package makemakefile; # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # License. # # The Original Code is code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Netscape Communications Corporation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999-2011 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Steve Lamm # Joey Armstrong # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of # either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), # or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** ##----------------------------## ##---] CORE/CPAN INCLUDES [---## ##----------------------------## use strict; use warnings; # use feature 'state'; 5.10+ not available everywhere ##-------------------## ##---] EXPORTS [---## ##-------------------## our $VERSION = qw(2.0); use Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(dirname_legacy getConfig getDepth getRelPath getObjDir getTopDir mkdirr getExclusions run_config_status updateMakefiles update_makefiles_legacy ); ##--------------------## ##---] INCLUDES [---## ##--------------------## use Cwd; use Cwd qw{abs_path}; use FindBin; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; ##-------------------## ##---] GLOBALS [---## ##-------------------## umask 0; my $cwd = Cwd::abs_path('.'); my %argv; ########################################################################### ## Intent: Helper function, retrieve contents of a file with error checking ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Args: ## scalar path to input file ## Returns: ## array contents of the given file ## $@ set on error ########################################################################### sub cat { my $fyl = shift || ''; $@ = ''; my @data; local *FYL; if (!open(FYL, $fyl)) { $@ = "open($fyl) failed: $!"; } else { @data = ; close(FYL); } return @data; } # cat ########################################################################### ## Intent: Return directory path for a given argument ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Todo: ## o Check if function can be replaced by File::Basename::dirname() ########################################################################### sub dirname_legacy { my $str = (@_ && defined($_[0])) ? shift : ''; return $str =~ /(.*)\/.*/ ? "$1" : '.'; } ########################################################################### ## Intent: Given a list of makefile paths recursively create all ## directories between file and the root ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Args: ## array A list of makefiles ## fargs Function arguments ## mode Filesystem mode used for directory creation ## Returns: ## $@ Set on error ## 0 on success ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Note: ## Reporting directory creation can be enabled by the --verbose ## command line argument. ########################################################################### sub mkdirr { my %fargs = (@_ && ref($_[$#_])) ? %{ (pop) } : (); my $mode = $fargs{mode} || 0755; my $verbose = $main::argv{verbose} || 0; $@ = '' unless ($fargs{recursive}); $fargs{recursive} = 1; my @errors; push(@errors, $@) if ($@); foreach my $path (@_) { (my $dir = $path) =~ s%/?Makefile[^/]*$%%o; next unless (length($dir)); next if (-e $dir); mkdirr( dirname($dir), \%fargs); eval{ File::Path::mkpath($dir, $verbose, 0755); }; push(@errors, $@) if ($@); } $@ = join("\n", @errors); return $@ ? 0 : 1; } # mkdirr ########################################################################### ## Intent: Read in configure values and return a hash of key/value pairs ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Args: ## fargs Function arguments ## reset clear value storage and repopulate ## Returns: ## hash configure data to use for makefile substitutions ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Todo: wrapper for reading config* and run_config_status ########################################################################### my %_CONFIG_; # todo: state %config; w/5.10 sub getConfig { my %fargs = (@_ && ref($_[$#_]) eq 'HASH') ? %{ (pop) } : (); if ($fargs{reset}) { %_CONFIG_ = (); shift; } #my $ac_file_in = "$ac_given_srcdir/${ac_file}.in"; #my $ac_dir = dirname_legacy($ac_file); #my $ac_dots = ''; #my $ac_dir_suffix = ''; #my $srcdir = '.'; #my $top_srcdir = '.'; unless (%_CONFIG_) { while (@_) { my ($k, $v) = splice(@_, 