/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome"); const promise = require("sdk/core/promise"); let {CssLogic} = require("devtools/styleinspector/css-logic"); let {InplaceEditor, editableField, editableItem} = require("devtools/shared/inplace-editor"); let {ELEMENT_STYLE, PSEUDO_ELEMENTS} = require("devtools/server/actors/styles"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; const XUL_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; /** * These regular expressions are adapted from firebug's css.js, and are * used to parse CSSStyleDeclaration's cssText attribute. */ // Used to split on css line separators const CSS_LINE_RE = /(?:[^;\(]*(?:\([^\)]*?\))?[^;\(]*)*;?/g; // Used to parse a single property line. const CSS_PROP_RE = /\s*([^:\s]*)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*(?:! (important))?;?$/; // Used to parse an external resource from a property value const CSS_RESOURCE_RE = /url\([\'\"]?(.*?)[\'\"]?\)/; const IOService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIIOService); function promiseWarn(err) { console.error(err); return promise.reject(err); } /** * To figure out how shorthand properties are interpreted by the * engine, we will set properties on a dummy element and observe * how their .style attribute reflects them as computed values. * This function creates the document in which those dummy elements * will be created. */ var gDummyPromise; function createDummyDocument() { if (gDummyPromise) { return gDummyPromise; } const { getDocShell, create: makeFrame } = require("sdk/frame/utils"); let frame = makeFrame(Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.document, { nodeName: "iframe", namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", allowJavascript: false, allowPlugins: false, allowAuth: false }); let docShell = getDocShell(frame); let eventTarget = docShell.chromeEventHandler; docShell.createAboutBlankContentViewer(Cc["@mozilla.org/nullprincipal;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIPrincipal)); let window = docShell.contentViewer.DOMDocument.defaultView; window.location = "data:text/html,"; let deferred = promise.defer() eventTarget.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function handler(event) { eventTarget.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handler, false); deferred.resolve(window.document); }, false); gDummyPromise = deferred.promise; return gDummyPromise; } /** * Our model looks like this: * * ElementStyle: * Responsible for keeping track of which properties are overridden. * Maintains a list of Rule objects that apply to the element. * Rule: * Manages a single style declaration or rule. * Responsible for applying changes to the properties in a rule. * Maintains a list of TextProperty objects. * TextProperty: * Manages a single property from the cssText attribute of the * relevant declaration. * Maintains a list of computed properties that come from this * property declaration. * Changes to the TextProperty are sent to its related Rule for * application. */ /** * ElementStyle maintains a list of Rule objects for a given element. * * @param {Element} aElement * The element whose style we are viewing. * @param {object} aStore * The ElementStyle can use this object to store metadata * that might outlast the rule view, particularly the current * set of disabled properties. * @param {PageStyleFront} aPageStyle * Front for the page style actor that will be providing * the style information. * * @constructor */ function ElementStyle(aElement, aStore, aPageStyle) { this.element = aElement; this.store = aStore || {}; this.pageStyle = aPageStyle; // We don't want to overwrite this.store.userProperties so we only create it // if it doesn't already exist. if (!("userProperties" in this.store)) { this.store.userProperties = new UserProperties(); } if (!("disabled" in this.store)) { this.store.disabled = new WeakMap(); } let doc = aElement.ownerDocument; // To figure out how shorthand properties are interpreted by the // engine, we will set properties on a dummy element and observe // how their .style attribute reflects them as computed values. this.dummyElementPromise = createDummyDocument().then(document => { this.dummyElement = document.createElementNS(this.element.namespaceURI, this.element.tagName); document.documentElement.appendChild(this.dummyElement); return this.dummyElement; }).then(null, promiseWarn); } // We're exporting _ElementStyle for unit tests. exports._ElementStyle = ElementStyle; ElementStyle.prototype = { // The element we're looking at. element: null, // Empty, unconnected element of the same type as this node, used // to figure out how shorthand properties will be parsed. dummyElement: null, destroy: function() { this.dummyElement = null; this.dummyElementPromise.then(dummyElement => { if (dummyElement.parentNode) { dummyElement.parentNode.removeChild(dummyElement); } this.dummyElementPromise = null; }); }, /** * Called by the Rule object when it has been changed through the * setProperty* methods. */ _changed: function ElementStyle_changed() { if (this.onChanged) { this.onChanged(); } }, /** * Refresh the list of rules to be displayed for the active element. * Upon completion, this.rules[] will hold a list of Rule objects. * * Returns a promise that will be resolved when the elementStyle is * ready. */ populate: function ElementStyle_populate() { let populated = this.pageStyle.getApplied(this.element, { inherited: true, matchedSelectors: true }).then(entries => { // Make sure the dummy element has been created before continuing... return this.dummyElementPromise.then(() => { if (this.populated != populated) { // Don't care anymore. return promise.reject("unused"); } // Store the current list of rules (if any) during the population // process. They will be reused if possible. this._refreshRules = this.rules; this.rules = []; for (let entry of entries) { this._maybeAddRule(entry); } // Mark overridden computed styles. this.markOverriddenAll(); this._sortRulesForPseudoElement(); // We're done with the previous list of rules. delete