#!/usr/bin/env python import os import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') header = """ # # ##### ####### # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # ## #### # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # ####### # # # ####### # ### # ## # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # ##### ####### # # ## ## # # # ### # # Seriously. You shouldn't even be looking at this file unless you're # debugging generate_mozbuild.py. # # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE IT IS AUTOGENERATED. # """ footer = """ # left out of UNIFIED_SOURCES for now; that's not C++ anyway, nothing else to unify it with if not CONFIG['INTEL_ARCHITECTURE'] and CONFIG['CPU_ARCH'] == 'arm' and CONFIG['GNU_CC']: SOURCES += [ 'trunk/src/opts/memset.arm.S', ] if CONFIG['BUILD_ARM_NEON']: SOURCES += [ 'trunk/src/opts/memset16_neon.S', 'trunk/src/opts/memset32_neon.S', ] MSVC_ENABLE_PGO = True FINAL_LIBRARY = 'gkmedias' LOCAL_INCLUDES += [ 'trunk/include/config', 'trunk/include/core', 'trunk/include/effects', 'trunk/include/gpu', 'trunk/include/images', 'trunk/include/lazy', 'trunk/include/pathops', 'trunk/include/pipe', 'trunk/include/ports', 'trunk/include/utils', 'trunk/include/utils/mac', 'trunk/include/utils/win', 'trunk/include/views', 'trunk/src/core', 'trunk/src/gpu', 'trunk/src/gpu/effects', 'trunk/src/gpu/gl', 'trunk/src/image', 'trunk/src/lazy', 'trunk/src/opts', 'trunk/src/sfnt', 'trunk/src/utils', 'trunk/src/utils/android', 'trunk/src/utils/mac', 'trunk/src/utils/win', ] DEFINES['SK_A32_SHIFT'] = 24 DEFINES['SK_R32_SHIFT'] = 16 DEFINES['SK_G32_SHIFT'] = 8 DEFINES['SK_B32_SHIFT'] = 0 if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] in ('android', 'gtk2', 'gtk3', 'qt', 'gonk', 'cocoa'): DEFINES['SK_USE_POSIX_THREADS'] = 1 if CONFIG['INTEL_ARCHITECTURE'] and CONFIG['HAVE_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORT_MSSSE3']: DEFINES['SK_BUILD_SSSE3'] = 1 if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] in ('android', 'gonk'): DEFINES['SK_FONTHOST_CAIRO_STANDALONE'] = 0 if (CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'android') or \ (CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'cocoa') or \ (CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'gonk') or \ (CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'qt') or \ CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_GTK']: DEFINES['SK_FONTHOST_DOES_NOT_USE_FONTMGR'] = 1 if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'windows': DEFINES['SKIA_DLL'] = 1 DEFINES['GR_DLL'] = 1 if CONFIG['INTEL_ARCHITECTURE'] and CONFIG['GNU_CC']: SOURCES['trunk/src/opts/SkBitmapFilter_opts_SSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] SOURCES['trunk/src/opts/SkBitmapProcState_opts_SSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] SOURCES['trunk/src/opts/SkBitmapProcState_opts_SSSE3.cpp'].flags += ['-mssse3'] SOURCES['trunk/src/opts/SkBlitRect_opts_SSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] SOURCES['trunk/src/opts/SkBlitRow_opts_SSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] SOURCES['trunk/src/opts/SkBlurImage_opts_SSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] SOURCES['trunk/src/opts/SkMorphology_opts_SSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] SOURCES['trunk/src/opts/SkUtils_opts_SSE2.cpp'].flags += CONFIG['SSE2_FLAGS'] elif CONFIG['CPU_ARCH'] == 'arm' and CONFIG['GNU_CC'] and CONFIG['BUILD_ARM_NEON']: DEFINES['__ARM_HAVE_OPTIONAL_NEON_SUPPORT'] = 1 DEFINES['USE_ANDROID_NDK_CPU_FEATURES'] = 0 DEFINES['SKIA_IMPLEMENTATION'] = 1 DEFINES['GR_IMPLEMENTATION'] = 1 if