%browserDTD; ]> -1 this._matchCount - 1) return val; if (this._selectedItem) this._styleItem(this._selectedItem, false); // highlight the selected item let item = this._items.childNodes.item(val); if (item) { this._selectedItem = item; this._styleItem(this._selectedItem, true); } return this._selectedIndex = val; ]]> false ("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul") matchCount - 1) { // Just clear out the old item label.setAttribute("class", ""); label.setAttribute("value", ""); continue; } let url = controller.getValueAt(i); let title = controller.getCommentAt(i); let type = controller.getStyleAt(i); let image = controller.getImageAt(i); let typeClass = "ac-result-type-" + type; label.setAttribute("class", "autocomplete-item " + typeClass); label.setAttribute("value", title || url); } ]]> lastIndex) newIndex = 0; else if (newIndex < 0) newIndex = lastIndex; this.selectedIndex = newIndex; ]]> document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "autocomplete-items"); 20 null null null false Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/favicon-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFaviconService); document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "name"); document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "uri"); document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "tags"); 0 || currentTags.length > 0) { let tagsToRemove = []; let tagsToAdd = []; for (let i = 0; i < currentTags.length; i++) { if (tags.indexOf(currentTags[i]) == -1) tagsToRemove.push(currentTags[i]); } for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { if (currentTags.indexOf(tags[i]) == -1) tagsToAdd.push(tags[i]); } if (tagsToAdd.length > 0) PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(this._uri, tagsToAdd); if (tagsToRemove.length > 0) PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(this._uri, tagsToRemove); } // If the URI was updated change it in the bookmark, but don't // allow a blank URI. Revert to previous URI if blank. let spec = this.spec; if (spec && this._uri.spec != spec) { try { this._uri = this._ioService.newURI(spec, null, null); PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(this._itemId, this._uri); } catch (e) { } } if (spec != this._uri.spec) spec = this.spec = this._uri.spec; } // Update the name and use the URI if name is blank this.name = this.name || spec; PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemTitle(this._itemId, this.name); ]]> Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIStringBundleService) .createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties"); null false false document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "parent-items"); document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "child-items"); ? parent.addEventListener("click", function(e) { self.openFolder(e.target.itemId); }, false); folderId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(folderId); } while (folderId != PlacesUtils.bookmarks.placesRoot) let children = this._children; while (children.firstChild) children.removeChild(children.firstChild); children.scrollBoxObject.scrollTo(0, 0); let childItems = this._getChildren(aRootFolder); for (let i=0; i" item let newFolder = document.createElementNS(XULNS, "button"); newFolder.setAttribute("class", "bookmark-folder-new"); newFolder.setAttribute("label", this._bundle.GetStringFromName("editBookmarkAddFolder")); children.appendChild(newFolder); // XXX Fix me - use ? newFolder.addEventListener("click", function(e) { self.addFolder(); }, false); ]]> for the mousedown var self = this; child.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) { self._fireOpen(e, child); }, false); return child; ]]> document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "items"); for the mouseup var self = this; child.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) { self._fireSelect(e, child); }, false); return child; ]]>