/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ let Ci = Components.interfaces, Cc = Components.classes, Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DownloadUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.jsm"); let gStrings = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/aboutDownloads.properties"); let downloadTemplate = "
  • " + "" + "
    " + "
    " + // This is a hack so that we can crop this label in its center "" + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
  • "; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(window, "gChromeWin", function () window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem) .rootTreeItem .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow)); let Downloads = { init: function dl_init() { this._list = document.getElementById("downloads-list"); this._list.addEventListener("click", function (event) { let target = event.target; while (target && target.nodeName != "li") { target = target.parentNode; } Downloads.openDownload(target); }, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "dl-start", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "dl-failed", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "dl-scanning", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "dl-done", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "dl-blocked", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "dl-dirty", false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "dl-cancel", false); this.getDownloads(); let contextmenus = gChromeWin.NativeWindow.contextmenus; // Open shown only for downloads that completed successfully Downloads.openMenuItem = contextmenus.add(gStrings.GetStringFromName("downloadAction.open"), contextmenus.SelectorContext("li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED + "']"), function (aTarget) { Downloads.openDownload(aTarget); } ); // Retry shown when its failed, canceled, blocked(covered in failed, see _getState()) Downloads.retryMenuItem = contextmenus.add(gStrings.GetStringFromName("downloadAction.retry"), contextmenus.SelectorContext("li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FAILED + "']," + "li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED + "']"), function (aTarget) { Downloads.retryDownload(aTarget); } ); // Remove shown when its canceled, finished, failed(failed includes blocked and dirty, see _getState()) Downloads.removeMenuItem = contextmenus.add(gStrings.GetStringFromName("downloadAction.remove"), contextmenus.SelectorContext("li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED + "']," + "li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED + "']," + "li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FAILED + "']"), function (aTarget) { Downloads.removeDownload(aTarget); } ); // Pause shown when item is currently downloading Downloads.pauseMenuItem = contextmenus.add(gStrings.GetStringFromName("downloadAction.pause"), contextmenus.SelectorContext("li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING + "']"), function (aTarget) { Downloads.pauseDownload(aTarget); } ); // Resume shown for paused items only Downloads.resumeMenuItem = contextmenus.add(gStrings.GetStringFromName("downloadAction.resume"), contextmenus.SelectorContext("li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED + "']"), function (aTarget) { Downloads.resumeDownload(aTarget); } ); // Cancel shown when its downloading, notstarted, queued or paused Downloads.cancelMenuItem = contextmenus.add(gStrings.GetStringFromName("downloadAction.cancel"), contextmenus.SelectorContext("li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING + "']," + "li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_NOTSTARTED + "']," + "li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_QUEUED + "']," + "li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED + "']"), function (aTarget) { Downloads.cancelDownload(aTarget); } ); // Delete All shown when item is finished, canceled, or failed Downloads.deleteAllMenuItem = contextmenus.add(gStrings.GetStringFromName("downloadAction.deleteAll"), contextmenus.SelectorContext("li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED + "']," + "li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED + "']," + "li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FAILED + "']"), this.deleteAll.bind(this) ); }, uninit: function dl_uninit() { let contextmenus = gChromeWin.NativeWindow.contextmenus; contextmenus.remove(this.openMenuItem); contextmenus.remove(this.removeMenuItem); contextmenus.remove(this.pauseMenuItem); contextmenus.remove(this.resumeMenuItem); contextmenus.remove(this.retryMenuItem); contextmenus.remove(this.cancelMenuItem); contextmenus.remove(this.deleteAllMenuItem); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "dl-start"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "dl-failed"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "dl-scanning"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "dl-done"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "dl-blocked"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "dl-dirty"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "dl-cancel"); }, observe: function dl_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { let download = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDownload); switch (aTopic) { case "dl-blocked": case "dl-dirty": case "dl-cancel": case "dl-done": case "dl-failed": // For all "completed" states, move them after active downloads this._moveDownloadAfterActive(this._getElementForDownload(download.id)); // Fall-through the rest case "dl-start": case "dl-scanning": let item = this._getElementForDownload(download.id); if (item) this._updateDownloadRow(item); else this._insertDownloadRow(download); break; } }, _moveDownloadAfterActive: function dl_moveDownloadAfterActive(aItem) { // Move downloads that just reached a "completed" state below any active try { // Iterate down until we find a non-active download let next = aItem.nextSibling; while (next && this._inProgress(next.getAttribute("state"))) next = next.nextSibling; // Move the item this._list.insertBefore(aItem, next); } catch (ex) { console.log("ERROR: _moveDownloadAfterActive() : " + ex); } }, _inProgress: function dl_inProgress(aState) { return [ this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_NOTSTARTED, this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_QUEUED, this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING, this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED, this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_SCANNING, ].indexOf(parseInt(aState)) != -1; }, _insertDownloadRow: function dl_insertDownloadRow(aDownload) { let updatedState = this._getState(aDownload.state); let item = this._createItem(downloadTemplate, { id: aDownload.id, target: aDownload.displayName, icon: "moz-icon://" + aDownload.displayName + "?size=64", date: DownloadUtils.getReadableDates(new Date())[0], domain: DownloadUtils.getURIHost(aDownload.source.spec)[0], size: this._getDownloadSize(aDownload.size), displayState: this._getStateString(updatedState), state: updatedState }); this._list.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", item); }, _getDownloadSize: function dl_getDownloadSize(aSize) { let displaySize = DownloadUtils.convertByteUnits(aSize); if (displaySize[0] > 0) // [0] is size, [1] is units return displaySize.join(""); else return gStrings.GetStringFromName("downloadState.unknownSize"); }, // Not all states are displayed as-is on mobile, some are translated to a generic state _getState: function dl_getState(aState) { let str; switch (aState) { // Downloading and Scanning states show up as "Downloading" case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING: case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_SCANNING: str = this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING; break; // Failed, Dirty and Blocked states show up as "Failed" case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FAILED: case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_DIRTY: case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED_POLICY: case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED_PARENTAL: str = this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FAILED; break; /* QUEUED and NOTSTARTED are not translated as they dont fall under a common state but we still need to display a common "status" on the UI */ default: str = aState; } return str; }, // Note: This doesn't cover all states as some of the states are translated in _getState() _getStateString: function dl_getStateString(aState) { let str; switch (aState) { case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING: str = "downloadState.downloading"; break; case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED: str = "downloadState.canceled"; break; case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FAILED: str = "downloadState.failed"; break; case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED: str = "downloadState.paused"; break; // Queued and Notstarted show up as "Starting..." case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_QUEUED: case this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_NOTSTARTED: str = "downloadState.starting"; break; default: return ""; } return gStrings.GetStringFromName(str); }, _updateItem: function dl_updateItem(aItem, aValues) { for (let i in aValues) { aItem.querySelector("." + i).textContent = aValues[i]; } }, _initStatement: function dv__initStatement() { if (this._stmt) this._stmt.finalize(); this._stmt = this._dlmgr.DBConnection.createStatement( "SELECT id, name, source, state, startTime, endTime, referrer, " + "currBytes, maxBytes, state IN (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5) isActive " + "FROM moz_downloads " + "ORDER BY isActive DESC, endTime DESC, startTime DESC"); }, _createItem: function _createItem(aTemplate, aValues) { function htmlEscape(s) { s = s.replace(/&/g, "&"); s = s.replace(/>/g, ">"); s = s.replace(/ 1) { this._stepDownloads(aNumItems - 1); } else { // Use a shorter delay for earlier downloads to display them faster let delay = Math.min(this._list.itemCount * 10, 300); let self = this; this._timeoutID = setTimeout(function () { self._stepDownloads(5); }, delay); } }, getDownloads: function dl_getDownloads() { this._dlmgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/download-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIDownloadManager); this._initStatement(); clearTimeout(this._timeoutID); this._stmt.reset(); this._stmt.bindInt32Parameter(0, Ci.