/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Constant flags that describe how a document is sandboxed according to the * HTML5 spec. */ #ifndef nsSandboxFlags_h___ #define nsSandboxFlags_h___ /** * This flag prevents content from navigating browsing contexts other than * itself, browsing contexts nested inside it, the top-level browsing context * and browsing contexts that it has opened. * As it is always on for sandboxed browsing contexts, it is used implicitly * within the code by checking that the overall flags are non-zero. * It is only uesd directly when the sandbox flags are initially set up. */ const unsigned long SANDBOXED_NAVIGATION = 0x1; /** * This flag prevents content from navigating their top-level browsing * context. */ const unsigned long SANDBOXED_TOPLEVEL_NAVIGATION = 0x2; /** * This flag prevents content from instantiating plugins, whether using the * embed element, the object element, the applet element, or through * navigation of a nested browsing context, unless those plugins can be * secured. */ const unsigned long SANDBOXED_PLUGINS = 0x4; /** * This flag forces content into a unique origin, thus preventing it from * accessing other content from the same origin. * This flag also prevents script from reading from or writing to the * document.cookie IDL attribute, and blocks access to localStorage. */ const unsigned long SANDBOXED_ORIGIN = 0x8; /** * This flag blocks form submission. */ const unsigned long SANDBOXED_FORMS = 0x10; /** * This flag blocks script execution. */ const unsigned long SANDBOXED_SCRIPTS = 0x20; /** * This flag blocks features that trigger automatically, such as * automatically playing a video or automatically focusing a form control. */ const unsigned long SANDBOXED_AUTOMATIC_FEATURES = 0x40; /** * This flag blocks the document from acquiring pointerlock. */ const unsigned long SANDBOXED_POINTER_LOCK = 0x80; /** * This flag blocks the document from changing document.domain. */ const unsigned long SANDBOXED_DOMAIN = 0x100; /** * This flag prevents content from creating new auxiliary browsing contexts, * e.g. using the target attribute, the window.open() method, or the * showModalDialog() method. */ const unsigned long SANDBOXED_AUXILIARY_NAVIGATION = 0x200; #endif