/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "imgRequest.h" #include "ImageLogging.h" #include "imgLoader.h" #include "imgRequestProxy.h" #include "imgStatusTracker.h" #include "ImageFactory.h" #include "Image.h" #include "imgILoader.h" #include "netCore.h" #include "nsIChannel.h" #include "nsICachingChannel.h" #include "nsILoadGroup.h" #include "nsIInputStream.h" #include "nsIMultiPartChannel.h" #include "nsIHttpChannel.h" #include "nsIApplicationCache.h" #include "nsIApplicationCacheChannel.h" #include "nsMimeTypes.h" #include "nsIComponentManager.h" #include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h" #include "nsIScriptSecurityManager.h" #include "nsICacheVisitor.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsXPIDLString.h" #include "plstr.h" // PL_strcasestr(...) #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsIProtocolHandler.h" #include "DiscardTracker.h" #include "nsAsyncRedirectVerifyHelper.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::image; #if defined(PR_LOGGING) PRLogModuleInfo * GetImgLog() { static PRLogModuleInfo *sImgLog; if (!sImgLog) sImgLog = PR_NewLogModule("imgRequest"); return sImgLog; } #endif NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS5(imgRequest, nsIStreamListener, nsIRequestObserver, nsIChannelEventSink, nsIInterfaceRequestor, nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback) imgRequest::imgRequest(imgLoader* aLoader) : mLoader(aLoader) , mStatusTracker(new imgStatusTracker(nullptr)) , mValidator(nullptr) , mInnerWindowId(0) , mCORSMode(imgIRequest::CORS_NONE) , mDecodeRequested(false) , mIsMultiPartChannel(false) , mGotData(false) , mIsInCache(false) , mResniffMimeType(false) { } imgRequest::~imgRequest() { if (mURI) { nsAutoCString spec; mURI->GetSpec(spec); LOG_FUNC_WITH_PARAM(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::~imgRequest()", "keyuri", spec.get()); } else LOG_FUNC(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::~imgRequest()"); } nsresult imgRequest::Init(nsIURI *aURI, nsIURI *aCurrentURI, nsIRequest *aRequest, nsIChannel *aChannel, imgCacheEntry *aCacheEntry, void *aLoadId, nsIPrincipal* aLoadingPrincipal, int32_t aCORSMode) { LOG_FUNC(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::Init"); NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(!mImage, "Multiple calls to init"); NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(aURI, "No uri"); NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(aCurrentURI, "No current uri"); NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(aRequest, "No request"); NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(aChannel, "No channel"); mProperties = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/properties;1"); mURI = aURI; mCurrentURI = aCurrentURI; mRequest = aRequest; mChannel = aChannel; mTimedChannel = do_QueryInterface(mChannel); mLoadingPrincipal = aLoadingPrincipal; mCORSMode = aCORSMode; mChannel->GetNotificationCallbacks(getter_AddRefs(mPrevChannelSink)); NS_ASSERTION(mPrevChannelSink != this, "Initializing with a channel that already calls back to us!"); mChannel->SetNotificationCallbacks(this); mCacheEntry = aCacheEntry; SetLoadId(aLoadId); return NS_OK; } imgStatusTracker& imgRequest::GetStatusTracker() { if (mImage && mGotData) { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(!mStatusTracker, "Should have given mStatusTracker to mImage"); return mImage->GetStatusTracker(); } else { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mStatusTracker, "Should have mStatusTracker until we create mImage"); return *mStatusTracker; } } void imgRequest::SetCacheEntry(imgCacheEntry *entry) { mCacheEntry = entry; } bool imgRequest::HasCacheEntry() const { return mCacheEntry != nullptr; } void imgRequest::ResetCacheEntry() { if (HasCacheEntry()) { mCacheEntry->SetDataSize(0); } } void imgRequest::AddProxy(imgRequestProxy *proxy) { NS_PRECONDITION(proxy, "null imgRequestProxy passed in"); LOG_SCOPE_WITH_PARAM(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::AddProxy", "proxy", proxy); // If we're empty before adding, we have to tell the loader we now have // proxies. if (GetStatusTracker().ConsumerCount() == 0) { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mURI, "Trying to SetHasProxies without key uri."); mLoader->SetHasProxies(mURI); } GetStatusTracker().AddConsumer(proxy); } nsresult