/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome"); const {Promise: promise} = require("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); const EventEmitter = require("devtools/toolkit/event-emitter"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "DebuggerServer", "resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-server.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "DebuggerClient", "resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-client.jsm"); const targets = new WeakMap(); const promiseTargets = new WeakMap(); /** * Functions for creating Targets */ exports.TargetFactory = { /** * Construct a Target * @param {XULTab} tab * The tab to use in creating a new target. * * @return A target object */ forTab: function TF_forTab(tab) { let target = targets.get(tab); if (target == null) { target = new TabTarget(tab); targets.set(tab, target); } return target; }, /** * Return a promise of a Target for a remote tab. * @param {Object} options * The options object has the following properties: * { * form: the remote protocol form of a tab, * client: a DebuggerClient instance * (caller owns this and is responsible for closing), * chrome: true if the remote target is the whole process * } * * @return A promise of a target object */ forRemoteTab: function TF_forRemoteTab(options) { let targetPromise = promiseTargets.get(options); if (targetPromise == null) { let target = new TabTarget(options); targetPromise = target.makeRemote().then(() => target); promiseTargets.set(options, targetPromise); } return targetPromise; }, /** * Creating a target for a tab that is being closed is a problem because it * allows a leak as a result of coming after the close event which normally * clears things up. This function allows us to ask if there is a known * target for a tab without creating a target * @return true/false */ isKnownTab: function TF_isKnownTab(tab) { return targets.has(tab); }, /** * Construct a Target * @param {nsIDOMWindow} window * The chromeWindow to use in creating a new target * @return A target object */ forWindow: function TF_forWindow(window) { let target = targets.get(window); if (target == null) { target = new WindowTarget(window); targets.set(window, target); } return target; }, /** * Get all of the targets known to the local browser instance * @return An array of target objects */ allTargets: function TF_allTargets() { let windows = []; let wm = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); let en = wm.getXULWindowEnumerator(null); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { windows.push(en.getNext()); } return windows.map(function(window) { return TargetFactory.forWindow(window); }); }, }; /** * The 'version' property allows the developer tools equivalent of browser * detection. Browser detection is evil, however while we don't know what we * will need to detect in the future, it is an easy way to postpone work. * We should be looking to use the support features added in bug 1069673 * in place of version where possible. */ function getVersion() { // FIXME: return something better return 20; } /** * A Target represents something that we can debug. Targets are generally * read-only. Any changes that you wish to make to a target should be done via * a Tool that attaches to the target. i.e. a Target is just a pointer saying * "the thing to debug is over there". * * Providing a generalized abstraction of a web-page or web-browser (available * either locally or remotely) is beyond the scope of this class (and maybe * also beyond the scope of this universe) However Target does attempt to * abstract some common events and read-only properties common to many Tools. * * Supported read-only properties: * - name, isRemote, url * * Target extends EventEmitter and provides support for the following events: * - close: The target window has been closed. All tools attached to this * target should close. This event is not currently cancelable. * - navigate: The target window has navigated to a different URL * * Optional events: * - will-navigate: The target window will navigate to a different URL * - hidden: The target is not visible anymore (for TargetTab, another tab is selected) * - visible: The target is visible (for TargetTab, tab is selected) * * Comparing Targets: 2 instances of a Target object can point at the same * thing, so t1 !== t2 and t1 != t2 even when they represent the same object. * To compare to targets use 't1.equals(t2)'. */ function Target() { throw new Error("Use TargetFactory.newXXX or Target.getXXX to create a Target in place of 'new Target()'"); } Object.defineProperty(Target.prototype, "version", { get: getVersion, enumerable: true }); /** * A TabTarget represents a page living in a browser tab. Generally these will * be web pages served over http(s), but they don't have to be. */ function TabTarget(tab) { EventEmitter.decorate(this); this.destroy = this.destroy.bind(this); this._handleThreadState = this._handleThreadState.bind(this); this.on("thread-resumed", this._handleThreadState); this.on("thread-paused", this._handleThreadState); // Only real tabs need initialization here. Placeholder objects for remote // targets will be initialized after a makeRemote method call. if (tab && !