var DEBUG = true; var clientID = "HTTP"; var nsICache = Components.interfaces.nsICache; function getEventQueue() { var nsIEventQueueService = Components.interfaces.nsIEventQueueService; var CID = Components.classes[";1"]; var service = CID.getService(nsIEventQueueService); return service.getSpecialEventQueue(nsIEventQueueService.CURRENT_THREAD_EVENT_QUEUE); } var eventQueue = getEventQueue(); function getCacheService() { var nsCacheService = Components.classes[";1"]; var service = nsCacheService.getService(Components.interfaces.nsICacheService); return service; } function createCacheSession(clientID, storagePolicy, streamable) { var service = getCacheService(); var session = service.createSession(clientID, storagePolicy, streamable); return session; } function openCacheEntry(url, mode) { var session = createCacheSession(clientID, nsICache.STORE_ON_DISK, true); var entry = session.openCacheEntry(url, mode); return entry; } function wrapInputStream(input) { var nsIScriptableInputStream = Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream; var factory = Components.classes[";1"]; var wrapper = factory.createInstance(nsIScriptableInputStream); wrapper.init(input); return wrapper; } function download(key) { var url = new; var data = ""; var buffer = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Byte.TYPE, 65536); var stream = url.openStream(); while (true) { var count =; if (count <= 0) break; var str = new java.lang.String(buffer, 0, count); data += str; } stream.close(); return data; } function write(url, data) { var key = url.toString(); var outputEntry = openCacheEntry(key, nsICache.ACCESS_WRITE); var output = outputEntry.transport.openOutputStream(0, -1, 0); var count = output.write(data, data.length); // store some metadata. outputEntry.setMetaDataElement("size", data.length); output.close(); outputEntry.markValid(); outputEntry.close(); return count; } function CacheListener() { this.done = false; } CacheListener.prototype = { QueryInterface : function(iid) { if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsICacheListener)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; }, onCacheEntryAvailable : function(/* in nsICacheEntryDescriptor */ descriptor, /* in nsCacheAccessMode */ accessGranted, /* in nsresult */ status) { this.descriptor = descriptor; this.status = status; this.done = true; } }; function asyncOpenCacheEntry(url, mode) { var session = createCacheSession(clientID, nsICache.STORE_ON_DISK, true); var listener = new CacheListener(); session.asyncOpenCacheEntry(url, mode, listener); while (!listener.done) eventQueue.processPendingEvents(); return listener.descriptor; } function asyncWrite(key, data) { var outputEntry = asyncOpenCacheEntry(key, nsICache.ACCESS_WRITE); var output = outputEntry.transport.openOutputStream(0, -1, 0); var count = output.write(data, data.length); // store some metadata. outputEntry.setMetaDataElement("size", data.length); output.close(); outputEntry.markValid(); outputEntry.close(); return count; } function StreamListener() { this.done = false; = ""; this.wrapper = null; } StreamListener.prototype = { QueryInterface : function(iid) { if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIStreamListener) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIStreamObserver)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; }, onStartRequest : function(request, context) { }, onStopRequest : function(request, context, statusCode, statusText) { this.statusCode = statusCode; this.done = true; }, onDataAvailable : function(request, context, input, offset, count) { if (this.wrapper == null) this.wrapper = wrapInputStream(input); input = this.wrapper; +=; } }; function asyncRead(key) { var inputEntry = asyncOpenCacheEntry(key, nsICache.ACCESS_READ); var listener = new StreamListener(); inputEntry.transport.asyncRead(listener, null, 0, inputEntry.dataSize, 0); while (!listener.done) eventQueue.processPendingEvents(); inputEntry.close(); return; } function read(key) { var inputEntry = openCacheEntry(key, nsICache.ACCESS_READ); var input = wrapInputStream(inputEntry.transport.openInputStream(0, -1, 0)); var data =; input.close(); inputEntry.close(); return data; } function readMetaData(key, element) { var inputEntry = openCacheEntry(key, nsICache.ACCESS_READ); var metadata = inputEntry.getMetaDataElement(element); inputEntry.close(); return metadata; } function doom(url) { var key = url.toString(); var doomedEntry = openCacheEntry(key, nsICache.ACCESS_READ_WRITE); doomedEntry.doom(); doomedEntry.close(); } // two keys which are known to collide right now. var key1 = ""; var key2 = ""; function test() { // 1. generate a collision, and close the colliding entry first. var entry1 = asyncOpenCacheEntry(key1, nsICache.ACCESS_READ_WRITE); var data1 = key1; entry1.setMetaDataElement("size", data1.length); entry1.markValid(); var output1 = entry1.transport.openOutputStream(0, -1, 0); output1.write(data1, data1.length); var entry2 = asyncOpenCacheEntry(key2, nsICache.ACCESS_READ_WRITE); var data2 = key2; entry2.setMetaDataElement("size", data2.length); entry2.markValid(); var output2 = entry2.transport.openOutputStream(0, -1, 0); output2.write(data2, data2.length); output1.close(); output2.close(); entry1.close(); entry2.close(); } function median(array) { var cmp = function(x, y) { return x - y; } array.sort(cmp); var middle = Math.floor(array.length / 2); return array[middle]; } function sum(array) { var s = 0; var len = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) s += array[i]; return s; } function time() { var N = 50; var System = java.lang.System; var url = new""); var key = url.toString(); var downloadTimes = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { var begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); download(url); var end = System.currentTimeMillis(); downloadTimes.push(end - begin); } var downloadTotal = sum(downloadTimes); var downloadMean = downloadTotal / N; var downloadMedian = median(downloadTimes); print("" + N + " downloads took " + downloadTotal + " milliseconds."); print("mean = " + downloadMean + " milliseconds."); print("median = " + downloadMedian + " milliseconds."); var readTimes = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { var begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); asyncRead(key); var end = System.currentTimeMillis(); readTimes.push(end - begin); } var readTotal = sum(readTimes); var readMean = readTotal / N; var readMedian = median(readTimes); print("" + N + " reads took " + readTotal + " milliseconds."); print("mean = " + readMean + " milliseconds."); print("median = " + readMedian + " milliseconds."); } // load the cache service before doing anything with Java... getCacheService(); if (DEBUG) { print("cache service loaded."); } else { print("running disk cache test."); test(); print("disk cache test complete."); }