imgRequest::RemoveProxy(imgRequestProxy *proxy, nsresult aStatus) { LOG_SCOPE_WITH_PARAM(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::RemoveProxy", "proxy", proxy); // This will remove our animation consumers, so after removing // this proxy, we don't end up without proxies with observers, but still // have animation consumers. proxy->ClearAnimationConsumers(); // Let the status tracker do its thing before we potentially call Cancel() // below, because Cancel() may result in OnStopRequest being called back // before Cancel() returns, leaving the image in a different state then the // one it was in at this point. imgStatusTracker& statusTracker = GetStatusTracker(); if (!statusTracker.RemoveConsumer(proxy, aStatus)) return NS_OK; if (statusTracker.ConsumerCount() == 0) { // If we have no observers, there's nothing holding us alive. If we haven't // been cancelled and thus removed from the cache, tell the image loader so // we can be evicted from the cache. if (mCacheEntry) { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mURI, "Removing last observer without key uri."); mLoader->SetHasNoProxies(mURI, mCacheEntry); } #if defined(PR_LOGGING) else { nsAutoCString spec; mURI->GetSpec(spec); LOG_MSG_WITH_PARAM(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::RemoveProxy no cache entry", "uri", spec.get()); } #endif /* If |aStatus| is a failure code, then cancel the load if it is still in progress. Otherwise, let the load continue, keeping 'this' in the cache with no observers. This way, if a proxy is destroyed without calling cancel on it, it won't leak and won't leave a bad pointer in the observer list. */ if (statusTracker.IsLoading() && NS_FAILED(aStatus)) { LOG_MSG(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::RemoveProxy", "load in progress. canceling"); this->Cancel(NS_BINDING_ABORTED); } /* break the cycle from the cache entry. */ mCacheEntry = nullptr; } // If a proxy is removed for a reason other than its owner being // changed, remove the proxy from the loadgroup. if (aStatus != NS_IMAGELIB_CHANGING_OWNER) proxy->RemoveFromLoadGroup(true); return NS_OK; } void imgRequest::CancelAndAbort(nsresult aStatus) { LOG_SCOPE(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::CancelAndAbort"); Cancel(aStatus); // It's possible for the channel to fail to open after we've set our // notification callbacks. In that case, make sure to break the cycle between // the channel and us, because it won't. if (mChannel) { mChannel->SetNotificationCallbacks(mPrevChannelSink); mPrevChannelSink = nullptr; } } void imgRequest::Cancel(nsresult aStatus) { /* The Cancel() method here should only be called by this class. */ LOG_SCOPE(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::Cancel"); imgStatusTracker& statusTracker = GetStatusTracker(); statusTracker.MaybeUnblockOnload(); statusTracker.RecordCancel(); RemoveFromCache(); if (mRequest && statusTracker.IsLoading()) mRequest->Cancel(aStatus); } nsresult imgRequest::GetURI(nsIURI **aURI) { LOG_FUNC(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::GetURI"); if (mURI) { *aURI = mURI; NS_ADDREF(*aURI); return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsresult imgRequest::GetSecurityInfo(nsISupports **aSecurityInfo) { LOG_FUNC(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::GetSecurityInfo"); // Missing security info means this is not a security load // i.e. it is not an error when security info is missing NS_IF_ADDREF(*aSecurityInfo = mSecurityInfo); return NS_OK; } void imgRequest::RemoveFromCache() { LOG_SCOPE(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::RemoveFromCache"); if (mIsInCache) { // mCacheEntry is nulled out when we have no more observers. if (mCacheEntry) mLoader->RemoveFromCache(mCacheEntry); else mLoader->RemoveFromCache(mURI); } mCacheEntry = nullptr; } int32_t imgRequest::Priority() const { int32_t priority = nsISupportsPriority::PRIORITY_NORMAL; nsCOMPtr p = do_QueryInterface(mRequest); if (p) p->GetPriority(&priority); return priority; } void imgRequest::AdjustPriority(imgRequestProxy *proxy, int32_t delta) { // only the first proxy is allowed to modify the priority of this image load. // // XXX(darin): this is probably not the most optimal algorithm as we may want // to increase the priority of requests that have a lot of proxies. the key // concern though is that image loads remain lower priority than other pieces // of content such as link clicks, CSS, and JS. // if (!GetStatusTracker().FirstConsumerIs(proxy)) return; nsCOMPtr p = do_QueryInterface(mChannel); if (p) p->AdjustPriority(delta); } void imgRequest::SetIsInCache(bool incache) { LOG_FUNC_WITH_PARAM(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::SetIsCacheable", "incache", incache); mIsInCache = incache; } void imgRequest::UpdateCacheEntrySize() { if (mCacheEntry) mCacheEntry->SetDataSize(mImage->SizeOfData()); } void imgRequest::SetCacheValidation(imgCacheEntry* aCacheEntry, nsIRequest* aRequest) { /* get the expires info */ if (aCacheEntry) { nsCOMPtr cacheChannel(do_QueryInterface(aRequest)); if (cacheChannel) { nsCOMPtr cacheToken; cacheChannel->GetCacheToken(getter_AddRefs(cacheToken)); if (cacheToken) { nsCOMPtr entryDesc(do_QueryInterface(cacheToken)); if (entryDesc) { uint32_t expiration; /* get the expiration time from the caching channel's token */ entryDesc->GetExpirationTime(&expiration); // Expiration time defaults to 0. We set the expiration time on our // entry if it hasn't been set yet. if (aCacheEntry->GetExpiryTime() == 0) aCacheEntry->SetExpiryTime(expiration); } } } // Determine whether the cache entry must be revalidated when we try to use it. // Currently, only HTTP specifies this information... nsCOMPtr httpChannel(do_QueryInterface(aRequest)); if (httpChannel) { bool bMustRevalidate = false; httpChannel->IsNoStoreResponse(&bMustRevalidate); if (!bMustRevalidate) { httpChannel->IsNoCacheResponse(&bMustRevalidate); } if (!bMustRevalidate) { nsAutoCString cacheHeader; httpChannel->GetResponseHeader(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Cache-Control"), cacheHeader); if (PL_strcasestr(cacheHeader.get(), "must-revalidate")) { bMustRevalidate = true; } } // Cache entries default to not needing to validate. We ensure that // multiple calls to this function don't override an earlier decision to // validate by making validation a one-way decision. if (bMustRevalidate) aCacheEntry->SetMustValidate(bMustRevalidate); } // We always need to validate file URIs. nsCOMPtr channel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest); if (channel) { nsCOMPtr uri; channel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); bool isfile = false; uri->SchemeIs("file", &isfile); if (isfile) aCacheEntry->SetMustValidate(isfile); } } } namespace { // anon already_AddRefed GetApplicationCache(nsIRequest* aRequest) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr appCacheChan = do_QueryInterface(aRequest); if (!appCacheChan) { return nullptr; } bool fromAppCache; rv = appCacheChan->GetLoadedFromApplicationCache(&fromAppCache); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, nullptr); if (!fromAppCache) { return nullptr; } nsCOMPtr appCache; rv = appCacheChan->GetApplicationCache(getter_AddRefs(appCache)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, nullptr); return appCache.forget(); } } // anon bool imgRequest::CacheChanged(nsIRequest* aNewRequest) { nsCOMPtr newAppCache = GetApplicationCache(aNewRequest); // Application cache not involved at all or the same app cache involved // in both of the loads (original and new). if (newAppCache == mApplicationCache) return false; // In a rare case it may happen that two objects still refer // the same application cache version. if (newAppCache && mApplicationCache) { nsresult rv; nsAutoCString oldAppCacheClientId, newAppCacheClientId; rv = mApplicationCache->GetClientID(oldAppCacheClientId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); rv = newAppCache->GetClientID(newAppCacheClientId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, true); if (oldAppCacheClientId == newAppCacheClientId) return false; } // When we get here, app caches differ or app cache is involved // just in one of the loads what we also consider as a change // in a loading cache. return true; } nsresult imgRequest::LockImage() { return mImage->LockImage(); } nsresult imgRequest::UnlockImage() { return mImage->UnlockImage(); } nsresult imgRequest::RequestDecode() { // If we've initialized our image, we can request a decode. if (mImage) { return mImage->RequestDecode(); } // Otherwise, flag to do it when we get the image mDecodeRequested = true; return NS_OK; } nsresult imgRequest::StartDecoding() { // If