_("Make sure notify sends out the right notifications"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); function run_test() { let ret, rightThis, didCall; let obj = { notify: Utils.notify("foo:"), _log: { trace: function() {} }, func: function() this.notify("bar", "baz", function() { rightThis = this == obj; didCall = true; return 5; })(), throwy: function() this.notify("bad", "one", function() { rightThis = this == obj; didCall = true; throw 10; })() }; let state = 0; let makeObs = function(topic) { let obj = { observe: function(subject, topic, data) { this.state = ++state; this.subject = subject; this.topic = topic; this.data = data; } }; Svc.Obs.add(topic, obj); return obj; }; _("Make sure a normal call will call and return with notifications"); rightThis = didCall = false; let fs = makeObs("foo:bar:start"); let ff = makeObs("foo:bar:finish"); let fe = makeObs("foo:bar:error"); ret = obj.func(); do_check_eq(ret, 5); do_check_true(rightThis); do_check_true(didCall); do_check_eq(fs.state, 1); do_check_eq(fs.subject, "baz"); do_check_eq(fs.topic, "foo:bar:start"); do_check_eq(fs.data, undefined); do_check_eq(ff.state, 2); do_check_eq(ff.subject, "baz"); do_check_eq(ff.topic, "foo:bar:finish"); do_check_eq(ff.data, undefined); do_check_eq(fe.state, undefined); do_check_eq(fe.subject, undefined); do_check_eq(fe.topic, undefined); do_check_eq(fe.data, undefined); _("Make sure a throwy call will call and throw with notifications"); ret = null; rightThis = didCall = false; let ts = makeObs("foo:bad:start"); let tf = makeObs("foo:bad:finish"); let te = makeObs("foo:bad:error"); try { ret = obj.throwy(); do_throw("throwy should have thrown!"); } catch(ex) { do_check_eq(ex, 10); } do_check_eq(ret, null); do_check_true(rightThis); do_check_true(didCall); do_check_eq(ts.state, 3); do_check_eq(ts.subject, "one"); do_check_eq(ts.topic, "foo:bad:start"); do_check_eq(ts.data, undefined); do_check_eq(tf.state, undefined); do_check_eq(tf.subject, undefined); do_check_eq(tf.topic, undefined); do_check_eq(tf.data, undefined); do_check_eq(te.state, 4); do_check_eq(te.subject, "one"); do_check_eq(te.topic, "foo:bad:error"); do_check_eq(te.data, undefined); }