0, 2); $_CONFIG_{$k} = $v; } } return %_CONFIG_; } # getConfig ########################################################################### ## Intent: Determine path depth between leaf and root directory. ## o DEPTH= may be set by makefile content ## o DEPTH= may be set by Makefile in a parent ## o Manually determine by relpath form leaf to sandbox top ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Args: ## scalar Path to makefile or directory to determine DEPTH for ## Returns: ## scalar Relative path from leaf to root directory ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ########################################################################### sub getDepth($) { my $fyl = shift || ''; my @path = split(m%/%o, $fyl); pop(@path) if ('Makefile' eq substr($path[$#path], 0, 8)); my $depth; my @depth; my $top = getTopDir(); my @top = split(m%/%o, $top); my @pathNoTop = @path; splice(@pathNoTop, 0, scalar(@top)); SEARCH: while (@path) { ## Search for a file containing DEPTH=../.. foreach my $fyl ( qw{ Makefile} ) { my $path = join('/', @path, $fyl); local *FYL; if (!open(FYL, $path)) {} # NOP elsif (my @tmp = map{ /^\s*DEPTH\s*=\s*([\.\/]+)/o ? $1 : () } ) { $depth = join('/', @depth, shift @tmp); last SEARCH; } close(FYL); } pop @path; pop @pathNoTop; if (0 == scalar(@pathNoTop)) { $depth = join('/', @depth); last; } ## Construct path manually push(@depth, '..'); } return $depth; } # getDepth ########################################################################### ## Intent: Read in the exclusion file ########################################################################### sub getExclusions { my $file = shift || ''; return () if ($main::argv{'no-exclusions'}); my %exclude; if ($file) { my @data = cat($file); foreach (@data) { next unless ($_); next if (/^\s*\#/o); next unless (m%/%); chomp; $exclude{$_}++; } } return %exclude; } # getExclusions ########################################################################### ## Intent: Given the path to a makefile beneath either src or obj ## derive the relative path prefix between makefile and root. ########################################################################### sub getRelPath { my $path0 = shift; my $abspath; # Determine type and orientation my $name = basename($path0); my $haveMF = ($name eq '') ? 1 : ($name eq 'Makefile') ? -1 : 0 ; #################################################### ## Prep work: form a relative path with ../ removed #################################################### my $top = getTopDir(); my $obj = getObjDir(); ## If the same Makefile will be created alongside my $topQM = quotemeta($top); my $objQM = quotemeta($obj); if ('..' eq substr($path0, 0, 2)) { my @cwd = split(m%/%, $cwd); my @pth = split(m%/%, $path0); while (@pth && $pth[0] eq '..') { pop(@cwd); shift @pth; } $path0 = join('/', @cwd, @pth); $abspath = $path0; } if ('/' eq substr($path0, 0, 1)) { $path0 =~ s%^$objQM\/?%%; $path0 =~ s%^$topQM\/?%%; } ####################################################################### ## Build a list of directories to search. Input source will be one ## of path to, path to Makefile, directory, file within ## a directory or relative path from cwd. ####################################################################### my @subdirs; my $path = (0 == $haveMF) ? $path0 : dirname($path0); push(@subdirs, $path); # containing directory push(@subdirs, dirname($path)) if (0 == $haveMF && -f $path); # Arg is file within a directory push(@subdirs, $cwd); # relative to pwd # obj - path to generated makefile # top - path to source template my @prefixes = ('/' ne substr($path0, 0, 1)) ? (&getTopDir, &getObjDir) : () ; ON_SAFARI: for my $prefix (@prefixes) { next unless ($prefix); # no command line not passed foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) { foreach my $mf ('', 'Makefile') { my $path = join('/', $prefix, $subdir, $mf); if (-e $path) { $name = $mf; $haveMF = ($mf eq '') ? 1 : -1; $abspath = $path; last ON_SAFARI; } } } } ####################################################################### ## Generated makefile does not yet exist or path is invalid. ## Should this conditon be handled to detect non-existent ## => => Makefile but ####################################################################### if (!