#!/usr/bin/env python # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** import copy import os import re import sys # load modules from parent dir sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList, TarErrorList from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, WARNING from mozharness.base.script import ( BaseScript, PreScriptAction, ) from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSMixin from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import BlobUploadMixin, blobupload_config_options from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import LogcatErrorList from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_SUCCESS class B2GEmulatorTest(TestingMixin, VCSMixin, BaseScript, BlobUploadMixin): test_suites = ('jsreftest', 'reftest', 'mochitest', 'mochitest-chrome', 'xpcshell', 'crashtest', 'cppunittest') config_options = [[ ["--type"], {"action": "store", "dest": "test_type", "default": "browser", "help": "The type of tests to run", } ], [ ["--busybox-url"], {"action": "store", "dest": "busybox_url", "default": None, "help": "URL to the busybox binary", } ], [ ["--emulator-url"], {"action": "store", "dest": "emulator_url", "default": None, "help": "URL to the emulator zip", } ], [ ["--xre-url"], {"action": "store", "dest": "xre_url", "default": None, "help": "URL to the desktop xre zip", } ], [ ["--gecko-url"], {"action": "store", "dest": "gecko_url", "default": None, "help": "URL to the gecko build injected into the emulator", } ], [ ["--test-manifest"], {"action": "store", "dest": "test_manifest", "default": None, "help": "Path to test manifest to run", } ], [ ["--test-suite"], {"action": "store", "dest": "test_suite", "type": "choice", "choices": test_suites, "help": "Which test suite to run", } ], [ ["--adb-path"], {"action": "store", "dest": "adb_path", "default": None, "help": "Path to adb", } ], [ ["--total-chunks"], {"action": "store", "dest": "total_chunks", "help": "Number of total chunks", } ], [ ["--this-chunk"], {"action": "store", "dest": "this_chunk", "help": "Number of this chunk", } ], [ ["--test-path"], {"action": "store", "dest": "test_path", "help": "Path of tests to run", } ]] + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) \ + copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) error_list = [ {'substr': 'FAILED (errors=', 'level': ERROR}, {'substr': r'''Could not successfully complete transport of message to Gecko, socket closed''', 'level': ERROR}, {'substr': r'''Could not communicate with Marionette server. Is the Gecko process still running''', 'level': ERROR}, {'substr': r'''Connection to Marionette server is lost. Check gecko''', 'level': ERROR}, {'substr': 'Timeout waiting for marionette on port', 'level': ERROR}, {'regex': re.compile(r'''(Timeout|NoSuchAttribute|Javascript|NoSuchElement|XPathLookup|NoSuchWindow|StaleElement|ScriptTimeout|ElementNotVisible|NoSuchFrame|InvalidElementState|NoAlertPresent|InvalidCookieDomain|UnableToSetCookie|InvalidSelector|MoveTargetOutOfBounds)Exception'''), 'level': ERROR}, ] def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): super(B2GEmulatorTest, self).__init__( config_options=self.config_options, all_actions=['clobber', 'read-buildbot-config', 'download-and-extract', 'create-virtualenv', 'install', 'run-tests'], default_actions=['clobber', 'download-and-extract', 'create-virtualenv', 'install', 'run-tests'], require_config_file=require_config_file, config={ 'require_test_zip': True, # This is a special IP that has meaning to the emulator 'remote_webserver': '', } ) # these are necessary since self.config is read only c = self.config self.adb_path = c.get('adb_path', self._query_adb()) self.installer_url = c.get('installer_url') self.installer_path = c.get('installer_path') self.test_url = c.get('test_url') self.test_packages_url = c.get('test_packages_url') self.test_manifest = c.get('test_manifest') self.busybox_path = None # TODO detect required config items and fail if not set def query_abs_dirs(self): if self.abs_dirs: return self.abs_dirs abs_dirs = super(B2GEmulatorTest, self).query_abs_dirs() dirs = {} dirs['abs_test_install_dir'] = os.path.join( abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests') dirs['abs_xre_dir'] = os.path.join( abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'xre') dirs['abs_emulator_dir'] = os.path.join( abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'emulator') dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] = os.path.join( abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'blobber_upload_dir') dirs['abs_b2g-distro_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_emulator_dir'], 