we've initialized our image, we can request a decode. if (mImage) { return mImage->StartDecoding(); } // Otherwise, flag to do it when we get the image mDecodeRequested = true; return NS_OK; } /** nsIRequestObserver methods **/ /* void onStartRequest (in nsIRequest request, in nsISupports ctxt); */ NS_IMETHODIMP imgRequest::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *ctxt) { LOG_SCOPE(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::OnStartRequest"); // Figure out if we're multipart nsCOMPtr mpchan(do_QueryInterface(aRequest)); if (mpchan) { mIsMultiPartChannel = true; GetStatusTracker().SetIsMultipart(); } // If we're not multipart, we shouldn't have an image yet NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mIsMultiPartChannel || !mImage, "Already have an image for non-multipart request"); // If we're multipart and about to load another image, signal so we can // detect the mime type in OnDataAvailable. if (mIsMultiPartChannel && mImage) { mResniffMimeType = true; // Tell the image to reinitialize itself. We have to do this in // OnStartRequest so that its state machine is always in a consistent // state. // Note that if our MIME type changes, mImage will be replaced with a // new object. mImage->OnNewSourceData(); } /* * If mRequest is null here, then we need to set it so that we'll be able to * cancel it if our Cancel() method is called. Note that this can only * happen for multipart channels. We could simply not null out mRequest for * non-last parts, if GetIsLastPart() were reliable, but it's not. See * https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=339610 */ if (!mRequest) { NS_ASSERTION(mpchan, "We should have an mRequest here unless we're multipart"); nsCOMPtr chan; mpchan->GetBaseChannel(getter_AddRefs(chan)); mRequest = chan; } GetStatusTracker().OnStartRequest(); nsCOMPtr channel(do_QueryInterface(aRequest)); if (channel) channel->GetSecurityInfo(getter_AddRefs(mSecurityInfo)); /* Get our principal */ nsCOMPtr chan(do_QueryInterface(aRequest)); if (chan) { nsCOMPtr secMan = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1"); if (secMan) { nsresult rv = secMan->GetChannelPrincipal(chan, getter_AddRefs(mPrincipal)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } } SetCacheValidation(mCacheEntry, aRequest); mApplicationCache = GetApplicationCache(aRequest); // Shouldn't we be dead already if this gets hit? Probably multipart/x-mixed-replace... if (GetStatusTracker().ConsumerCount() == 0) { this->Cancel(NS_IMAGELIB_ERROR_FAILURE); } return NS_OK; } /* void onStopRequest (in nsIRequest request, in nsISupports ctxt, in nsresult status); */ NS_IMETHODIMP imgRequest::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *ctxt, nsresult status) { LOG_FUNC(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::OnStopRequest"); // XXXldb What if this is a non-last part of a multipart request? // xxx before we release our reference to mRequest, lets // save the last status that we saw so that the // imgRequestProxy will have access to it. if (mRequest) { mRequest = nullptr; // we no longer need the request } // stop holding a ref to the channel, since we don't need it anymore if (mChannel) { mChannel->SetNotificationCallbacks(mPrevChannelSink); mPrevChannelSink = nullptr; mChannel = nullptr; } bool lastPart = true; nsCOMPtr mpchan(do_QueryInterface(aRequest)); if (mpchan) mpchan->GetIsLastPart(&lastPart); // Tell the image that it has all of the source data. Note that this can // trigger a failure, since the image might be waiting for more non-optional // data and this is the point where we break the news that it's not coming. if (mImage) { nsresult rv = mImage->OnImageDataComplete(aRequest, ctxt, status, lastPart); // If we got an error in the OnImageDataComplete() call, we don't want to // proceed as if nothing bad happened. However, we also want to give // precedence to failure status codes from necko, since presumably they're // more meaningful. if (NS_FAILED(rv) && NS_SUCCEEDED(status)) status = rv; } // If the request went through, update the cache entry size. Otherwise, // cancel the request, which removes us from the cache. if (mImage && NS_SUCCEEDED(status)) { // We update the cache entry size here because this is where we finish // loading compressed source data, which is part of our size