$abspath && -1 == $haveMF && $obj) { $abspath = ('/' eq substr($path0, 0, 1)) ? $path0 : join('/', $obj, $path0) ; } ######################################################## ## If --top and/or --obj specified extract relative path ######################################################## my $relpath; if (! $abspath) { # Error, fall through } elsif (1 == $haveMF) # { ## err w/o --top (my $tmp = $abspath) =~ s%^$topQM/?%%; $relpath = dirname($tmp) unless ($tmp eq $abspath); } elsif (-1 == $haveMF) # Makefile { ## err w/o --obj (my $tmp = $abspath) =~ s%^$objQM/?%%; $relpath = dirname($tmp) unless ($tmp eq $abspath); } $relpath ||= ''; $relpath =~ s%/./%/%og; # filter ./ $@ = ($relpath) ? '' : "ERROR($path0): Unable to locate sources"; return $relpath || ''; } # getRelPath ########################################################################### ## Intent: Determine sandbox root from script startup directory ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Args: ## _set_ optional, if passed use the given value as path ## _reset_ clear cached directory path to reassign ## Returns: ## scalar - absolute path to the sandbox root directory ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ########################################################################### my $gtd_dir; sub getTopDir { if (@_) # testing override { $gtd_dir = abs_path($_[1] || '.') if ($_[0] eq '_set_'); $gtd_dir = '' if ($_[0] eq '_reset_'); } unless ($gtd_dir) { ## Set by command line if ($main::argv{top}) { $gtd_dir = $main::argv{top}; } else { my $path = abs_path($FindBin::RealBin); my @path = split(m%/%o, $path); ## --2 memory/mozalloc/ ## --3 was this for FindBin::Script ? splice(@path, -2); $gtd_dir = join('/', @path); } } return $gtd_dir; } # getTopDir ########################################################################### ## Intent: Determine path to MOZ_OBJDIR/object directory ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Args: ## _set_ optional testing arg, if passed re-compute cached value ## Returns: ## scalar - absolute path to the sandbox object directory ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ########################################################################### my $god_dir; sub getObjDir { if (@_) # testing override { if ($_[0] eq '_reset_') { $god_dir = ''; shift; } elsif ($_[0] eq '_set_') { shift; my $path = $_[0] || '.'; $god_dir = abs_path($path); shift; } } ## extract $obj from given path unless ($god_dir) { if ($main::argv{obj}) { $god_dir = $main::argv{obj}; } elsif (@_ && 'Makefile' eq substr($_, -8)) { $god_dir = abs_path(shift); } else # assume we are sitting in moz_objdir { $god_dir = abs_path('.'); } } return $god_dir; } # getObjDir ########################################################################### ## Intent: Generate Makefile from a given template ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Args: ## scalar Relative path to a directory containing a makefile ## fargs Hash ref of function arguments. ## obj Absolute path to MOZ_OBJ/a destination directory ## top Absolute path to the sandbox root ## Returns: ## $@ Set on error ## scalar ## 1 True if the makefile was updated ## 0 Otherwise ## badtokens - If the makefile contains unexpandable @token@ strings ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ########################################################################### sub updateMakefiles { my %fargs = (@_ && ref($_[$#_])) ? %{ (pop) } : (); local $_; $@ = ''; my $top = $fargs{top}; my $obj = $fargs{obj}; my $relpath = shift || ''; my $src = join('/', $top, $relpath, ''); my $depth = getDepth($src); my @src = cat($src); return 0 if ($@); my $dst = join('/', $obj, $relpath, 'Makefile'); my @dst = cat($dst); $@ = ''; my $dstD = dirname($dst); mkdirr($dstD); return 0 if ($@); my %data = ( getConfig(), depth => $depth, srcdir => join('/', $top, $relpath), top_srcdir => $top, ); my $line = 0; my @data; while (scalar @src) { $line++; $_ = shift(@src); ## Expand embedded @foo@ while (/\@[^\@\s\$]+\@/go) { my $end = pos($_); my $val = $&; my $len = length($val); $val =~ s/^\@\s*//o; $val =~ s/\s*\@$//o; ## Identify expansions to see if we can avoid shell overhead if (!defined $data{$val} && !