{ "A11Y_INSTANTIATED_FLAG": { "kind": "flag", "description": "has accessibility support been instantiated" }, "A11Y_CONSUMERS": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 11, "description": "Accessibility client by enum id" }, "A11Y_ISIMPLEDOM_USAGE_FLAG": { "kind": "flag", "description": "have the ISimpleDOM* accessibility interfaces been used" }, "A11Y_IATABLE_USAGE_FLAG": { "kind": "flag", "description": "has the IAccessibleTable accessibility interface been used" }, "A11Y_XFORMS_USAGE_FLAG": { "kind": "flag", "description": "has XForms accessibility been instantiated" }, "A11Y_UPDATE_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "time spent updating accessibility (ms)" }, "CYCLE_COLLECTOR": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent on one cycle collection (ms)" }, "CYCLE_COLLECTOR_VISITED_REF_COUNTED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "300000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Number of ref counted objects visited by the cycle collector" }, "CYCLE_COLLECTOR_VISITED_GCED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "300000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Number of JS objects visited by the cycle collector" }, "CYCLE_COLLECTOR_COLLECTED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "100000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Number of objects collected by the cycle collector" }, "CYCLE_COLLECTOR_NEED_GC": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Needed garbage collection before cycle collection." }, "CYCLE_COLLECTOR_TIME_BETWEEN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "120", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent in between cycle collections (seconds)" }, "CYCLE_COLLECTOR_CONTENT_UNBIND": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent on one ContentUnbinder (ms)" }, "FORGET_SKIPPABLE_MAX": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Max time spent on one forget skippable (ms)" }, "GC_REASON_2": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": "js::gcreason::NUM_TELEMETRY_REASONS", "description": "Reason (enum value) for initiating a GC" }, "GC_IS_COMPARTMENTAL": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Is it a compartmental GC?" }, "GC_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent running JS GC (ms)" }, "GC_MAX_PAUSE_MS": { "kind": "linear", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Longest GC slice in a GC (ms)" }, "GC_MARK_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent running JS GC mark phase (ms)" }, "GC_SWEEP_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent running JS GC sweep phase (ms)" }, "GC_MARK_ROOTS_MS": { "kind": "linear", "high": "200", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent marking GC roots (ms)" }, "GC_MARK_GRAY_MS": { "kind": "linear", "high": "200", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent marking gray GC objects (ms)" }, "GC_SLICE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent running a JS GC slice (ms)" }, "GC_MMU_50": { "kind": "linear", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Minimum percentage of time spent outside GC over any 50ms window" }, "GC_RESET": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Was an incremental GC canceled?" }, "GC_INCREMENTAL_DISABLED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Is incremental GC permanently disabled?" }, "GC_NON_INCREMENTAL": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Was the GC non-incremental?" }, "GC_SCC_SWEEP_TOTAL_MS": { "kind": "linear", "high": "500", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent sweeping compartment SCCs (ms)" }, "GC_SCC_SWEEP_MAX_PAUSE_MS": { "kind": "linear", "high": "500", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent sweeping slowest compartment SCC (ms)" }, "TELEMETRY_PING": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time taken to submit telemetry info (ms)" }, "TELEMETRY_SUCCESS": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Successful telemetry submission" }, "MEMORY_RESIDENT": { "kind": "exponential", "low": "32 * 1024", "high": "1024 * 1024", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Resident memory size (KB)" }, "MEMORY_JS_COMPARTMENTS_SYSTEM": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Total JavaScript compartments used for add-ons and internals." }, "MEMORY_JS_COMPARTMENTS_USER": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Total JavaScript compartments used for web pages" }, "MEMORY_JS_GC_HEAP": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "512 * 1024", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Memory used by the garbage-collected JavaScript heap (KB)" }, "MEMORY_STORAGE_SQLITE": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "512 * 1024", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Memory used by SQLite (KB)" }, "MEMORY_IMAGES_CONTENT_USED_UNCOMPRESSED": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "1024 * 1024", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Memory used for uncompressed, in-use content images (KB)" }, "MEMORY_HEAP_ALLOCATED": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "1024 * 1024", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Heap memory allocated (KB)" }, "MEMORY_HEAP_COMMITTED_UNUSED": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "512 * 1024", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Committed, unused heap memory (KB)" }, "MEMORY_HEAP_COMMITTED_UNUSED_RATIO": { "kind": "linear", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 25, "description": "Ratio of committed, unused memory to allocated memory in the heap (percentage)." }, "MEMORY_EXPLICIT": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "1024 * 1024", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Explicit memory allocations (KB)" }, "GHOST_WINDOWS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "128", "n_buckets": 8, "description": "Number of ghost windows" }, "MEMORY_FREE_PURGED_PAGES_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1024", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time(ms) to purge MADV_FREE'd heap pages.", "cpp_guard": "XP_MACOSX" }, "LOW_MEMORY_EVENTS_VIRTUAL": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1024", "n_buckets": 21, "description": "Number of low-virtual-memory events fired since last ping", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "LOW_MEMORY_EVENTS_PHYSICAL": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1024", "n_buckets": 21, "description": "Number of low-physical-memory events fired since last ping", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "LOW_MEMORY_EVENTS_COMMIT_SPACE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1024", "n_buckets": 21, "description": "Number of low-commit-space events fired since last ping", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "EARLY_GLUESTARTUP_READ_OPS": { "kind": "linear", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 12, "description": "ProcessIoCounters.ReadOperationCount before glue startup", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "EARLY_GLUESTARTUP_READ_TRANSFER": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "50 * 1024", "n_buckets": 12, "description": "ProcessIoCounters.ReadTransferCount before glue startup (KB)", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "GLUESTARTUP_READ_OPS": { "kind": "linear", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 