/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Test that LogCapture successfully reads from the /dev/log devices, returning * a Uint8Array of some length, including zero. This tests a few standard * log devices */ function run_test() { Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/LogCapture.jsm"); function verifyLog(log) { // log exists notEqual(log, null); // log has a length and it is non-negative (is probably array-like) ok(log.length >= 0); } let propertiesLog = LogCapture.readProperties(); notEqual(propertiesLog, null, "Properties should not be null"); notEqual(propertiesLog, undefined, "Properties should not be undefined"); equal(propertiesLog["ro.kernel.qemu"], "1", "QEMU property should be 1"); let mainLog = LogCapture.readLogFile("/dev/log/main"); verifyLog(mainLog); let meminfoLog = LogCapture.readLogFile("/proc/meminfo"); verifyLog(meminfoLog); }