$argv{'no-badtokens'}) { if (1) # warnings { print STDERR "WARNING: token $val not defined\n"; print STDERR " line $line, src: $src\n"; } return 'badtokens'; } # Insert $(error txt) makefile macros for invalid tokens my $val1 = defined($data{$val}) ? $data{$val} : "\$(error $FindBin::Script: variable ${val} is undefined)" ; substr($_, ($end-$len), $len, $val1); } push(@data, $_); } if (("@data" eq "@dst") && scalar(@data)) { print "Skipping up2date makefile: $dst\n" if ($argv{verbose}); } else { my $action = (scalar @dst) ? 'Updating' : 'Creating'; print "$action makefile: $dst\n"; my $tmp = join('.', $dst, "tmp_$$"); if (!open(FYL, "> $tmp")) { $@ = "open($tmp) failed: $!"; } else { print FYL @data; close(FYL); ## Install the new makefile File::Copy::move($tmp, $dst) || ($@ = "move($tmp, $dst) failed: $!"); } } return $@ ? 0 : 1; } # updateMakefiles # Output the makefiles. # sub update_makefiles_legacy { my ($ac_given_srcdir, $pac_given_srcdir, @makefiles) = @_; my $debug = $main::argv{debug} || 0; my $pwdcmd = ($^O eq 'msys') ? 'pwd -W' : 'pwd'; my @unhandled=(); my @warn; my $ac_file; foreach $ac_file (@makefiles) { my $ac_file_in = "$ac_given_srcdir/${ac_file}.in"; my $ac_dir = dirname_legacy($ac_file); my $ac_dots = ''; my $ac_dir_suffix = ''; my $srcdir = '.'; my $top_srcdir = '.'; # Determine $srcdir and $top_srcdir # if ($ac_dir ne '.') { $ac_dir_suffix = "/$ac_dir"; $ac_dir_suffix =~ s%^/\./%/%; $ac_dots = $ac_dir_suffix; # Remove .. components from the provided dir suffix, and # also the forward path components they were reversing. my $backtracks = $ac_dots =~ s%\.\.(/|$)%%g; while ($backtracks--) { $ac_dots =~ s%/[^/]*%%; } $ac_dots =~ s%/[^/]*%../%g; } if ($ac_given_srcdir eq '.') { if ($ac_dots ne '') { $top_srcdir = $ac_dots; $top_srcdir =~ s%/$%%; } } elsif ($pac_given_srcdir =~ m%^/% or $pac_given_srcdir =~ m%^.:/%) { $srcdir = "$pac_given_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix"; $top_srcdir = "$pac_given_srcdir"; } else { if ($debug) { print "ac_dots = $ac_dots\n"; print "ac_dir_suffix = $ac_dir_suffix\n"; } $srcdir = "$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir$ac_dir_suffix"; $top_srcdir = "$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir"; } if ($debug) { print "ac_dir = $ac_dir\n"; print "ac_file = $ac_file\n"; print "ac_file_in = $ac_file_in\n"; print "srcdir = $srcdir\n"; print "top_srcdir = $top_srcdir\n"; print "cwd = " . `$pwdcmd` . "\n"; } # Copy the file and make substitutions. # @srcdir@ -> value of $srcdir # @top_srcdir@ -> value of $top_srcdir # if (-e $ac_file) { next if -M _ < -M $ac_file_in; # Next if Makefile is up-to-date. warn "updating $ac_file\n"; } else { warn "creating $ac_file\n"; } mkdirr(dirname($ac_file)); open INFILE, "<$ac_file_in" or do { warn "$0: Cannot read $ac_file_in: No such file or directory\n"; next; }; open OUTFILE, ">$ac_file" or do { warn "$0: Unable to create $ac_file\n"; next; }; while () { s/\@srcdir\@/$srcdir/g; s/\@top_srcdir\@/$top_srcdir/g; if (/\@[_a-zA-Z]*\@/) { #warn "Unknown variable:$ac_file:$.:$_"; push @unhandled, $ac_file; last; } print OUTFILE; } close INFILE; close OUTFILE; } return @unhandled; } # update_makefiles_legacy ########################################################################### ## Intent: Invoke config.status for unknown makefiles to create ## directory hierarchy for the tree. ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Args: ## array an optional list of makefiles to process ## Returns: ## 0 on success ## $# set on error ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Note: Is this function needed anymore ? Undefined tokens should fail ## at time of expansion rather than having to source config.status. ## Also config.status could be parsed to define values and avoide the ## shell overhead altogether. ########################################################################### sub run_config_status { my @unhandled = @_; # Run config.status with any unhandled files. # my @errors; if (@unhandled) { local $ENV{CONFIG_FILES}= join ' ', @unhandled; my $conf = 'config.status'; if (! -e $conf) # legacy behavior, warn rather than err { my $cwd = cwd(); my $err = "$FindBin::Script ERROR: Config file $conf does not exist, cwd=$cwd"; push(@errors, $err); } elsif (0 != system("./config.status")) { my $cwd = cwd(); push(@errors, "config.status failed \$?=$?, \$!=$!, cwd: $cwd"); } } $@ = join("\n", @errors); ## Legacy behavior: config.status problems are not fatal {yet}. ## Display warning since caller will not be calling die. warn $@ if ($@ && $argv{'no-warnings'}); return $@ ? 1 : 0; } 1;