12, "description": "ProcessIoCounters.ReadOperationCount after glue startup", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "GLUESTARTUP_READ_TRANSFER": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "50 * 1024", "n_buckets": 12, "description": "ProcessIoCounters.ReadTransferCount after glue startup (KB)", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "EARLY_GLUESTARTUP_HARD_FAULTS": { "kind": "linear", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 12, "description": "Hard faults count before glue startup", "cpp_guard": "XP_UNIX" }, "GLUESTARTUP_HARD_FAULTS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "500", "n_buckets": 12, "description": "Hard faults count after glue startup", "cpp_guard": "XP_UNIX" }, "PAGE_FAULTS_HARD": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 8, "high": "64 * 1024", "n_buckets": 13, "description": "Hard page faults (since last telemetry ping)", "cpp_guard": "XP_UNIX" }, "FONTLIST_INITOTHERFAMILYNAMES": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time(ms) spent on reading other family names from all fonts" }, "FONTLIST_INITFACENAMELISTS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time(ms) spent on reading family names from all fonts" }, "DWRITEFONT_INITFONTLIST_TOTAL": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "gfxDWriteFontList::InitFontList Total (ms)", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "DWRITEFONT_INITFONTLIST_INIT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "gfxDWriteFontList::InitFontList init (ms)", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "DWRITEFONT_INITFONTLIST_GDI": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "gfxDWriteFontList::InitFontList GdiInterop object (ms)", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "DWRITEFONT_DELAYEDINITFONTLIST_TOTAL": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "gfxDWriteFontList::DelayedInitFontList Total (ms)", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "DWRITEFONT_DELAYEDINITFONTLIST_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "gfxDWriteFontList::DelayedInitFontList Font Family Count", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "DWRITEFONT_DELAYEDINITFONTLIST_GDI_TABLE": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "gfxDWriteFontList::DelayedInitFontList GDI Table Access", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "DWRITEFONT_DELAYEDINITFONTLIST_COLLECT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "gfxDWriteFontList::DelayedInitFontList GetSystemFontCollection (ms)", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "DWRITEFONT_DELAYEDINITFONTLIST_ITERATE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "gfxDWriteFontList::DelayedInitFontList iterate over families (ms)", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "GDI_INITFONTLIST_TOTAL": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "gfxGDIFontList::InitFontList Total (ms)", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "MAC_INITFONTLIST_TOTAL": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "gfxMacPlatformFontList::InitFontList Total (ms)", "cpp_guard": "XP_MACOSX" }, "SYSTEM_FONT_FALLBACK": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "100000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "System font fallback (us)" }, "SYSTEM_FONT_FALLBACK_FIRST": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "40000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "System font fallback, first call (ms)" }, "SYSTEM_FONT_FALLBACK_SCRIPT": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 110, "description": "System font fallback script" }, "GRADIENT_DURATION": { "kind": "exponential", "high":"50000000", "n_buckets":20, "description": "Gradient generation time (us)" }, "GRADIENT_RETENTION_TIME": { "kind": "linear", "high": "10000", "n_buckets":20, "description": "Maximum retention time for the gradient cache. (ms)" }, "STARTUP_CACHE_AGE_HOURS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Startup cache age (hours)" }, "WORD_CACHE_HITS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "256", "n_buckets": 30, "description": "Word cache hits (chars)" }, "WORD_CACHE_MISSES": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "256", "n_buckets": 30, "description": "Word cache misses (chars)" }, "FONT_CACHE_HIT": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "font cache hit" }, "BAD_FALLBACK_FONT": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "system fallback font can't be used" }, "SHUTDOWN_OK": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Did the browser start after a successful shutdown" }, "IMAGE_DECODE_LATENCY": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 50, "high": "5000000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "Time spent decoding an image chunk (us)" }, "IMAGE_DECODE_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 50, "high": "50000000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "Time spent decoding an image (us)" }, "IMAGE_DECODE_ON_DRAW_LATENCY": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 50, "high": "50000000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "Time from starting a decode to it showing up on the screen (us)" }, "IMAGE_DECODE_CHUNKS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "500", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Number of chunks per decode attempt" }, "IMAGE_DECODE_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "500", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Decode count" }, "IMAGE_DECODE_SPEED_JPEG": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 500, "high": "50000000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "JPEG image decode speed (Kbytes/sec)" }, "IMAGE_DECODE_SPEED_GIF": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 500, "high": "50000000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "GIF image decode speed (Kbytes/sec)" }, "IMAGE_DECODE_SPEED_PNG": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 500, "high": "50000000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "PNG image decode speed (Kbytes/sec)" }, "CANVAS_2D_USED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "2D canvas used" }, "CANVAS_WEBGL_USED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "WebGL canvas used" }, "TOTAL_CONTENT_PAGE_LOAD_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 100, "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "HTTP: Total page load time (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUBITEM_OPEN_LATENCY_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: Page start -> subitem open() (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUBITEM_FIRST_BYTE_LATENCY_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: Page start -> first byte received for subitem reply (ms)" }, "HTTP_REQUEST_PER_PAGE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP: Requests per page (count)" }, "HTTP_REQUEST_PER_PAGE_FROM_CACHE": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 101, "description": "HTTP: Requests serviced from cache (%)" }, "HTTP_REQUEST_PER_CONN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP: requests per connection" }, "HTTP_KBREAD_PER_CONN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP: KB read per connection" }, "HTTP_PAGE_DNS_ISSUE_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: