/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Telemetry. * * To add metrics for a tool: * * 1. Create boolean, flag and exponential entries in * toolkit/components/telemetry/Histograms.json. Each type is optional but it * is best if all three can be included. * * 2. Add your chart entries to browser/devtools/shared/telemetry.js * (Telemetry.prototype._histograms): * mytoolname: { * histogram: "DEVTOOLS_MYTOOLNAME_OPENED_BOOLEAN", * userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_MYTOOLNAME_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", * timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_MYTOOLNAME_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" * }, * * 3. Include this module at the top of your tool. Use: * let Telemetry = require("devtools/shared/telemetry") * * 4. Create a telemetry instance in your tool's constructor: * this._telemetry = new Telemetry(); * * 5. When your tool is opened call: * this._telemetry.toolOpened("mytoolname"); * * 6. When your tool is closed call: * this._telemetry.toolClosed("mytoolname"); * * Note: * You can view telemetry stats for your local Firefox instance via * about:telemetry. * * You can view telemetry stats for large groups of Firefox users at * metrics.mozilla.com. */ const TOOLS_OPENED_PREF = "devtools.telemetry.tools.opened.version"; this.Telemetry = function() { // Bind pretty much all functions so that callers do not need to. this.toolOpened = this.toolOpened.bind(this); this.toolClosed = this.toolClosed.bind(this); this.log = this.log.bind(this); this.logOncePerBrowserVersion = this.logOncePerBrowserVersion.bind(this); this.destroy = this.destroy.bind(this); this._timers = new Map(); }; module.exports = Telemetry; let {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome"); let {Services} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {}); let {XPCOMUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", {}); Telemetry.prototype = { _histograms: { toolbox: { timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_TOOLBOX_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, options: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_OPTIONS_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_OPTIONS_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_OPTIONS_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, webconsole: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_WEBCONSOLE_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_WEBCONSOLE_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_WEBCONSOLE_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, browserconsole: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_BROWSERCONSOLE_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_BROWSERCONSOLE_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_BROWSERCONSOLE_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, inspector: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_INSPECTOR_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_INSPECTOR_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_INSPECTOR_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, ruleview: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_RULEVIEW_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_RULEVIEW_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_RULEVIEW_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, computedview: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_COMPUTEDVIEW_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_COMPUTEDVIEW_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_COMPUTEDVIEW_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, layoutview: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_LAYOUTVIEW_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_LAYOUTVIEW_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_LAYOUTVIEW_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, fontinspector: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_FONTINSPECTOR_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_FONTINSPECTOR_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_FONTINSPECTOR_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, jsdebugger: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_JSDEBUGGER_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_JSDEBUGGER_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_JSDEBUGGER_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, jsbrowserdebugger: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_JSBROWSERDEBUGGER_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_JSBROWSERDEBUGGER_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_JSBROWSERDEBUGGER_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, styleeditor: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_STYLEEDITOR_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_STYLEEDITOR_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_STYLEEDITOR_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, shadereditor: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_SHADEREDITOR_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_SHADEREDITOR_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_SHADEREDITOR_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, jsprofiler: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_JSPROFILER_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_JSPROFILER_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_JSPROFILER_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, netmonitor: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_NETMONITOR_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_NETMONITOR_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_NETMONITOR_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, tilt: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_TILT_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_TILT_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_TILT_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, paintflashing: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_PAINTFLASHING_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_PAINTFLASHING_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_PAINTFLASHING_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, scratchpad: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_SCRATCHPAD_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_SCRATCHPAD_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_SCRATCHPAD_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, responsive: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_RESPONSIVE_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_RESPONSIVE_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_RESPONSIVE_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" }, developertoolbar: { histogram: "DEVTOOLS_DEVELOPERTOOLBAR_OPENED_BOOLEAN", userHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_DEVELOPERTOOLBAR_OPENED_PER_USER_FLAG", timerHistogram: "DEVTOOLS_DEVELOPERTOOLBAR_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS" } }, /** * Add an entry to a histogram. * * @param {String} id * Used to look up the relevant histogram ID and log true to that * histogram. */ toolOpened: function(id) { let charts = this._histograms[id]; if (!charts) { dump('Warning: An attempt was made to open a tool with an id of "' + id + '", which is not listed in Telemetry._histograms. ' + "Location: telemetry.js/toolOpened()\n"); return; } if (charts.histogram) { this.log(charts.histogram, true); } if (charts.userHistogram) { this.logOncePerBrowserVersion(charts.userHistogram, true); } if (charts.timerHistogram) { this._timers.set(charts.timerHistogram, new Date()); } }, toolClosed: function(id) { let charts = this._histograms[id]; if (!charts || !charts.timerHistogram) { return; } let startTime = this._timers.get(charts.timerHistogram); if (startTime) { let time = (new Date() - startTime) / 1000; this.log(charts.timerHistogram, time); this._timers.delete(charts.timerHistogram); } }, /** * Log a value to a histogram. * * @param {String} histogramId * Histogram in which the data is to be stored. * @param value * Value to store. */ log: function(histogramId, value) { if (histogramId) { let histogram; try { let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(histogramId); histogram.add(value); } catch(e) { dump("Warning: An attempt was made to write to the " + histogramId + " histogram, which is not defined in Histograms.json\n"); } } }, /** * Log info about usage once per browser version. This allows us to discover * how many individual users are using our tools for each browser version. * * @param {String} perUserHistogram * Histogram in which the data is to be stored. */ logOncePerBrowserVersion: function(perUserHistogram, value) { let currentVersion = appInfo.version; let latest = Services.prefs.getCharPref(TOOLS_OPENED_PREF); let latestObj = JSON.parse(latest); let lastVersionHistogramUpdated = latestObj[perUserHistogram]; if (typeof lastVersionHistogramUpdated == "undefined" || lastVersionHistogramUpdated !== currentVersion) { latestObj[perUserHistogram] = currentVersion; latest = JSON.stringify(latestObj); Services.prefs.setCharPref(TOOLS_OPENED_PREF, latest); this.log(perUserHistogram, value); } }, destroy: function() { for (let [histogram, time] of this._timers) { time = (new Date() - time) / 1000; this.log(histogram, time); this._timers.delete(histogram); } } }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "appInfo", function() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULAppInfo); });