["client", "form", "chrome"].every(tab.hasOwnProperty, tab)) { this._tab = tab; this._setupListeners(); } else { this._form = tab.form; this._client = tab.client; this._chrome = tab.chrome; } } TabTarget.prototype = { _webProgressListener: null, /** * Returns a promise for the protocol description from the root actor. * Used internally with `target.actorHasMethod`. Takes advantage of * caching if definition was fetched previously with the corresponding * actor information. Must be a remote target. * * @return {Promise} * { * "category": "actor", * "typeName": "longstractor", * "methods": [{ * "name": "substring", * "request": { * "type": "substring", * "start": { * "_arg": 0, * "type": "primitive" * }, * "end": { * "_arg": 1, * "type": "primitive" * } * }, * "response": { * "substring": { * "_retval": "primitive" * } * } * }], * "events": {} * } */ getActorDescription: function (actorName) { if (!this.client) { throw new Error("TabTarget#getActorDescription() can only be called on remote tabs."); } let deferred = promise.defer(); if (this._protocolDescription && this._protocolDescription.types[actorName]) { deferred.resolve(this._protocolDescription.types[actorName]); } else { this.client.mainRoot.protocolDescription(description => { this._protocolDescription = description; deferred.resolve(description.types[actorName]); }); } return deferred.promise; }, /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the specific actor * type exists. Must be a remote target. * * @param {String} actorName * @return {Boolean} */ hasActor: function (actorName) { if (!this.client) { throw new Error("TabTarget#hasActor() can only be called on remote tabs."); } if (this.form) { return !!this.form[actorName + "Actor"]; } return false; }, /** * Queries the protocol description to see if an actor has * an available method. The actor must already be lazily-loaded, * so this is for use inside of tool. Returns a promise that * resolves to a boolean. Must be a remote target. * * @param {String} actorName * @param {String} methodName * @return {Promise} */ actorHasMethod: function (actorName, methodName) { if (!this.client) { throw new Error("TabTarget#actorHasMethod() can only be called on remote tabs."); } return this.getActorDescription(actorName).then(desc => { if (desc && desc.methods) { return !!desc.methods.find(method => method.name === methodName); } return false; }); }, /** * Returns a trait from the root actor. * * @param {String} traitName * @return {Mixed} */ getTrait: function (traitName) { if (!this.client) { throw new Error("TabTarget#getTrait() can only be called on remote tabs."); } // If the targeted actor exposes traits and has a defined value for this traits, // override the root actor traits if (this.form.traits && traitName in this.form.traits) { return this.form.traits[traitName]; } return this.client.traits[traitName]; }, get version() { return getVersion(); }, get tab() { return this._tab; }, get form() { return this._form; }, get root() { return this._root; }, get client() { return this._client; }, get chrome() { return this._chrome; }, get window() { // XXX - this is a footgun for e10s - there .contentWindow will be null, // and even though .contentWindowAsCPOW *might* work, it will not work // in all contexts. Consumers of .window need to be refactored to not // rely on this. if (Services.appinfo.processType != Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) { Cu.reportError("The .window getter on devtools' |target| object isn't e10s friendly!\n" + Error().stack); } // Be extra careful here, since this may be called by HS_getHudByWindow // during shutdown. if (this._tab && this._tab.linkedBrowser) { return this._tab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow; } return null; }, get name() { if (this._tab && this._tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument) { return this._tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.title } else if (this.isAddon) { return this._form.name; } else { return this._form.title; } }, get url() { return this._tab ? this._tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec : this._form.url; }, get isRemote() { return !this.isLocalTab; }, get isAddon() { return !!