open() -> DNS request issued (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_DNS_LOOKUP_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: DNS lookup time (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_TCP_CONNECTION": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: TCP connection setup (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_OPEN_TO_FIRST_SENT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: Open -> first byte of request sent (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_FIRST_SENT_TO_LAST_RECEIVED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: First byte of request sent -> last byte of response received (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_OPEN_TO_FIRST_RECEIVED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: Open -> first byte of reply received (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_OPEN_TO_FIRST_FROM_CACHE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: Open -> cache read start (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_CACHE_READ_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: Cache read time (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_REVALIDATION": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: Positive cache validation time (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_COMPLETE_LOAD": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: Overall load time - all (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_COMPLETE_LOAD_CACHED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: Overall load time - cache hits (ms)" }, "HTTP_PAGE_COMPLETE_LOAD_NET": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP page: Overall load time - network (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_DNS_ISSUE_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: open() -> DNS request issued (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_DNS_LOOKUP_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: DNS lookup time (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_TCP_CONNECTION": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: TCP connection setup (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_OPEN_TO_FIRST_SENT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: Open -> first byte of request sent (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_FIRST_SENT_TO_LAST_RECEIVED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: First byte of request sent -> last byte of response received (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_OPEN_TO_FIRST_RECEIVED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: Open -> first byte of reply received (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_OPEN_TO_FIRST_FROM_CACHE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: Open -> cache read start (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_CACHE_READ_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: Cache read time (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_REVALIDATION": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: Positive cache validation time (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_COMPLETE_LOAD": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: Overall load time - all (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_COMPLETE_LOAD_CACHED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: Overall load time - cache hits (ms)" }, "HTTP_SUB_COMPLETE_LOAD_NET": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "HTTP subitem: Overall load time - network (ms)" }, "SPDY_VERSION2": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 48, "description": "SPDY: Protocol Version Used" }, "SPDY_PARALLEL_STREAMS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "SPDY: Streams concurrent active per connection" }, "SPDY_REQUEST_PER_CONN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "SPDY: Streams created per connection" }, "SPDY_SERVER_INITIATED_STREAMS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "100000", "n_buckets": 250, "description": "SPDY: Streams recevied per connection" }, "SPDY_CHUNK_RECVD": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "SPDY: Recvd Chunk Size (rounded to KB)" }, "SPDY_SYN_SIZE": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 20, "high": "20000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "SPDY: SYN Frame Header Size" }, "SPDY_SYN_RATIO": { "kind": "linear", "high": "99", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "SPDY: SYN Frame Header Ratio (lower better)" }, "SPDY_SYN_REPLY_SIZE": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 16, "high": "20000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "SPDY: SYN Reply Header Size" }, "SPDY_SYN_REPLY_RATIO": { "kind": "linear", "high": "99", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "SPDY: SYN Reply Header Ratio (lower better)" }, "SPDY_NPN_CONNECT": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "SPDY: NPN Negotiated" }, "SPDY_NPN_JOIN": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "SPDY: Coalesce Succeeded" }, "SPDY_KBREAD_PER_CONN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "SPDY: KB read per connection" }, "SPDY_PING_EXPERIMENT_PASS": { "kind": "linear", "low": 10, "high": "355", "n_buckets": 64, "description": "SPDY: Ping Interval Passed" }, "SPDY_PING_EXPERIMENT_FAIL": { "kind": "linear", "low": 10, "high": "355", "n_buckets": 64, "description": "SPDY: Ping Interval Failed" }, "SPDY_SETTINGS_UL_BW": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "SPDY: Settings Upload Bandwidth" }, "SPDY_SETTINGS_DL_BW": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "SPDY: Settings Download Bandwidth" }, "SPDY_SETTINGS_RTT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "SPDY: Settings RTT" }, "SPDY_SETTINGS_MAX_STREAMS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "SPDY: Settings Max Streams parameter" }, "SPDY_SETTINGS_CWND": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "500", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "SPDY: Settings CWND (packets)" }, "SPDY_SETTINGS_RETRANS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "SPDY: Retransmission Rate" }, "SPDY_SETTINGS_IW": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "SPDY: Settings IW (rounded to KB)" }, "DISK_CACHE_CORRUPT_DETAILS": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 50, "description": "Why the HTTP disk cache was corrupted at startup" }, "DISK_CACHE_REDUCTION_TRIAL": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Stores 1 if the cache would be clean with the disk cache corruption plan of Bug 105843" }, "DISK_CACHE_REVALIDATION_SAFE": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Stores 1 if the cache clean file was revalidated, or 0 if a non empty doom list prevented revalidation" }, "DISK_CACHE_INVALIDATION_SUCCESS": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Stores 1 if writing '0' to the cache clean file succeeded, and 0 if it failed." }, "DISK_CACHE_REVALIDATION_SUCCESS": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Stores 1 if writing '1' to the cache clean file succeeded, and 0 if it failed." }, "HTTP_CACHE_DISPOSITION_2": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 5, "description": "HTTP Cache Hit, Reval, Failed-Reval, Miss" }, "HTTP_DISK_CACHE_DISPOSITION_2": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 