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_NOTSTARTED); this._stmt.bindInt32Parameter(1, Ci.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING); this._stmt.bindInt32Parameter(2, Ci.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED); this._stmt.bindInt32Parameter(3, Ci.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_QUEUED); this._stmt.bindInt32Parameter(4, Ci.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_SCANNING); // Take a quick break before we actually start building the list let self = this; this._timeoutID = setTimeout(function () { self._stepDownloads(1); }, 0); }, _getElementForDownload: function dl_getElementForDownload(aKey) { return this._list.querySelector("li[downloadID='" + aKey + "']"); }, _getDownloadForElement: function dl_getDownloadForElement(aElement) { let id = parseInt(aElement.getAttribute("downloadID")); return this._dlmgr.getDownload(id); }, _removeItem: function dl_removeItem(aItem) { // Make sure we have an item to remove if (!aItem) return; let index = this._list.selectedIndex; this._list.removeChild(aItem); this._list.selectedIndex = Math.min(index, this._list.itemCount - 1); }, openDownload: function dl_openDownload(aItem) { let f = null; try { let download = this._getDownloadForElement(aItem); f = download.targetFile; } catch(ex) { } try { if (f) f.launch(); } catch (ex) { } }, removeDownload: function dl_removeDownload(aItem) { let f = null; try { let download = this._getDownloadForElement(aItem); f = download.targetFile; } catch(ex) { // even if there is no file, pretend that there is so that we can remove // it from the list f = { leafName: "" }; } this._dlmgr.removeDownload(aItem.getAttribute("downloadID")); this._list.removeChild(aItem); try { if (f) f.remove(false); } catch(ex) { } }, deleteAll: function dl_deleteAll() { let title = gStrings.GetStringFromName("downloadAction.deleteAll"); let messageForm = gStrings.GetStringFromName("downloadMessage.deleteAll"); let elements = this._list.querySelectorAll("li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED + "']," + "li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED + "']," + "li[state='" + this._dlmgr.DOWNLOAD_FAILED + "']"); let message = PluralForm.get(elements.length, messageForm) .replace("#1", elements.length); let flags = Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_0 * Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_OK + Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_1 * Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL; let choice = Services.prompt.confirmEx(null, title, message, flags, null, null, null, null, {}); if (choice == 0) { for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { this.removeDownload(elements[i]); } } }, pauseDownload: function dl_pauseDownload(aItem) { try { let download = this._getDownloadForElement(aItem); this._dlmgr.pauseDownload(aItem.getAttribute("downloadID")); this._updateDownloadRow(aItem); } catch (ex) { console.log("Error: pauseDownload() " + ex); } }, resumeDownload: function dl_resumeDownload(aItem) { try { let download = this._getDownloadForElement(aItem); this._dlmgr.resumeDownload(aItem.getAttribute("downloadID")); this._updateDownloadRow(aItem); } catch (ex) { console.log("Error: resumeDownload() " + ex); } }, retryDownload: function dl_retryDownload(aItem) { try { let download = this._getDownloadForElement(aItem); this._removeItem(aItem); this._dlmgr.retryDownload(aItem.getAttribute("downloadID")); } catch (ex) { console.log("Error: retryDownload() " + ex); } }, cancelDownload: function dl_cancelDownload(aItem) { try { this._dlmgr.cancelDownload(aItem.getAttribute("downloadID")); let download = this._getDownloadForElement(aItem); let f = download.targetFile; if (f.exists()) f.remove(false); this._updateDownloadRow(aItem); } catch (ex) { console.log("Error: cancelDownload() " + ex); } }, _updateDownloadRow: function dl_updateDownloadRow(aItem){ try { let download = this._getDownloadForElement(aItem); let updatedState = this._getState(download.state); aItem.setAttribute("state", updatedState); this._updateItem(aItem, { size: this._getDownloadSize(download.size), displayState: this._getStateString(updatedState), date: DownloadUtils.getReadableDates(new Date())[0] }); } catch (ex){ console.log("ERROR: _updateDownloadRow(): " + ex); } } }