CONFIG['GNU_CXX']: CXXFLAGS += [ '-Wno-overloaded-virtual', '-Wno-unused-function', ] if not CONFIG['CLANG_CXX']: CXXFLAGS += ['-Wno-logical-op'] """ import json platforms = ['linux', 'mac', 'android', 'win'] custom_includes = { 'trunk/src/ports/SkAtomics_android.h': True, 'trunk/src/ports/SkAtomics_sync.h': True, 'trunk/src/ports/SkAtomics_win.h': True, 'trunk/src/ports/SkMutex_pthread.h': True, 'trunk/src/ports/SkMutex_win.h': True } def generate_includes(): includes = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk('trunk/include'): for name in files: if name.endswith('.h'): includes[os.path.join(root, name)] = True return dict(includes.items() + custom_includes.items()) def generate_opt_sources(): opt_sources = {'opts': {''}} for root, dirs, files in os.walk('trunk/src/opts'): for name in files: if name.endswith('.cpp'): opt_sources['opts'].add(os.path.join(root, name)) return opt_sources def generate_platform_sources(): sources = {} for plat in platforms: if os.system("cd trunk && GYP_GENERATORS=dump_mozbuild ./gyp_skia -D OS=%s gyp/skia_lib.gyp" % plat) != 0: print 'Failed to generate sources for ' + plat continue f = open('trunk/sources.json'); sources[plat] = set(json.load(f)); f.close() return dict(sources.items() + generate_opt_sources().items()) def generate_separated_sources(platform_sources): blacklist = [ 'ChromeUtils', 'SkImageDecoder_', '_gif', 'SkFontConfigParser_android', 'SkJpeg', 'SkXML', 'SkCity', 'GrGLCreateNativeInterface', 'fontconfig', 'SkThreadUtils_pthread_', 'SkImage_Codec', 'SkBitmapChecksummer', 'SkNativeGLContext', 'SkFontConfig', 'SkFontHost_win_dw', 'SkForceLinking', 'SkMovie', 'SkImageDecoder', 'SkImageEncoder', 'SkBitmapHasher', 'SkWGL', 'SkImages', 'SkDiscardableMemory_ashmem', 'SkMemory_malloc' ] def isblacklisted(value): for item in blacklist: if value.find(item) >= 0: return True return False separated = { 'common': { #'trunk/src/effects/gradients/SkGradientTileProc.cpp', 'trunk/src/gpu/gl/GrGLCreateNativeInterface_none.cpp', 'trunk/src/ports/SkDiscardableMemory_none.cpp', 'trunk/src/ports/SkImageDecoder_empty.cpp', 'trunk/src/ports/SkMemory_mozalloc.cpp', # 'trunk/src/images/SkImages.cpp', # 'trunk/src/images/SkImageRef.cpp', # 'trunk/src/images/SkImageRef_GlobalPool.cpp', # 'trunk/src/images/SkImageRefPool.cpp', # 'trunk/src/images/SkImageDecoder.cpp', # 'trunk/src/images/SkImageDecoder_Factory.cpp', }, 'android': { # 'trunk/src/ports/SkDebug_android.cpp', 'trunk/src/ports/SkFontHost_android_old.cpp', 'trunk/src/ports/SkFontHost_cairo.cpp', # 'trunk/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp', # 'trunk/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType_common.cpp', # 'trunk/src/ports/SkThread_pthread.cpp', # 'trunk/src/ports/SkPurgeableMemoryBlock_android.cpp', # 'trunk/src/ports/SkTime_Unix.cpp', # 'trunk/src/utils/SkThreadUtils_pthread.cpp', # 'trunk/src/images/SkImageRef_ashmem.cpp', # 'trunk/src/utils/android/ashmem.cpp', }, 'linux': { 'trunk/src/ports/SkFontHost_cairo.cpp', }, 'intel': { 'trunk/src/opts/SkXfermode_opts_none.cpp', }, 'arm': { 'trunk/src/opts/SkUtils_opts_arm.cpp', 'trunk/src/core/SkUtilsArm.cpp', }, 'neon': { 'trunk/src/opts/SkBitmapProcState_arm_neon.cpp', }, 'none': { 'trunk/src/opts/SkUtils_opts_none.cpp', } } for plat in platform_sources.keys(): if not separated.has_key(plat): separated[plat] = set() for value in platform_sources[plat]: if isblacklisted(value): continue if value.find('_SSE') > 0 or value.find('_SSSE') > 0: #lol separated['intel'].add(value) continue if value.find('_neon') > 0: separated['neon'].add(value) continue if value.find('_arm') > 0: separated['arm'].add(value) continue if value.find('_none') > 0: separated['none'].add(value) continue found = True for other in platforms: if other == plat or not platform_sources.has_key(other): continue if not value in platform_sources[other]: found = False break; if found: separated['common'].add(value) else: separated[plat].add(value) return separated def uniq(seq): seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [ x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)] def write_cflags(f, values, subsearch, cflag, indent): def write_indent(indent): for _ in range(indent): f.write(' ') val_list = uniq(sorted(map(lambda val: val.replace('../', 'trunk/'), values), key=lambda x: x.lower())) if len(val_list) == 0: return for val in val_list: if val.find(subsearch) > 0: write_indent(indent) f.write("SOURCES[\'" + val + "\'].flags += [\'" + cflag + "\']\n") def write_sources(f, values, indent): # Unfortunately for now the gpu and pathops directories are # non-unifiable. Keep track of this and fix it. unified_blacklist = [ '_SSE', '_SSSE', '_neon', 'FontHost', 'SkBitmapProcState_matrixProcs.cpp', 'SkBlitter_A8.cpp', 'SkBlitter_ARGB32.cpp', 'SkBlitter_RGB16.cpp', 'SkBlitter_Sprite.cpp', 'SkScan_Antihair.cpp', 'SkCondVar.cpp', 'SkParse.cpp', 'GrAddPathRenderers_default.cpp', 'GrDistanceFieldTextContext.cpp', 'SkSHA1.cpp', 'SkMD5.cpp', ] def isblacklisted(value): for item in unified_blacklist: if value.find(item) >= 0: return True return False sources = {} sources['nonunified'] = set() sources['unified'] = set() for item in values: if isblacklisted(item): sources['nonunified'].add(item) else: sources['unified'].add(item) write_list(f, "UNIFIED_SOURCES", sources['unified'], indent) write_list(f, "SOURCES", sources['nonunified'], indent) def write_list(f, name, values, indent): def write_indent(indent): for _ in range(indent): f.write(' ') val_list = uniq(sorted(map(lambda val: val.replace('../', 'trunk/'), values), key=lambda x: x.lower())) if len(val_list) == 0: return write_indent(indent) f.write(name + ' += [\n') for val in val_list: write_indent(indent + 4) f.write('\'' + val + '\',\n') write_indent(indent) f.write(']\n') def write_mozbuild(includes, sources): filename = 'moz.build' f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(header) write_list(f, 'EXPORTS.skia', includes, 0) write_sources(f, sources['common'], 0) f.write("if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] in ('android', 'gonk'):\n") write_sources(f, sources['android'], 4) f.write("if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'cocoa':\n") write_sources(f, sources['mac'], 4) f.write("if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_GTK']:\n") write_sources(f, sources['linux'], 4) f.write("if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'qt':\n") write_sources(f, sources['linux'], 4) f.write("if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'windows':\n") write_sources(f, sources['win'], 4) f.write("if CONFIG['INTEL_ARCHITECTURE']:\n") write_sources(f, sources['intel'], 4) f.write("elif CONFIG['CPU_ARCH'] == 'arm' and CONFIG['GNU_CC']:\n") write_sources(f, sources['arm'], 4) f.write(" if CONFIG['BUILD_ARM_NEON']:\n") write_list(f, 'SOURCES', sources['neon'], 8) write_cflags(f, sources['neon'], 'neon', '-mfpu=neon', 8) f.write("else:\n") write_sources(f, sources['none'], 4) f.write(footer) f.close() print 'Wrote ' + filename def main(): includes = generate_includes() platform_sources = generate_platform_sources() separated_sources = generate_separated_sources(platform_sources) write_mozbuild(includes, separated_sources) if __name__ == '__main__': main()