5, "description": "HTTP Disk Cache Hit, Reval, Failed-Reval, Miss" }, "HTTP_MEMORY_CACHE_DISPOSITION_2": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 5, "description": "HTTP Memory Cache Hit, Reval, Failed-Reval, Miss" }, "HTTP_OFFLINE_CACHE_DISPOSITION_2": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 5, "description": "HTTP Offline Cache Hit, Reval, Failed-Reval, Miss" }, "CACHE_DEVICE_SEARCH_2": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time to search cache (ms)" }, "CACHE_MEMORY_SEARCH_2": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time to search memory cache (ms)" }, "CACHE_DISK_SEARCH_2": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time to search disk cache (ms)" }, "CACHE_OFFLINE_SEARCH_2": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time to search offline cache (ms)" }, "TRANSACTION_WAIT_TIME_HTTP": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "Time from submission to dispatch of HTTP transaction (ms)" }, "TRANSACTION_WAIT_TIME_HTTP_PIPELINES": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "Time from submission to dispatch of HTTP with pipelines transaction (ms)" }, "TRANSACTION_WAIT_TIME_SPDY": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "Time from submission to dispatch of SPDY transaction (ms)" }, "HTTP_DISK_CACHE_OVERHEAD": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "32000000", "n_buckets": 100, "description": "HTTP Disk cache memory overhead (bytes)" }, "CACHE_LM_INCONSISTENT": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Cache discovered inconsistent last-modified entry" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_2": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms)" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_2": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock on the main thread (ms)" }, "DISK_CACHE_SMART_SIZE_USING_OLD_MAX": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Whether we are using the old default cache smart size" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSSETDISKSMARTSIZECALLBACK_NOTIFY": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSSETDISKSMARTSIZECALLBACK_NOTIFY" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSPROCESSREQUESTEVENT_RUN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSPROCESSREQUESTEVENT_RUN" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_LAZYINIT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_LAZYINIT" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_CLOSE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSOUTPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_CLOSE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSINPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_LAZYINIT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSINPUTSTREAMWRAPPER_LAZYINIT" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSEVICTDISKCACHEENTRIESEVENT_RUN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSEVICTDISKCACHEENTRIESEVENT_RUN" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDOOMEVENT_RUN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDOOMEVENT_RUN" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDISKCACHESTREAMIO_WRITE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDISKCACHESTREAMIO_WRITE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDISKCACHESTREAMIO_CLOSEOUTPUTSTREAM": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDISKCACHESTREAMIO_CLOSEOUTPUTSTREAM" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDISKCACHEDEVICEDEACTIVATEENTRYEVENT_RUN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDISKCACHEDEVICEDEACTIVATEENTRYEVENT_RUN" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDISKCACHEBINDING_DESTRUCTOR": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDISKCACHEBINDING_DESTRUCTOR" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SHUTDOWN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SHUTDOWN" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETOFFLINECACHEENABLED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETOFFLINECACHEENABLED" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETOFFLINECACHECAPACITY": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETOFFLINECACHECAPACITY" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETMEMORYCACHE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETMEMORYCACHE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKSMARTSIZE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKSMARTSIZE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHEMAXENTRYSIZE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHEMAXENTRYSIZE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETMEMORYCACHEMAXENTRYSIZE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETMEMORYCACHEMAXENTRYSIZE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHEENABLED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHEENABLED" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHECAPACITY": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_SETDISKCACHECAPACITY" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_OPENCACHEENTRY": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_OPENCACHEENTRY" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILESHUTDOWN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILESHUTDOWN" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILECHANGED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_ONPROFILECHANGED" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_LEAVEPRIVATEBROWSING": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_LEAVEPRIVATEBROWSING" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_ISSTORAGEENABLEDFORPOLICY": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_ISSTORAGEENABLEDFORPOLICY" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_GETCACHEIOTARGET": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_GETCACHEIOTARGET" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_EVICTENTRIESFORCLIENT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_EVICTENTRIESFORCLIENT" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_DOOM": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_DOOM" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETPREDICTEDDATASIZE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETPREDICTEDDATASIZE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETDATASIZE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETDATASIZE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSTORAGEDATASIZE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSTORAGEDATASIZE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_REQUESTDATASIZECHANGE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_REQUESTDATASIZECHANGE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETDATASIZE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETDATASIZE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_OPENINPUTSTREAM": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_OPENINPUTSTREAM" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_OPENOUTPUTSTREAM": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_OPENOUTPUTSTREAM" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETCACHEELEMENT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETCACHEELEMENT" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETCACHEELEMENT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETCACHEELEMENT" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSTORAGEPOLICY": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSTORAGEPOLICY" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETSTORAGEPOLICY": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETSTORAGEPOLICY" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETFILE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETFILE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSECURITYINFO": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETSECURITYINFO" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETSECURITYINFO": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETSECURITYINFO" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_DOOMANDFAILPENDINGREQUESTS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_DOOMANDFAILPENDINGREQUESTS" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_MARKVALID": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_MARKVALID" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_CLOSE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_CLOSE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETMETADATAELEMENT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETMETADATAELEMENT" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETMETADATAELEMENT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETMETADATAELEMENT" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_VISITMETADATA": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_VISITMETADATA" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETEXPIRATIONTIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_SETEXPIRATIONTIME" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_ISSTREAMBASED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_ISSTREAMBASED" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETLASTMODIFIED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETLASTMODIFIED" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETEXPIRATIONTIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETEXPIRATIONTIME" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETKEY": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETKEY" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETFETCHCOUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETFETCHCOUNT" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETDEVICEID": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETDEVICEID" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_PROCESSREQUEST": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_PROCESSREQUEST" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHESERVICE_VISITENTRIES": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHESERVICE_VISITENTRIES" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETPREDICTEDDATASIZE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETPREDICTEDDATASIZE" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETLASTFETCHED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETLASTFETCHED" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETCLIENTID": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSCACHEENTRYDESCRIPTOR_GETCLIENTID" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSBLOCKONCACHETHREADEVENT_RUN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSBLOCKONCACHETHREADEVENT_RUN" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSDISKCACHEMAP_REVALIDATION": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSDISKCACHEMAP_REVALIDATION" }, "CACHE_SERVICE_LOCK_WAIT_MAINTHREAD_NSASYNCDOOMEVENT_RUN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10 * 1000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent waiting on the cache service lock (ms) on the main thread in NSASYNCDOOMEVENT_RUN" }, "DNS_LOOKUP_METHOD2": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 16, "description": "DNS Lookup Type (hit, renewal, negative-hit, literal, overflow, network-first, network-shared)" }, "DNS_CLEANUP_AGE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1440", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "DNS Cache Entry Age at Removal Time (minutes)" }, "DNS_LOOKUP_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "60000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time for a successful DNS OS resolution (msec)" }, "DNS_RENEWAL_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "60000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time for a renewed DNS OS resolution (msec)" }, "DNS_FAILED_LOOKUP_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "60000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time for an unsuccessful DNS OS resolution (msec)" }, "FIND_PLUGINS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent scanning filesystem for plugins (ms)" }, "CHECK_JAVA_ENABLED": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent checking if Java is enabled (ms)" }, "PLUGIN_SHUTDOWN_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Time spent shutting down plugins (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_OPEN_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite open() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite open() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_TRUNCATE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite truncate() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_TRUNCATE_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite truncate() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_OTHER_READ_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite read() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_OTHER_READ_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite read() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_PLACES_READ_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite read() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_PLACES_READ_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite read() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_COOKIES_READ_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite read() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_COOKIES_READ_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite read() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_WEBAPPS_READ_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite read() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_WEBAPPS_READ_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite read() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_OTHER_WRITE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite write() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_OTHER_WRITE_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite write() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_PLACES_WRITE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite write() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_PLACES_WRITE_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite write() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_COOKIES_WRITE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite write() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_COOKIES_WRITE_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite write() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_WEBAPPS_WRITE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite write() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_WEBAPPS_WRITE_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite write() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_OTHER_SYNC_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite fsync() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_OTHER_SYNC_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite fsync() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_PLACES_SYNC_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite fsync() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_PLACES_SYNC_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite fsync() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_COOKIES_SYNC_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite fsync() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_COOKIES_SYNC_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite fsync() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_WEBAPPS_SYNC_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite fsync() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_WEBAPPS_SYNC_MAIN_THREAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on SQLite fsync() (ms)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_OTHER_READ_B": { "kind": "linear", "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 3, "description": "SQLite read() (bytes)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_PLACES_READ_B": { "kind": "linear", "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 3, "description": "SQLite read() (bytes)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_COOKIES_READ_B": { "kind": "linear", "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 3, "description": "SQLite read() (bytes)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_WEBAPPS_READ_B": { "kind": "linear", "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 3, "description": "SQLite read() (bytes)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_PLACES_WRITE_B": { "kind": "linear", "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 3, "description": "SQLite write (bytes)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_COOKIES_WRITE_B": { "kind": "linear", "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 3, "description": "SQLite write (bytes)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_WEBAPPS_WRITE_B": { "kind": "linear", "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 3, "description": "SQLite write (bytes)" }, "MOZ_SQLITE_OTHER_WRITE_B": { "kind": "linear", "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 3, "description": "SQLite write (bytes)" }, "MOZ_STORAGE_ASYNC_REQUESTS_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "mozStorage async requests completion (ms)" }, "MOZ_STORAGE_ASYNC_REQUESTS_SUCCESS": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "mozStorage async requests success" }, "STARTUP_MEASUREMENT_ERRORS": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": "mozilla::StartupTimeline::MAX_EVENT_ID", "description": "Flags errors in startup calculation()" }, "NETWORK_DISK_CACHE_OPEN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent opening disk cache (ms)" }, "NETWORK_DISK_CACHE_TRASHRENAME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent renaming bad Cache to Cache.Trash (ms)" }, "NETWORK_DISK_CACHE_DELETEDIR": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent deleting disk cache (ms)" }, "NETWORK_DISK_CACHE_DELETEDIR_SHUTDOWN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent during showdown stopping thread deleting old disk cache (ms)" }, "NETWORK_DISK_CACHE_SHUTDOWN": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Total Time spent (ms) during disk cache showdown" }, "NETWORK_DISK_CACHE_SHUTDOWN_CLEAR_PRIVATE": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent (ms) during showdown deleting disk cache for 'clear private data' option" }, "NETWORK_DISK_CACHE_REVALIDATION": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Total Time spent (ms) during disk cache revalidation" }, "NETWORK_DISK_CACHE_OUTPUT_STREAM_CLOSE_INTERNAL": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent in nsDiskCacheOutputStream::CloseInternal() on non-main thread (ms)" }, "NETWORK_DISK_CACHE_OUTPUT_STREAM_CLOSE_INTERNAL_MAIN_THREAD": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent in nsDiskCacheOutputStream::CloseInternal on the main thread (ms)" }, "IDLE_NOTIFY_BACK_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent checking for and notifying listeners that the user is back (ms)" }, "IDLE_NOTIFY_BACK_LISTENERS": { "kind": "linear", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Number of listeners notified that the user is back" }, "IDLE_NOTIFY_IDLE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent checking for and notifying listeners that the user is idle (ms)" }, "IDLE_NOTIFY_IDLE_LISTENERS": { "kind": "linear", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Number of listeners notified that the user is idle" }, "URLCLASSIFIER_LOOKUP_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "500", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent per dbservice lookup (ms)" }, "URLCLASSIFIER_CL_CHECK_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "500", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent per classifier lookup (ms)" }, "URLCLASSIFIER_CL_UPDATE_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 20, "high": "15000", "n_buckets": 15, "description": "Time spent per classifier update (ms)" }, "URLCLASSIFIER_PS_FILELOAD_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent loading PrefixSet from file (ms)" }, "URLCLASSIFIER_PS_FALLOCATE_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent fallocating PrefixSet (ms)" }, "URLCLASSIFIER_PS_CONSTRUCT_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 15, "description": "Time spent constructing PrefixSet from DB (ms)" }, "URLCLASSIFIER_LC_PREFIXES": { "kind": "linear", "high": "1500000", "n_buckets": 15, "description": "Size of the prefix cache in entries" }, "URLCLASSIFIER_LC_COMPLETIONS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "200", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Size of the completion cache in entries" }, "URLCLASSIFIER_PS_FAILURE": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Did UrlClassifier fail to construct the PrefixSet?" }, "PLACES_PAGES_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1000, "high": "150000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "PLACES: Number of unique pages" }, "PLACES_BOOKMARKS_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 100, "high": "8000", "n_buckets": 15, "description": "PLACES: Number of bookmarks" }, "PLACES_TAGS_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "200", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Number of tags" }, "PLACES_FOLDERS_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "200", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Number of folders" }, "PLACES_KEYWORDS_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "200", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Number of keywords" }, "PLACES_SORTED_BOOKMARKS_PERC": { "kind": "linear", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Percentage of bookmarks organized in folders" }, "PLACES_TAGGED_BOOKMARKS_PERC": { "kind": "linear", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Percentage of tagged