejects {StopIteration} If all entries have already been visited * or the iterator has been closed. */ _next: function _next(iterator) { if (this._isClosed) { LOG("DirectoryIterator._next", "closed"); return this._itmsg; } let self = this; let promise = Scheduler.post("DirectoryIterator_prototype_next", [iterator]); promise = promise.then( DirectoryIterator.Entry.fromMsg, function onReject(reason) { // If the exception is |StopIteration| (which we may determine only // from its message...) we need to stop the iteration. if (!(reason instanceof WorkerErrorEvent && reason.message == "uncaught exception: [object StopIteration]")) { // Any exception other than StopIteration should be propagated as such throw reason; } self.close(); throw StopIteration; }); return promise; }, /** * Close the iterator */ close: function close() { if (this._isClosed) { return; } this._isClosed = true; let self = this; this._itmsg.then( function withIterator(iterator) { self._itmsg = Promise.reject(StopIteration); return Scheduler.post("DirectoryIterator_prototype_close", [iterator]); } ); } }; DirectoryIterator.Entry = function Entry(value) { return value; }; DirectoryIterator.Entry.fromMsg = function fromMsg(value) { return new DirectoryIterator.Entry(value); }; // Constants Object.defineProperty(File, "POS_START", {value: OS.Shared.POS_START}); Object.defineProperty(File, "POS_CURRENT", {value: OS.Shared.POS_CURRENT}); Object.defineProperty(File, "POS_END", {value: OS.Shared.POS_END}); OS.File = File; OS.File.Error = OSError; OS.File.DirectoryIterator = DirectoryIterator;