/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test editing box model values when all values are set const TEST_URI = "" + "
"; function getStyle(node, property) { return node.style.getPropertyValue(property); } let test = asyncTest(function*() { yield addTab("data:text/html," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); let {toolbox, inspector, view} = yield openLayoutView(); yield runTests(inspector, view); yield destroyToolbox(inspector); }); addTest("When all properties are set on the node editing one should work", function*(inspector, view) { let node = content.document.getElementById("div1"); node.style.padding = "5px"; yield waitForUpdate(inspector); yield selectNode(node, inspector); let span = view.doc.querySelector(".padding.bottom > span"); is(span.textContent, 5, "Should have the right value in the box model."); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(span, {}, view.doc.defaultView); let editor = view.doc.querySelector(".styleinspector-propertyeditor"); ok(editor, "Should have opened the editor."); is(editor.value, "5px", "Should have the right value in the editor."); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("7", {}, view.doc.defaultView); yield waitForUpdate(inspector); is(editor.value, "7", "Should have the right value in the editor."); is(getStyle(node, "padding-bottom"), "7px", "Should have updated the padding"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, view.doc.defaultView); is(getStyle(node, "padding-bottom"), "7px", "Should be the right padding.") is(span.textContent, 7, "Should have the right value in the box model."); }); addTest("When all properties are set on the node editing one should work", function*(inspector, view) { let node = content.document.getElementById("div1"); node.style.padding = "5px"; yield waitForUpdate(inspector); yield selectNode(node, inspector); let span = view.doc.querySelector(".padding.left > span"); is(span.textContent, 5, "Should have the right value in the box model."); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(span, {}, view.doc.defaultView); let editor = view.doc.querySelector(".styleinspector-propertyeditor"); ok(editor, "Should have opened the editor."); is(editor.value, "5px", "Should have the right value in the editor."); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("8", {}, view.doc.defaultView); yield waitForUpdate(inspector); is(editor.value, "8", "Should have the right value in the editor."); is(getStyle(node, "padding-left"), "8px", "Should have updated the padding"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {}, view.doc.defaultView); yield waitForUpdate(inspector); is(getStyle(node, "padding-left"), "5px", "Should be the right padding.") is(span.textContent, 5, "Should have the right value in the box model."); }); addTest("When all properties are set on the node deleting one should work", function*(inspector, view) { let node = content.document.getElementById("div1"); node.style.padding = "5px"; yield selectNode(node, inspector); let span = view.doc.querySelector(".padding.left > span"); is(span.textContent, 5, "Should have the right value in the box model."); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(span, {}, view.doc.defaultView); let editor = view.doc.querySelector(".styleinspector-propertyeditor"); ok(editor, "Should have opened the editor."); is(editor.value, "5px", "Should have the right value in the editor."); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {}, view.doc.defaultView); yield waitForUpdate(inspector); is(editor.value, "", "Should have the right value in the editor."); is(getStyle(node, "padding-left"), "", "Should have updated the padding"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, view.doc.defaultView); is(getStyle(node, "padding-left"), "", "Should be the right padding.") is(span.textContent, 3, "Should have the right value in the box model."); }); addTest("When all properties are set on the node deleting one then cancelling should work", function*(inspector, view) { let node = content.document.getElementById("div1"); node.style.padding = "5px"; yield waitForUpdate(inspector); yield selectNode(node, inspector); let span = view.doc.querySelector(".padding.left > span"); is(span.textContent, 5, "Should have the right value in the box model."); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(span, {}, view.doc.defaultView); let editor = view.doc.querySelector(".styleinspector-propertyeditor"); ok(editor, "Should have opened the editor."); is(editor.value, "5px", "Should have the right value in the editor."); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {}, view.doc.defaultView); yield waitForUpdate(inspector); is(editor.value, "", "Should have the right value in the editor."); is(getStyle(node, "padding-left"), "", "Should have updated the padding"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {}, view.doc.defaultView); yield waitForUpdate(inspector); is(getStyle(node, "padding-left"), "5px", "Should be the right padding.") is(span.textContent, 5, "Should have the right value in the box model."); });