bookmarks" }, "PLACES_DATABASE_FILESIZE_MB": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 5, "high": "200", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Database filesize (MB)" }, "PLACES_DATABASE_JOURNALSIZE_MB": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "50", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Database journal size (MB)" }, "PLACES_DATABASE_PAGESIZE_B": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Database page size (bytes)" }, "PLACES_DATABASE_SIZE_PER_PAGE_B": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 500, "high": "10240", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "PLACES: Average size of a place in the database (bytes)" }, "PLACES_EXPIRATION_STEPS_TO_CLEAN2": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 10, "description": "PLACES: Expiration steps to cleanup the database" }, "PLACES_AUTOCOMPLETE_1ST_RESULT_TIME_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 50, "high": "500", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Time for first autocomplete result if > 50ms (ms)" }, "PLACES_IDLE_FRECENCY_DECAY_TIME_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 50, "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Time to decay all frecencies values on idle (ms)" }, "PLACES_IDLE_MAINTENANCE_TIME_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1000, "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Time to execute maintenance tasks on idle (ms)" }, "PLACES_ANNOS_BOOKMARKS_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 50, "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Number of bookmarks annotations" }, "PLACES_ANNOS_BOOKMARKS_SIZE_KB": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 10, "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Size of bookmarks annotations (KB)" }, "PLACES_ANNOS_PAGES_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 50, "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Number of pages annotations" }, "PLACES_ANNOS_PAGES_SIZE_KB": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 10, "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Size of pages annotations (KB)" }, "PLACES_FRECENCY_CALC_TIME_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "PLACES: Time to calculate frecency of a page (ms)" }, "UPDATER_STATUS_CODES": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 50, "description": "Updater: the status of the latest update performed" }, "UPDATER_UPDATES_ENABLED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Updater: Whether or not updates are enabled" }, "UPDATER_UPDATES_AUTOMATIC": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Updater: Whether or not updates are automatic" }, "UPDATER_SERVICE_ENABLED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Updater: Whether or not the MozillaMaintenance service is enabled" }, "UPDATER_SERVICE_ERRORS": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 30, "description": "Updater: The number of MozillaMaintenance service errors that have occurred" }, "UPDATER_SERVICE_INSTALLED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Updater: Whether or not the MozillaMaintenance service is installed" }, "UPDATER_SERVICE_MANUALLY_UNINSTALLED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Updater: Whether or not someone manually uninstalled the service." }, "UPDATER_STAGE_ENABLED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Updater: Whether or not staging updates are enabled" }, "UPDATER_HAS_PERMISSIONS": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Updater: Whether or not the updater has permissions" }, "THUNDERBIRD_GLODA_SIZE_MB": { "kind": "linear", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 40, "description": "Gloda: size of global-messages-db.sqlite (MB)" }, "THUNDERBIRD_CONVERSATIONS_TIME_TO_2ND_GLODA_QUERY_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 30, "description": "Conversations: time between the moment we click and the second gloda query returns (ms)" }, "THUNDERBIRD_INDEXING_RATE_MSG_PER_S": { "kind": "linear", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Gloda: indexing rate (message/s)" }, "FX_TAB_ANIM_OPEN_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Firefox: Time taken by the tab opening animation in milliseconds" }, "FX_TAB_ANIM_CLOSE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Firefox: Time taken by the tab closing animation in milliseconds" }, "FX_TAB_SWITCH_UPDATE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Firefox: Time in ms spent updating UI in response to a tab switch" }, "FX_KEYWORD_URL_USERSET": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Firefox: keyword.URL has a user-set value" }, "FX_IDENTITY_POPUP_OPEN_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Firefox: Time taken by the identity popup to open in milliseconds" }, "FX_APP_MENU_OPEN_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Firefox: Time taken by the app-menu opening in milliseconds" }, "FX_BOOKMARKS_TOOLBAR_INIT_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 50, "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Firefox: Time to initialize the bookmarks toolbar view (ms)" }, "FX_NEW_WINDOW_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Firefox: Time taken to open a new browser window (ms)" }, "FX_PAGE_LOAD_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Firefox: Time taken to load a page (ms)" }, "FX_THUMBNAILS_CAPTURE_TIME_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "500", "n_buckets": 15, "description": "THUMBNAILS: Time (ms) it takes to capture a thumbnail" }, "FX_THUMBNAILS_STORE_TIME_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "500", "n_buckets": 15, "description": "THUMBNAILS: Time (ms) it takes to store a thumbnail in the cache" }, "FX_THUMBNAILS_HIT_OR_MISS": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "THUMBNAILS: Thumbnail found" }, "EVENTLOOP_UI_LAG_EXP_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 50, "high": "60000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Widget: Time it takes for the message before a UI message (ms)" }, "FX_SESSION_RESTORE_COLLECT_DATA_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "30000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Session restore: Time to collect all window and tab data (ms)" }, "FX_SESSION_RESTORE_SERIALIZE_DATA_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Session restore: Time to JSON serialize session data (ms)" }, "FX_SESSION_RESTORE_READ_FILE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Session restore: Time to read the session data from the file on disk (ms)" }, "FX_SESSION_RESTORE_WRITE_FILE_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Session restore: Time to write the session data to the file on disk (ms)" }, "FX_SESSION_RESTORE_CORRUPT_FILE": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Session restore: Whether the file read on startup contained parse-able JSON" }, "INNERWINDOWS_WITH_MUTATION_LISTENERS": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Deleted or to-be-reused innerwindow which has had mutation event listeners." }, "XUL_FOREGROUND_REFLOW_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "XUL reflows in foreground windows (ms)" }, "XUL_BACKGROUND_REFLOW_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "XUL reflows in background windows (ms)" }, "HTML_FOREGROUND_REFLOW_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "HTML