(this._form && this._form.actor && this._form.actor.match(/conn\d+\.addon\d+/)); }, get isLocalTab() { return !!this._tab; }, get isMultiProcess() { return !this.window; }, get isThreadPaused() { return !!this._isThreadPaused; }, /** * Adds remote protocol capabilities to the target, so that it can be used * for tools that support the Remote Debugging Protocol even for local * connections. */ makeRemote: function TabTarget_makeRemote() { if (this._remote) { return this._remote.promise; } this._remote = promise.defer(); if (this.isLocalTab) { // Since a remote protocol connection will be made, let's start the // DebuggerServer here, once and for all tools. if (!DebuggerServer.initialized) { DebuggerServer.init(); DebuggerServer.addBrowserActors(); } this._client = new DebuggerClient(DebuggerServer.connectPipe()); // A local TabTarget will never perform chrome debugging. this._chrome = false; } this._setupRemoteListeners(); let attachTab = () => { this._client.attachTab(this._form.actor, (aResponse, aTabClient) => { if (!aTabClient) { this._remote.reject("Unable to attach to the tab"); return; } this.activeTab = aTabClient; this.threadActor = aResponse.threadActor; this._remote.resolve(null); }); }; if (this.isLocalTab) { this._client.connect((aType, aTraits) => { this._client.listTabs(aResponse => { this._root = aResponse; if (this.window) { let windowUtils = this.window .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); let outerWindow = windowUtils.outerWindowID; aResponse.tabs.some((tab) => { if (tab.outerWindowID === outerWindow) { this._form = tab; return true; } return false; }); } if (!this._form) { this._form = aResponse.tabs[aResponse.selected]; } attachTab(); }); }); } else if (!this.chrome) { // In the remote debugging case, the protocol connection will have been // already initialized in the connection screen code. attachTab(); } else { // Remote chrome debugging doesn't need anything at this point. this._remote.resolve(null); } return this._remote.promise; }, /** * Listen to the different events. */ _setupListeners: function TabTarget__setupListeners() { this._webProgressListener = new TabWebProgressListener(this); this.tab.linkedBrowser.addProgressListener(this._webProgressListener); this.tab.addEventListener("TabClose", this); this.tab.parentNode.addEventListener("TabSelect", this); this.tab.ownerDocument.defaultView.addEventListener("unload", this); }, /** * Teardown event listeners. */ _teardownListeners: function TabTarget__teardownListeners() { if (this._webProgressListener) { this._webProgressListener.destroy(); } this._tab.ownerDocument.defaultView.removeEventListener("unload", this); this._tab.removeEventListener("TabClose", this); this._tab.parentNode.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this); }, /** * Setup listeners for remote debugging, updating existing ones as necessary. */ _setupRemoteListeners: function TabTarget__setupRemoteListeners() { this.client.addListener("closed", this.destroy); this._onTabDetached = (aType, aPacket) => { // We have to filter message to ensure that this detach is for this tab if (aPacket.from == this._form.actor) { this.destroy(); } }; this.client.addListener("tabDetached", this._onTabDetached); this._onTabNavigated = (aType, aPacket) => { let event = Object.create(null); event.url = aPacket.url; event.title = aPacket.title; event.nativeConsoleAPI = aPacket.nativeConsoleAPI; event.isFrameSwitching = aPacket.isFrameSwitching; // Send any stored event payload (DOMWindow or nsIRequest) for backwards // compatibility with non-remotable tools. if (aPacket.state == "start") { event._navPayload = this._navRequest; this.emit("will-navigate", event); this._navRequest = null; } else { event._navPayload = this._navWindow; this.emit("navigate", event); this._navWindow = null; } }; this.client.addListener("tabNavigated", this._onTabNavigated); this._onFrameUpdate = (aType, aPacket) => { this.emit("frame-update", aPacket); }; this.client.addListener("frameUpdate", this._onFrameUpdate); }, /** * Teardown listeners for remote debugging. */ _teardownRemoteListeners: function TabTarget__teardownRemoteListeners() { this.client.removeListener("closed", this.destroy); this.client.removeListener("tabNavigated", this._onTabNavigated); this.client.removeListener("tabDetached", this._onTabDetached); this.client.removeListener("frameUpdate", this._onFrameUpdate); }, /** * Handle tabs events. */ handleEvent: function (event) { switch (event.type) { case "TabClose": case "unload": this.destroy(); break; case "TabSelect": if (this.tab.selected) { this.emit("visible", event); } else { this.emit("hidden", event); } break; } }, /** * Handle script status. */ _handleThreadState: function(event) { switch (event) { case "thread-resumed": this._isThreadPaused = false; break; case "thread-paused": this._isThreadPaused = true; break; } }, /** * Target is not alive anymore. */ destroy: function() { // If several things call destroy then we give them all the same // destruction promise so we're sure to destroy only once if (this._destroyer) { return this._destroyer.promise; } this._destroyer = promise.defer(); // Before taking any action, notify listeners that destruction is imminent. this.emit("close"); // First