function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); // test the main (normal) browser window testCustomize(window, testChromeless); } function testChromeless() { // test a chromeless window var newWin = openDialog("chrome://browser/content/", "_blank", "chrome,dialog=no,toolbar=no", "about:blank"); ok(newWin, "got new window"); function runWindowTest() { // Check that the search bar is hidden var searchBar = newWin.BrowserSearch.searchBar; ok(searchBar, "got search bar"); var searchBarBO = searchBar.boxObject; is(searchBarBO.width, 0, "search bar hidden"); is(searchBarBO.height, 0, "search bar hidden"); function finalize() { newWin.removeEventListener("load", runWindowTest, false); newWin.close(); finish(); } testCustomize(newWin, finalize); } newWin.addEventListener("load", runWindowTest, false); } function testCustomize(aWindow, aCallback) { var fileMenu = aWindow.document.getElementById("file-menu"); ok(fileMenu, "got file menu"); is(fileMenu.disabled, false, "file menu initially enabled"); // Launch toolbar customization // ctEl is either iframe that contains the customize sheet, or the dialog var ctEl = aWindow.BrowserCustomizeToolbar(); is(fileMenu.disabled, true, "file menu is disabled during toolbar customization"); aWindow.gNavToolbox.addEventListener("beforecustomization", function () { aWindow.gNavToolbox.removeEventListener("beforecustomization", arguments.callee, false); executeSoon(ctInit); }, false); function ctInit() { // Close toolbar customization closeToolbarCustomization(aWindow, ctEl); // Can't use the property, since the binding may have since been removed // if the element is hidden (see bug 422590) is(fileMenu.getAttribute("disabled"), "false", "file menu is enabled after toolbar customization"); if (aCallback) aCallback(); } } function closeToolbarCustomization(aWindow, aCTWindow) { // Force the cleanup code to be run now instead of onunload. // This also hides the sheet on Mac. aCTWindow.finishToolbarCustomization(); // On windows and linux, need to explicitly close the window. if (!gCustomizeSheet) aCTWindow.close(); }