'b2g-distro') dirs['abs_mochitest_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'mochitest') dirs['abs_mochitest-chrome_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'mochitest') dirs['abs_certs_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'certs') dirs['abs_modules_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'modules') dirs['abs_reftest_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'reftest') dirs['abs_crashtest_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'reftest') dirs['abs_jsreftest_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'reftest') dirs['abs_xpcshell_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'xpcshell') dirs['abs_cppunittest_dir'] = os.path.join( dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'cppunittest') for key in dirs.keys(): if key not in abs_dirs: abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs return self.abs_dirs def download_and_extract(self): target_suite = self.config['test_suite'] super(B2GEmulatorTest, self).download_and_extract(suite_categories=[target_suite]) dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() self.mkdir_p(dirs['abs_emulator_dir']) tar = self.query_exe('tar', return_type='list') self.run_command(tar + ['zxf', self.installer_path], cwd=dirs['abs_emulator_dir'], error_list=TarErrorList, halt_on_failure=True, fatal_exit_code=3) self.mkdir_p(dirs['abs_xre_dir']) self._download_unzip(self.config['xre_url'], dirs['abs_xre_dir']) if self.config.get('busybox_url'): self.download_file(self.config['busybox_url'], file_name='busybox', parent_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir']) self.busybox_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'busybox') @PreScriptAction('create-virtualenv') def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() requirements = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'config', 'marionette_requirements.txt') if os.path.isfile(requirements): self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], two_pass=True) return # XXX Bug 879765: Dependent modules need to be listed before parent # modules, otherwise they will get installed from the pypi server. # XXX Bug 908356: This block can be removed as soon as the # in-tree requirements files propagate to all active trees. mozbase_dir = os.path.join('tests', 'mozbase') self.register_virtualenv_module( 'manifestparser', url=os.path.join(mozbase_dir, 'manifestdestiny') ) for m in ('mozfile', 'mozlog', 'mozinfo', 'moznetwork', 'mozhttpd', 'mozcrash', 'mozinstall', 'mozdevice', 'mozprofile', 'mozprocess', 'mozrunner'): self.register_virtualenv_module( m, url=os.path.join(mozbase_dir, m)) self.register_virtualenv_module( 'marionette', url=os.path.join('tests', 'marionette')) def _query_abs_base_cmd(self, suite): dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() cmd = [self.query_python_path('python')] cmd.append(self.config['run_file_names'][suite]) raw_log_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], '%s_raw.log' % suite) error_summary_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], '%s_errorsummary.log' % suite) emulator_type = 'x86' if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirs['abs_b2g-distro_dir'], 'out', 'target', 'product', 'generic_x86')) else 'arm' self.info("The emulator type: %s" % emulator_type) str_format_values = { 'adbpath': self.adb_path, 'b2gpath': dirs['abs_b2g-distro_dir'], 'emulator': emulator_type, 'logcat_dir': dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'modules_dir': dirs['abs_modules_dir'], 'remote_webserver': self.config['remote_webserver'], 'xre_path': os.path.join(dirs['abs_xre_dir'], 'bin'), 'utility_path': os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'bin'), 'symbols_path': self.symbols_path, 'busybox': self.busybox_path, 'total_chunks': self.config.get('total_chunks'), 'this_chunk': self.config.get('this_chunk'), 'test_path': self.config.get('test_path'), 'certificate_path': dirs['abs_certs_dir'], 'raw_log_file': raw_log_file, 'error_summary_file': error_summary_file, } if suite not in self.config["suite_definitions"]: self.fatal("'%s' not defined in the config!" % suite) try_options, try_tests = self.try_args(suite) options = self.query_options(self.config["suite_definitions"][suite]["options"], try_options, str_format_values=str_format_values) cmd.extend(opt for opt in options if not opt.endswith('None')) tests = self.query_tests_args(self.config["suite_definitions"][suite].get("tests"), try_tests, str_format_values=str_format_values) cmd.extend(opt for opt in tests if not opt.endswith('None')) return cmd def _query_adb(self): return self.which('adb') or \ os.getenv('ADB_PATH') or \ os.path.join(self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_b2g-distro_dir'], 'out', 'host', 'linux-x86', 'bin', 'adb') def preflight_run_tests(self): super(B2GEmulatorTest, self).preflight_run_tests() suite = self.config['test_suite'] # set default test manifest by suite if none specified if not self.test_manifest: if suite == 'reftest': self.test_manifest = os.path.join('tests', 'layout', 'reftests', 'reftest.list') elif suite == 'xpcshell': self.test_manifest = os.path.join('tests', 'xpcshell_b2g.ini') elif suite == 'crashtest': self.test_manifest = os.path.join('tests', 'testing', 'crashtest', 'crashtests.list') elif suite == 'jsreftest': self.test_manifest = os.path.join('jsreftest', 'tests', 'jstests.list') if not os.path.isfile(self.adb_path): self.fatal("The adb binary '%s' is not a valid file!" % self.adb_path) def install(self): # The emulator was extracted during the download_and_extract step; # there's no separate binary to install. We call pass to prevent # the base implementation from running here. pass def _get_success_codes(self, suite_name): success_codes = None if suite_name == 'xpcshell': # bug 773703 success_codes = [0, 1] return success_codes def run_tests(self): """ Run the tests """ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() error_list = self.error_list error_list.extend(BaseErrorList) suite = self.config['test_suite'] if suite not in self.test_suites: self.fatal("Don't know how to run --test-suite '%s'!" % suite) cmd = self._query_abs_base_cmd(suite) cwd = dirs['abs_%s_dir' % suite] # TODO we probably have to move some of the code in # scripts/desktop_unittest.py and scripts/marionette.py to # mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest so we can share it. # In the short term, I'm ok with some duplication of code if it # expedites things; please file bugs to merge if that happens. suite_name = [x for x in self.test_suites if x in self.config['test_suite']][0] if self.config.get('this_chunk'): suite = '%s-%s' % (suite_name, self.config['this_chunk']) else: suite = suite_name env = {} if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): env['MINIDUMP_STACKWALK'] = self.minidump_stackwalk_path env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'] = dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] if not os.path.isdir(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR']): self.mkdir_p(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR']) env = self.query_env(partial_env=env) success_codes = self._get_success_codes(suite_name) parser = self.get_test_output_parser(suite_name, config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, error_list=error_list) return_code = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, output_timeout=1000, output_parser=parser, success_codes=success_codes) logcat = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'emulator-5554.log') qemu = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'qemu.log') if os.path.isfile(qemu): self.copyfile(qemu, os.path.join(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'], os.path.basename(qemu))) tbpl_status, log_level = parser.evaluate_parser(return_code, success_codes=success_codes) if os.path.isfile(logcat): if tbpl_status != TBPL_SUCCESS: # On failure, dump logcat, check if the emulator is still # running, and if it is still accessible via adb. self.info('dumping logcat') self.run_command(['cat', logcat], error_list=LogcatErrorList) self.run_command(['ps', '-C', 'emulator']) self.run_command([self.adb_path, 'devices']) # upload logcat to blobber self.copyfile(logcat, os.path.join(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'], os.path.basename(logcat))) else: self.info('no logcat file found') parser.append_tinderboxprint_line(suite_name) self.buildbot_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) self.log("The %s suite: %s ran with return status: %s" % (suite_name, suite, tbpl_status), level=log_level) if __name__ == '__main__': emulatorTest = B2GEmulatorTest() emulatorTest.run_and_exit()