# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import argparse import re STUB_TEMPLATE = ''' typedef %(returnType)s (*%(functionName)s_t)(%(paramTypes)s); static %(functionName)s_t f_%(functionName)s; extern "C" NS_EXPORT %(returnType)s JNICALL %(functionName)s(%(parameterList)s) { if (!f_%(functionName)s) { arg0->ThrowNew(arg0->FindClass("java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException"), "JNI Function called before it was loaded"); return %(returnValue)s; } %(returnKeyword)s f_%(functionName)s(%(arguments)s); } ''' BINDING_TEMPLATE = ' xul_dlsym("%(functionName)s", &f_%(functionName)s);\n' class Generator: """ Class to convert a javah-produced JNI stub file into stubs/bindings files for inclusion into mozglue. """ def __init__(self, outputfile): self.outputfile = outputfile def write(self, guard, stuff): self.outputfile.write('#ifdef %s\n' % guard) self.outputfile.write(stuff) self.outputfile.write('#endif\n\n') def process(self, inputfile): self.outputfile.write('/* WARNING - This file is autogenerated by ' + 'mobile/android/base/jni-generator.py. ' + 'Do not edit manually! */\n') # this matches lines such as: # JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_mozilla_gecko_GeckoAppShell_onResume # and extracts the return type and the function name nameRegex = re.compile('''JNIEXPORT \s+ (?P\S+) \s+ JNICALL \s+ (?P\S+)''', re.VERBOSE) # this matches lines such as: # (JNIEnv *, jclass); # and extracts everything within the parens; this will be split # on commas to get the argument types. paramsRegex = re.compile('\((.*)\);') for line in inputfile: line = line.strip() match = re.match(nameRegex, line) if match: returnType = match.group('returnType') functionName = match.group('functionName') match = re.match(paramsRegex, line) if match: paramTypes = re.split('\s*,\s*', match.group(1)) paramNames = ['arg%d' % i for i in range(0, len(paramTypes))] if returnType == 'void': returnValue = '' elif returnType == 'jobject': returnValue = 'NULL' elif returnType in ('jint', 'jfloat', 'jdouble', 'jlong'): returnValue = '0' elif returnType == 'jboolean': returnValue = 'false' else: raise Exception(('Unsupported JNI return type %s found; ' + 'please update mobile/android/base/' + 'jni-generator.py to handle this case!') % returnType) self.write('JNI_STUBS', STUB_TEMPLATE % { 'returnType': returnType, 'functionName': functionName, 'paramTypes': ', '.join(paramTypes), 'parameterList': ', '.join('%s %s' % param for param in zip(paramTypes, paramNames)), 'arguments': ', '.join(paramNames), 'returnValue': returnValue, 'returnKeyword': 'return' if returnType != 'void' else ''}) self.write('JNI_BINDINGS', BINDING_TEMPLATE % { 'functionName': functionName}) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate mozglue bindings for JNI functions.') parser.add_argument('inputfile', type=argparse.FileType('r')) parser.add_argument('outputfile', type=argparse.FileType('w')) args = parser.parse_args() gen = Generator(args.outputfile) try: gen.process(args.inputfile) finally: args.outputfile.close() args.inputfile.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()