/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.gecko; import org.mozilla.gecko.util.ThreadUtils; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public final class ANRReporter extends BroadcastReceiver { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final String LOGTAG = "GeckoANRReporter"; private static final String ANR_ACTION = "android.intent.action.ANR"; // Number of lines to search traces.txt to decide whether it's a Gecko ANR private static final int LINES_TO_IDENTIFY_TRACES = 10; // ANRs may happen because of memory pressure, // so don't use up too much memory here // Size of buffer to hold one line of text private static final int TRACES_LINE_SIZE = 100; // Size of block to use when processing traces.txt private static final int TRACES_BLOCK_SIZE = 2000; // we use us-ascii here because when telemetry calculates checksum // for the ping file, it lossily converts utf-16 to ascii. therefore, // we have to treat characters in the traces file as ascii rather than // say utf-8. otherwise, we will get a wrong checksum private static final String TRACES_CHARSET = "us-ascii"; private static final String PING_CHARSET = "us-ascii"; private static final ANRReporter sInstance = new ANRReporter(); private static int sRegisteredCount; private Handler mHandler; private volatile boolean mPendingANR; public static void register(Context context) { if (sRegisteredCount++ != 0) { // Already registered return; } sInstance.start(context); } public static void unregister() { if (sRegisteredCount == 0) { Log.w(LOGTAG, "register/unregister mismatch"); return; } if (--sRegisteredCount != 0) { // Should still be registered return; } sInstance.stop(); } private void start(final Context context) { Thread receiverThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Looper.prepare(); synchronized (ANRReporter.this) { mHandler = new Handler(); ANRReporter.this.notify(); } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "registering receiver"); } context.registerReceiver(ANRReporter.this, new IntentFilter(ANR_ACTION), null, mHandler); Looper.loop(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "unregistering receiver"); } context.unregisterReceiver(ANRReporter.this); mHandler = null; } }, LOGTAG); receiverThread.setDaemon(true); receiverThread.start(); } private void stop() { synchronized (this) { while (mHandler == null) { try { wait(1000); if (mHandler == null) { // We timed out; just give up. The process is probably // quitting anyways, so we let the OS do the clean up Log.w(LOGTAG, "timed out waiting for handler"); return; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } Looper looper = mHandler.getLooper(); looper.quit(); try { looper.getThread().join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } private ANRReporter() { } // Return the "traces.txt" file, or null if there is no such file private static File getTracesFile() { try { // getprop [prop-name [default-value]] Process propProc = (new ProcessBuilder()) .command("/system/bin/getprop", "dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file") .redirectErrorStream(true) .start(); try { BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(propProc.getInputStream()), TRACES_LINE_SIZE); String propVal = buf.readLine(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "getprop returned " + String.valueOf(propVal)); } // getprop can return empty string when the prop value is empty // or prop is undefined, treat both cases the same way if (propVal != null && propVal.length() != 0) { File tracesFile = new File(propVal); if (tracesFile.isFile() && tracesFile.canRead()) { return tracesFile; } else if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "cannot access traces file"); } } else if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "empty getprop result"); } } finally { propProc.destroy(); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(LOGTAG, e); } // Check most common location one last time just in case File tracesFile = new File("/data/anr/traces.txt"); if (tracesFile.isFile() && tracesFile.canRead()) { return tracesFile; } return null; } private static File getPingFile() { if (GeckoAppShell.getContext() == null) { return null; } GeckoProfile profile = GeckoAppShell.getGeckoInterface().getProfile(); if (profile == null) { return null; } File profDir = profile.getDir(); if (profDir == null) { return null; } File pingDir = new File(profDir, "saved-telemetry-pings"); pingDir.mkdirs(); if (!(pingDir.exists() && pingDir.isDirectory())) { return null; } return new File(pingDir, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } // Return true if the traces file corresponds to a Gecko ANR private static boolean isGeckoTraces(String pkgName, File tracesFile) { try { final String END_OF_PACKAGE_NAME = "([^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$)"; // Regex for finding our package name in the traces file Pattern pkgPattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(pkgName) + END_OF_PACKAGE_NAME); Pattern mangledPattern = null; if (!AppConstants.MANGLED_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME.equals(pkgName)) { mangledPattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote( AppConstants.MANGLED_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME) + END_OF_PACKAGE_NAME); } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "trying to match package: " + pkgName); } BufferedReader traces = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(tracesFile), TRACES_BLOCK_SIZE); try { for (int count = 0; count < LINES_TO_IDENTIFY_TRACES; count++) { String line = traces.readLine(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "identifying line: " + String.valueOf(line)); } if (line == null) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "reached end of traces file"); } return false; } if (pkgPattern.matcher(line).find()) { // traces.txt file contains our package return true; } if (mangledPattern != null && mangledPattern.matcher(line).find()) { // traces.txt file contains our alternate package return true; } } } finally { traces.