of all, do cleanup tasks that pertain to both remoted and // non-remoted targets. this.off("thread-resumed", this._handleThreadState); this.off("thread-paused", this._handleThreadState); if (this._tab) { this._teardownListeners(); } let cleanupAndResolve = () => { this._cleanup(); this._destroyer.resolve(null); }; // If this target was not remoted, the promise will be resolved before the // function returns. if (this._tab && !this._client) { cleanupAndResolve(); } else if (this._client) { // If, on the other hand, this target was remoted, the promise will be // resolved after the remote connection is closed. this._teardownRemoteListeners(); if (this.isLocalTab) { // We started with a local tab and created the client ourselves, so we // should close it. this._client.close(cleanupAndResolve); } else { // The client was handed to us, so we are not responsible for closing // it. We just need to detach from the tab, if already attached. if (this.activeTab) { this.activeTab.detach(cleanupAndResolve); } else { cleanupAndResolve(); } } } return this._destroyer.promise; }, /** * Clean up references to what this target points to. */ _cleanup: function TabTarget__cleanup() { if (this._tab) { targets.delete(this._tab); } else { promiseTargets.delete(this._form); } this.activeTab = null; this._client = null; this._tab = null; this._form = null; this._remote = null; }, toString: function() { return 'TabTarget:' + (this._tab ? this._tab : (this._form && this._form.actor)); }, }; /** * WebProgressListener for TabTarget. * * @param object aTarget * The TabTarget instance to work with. */ function TabWebProgressListener(aTarget) { this.target = aTarget; } TabWebProgressListener.prototype = { target: null, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIWebProgressListener, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), onStateChange: function TWPL_onStateChange(progress, request, flag, status) { let isStart = flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START; let isDocument = flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_DOCUMENT; let isNetwork = flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK; let isRequest = flag & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_REQUEST; // Skip non-interesting states. if (!isStart || !isDocument || !isRequest || !isNetwork) { return; } // emit event if the top frame is navigating if (progress.isTopLevel) { // Emit the event if the target is not remoted or store the payload for // later emission otherwise. if (this.target._client) { this.target._navRequest = request; } else { this.target.emit("will-navigate", request); } } }, onProgressChange: function() {}, onSecurityChange: function() {}, onStatusChange: function() {}, onLocationChange: function TWPL_onLocationChange(webProgress, request, URI, flags) { if (this.target && !(flags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT)) { let window = webProgress.DOMWindow; // Emit the event if the target is not remoted or store the payload for // later emission otherwise. if (this.target._client) { this.target._navWindow = window; } else { this.target.emit("navigate", window); } } }, /** * Destroy the progress listener instance. */ destroy: function TWPL_destroy() { if (this.target.tab) { try { this.target.tab.linkedBrowser.removeProgressListener(this); } catch (ex) { // This can throw when a tab crashes in e10s. } } this.target._webProgressListener = null; this.target._navRequest = null; this.target._navWindow = null; this.target = null; } }; /** * A WindowTarget represents a page living in a xul window or panel. Generally * these will have a chrome: URL */ function WindowTarget(window) { EventEmitter.decorate(this); this._window = window; this._setupListeners(); } WindowTarget.prototype = { get version() { return getVersion(); }, get window() { return this._window; }, get name() { return this._window.document.title; }, get url() { return this._window.document.location.href; }, get isRemote() { return false; }, get isLocalTab() { return false; }, get isThreadPaused() { return !!this._isThreadPaused; }, /** * Listen to the different events. */ _setupListeners: function() { this._handleThreadState = this._handleThreadState.bind(this); this.on("thread-paused", this._handleThreadState); this.on("thread-resumed", this._handleThreadState); }, _handleThreadState: function(event) { switch (event) { case "thread-resumed": this._isThreadPaused = false; break; case "thread-paused": this._isThreadPaused = true; break; } }, /** * Target is not alive anymore. */ destroy: function() { if (!this._destroyed) { this._destroyed = true; this.off("thread-paused", this._handleThreadState); this.off("thread-resumed", this._handleThreadState); this.emit("close"); targets.delete(this._window); this._window = null; } return promise.resolve(null); }, toString: function() { return 'WindowTarget:' + this.window; }, };