/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); let compareCanvasSize = function (prefix, width, height, tabItem) { let canvas = tabItem.$canvas[0]; is(canvas.width, width, prefix + ": canvas widths are equal (" + width + "px)"); is(canvas.height, height, prefix + ": canvas heights are equal (" + height + "px)"); }; newWindowWithTabView(function (win) { registerCleanupFunction(function () win.close()); let cw = win.TabView.getContentWindow(); let groupItem = cw.GroupItems.groupItems[0]; let tabItem = groupItem.getChild(0); afterAllTabItemsUpdated(function () { let {width, height} = tabItem.$canvas[0]; hideGroupItem(groupItem, function () { compareCanvasSize("hidden", width, height, tabItem); unhideGroupItem(groupItem, function () { compareCanvasSize("unhidden", width, height, tabItem); finish(); }); }); }, win); }); }