/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* static functions */ let DEBUG = 0; if (DEBUG) debug = function (s) { dump("-*- ContactManager: " + s + "\n"); } else debug = function (s) {} const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DOMRequestHelper.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Services, "DOMRequest", function() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/dom/dom-request-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIDOMRequestService); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "cpmm", function() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIFrameMessageManager); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "mRIL", function () { return Cc["@mozilla.org/telephony/system-worker-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIRadioInterfaceLayer); }); const nsIClassInfo = Ci.nsIClassInfo; const CONTACTPROPERTIES_CID = Components.ID("{f5181640-89e8-11e1-b0c4-0800200c9a66}"); const nsIDOMContactProperties = Ci.nsIDOMContactProperties; // ContactProperties is not directly instantiated. It is used as interface. function ContactProperties(aProp) { debug("ContactProperties Constructor"); } ContactProperties.prototype = { classID : CONTACTPROPERTIES_CID, classInfo : XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: CONTACTPROPERTIES_CID, contractID:"@mozilla.org/contactProperties;1", classDescription: "ContactProperties", interfaces: [nsIDOMContactProperties], flags: nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT}), QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([nsIDOMContactProperties]) } //ContactAddress const CONTACTADDRESS_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/contactAddress;1"; const CONTACTADDRESS_CID = Components.ID("{eba48030-89e8-11e1-b0c4-0800200c9a66}"); const nsIDOMContactAddress = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMContactAddress; function ContactAddress(aType, aStreetAddress, aLocality, aRegion, aPostalCode, aCountryName) { this.type = aType || null; this.streetAddress = aStreetAddress || null; this.locality = aLocality || null; this.region = aRegion || null; this.postalCode = aPostalCode || null; this.countryName = aCountryName || null; }; ContactAddress.prototype = { classID : CONTACTADDRESS_CID, classInfo : XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: CONTACTADDRESS_CID, contractID: CONTACTADDRESS_CONTRACTID, classDescription: "ContactAddress", interfaces: [nsIDOMContactAddress], flags: nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT}), QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([nsIDOMContactAddress]) } //ContactField const CONTACTFIELD_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/contactField;1"; const CONTACTFIELD_CID = Components.ID("{e2cb19c0-e4aa-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66}"); const nsIDOMContactField = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMContactField; function ContactField(aType, aValue) { this.type = aType || null; this.value = aValue || null; }; ContactField.prototype = { classID : CONTACTFIELD_CID, classInfo : XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: CONTACTFIELD_CID, contractID: CONTACTFIELD_CONTRACTID, classDescription: "ContactField", interfaces: [nsIDOMContactField], flags: nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT}), QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([nsIDOMContactField]) } //ContactTelField const CONTACTTELFIELD_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/contactTelField;1"; const CONTACTTELFIELD_CID = Components.ID("{ed0ab260-e4aa-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66}"); const nsIDOMContactTelField = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMContactTelField; function ContactTelField(aType, aValue, aCarrier) { this.type = aType || null; this.value = aValue || null; this.carrier = aCarrier || null; }; ContactTelField.prototype = { classID : CONTACTTELFIELD_CID, classInfo : XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: CONTACTTELFIELD_CID, contractID: CONTACTTELFIELD_CONTRACTID, classDescription: "ContactTelField", interfaces: [nsIDOMContactTelField], flags: nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT}), QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([nsIDOMContactTelField]) } //ContactFindOptions