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // meh, can't even read from it right. just return false } return false; } private static long getUptimeMins() { long uptimeMins = (new File("/proc/self/stat")).lastModified(); if (uptimeMins != 0L) { uptimeMins = (System.currentTimeMillis() - uptimeMins) / 1000L / 60L; if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "uptime " + String.valueOf(uptimeMins)); } return uptimeMins; } else if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "could not get uptime"); } return 0L; } private static long getTotalMem() { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16 && GeckoAppShell.getContext() != null) { ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) GeckoAppShell.getContext().getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); ActivityManager.MemoryInfo mi = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo(); am.getMemoryInfo(mi); mi.totalMem /= 1024L * 1024L; if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "totalMem " + String.valueOf(mi.totalMem)); } return mi.totalMem; } else if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "totalMem unavailable"); } return 0L; } private static String getLocale() { // Having a different locale than system locale is not // supported right now; assume we are using the system locale return Locale.getDefault().toString().replace('_', '-'); } /* a saved telemetry ping file consists of JSON in the following format, { "slug": "", "payload": "", "checksum": "" } for Android ANR, our unescaped JSON payload should look like, { "ver": 1, "simpleMeasurements": { "uptime": }, "info": { "reason": "android-anr-report", "OS": "Android", ... }, "androidANR": "...", "androidLogcat": "..." } */ private static int writePingPayload(OutputStream ping, MessageDigest checksum, String payload) throws IOException { byte [] data = payload.getBytes(PING_CHARSET); checksum.update(data); data = JSONObject.quote(payload).getBytes(PING_CHARSET); // first and last bytes are quotes inserted by JSONObject.quote; discard them ping.write(data, 1, data.length - 2); return data.length - 2; } private static void fillPingHeader(OutputStream ping, MessageDigest checksum, String slug) throws IOException { // ping file header byte [] data = ("{" + "\"slug\":" + JSONObject.quote(slug) + "," + "\"payload\":\"").getBytes(PING_CHARSET); ping.write(data); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "wrote ping header, size = " + String.valueOf(data.length)); } // payload start int size = writePingPayload(ping, checksum, ("{" + "\"ver\":1," + "\"simpleMeasurements\":{" + "\"uptime\":" + String.valueOf(getUptimeMins()) + "}," + "\"info\":{" + "\"reason\":\"android-anr-report\"," + "\"OS\":" + JSONObject.quote(AppConstants.OS_TARGET) + "," + "\"version\":\"" + String.valueOf(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT) + "\"," + "\"appID\":" + JSONObject.quote(AppConstants.MOZ_APP_ID) + "," + "\"appVersion\":" + JSONObject.quote(AppConstants.MOZ_APP_VERSION)+ "," + "\"appName\":" + JSONObject.quote(AppConstants.MOZ_APP_BASENAME) + "," + "\"appBuildID\":" + JSONObject.quote(AppConstants.MOZ_APP_BUILDID) + "," + "\"appUpdateChannel\":" + JSONObject.quote(AppConstants.MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL) + "," + // Technically the platform build ID may be different, but we'll never know "\"platformBuildID\":" + JSONObject.quote(AppConstants.MOZ_APP_BUILDID) + "," + "\"locale\":" + JSONObject.quote(getLocale()) + "," + "\"cpucount\":" + String.valueOf(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()) + "," + "\"memsize\":" + String.valueOf(getTotalMem()) + "," + "\"arch\":" + JSONObject.quote(System.getProperty("os.arch")) + "," + "\"kernel_version\":" + JSONObject.quote(System.getProperty("os.version")) + "," + "\"device\":" + JSONObject.quote(Build.MODEL) + "," + "\"manufacturer\":" + JSONObject.quote(Build.MANUFACTURER) + "," + "\"hardware\":" + JSONObject.quote(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 8 ? "" : Build.HARDWARE) + "}," + "\"androidANR\":\"")); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "wrote metadata, size = " + String.valueOf(size)); } // We are at the start of ANR data } // Block is a section of the larger input stream, and we want to find pattern within // the stream. This is straightforward if the entire pattern is within one block; // however, if the pattern spans across two blocks, we have to match both the start of // the pattern in the first block and the end of the pattern in the second block. // * If pattern is found in block, this method returns the index at the end of the // found pattern, which must always be > 0. // * If pattern is not found, it returns 0. // * If the start of the pattern matches the end of the block, it returns a number // < 0, which equals the negated value of how many characters in pattern are already // matched; when processing the next block, this number is passed in through // prevIndex, and the rest of the characters in pattern are matched against the // start of this second block. The method returns value > 0 if the rest of the // characters match, or 0 if they do not. private static int getEndPatternIndex(String block, String pattern, int prevIndex) { if (pattern == null || block.length() < pattern.length()) { // Nothing to do return 0; } if (prevIndex < 0) { // Last block ended with a partial start; now match start of block to rest of pattern if (block.startsWith(pattern.substring(-prevIndex, pattern.length()))) { // Rest of pattern matches; return index at end of pattern return pattern.length() + prevIndex; } // Not a match; continue with normal search } // Did not find pattern in last block; see