reflows in foreground windows (ms)" }, "HTML_BACKGROUND_REFLOW_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "HTML reflows in background windows (ms)" }, "XUL_INITIAL_FRAME_CONSTRUCTION": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "initial xul frame construction" }, "XMLHTTPREQUEST_ASYNC_OR_SYNC": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Type of XMLHttpRequest, async or sync" }, "MULTIPART_XHR_RESPONSE": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "XMLHttpRequest response was of type multipart/x-mixed-replace." }, "PRIVATE_BROWSING_TRANSITION_ENTER_PREPARATION_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on private browsing enter transition, excluding session restore (ms)" }, "PRIVATE_BROWSING_TRANSITION_ENTER_TOTAL_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent on private browsing enter transition, including session restore (ms)" }, "PRIVATE_BROWSING_TRANSITION_EXIT_PREPARATION_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Time spent on private browsing exit transition, excluding session restore (ms)" }, "PRIVATE_BROWSING_TRANSITION_EXIT_TOTAL_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 50, "description": "Time spent on private browsing exit transition, including session restore (ms)" }, "DOM_TIMERS_FIRED_PER_NATIVE_TIMEOUT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "DOM: Timer handlers called per native timer expiration" }, "DOM_TIMERS_RECENTLY_SET": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "DOM: setTimeout/setInterval calls recently (last 30s or more)" }, "DOM_RANGE_DETACHED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "DOM: Ranges that are detached on destruction (bug 702948)" }, "GLOBALDOMSTORAGE_KEY_SIZE_BYTES": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "DOM storage: size of keys stored in globalStorage" }, "GLOBALDOMSTORAGE_VALUE_SIZE_BYTES": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "DOM storage: size of values stored in globalStorage" }, "LOCALDOMSTORAGE_KEY_SIZE_BYTES": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "DOM storage: size of keys stored in localStorage" }, "LOCALDOMSTORAGE_VALUE_SIZE_BYTES": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "DOM storage: size of values stored in localStorage" }, "SESSIONDOMSTORAGE_KEY_SIZE_BYTES": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "DOM storage: size of keys stored in sessionStorage" }, "SESSIONDOMSTORAGE_VALUE_SIZE_BYTES": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 1024, "high": "32768", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "DOM storage: size of values stored in sessionStorage" }, "RANGE_CHECKSUM_ERRORS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Number of histograms with range checksum errors" }, "BUCKET_ORDER_ERRORS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Number of histograms with bucket order errors" }, "TOTAL_COUNT_HIGH_ERRORS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Number of histograms with total count high errors" }, "TOTAL_COUNT_LOW_ERRORS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "3000", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Number of histograms with total count low errors" }, "TELEMETRY_TEST_FLAG": { "kind": "flag", "description": "a testing histogram; not meant to be touched" }, "STARTUP_CRASH_DETECTED": { "kind": "flag", "description": "Whether there was a crash during the last startup" }, "SAFE_MODE_USAGE": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 3, "description": "Whether the user is in safe mode (No, Yes, Forced)" }, "NEWTAB_PAGE_ENABLED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "New tab page is enabled." }, "NEWTAB_PAGE_PINNED_SITES_COUNT": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 9, "description": "Number of pinned sites on the new tab page." }, "NEWTAB_PAGE_BLOCKED_SITES_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 10, "description": "Number of sites blocked from the new tab page." }, "PANORAMA_INITIALIZATION_TIME_MS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 15, "description": "Time it takes to initialize Panorama (ms)" }, "PANORAMA_GROUPS_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "25", "n_buckets": 15, "description": "Number of groups in Panorama" }, "PANORAMA_STACKED_GROUPS_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "25", "n_buckets": 15, "description": "Number of stacked groups in Panorama" }, "PANORAMA_MEDIAN_TABS_IN_GROUPS_COUNT": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "100", "n_buckets": 15, "description": "Median of tabs in groups in Panorama" }, "BROWSERPROVIDER_XUL_IMPORT_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 20, "high": "600000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Time for the initial conversion of a XUL places database (ms)", "cpp_guard": "ANDROID" }, "BROWSERPROVIDER_XUL_IMPORT_BOOKMARKS": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "50000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Number of bookmarks in the original XUL places database", "cpp_guard": "ANDROID" }, "BROWSERPROVIDER_XUL_IMPORT_HISTORY": { "kind": "exponential", "high": "1000000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Number of history entries in the original XUL places database", "cpp_guard": "ANDROID" }, "FENNEC_AWESOMEBAR_ALLPAGES_EMPTY_TIME": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 10, "high": "20000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Fennec: Time for the Awesomebar Top Sites query to return with no filter set (ms)", "cpp_guard": "ANDROID" }, "FENNEC_STARTUP_TIME_JAVAUI": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 100, "high": "5000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Time for the Java UI to load (ms)", "cpp_guard": "ANDROID" }, "FENNEC_STARTUP_TIME_ABOUTHOME": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 100, "high": "10000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Time for the about:home page to be displayed (ms)", "cpp_guard": "ANDROID" }, "FENNEC_STARTUP_TIME_GECKOREADY": { "kind": "exponential", "low": 500, "high": "20000", "n_buckets": 20, "description": "Time for the Gecko:Ready message to arrive (ms)", "cpp_guard": "ANDROID" }, "FENNEC_STARTUP_GECKOAPP_ACTION": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 4, "description": "The way the GeckoApp was launched. (Normal, URL, Prefetch, Redirector)", "cpp_guard": "ANDROID" }, "OUT_OF_MEMORY_KILLED": { "kind": "flag", "description": "Killed due to an OOM condition", "cpp_guard": "ANDROID" }, "SECURITY_UI": { "kind": "enumerated", "n_values": 100, "description": "Security UI Telemetry" }, "SOCIAL_ENABLED_ON_SESSION": { "kind": "flag", "description": "Social has been enabled at least once on the current session" }, "SOCIAL_TOGGLED": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Social has been toggled to on or off" }, "ENABLE_PRIVILEGE_EVER_CALLED": { "kind": "flag", "description": "Whether enablePrivilege has ever been called during the current session" }, "READ_SAVED_PING_SUCCESS": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "Sucessful reading a saved ping file" }, "TOUCH_ENABLED_DEVICE": { "kind": "boolean", "description": "The device supports touch input", "cpp_guard": "XP_WIN" }, "COMPONENTS_OBJECT_ACCESSED_BY_CONTENT": { "kind": "flag", "description": "Whether content ever accesed the Components object in this session" } }