const CONTACTFINDOPTIONS_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/contactFindOptions;1"; const CONTACTFINDOPTIONS_CID = Components.ID("{e31daea0-0cb6-11e1-be50-0800200c9a66}"); const nsIDOMContactFindOptions = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMContactFindOptions; function ContactFindOptions() { }; ContactFindOptions.prototype = { classID : CONTACTFINDOPTIONS_CID, classInfo : XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: CONTACTFINDOPTIONS_CID, contractID: CONTACTFINDOPTIONS_CONTRACTID, classDescription: "ContactFindOptions", interfaces: [nsIDOMContactFindOptions], flags: nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT}), QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([nsIDOMContactFindOptions]) } //Contact const CONTACT_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/contact;1"; const CONTACT_CID = Components.ID("{da0f7040-388b-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66}"); const nsIDOMContact = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMContact; // The wrappedJSObject magic here allows callers to get at the underlying JS object // of the XPCOM component. We use this below to modify properties that are read-only // per-idl. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/wrappedJSObject. function Contact() { debug("Contact constr: "); this.wrappedJSObject = this; }; Contact.prototype = { init: function init(aProp) { // Accept non-array strings for DOMString[] properties and convert them. function _create(aField) { if (Array.isArray(aField)) { for (let i = 0; i < aField.length; i++) { if (typeof aField[i] !== "string") aField[i] = String(aField[i]); } return aField; } else if (aField != null) { return [String(aField)]; } }; function _checkBlobArray(aBlob) { if (Array.isArray(aBlob)) { for (let i = 0; i < aBlob.length; i++) { if (typeof aBlob != 'object') { return null; } if (!(aBlob[i] instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMBlob)) { return null; } } return aBlob; } return null; }; this.name = _create(aProp.name) || null; this.honorificPrefix = _create(aProp.honorificPrefix) || null; this.givenName = _create(aProp.givenName) || null; this.additionalName = _create(aProp.additionalName) || null; this.familyName = _create(aProp.familyName) || null; this.honorificSuffix = _create(aProp.honorificSuffix) || null; this.nickname = _create(aProp.nickname) || null; if (aProp.email) { aProp.email = Array.isArray(aProp.email) ? aProp.email : [aProp.email]; this.email = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < aProp.email.length; i++) this.email.push(new ContactField(aProp.email[i].type, aProp.email[i].value)); } else { this.email = null; } this.photo = _checkBlobArray(aProp.photo) || null; this.category = _create(aProp.category) || null; if (aProp.adr) { // Make sure adr argument is an array. Instanceof doesn't work. aProp.adr = Array.isArray(aProp.adr) ? aProp.adr : [aProp.adr]; this.adr = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < aProp.adr.length; i++) this.adr.push(new ContactAddress(aProp.adr[i].type, aProp.adr[i].streetAddress, aProp.adr[i].locality, aProp.adr[i].region, aProp.adr[i].postalCode, aProp.adr[i].countryName)); } else { this.adr = null; } if (aProp.tel) { aProp.tel = Array.isArray(aProp.tel) ? aProp.tel : [aProp.tel]; this.tel = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < aProp.tel.length; i++) this.tel.push(new ContactTelField(aProp.tel[i].type, aProp.tel[i].value, aProp.tel[i].carrier)); } else { this.tel = null; } this.org = _create(aProp.org) || null; this.jobTitle = _create(aProp.jobTitle) || null; this.bday = (aProp.bday == "undefined" || aProp.bday == null) ? null : new Date(aProp.bday); this.note = _create(aProp.note) || null; if (aProp.impp) { aProp.impp = Array.isArray(aProp.impp) ? aProp.impp : [aProp.impp]; this.impp = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < aProp.impp.length; i++) this.impp.push(new ContactField(aProp.impp[i].type, aProp.impp[i].value)); } else { this.impp = null; } if (aProp.url) { aProp.url = Array.isArray(aProp.url) ? aProp.url : [aProp.url]; this.url = new Array(); for (let i = 0; i < aProp.url.length; i++) this.url.push(new ContactField(aProp.url[i].type, aProp.url[i].value)); } else { this.url = null; } this.anniversary = (aProp.anniversary == "undefined" || aProp.anniversary == null) ? null : new Date(aProp.anniversary); this.sex = (aProp.sex != "undefined") ? aProp.sex : null; this.genderIdentity = (aProp.genderIdentity != "undefined") ? aProp.genderIdentity : null; }, get published () { return this._published; }, set published(aPublished) { this._published = aPublished; }, get updated () { return this._updated; }, set updated(aUpdated) { this._updated = aUpdated; }, classID : CONTACT_CID, classInfo : XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: CONTACT_CID, contractID: CONTACT_CONTRACTID, classDescription: "Contact", interfaces: [nsIDOMContact, nsIDOMContactProperties], flags: nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT}), QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([nsIDOMContact, nsIDOMContactProperties]) } // ContactManager const CONTACTMANAGER_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/contactManager;1"; const CONTACTMANAGER_CID = Components.ID("{d88af7e0-a45f-11e1-b3dd-0800200c9a66}"); const nsIDOMContactManager = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMContactManager; function ContactManager() { debug("Constructor"); } ContactManager.prototype = { __proto__: DOMRequestIpcHelper.prototype, _oncontactchange: null, set oncontactchange(aCallback) { debug("set oncontactchange"); let allowCallback = function() { this._oncontactchange = aCallback; }.bind(this); let cancelCallback = function() { throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } this.askPermission("listen", null, allowCallback, cancelCallback); }, get oncontactchange() { return this._oncontactchange; }, _setMetaData: function(aNewContact, aRecord) { aNewContact.id = aRecord.id; aNewContact.published = aRecord.published; aNewContact.updated = aRecord.updated; }, _convertContactsArray: function(aContacts) { let contacts = new Array(); for (let i in aContacts) { let newContact = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/contact;1'].createInstance(); newContact.init(aContacts[i].properties); this._setMetaData(newContact.wrappedJSObject, aContacts[i]); contacts.push(newContact); } return contacts; }, receiveMessage: function(aMessage) { debug("Contactmanager::receiveMessage: " + aMessage.name); let msg = aMessage.json; let contacts = msg.contacts; switch (aMessage.name) { case "Contacts:Find:Return:OK": let req = this.getRequest(msg.requestID); if (req) { let result = this._convertContactsArray(contacts); debug("result: " + JSON.stringify(result)); Services.DOMRequest.fireSuccess(req.request, result); } else { debug("no request stored!" + msg.requestID); } break; case "Contact:Save:Return:OK": case "Contacts:Clear:Return:OK": case "Contact:Remove:Return:OK": req = this.getRequest(msg.requestID); if (req) Services.DOMRequest.fireSuccess(req.request, null); // Fire oncontactchange event if (this._oncontactchange) { let event = new this._window.MozContactChangeEvent("contactchanged", { contactID: msg.contactID, reason: req.reason }); this._oncontactchange.handleEvent(event); } break; case "Contacts:Find:Return:KO": case "Contact:Save:Return:KO": case "Contact:Remove:Return:KO": case "Contacts:Clear:Return:KO": req = this.getRequest(msg.requestID); if (req) Services.DOMRequest.fireError(req.request, msg.errorMsg); break; case "PermissionPromptHelper:AskPermission:OK": debug("id: " + msg.requestID); req = this.getRequest(msg.requestID); if (!req) { break; } if (msg.result == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION) { req.allow(); } else { req.cancel(); } break; default: debug("Wrong message: " + aMessage.name); } this.removeRequest(msg.requestID); }, askPermission: function (aAccess, aReqeust, aAllowCallback, aCancelCallback) { debug("askPermission for contacts"); let requestID = this.getRequestId({ request: aReqeust, allow: function() { aAllowCallback(); }.bind(this), cancel : function() { if (aCancelCallback) { aCancelCallback() } else if (request) { Services.DOMRequest.fireError(request, "Not Allowed"); } }.bind(this) }); let principal = this._window.document.nodePrincipal; cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("PermissionPromptHelper:AskPermission", { type: "contacts", access: aAccess, requestID: requestID, origin: principal.origin, appID: principal.appId, browserFlag: principal.isInBrowserElement }); }, save: function save(aContact) { let request; debug("save: " + JSON.stringify(aContact) + " :" + aContact.id); let newContact = {}; newContact.properties = { name: [], honorificPrefix: [], givenName: [], additionalName: [], familyName: [], honorificSuffix: [], nickname: [], email: [], photo: [], url: [], category: [], adr: [], tel: [], org: [], jobTitle: [], bday: null, note: [], impp: [], anniversary: null, sex: null, genderIdentity: null }; for (let field in newContact.properties) { newContact.properties[field] = aContact[field]; } let reason; if (aContact.id == "undefined") { // for example {25c00f01-90e5-c545-b4d4-21E2ddbab9e0} becomes // 25c00f0190e5c545b4d421E2ddbab9e0 aContact.id = this._getRandomId().replace('-', '', 'g').replace('{', '').replace('}', ''); reason = "create"; } else { reason = "update"; } this._setMetaData(newContact, aContact); debug("send: " + JSON.stringify(newContact)); request = this.createRequest(); let options = { contact: newContact }; let allowCallback = function() { cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Contact:Save", {requestID: this.getRequestId({request: request, reason: reason}), options: options}); }.bind(this) this.askPermission(reason, request, allowCallback); return request; }, find: function(aOptions) { debug("find! " + JSON.stringify(aOptions)); let request; request = this.createRequest(); let options = { findOptions: aOptions }; let allowCallback = function() { cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Contacts:Find", {requestID: this.getRequestId({request: request, reason: "find"}), options: options}); }.bind(this) this.askPermission("find", request, allowCallback); return request; }, remove: function removeContact(aRecord) { let request; request = this.createRequest(); let options = { id: aRecord.id }; let allowCallback = function() { cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Contact:Remove", {requestID: this.getRequestId({request: request, reason: "remove"}), options: options}); }.bind(this) this.askPermission("remove", request, allowCallback); return request; }, clear: function() { debug("clear"); let request; request = this.createRequest(); let options = {}; let allowCallback = function() { cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Contacts:Clear", {requestID: this.getRequestId({request: request, reason: "remove"}), options: options}); }.bind(this) this.askPermission("remove", request, allowCallback); return request; }, getSimContacts: function(aType) { let request; request = this.createRequest(); let allowCallback = function() { let callback = function(aType, aContacts) { debug("got SIM contacts: " + aType + " " + JSON.stringify(aContacts)); let result = aContacts.map(function(c) { var contact = new Contact(); contact.init( { name: [c.alphaId], tel: [ { number: c.number } ] } ); return contact; }); debug("result: " + JSON.stringify(result)); Services.DOMRequest.fireSuccess(request, result); }; debug("getSimContacts " + aType); mRIL.getICCContacts(aType, callback); }.bind(this); let cancelCallback = function() { throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } this.askPermission("getSimContacts", request, allowCallback, cancelCallback); return request; }, init: function(aWindow) { // Set navigator.mozContacts to null. if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.mozContacts.enabled")) return null; this.initHelper(aWindow, ["Contacts:Find:Return:OK", "Contacts:Find:Return:KO", "Contacts:Clear:Return:OK", "Contacts:Clear:Return:KO", "Contact:Save:Return:OK", "Contact:Save:Return:KO", "Contact:Remove:Return:OK", "Contact:Remove:Return:KO", "PermissionPromptHelper:AskPermission:OK"]); }, // Called from DOMRequestIpcHelper uninit: function uninit() { debug("uninit call"); if (this._oncontactchange) this._oncontactchange = null; }, classID : CONTACTMANAGER_CID, QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([nsIDOMContactManager, Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), classInfo : XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: CONTACTMANAGER_CID, contractID: CONTACTMANAGER_CONTRACTID, classDescription: "ContactManager", interfaces: [nsIDOMContactManager], flags: nsIClassInfo.DOM_OBJECT}) } const NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory( [Contact, ContactManager, ContactProperties, ContactAddress, ContactField, ContactTelField, ContactFindOptions])