if entire pattern is inside this block int index = block.indexOf(pattern); if (index >= 0) { // Found pattern; return index at end of the pattern return index + pattern.length(); } // Block does not contain the entire pattern, but see if the end of the block // contains the start of pattern. To do that, we see if block ends with the // first n-1 characters of pattern, the first n-2 characters of pattern, etc. for (index = block.length() - pattern.length() + 1; index < block.length(); index++) { // Using index as a start, see if the rest of block contains the start of pattern if (block.charAt(index) == pattern.charAt(0) && block.endsWith(pattern.substring(0, block.length() - index))) { // Found partial match; return -(number of characters matched), // i.e. -1 for 1 character matched, -2 for 2 characters matched, etc. return index - block.length(); } } return 0; } // Copy the content of reader to ping and update checksum; // copying stops when endPattern is found in the input stream private static int fillPingBlock(OutputStream ping, MessageDigest checksum, Reader reader, String endPattern) throws IOException { int total = 0; int endIndex = 0; char [] block = new char[TRACES_BLOCK_SIZE]; for (int size = reader.read(block); size >= 0; size = reader.read(block)) { String stringBlock = new String(block, 0, size); endIndex = getEndPatternIndex(stringBlock, endPattern, endIndex); if (endIndex > 0) { // Found end pattern; clip the string stringBlock = stringBlock.substring(0, endIndex); } String quoted = JSONObject.quote(stringBlock); total += writePingPayload(ping, checksum, quoted.substring(1, quoted.length() - 1)); if (endIndex > 0) { // End pattern already found; return now break; } } return total; } private static void fillPingFooter(OutputStream ping, MessageDigest checksum) throws IOException { // We are at the end of ANR data int total = writePingPayload(ping, checksum, ("\"," + "\"androidLogcat\":\"")); try { // get the last 200 lines of logcat Process proc = (new ProcessBuilder()) .command("/system/bin/logcat", "-v", "threadtime", "-t", "200", "-d", "*:D") .redirectErrorStream(true) .start(); try { Reader procOut = new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream(), TRACES_CHARSET); int size = fillPingBlock(ping, checksum, procOut, null); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "wrote logcat, size = " + String.valueOf(size)); } } finally { proc.destroy(); } } catch (IOException e) { // ignore because logcat is not essential Log.w(LOGTAG, e); } total += writePingPayload(ping, checksum, "\"}"); String base64Checksum = Base64.encodeToString(checksum.digest(), Base64.NO_WRAP); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "checksum: " + base64Checksum); } byte [] data = ( "\"," + "\"checksum\":" + JSONObject.quote(base64Checksum) + "}").getBytes(PING_CHARSET); ping.write(data); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "wrote ping footer, size = " + String.valueOf(data.length + total)); } } private static void processTraces(Reader traces, File pingFile) { try { OutputStream ping = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(pingFile), TRACES_BLOCK_SIZE); try { MessageDigest checksum = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); fillPingHeader(ping, checksum, pingFile.getName()); // Traces file has the format // ----- pid xxx at xxx ----- // Cmd line: org.mozilla.xxx // * stack trace * // ----- end xxx ----- // ----- pid xxx at xxx ----- // Cmd line: com.android.xxx // * stack trace * // ... // If we end the stack dump at the first end marker, // only Fennec stacks will be dumped int size = fillPingBlock(ping, checksum, traces, "\n----- end"); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "wrote traces, size = " + String.valueOf(size)); } fillPingFooter(ping, checksum); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "finished creating ping file"); } return; } finally { ping.close(); } } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { Log.w(LOGTAG, e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(LOGTAG, e); } // exception; delete ping file if (pingFile.exists()) { pingFile.delete(); } } private static void processTraces(File tracesFile, File pingFile) { try { Reader traces = new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream(tracesFile), TRACES_CHARSET); try { processTraces(traces, pingFile); } finally { traces.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(LOGTAG, e); } } @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (mPendingANR) { // we already processed an ANR without getting unstuck; skip this one if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "skipping duplicate ANR"); } return; } if (ThreadUtils.getUiHandler() != null) { mPendingANR = true; // detect when the main thread gets unstuck ThreadUtils.postToUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // okay to reset mPendingANR on main thread mPendingANR = false; if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "yay we got unstuck!"); } } }); } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "receiving " + String.valueOf(intent)); } if (!ANR_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())) { return; } // make sure we have a good save location first File pingFile = getPingFile(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "using ping file: " + String.valueOf(pingFile)); } if (pingFile == null) { return; } File tracesFile = getTracesFile(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "using traces file: " + String.valueOf(tracesFile)); } if (tracesFile == null) { return; } // We get ANR intents from all ANRs in the system, but we only want Gecko ANRs if (!isGeckoTraces(context.getPackageName(), tracesFile)) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "traces is not Gecko ANR"); } return; } Log.i(LOGTAG, "processing Gecko ANR"); processTraces(tracesFile, pingFile); } }