calculus. UpdateCacheEntrySize(); } else { // stops animations, removes from cache this->Cancel(status); } if (!mImage) { // We have to fire imgStatusTracker::OnStopRequest ourselves because there's // no image capable of doing so. imgStatusTracker& statusTracker = GetStatusTracker(); statusTracker.OnStopRequest(lastPart, status); } mTimedChannel = nullptr; return NS_OK; } struct mimetype_closure { nsACString* newType; }; /* prototype for these defined below */ static NS_METHOD sniff_mimetype_callback(nsIInputStream* in, void* closure, const char* fromRawSegment, uint32_t toOffset, uint32_t count, uint32_t *writeCount); /** nsIStreamListener methods **/ /* void onDataAvailable (in nsIRequest request, in nsISupports ctxt, in nsIInputStream inStr, in unsigned long long sourceOffset, in unsigned long count); */ NS_IMETHODIMP imgRequest::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports *ctxt, nsIInputStream *inStr, uint64_t sourceOffset, uint32_t count) { LOG_SCOPE_WITH_PARAM(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::OnDataAvailable", "count", count); NS_ASSERTION(aRequest, "imgRequest::OnDataAvailable -- no request!"); nsresult rv; if (!mGotData || mResniffMimeType) { LOG_SCOPE(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::OnDataAvailable |First time through... finding mimetype|"); mGotData = true; // Store and reset this for the invariant that it's always false after // calls to OnDataAvailable (see bug 907575) bool resniffMimeType = mResniffMimeType; mResniffMimeType = false; mimetype_closure closure; nsAutoCString newType; closure.newType = &newType; /* look at the first few bytes and see if we can tell what the data is from that * since servers tend to lie. :( */ uint32_t out; inStr->ReadSegments(sniff_mimetype_callback, &closure, count, &out); nsCOMPtr chan(do_QueryInterface(aRequest)); if (newType.IsEmpty()) { LOG_SCOPE(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::OnDataAvailable |sniffing of mimetype failed|"); rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (chan) { rv = chan->GetContentType(newType); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { PR_LOG(GetImgLog(), PR_LOG_ERROR, ("[this=%p] imgRequest::OnDataAvailable -- Content type unavailable from the channel\n", this)); this->Cancel(NS_IMAGELIB_ERROR_FAILURE); return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } LOG_MSG(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::OnDataAvailable", "Got content type from the channel"); } // If we're a regular image and this is the first call to OnDataAvailable, // this will always be true. If we've resniffed our MIME type (i.e. we're a // multipart/x-mixed-replace image), we have to be able to switch our image // type and decoder. // We always reinitialize for SVGs, because they have no way of // reinitializing themselves. if (mContentType != newType || newType.EqualsLiteral(IMAGE_SVG_XML)) { mContentType = newType; // If we've resniffed our MIME type and it changed, we need to create a // new status tracker to give to the image, because we don't have one of // our own any more. if (resniffMimeType) { NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mIsMultiPartChannel, "Resniffing a non-multipart image"); imgStatusTracker* freshTracker = new imgStatusTracker(nullptr); freshTracker->AdoptConsumers(&GetStatusTracker()); mStatusTracker = freshTracker; } /* set our mimetype as a property */ nsCOMPtr contentType(do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/supports-cstring;1")); if (contentType) { contentType->SetData(mContentType); mProperties->Set("type", contentType); } /* set our content disposition as a property */ nsAutoCString disposition; if (chan) { chan->GetContentDispositionHeader(disposition); } if (!disposition.IsEmpty()) { nsCOMPtr contentDisposition(do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/supports-cstring;1")); if (contentDisposition) { contentDisposition->SetData(disposition); mProperties->Set("content-disposition", contentDisposition); } } LOG_MSG_WITH_PARAM(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::OnDataAvailable", "content type", mContentType.get()); // Now we can create a new image to hold the data. If we don't have a decoder // for this mimetype we'll find out about it here. mImage = ImageFactory::CreateImage(aRequest, mStatusTracker, mContentType, mURI, mIsMultiPartChannel, static_cast(mInnerWindowId)); // Release our copy of the status tracker since the image owns it now. mStatusTracker = nullptr; // Notify listeners that we have an image. // XXX(seth): The name of this notification method is pretty misleading. GetStatusTracker().OnDataAvailable(); if (mImage->HasError() && !mIsMultiPartChannel) { // Probably bad mimetype // We allow multipart images to fail to initialize without cancelling the // load because subsequent images might be fine; thus only single part // images end up here. this->Cancel(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(!!GetStatusTracker().GetImage(), "Status tracker should have an image!"); NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mImage, "imgRequest should have an image!"); if (mDecodeRequested) mImage->StartDecoding(); } } // Notify the image that it has new data. rv = mImage->OnImageDataAvailable(aRequest, ctxt, inStr, sourceOffset, count); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { PR_LOG(GetImgLog(), PR_LOG_WARNING, ("[this=%p] imgRequest::OnDataAvailable -- " "copy to RasterImage failed\n", this)); this->Cancel(NS_IMAGELIB_ERROR_FAILURE); return NS_BINDING_ABORTED; } return NS_OK; } static NS_METHOD sniff_mimetype_callback(nsIInputStream* in, void* data, const char* fromRawSegment, uint32_t toOffset, uint32_t count, uint32_t *writeCount) { mimetype_closure* closure = static_cast(data); NS_ASSERTION(closure, "closure is null!"); if (count > 0) imgLoader::GetMimeTypeFromContent(fromRawSegment, count, *closure->newType); *writeCount = 0; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } /** nsIInterfaceRequestor methods **/ NS_IMETHODIMP imgRequest::GetInterface(const nsIID & aIID, void **aResult) { if (!mPrevChannelSink || aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIChannelEventSink))) return QueryInterface(aIID, aResult); NS_ASSERTION(mPrevChannelSink != this, "Infinite recursion - don't keep track of channel sinks that are us!"); return mPrevChannelSink->GetInterface(aIID, aResult); } /** nsIChannelEventSink methods **/ NS_IMETHODIMP imgRequest::AsyncOnChannelRedirect(nsIChannel *oldChannel, nsIChannel *newChannel, uint32_t flags, nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback *callback) { NS_ASSERTION(mRequest && mChannel, "Got a channel redirect after we nulled out mRequest!"); NS_ASSERTION(mChannel == oldChannel, "Got a channel redirect for an unknown channel!"); NS_ASSERTION(newChannel, "Got a redirect to a NULL channel!"); SetCacheValidation(mCacheEntry, oldChannel); // Prepare for callback mRedirectCallback = callback; mNewRedirectChannel = newChannel; nsCOMPtr sink(do_GetInterface(mPrevChannelSink)); if (sink) { nsresult rv = sink->AsyncOnChannelRedirect(oldChannel, newChannel, flags, this); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { mRedirectCallback = nullptr; mNewRedirectChannel = nullptr; } return rv; } (void) OnRedirectVerifyCallback(NS_OK); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP imgRequest::OnRedirectVerifyCallback(nsresult result) { NS_ASSERTION(mRedirectCallback, "mRedirectCallback not set in callback"); NS_ASSERTION(mNewRedirectChannel, "mNewRedirectChannel not set in callback"); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { mRedirectCallback->OnRedirectVerifyCallback(result); mRedirectCallback = nullptr; mNewRedirectChannel = nullptr; return NS_OK; } mChannel = mNewRedirectChannel; mTimedChannel = do_QueryInterface(mChannel); mNewRedirectChannel = nullptr; #if defined(PR_LOGGING) nsAutoCString oldspec; if (mCurrentURI) mCurrentURI->GetSpec(oldspec); LOG_MSG_WITH_PARAM(GetImgLog(), "imgRequest::OnChannelRedirect", "old", oldspec.get()); #endif // make sure we have a protocol that returns data rather than opens // an external application, e.g. mailto: mChannel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(mCurrentURI)); bool doesNotReturnData = false; nsresult rv = NS_URIChainHasFlags(mCurrentURI, nsIProtocolHandler::URI_DOES_NOT_RETURN_DATA, &doesNotReturnData); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && doesNotReturnData) rv = NS_ERROR_ABORT; if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { mRedirectCallback->OnRedirectVerifyCallback(rv); mRedirectCallback = nullptr; return NS_OK; } mRedirectCallback->OnRedirectVerifyCallback(NS_OK); mRedirectCallback = nullptr; return NS_OK; }