this._refreshRules; return null; }); }).then(null, promiseWarn); this.populated = populated; return this.populated; }, /** * Put pseudo elements in front of others. */ _sortRulesForPseudoElement: function ElementStyle_sortRulesForPseudoElement() { this.rules = this.rules.sort((a, b) => { return (a.pseudoElement || "z") > (b.pseudoElement || "z"); }); }, /** * Add a rule if it's one we care about. Filters out duplicates and * inherited styles with no inherited properties. * * @param {object} aOptions * Options for creating the Rule, see the Rule constructor. * * @return {bool} true if we added the rule. */ _maybeAddRule: function ElementStyle_maybeAddRule(aOptions) { // If we've already included this domRule (for example, when a // common selector is inherited), ignore it. if (aOptions.rule && this.rules.some(function(rule) rule.domRule === aOptions.rule)) { return false; } if (aOptions.system) { return false; } let rule = null; // If we're refreshing and the rule previously existed, reuse the // Rule object. if (this._refreshRules) { for (let r of this._refreshRules) { if (r.matches(aOptions)) { rule = r; rule.refresh(aOptions); break; } } } // If this is a new rule, create its Rule object. if (!rule) { rule = new Rule(this, aOptions); } // Ignore inherited rules with no properties. if (aOptions.inherited && rule.textProps.length == 0) { return false; } this.rules.push(rule); return true; }, /** * Calls markOverridden with all supported pseudo elements */ markOverriddenAll: function ElementStyle_markOverriddenAll() { this.markOverridden(); for (let pseudo of PSEUDO_ELEMENTS) { this.markOverridden(pseudo); } }, /** * Mark the properties listed in this.rules for a given pseudo element * with an overridden flag if an earlier property overrides it. * @param {string} pseudo * Which pseudo element to flag as overridden. * Empty string or undefined will default to no pseudo element. */ markOverridden: function ElementStyle_markOverridden(pseudo="") { // Gather all the text properties applied by these rules, ordered // from more- to less-specific. let textProps = []; for (let rule of this.rules) { if (rule.pseudoElement == pseudo) { textProps = textProps.concat(rule.textProps.slice(0).reverse()); } } // Gather all the computed properties applied by those text // properties. let computedProps = []; for (let textProp of textProps) { computedProps = computedProps.concat(textProp.computed); } // Walk over the computed properties. As we see a property name // for the first time, mark that property's name as taken by this // property. // // If we come across a property whose name is already taken, check // its priority against the property that was found first: // // If the new property is a higher priority, mark the old // property overridden and mark the property name as taken by // the new property. // // If the new property is a lower or equal priority, mark it as // overridden. // // _overriddenDirty will be set on each prop, indicating whether its // dirty status changed during this pass. let taken = {}; for (let computedProp of computedProps) { let earlier = taken[computedProp.name]; let overridden; if (earlier && computedProp.priority === "important" && earlier.priority !== "important") { // New property is higher priority. Mark the earlier property // overridden (which will reverse its dirty state). earlier._overriddenDirty = !earlier._overriddenDirty; earlier.overridden = true; overridden = false; } else { overridden = !!earlier; } computedProp._overriddenDirty = (!!computedProp.overridden != overridden); computedProp.overridden = overridden; if (!computedProp.overridden && computedProp.textProp.enabled) { taken[computedProp.name] = computedProp; } } // For each TextProperty, mark it overridden if all of its // computed properties are marked overridden. Update the text // property's associated editor, if any. This will clear the // _overriddenDirty state on all computed properties. for (let textProp of textProps) { // _updatePropertyOverridden will return true if the // overridden state has changed for the text property. if (this._updatePropertyOverridden(textProp)) { textProp.updateEditor(); } } }, /** * Mark a given TextProperty as overridden or not depending on the * state of its computed properties. Clears the _overriddenDirty state * on all computed properties. * * @param {TextProperty} aProp * The text property to update. * * @return {bool} true if the TextProperty's overridden state (or any of its * computed properties overridden state) changed. */ _updatePropertyOverridden: function ElementStyle_updatePropertyOverridden(aProp) { let overridden = true; let dirty = false; for each (let computedProp in aProp.computed) { if (!computedProp.overridden) { overridden = false; } dirty = computedProp._overriddenDirty || dirty; delete computedProp._overriddenDirty; } dirty = (!!aProp.overridden != overridden) || dirty; aProp.overridden = overridden; return dirty; } }; /** * A single style rule or declaration. * * @param {ElementStyle} aElementStyle * The ElementStyle to which this rule belongs. * @param {object} aOptions * The information used to construct this rule. Properties include: * rule: A StyleRuleActor * inherited: An element this rule was inherited from. If omitted, * the rule applies directly to the current element. * @constructor */ function Rule(aElementStyle, aOptions) { this.elementStyle = aElementStyle; this.domRule = aOptions.rule || null; this.style = aOptions.rule; this.matchedSelectors = aOptions.matchedSelectors || []; this.pseudoElement = aOptions.pseudoElement || ""; this.inherited = aOptions.inherited || null; this._modificationDepth = 0; if (this.domRule) { let parentRule = this.domRule.parentRule; if (parentRule && parentRule.type == Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule.MEDIA_RULE) { this.mediaText = parentRule.mediaText; } } // Populate the text properties with the style's current cssText // value, and add in any disabled properties from the store. this.textProps = this._getTextProperties(); this.textProps = this.textProps.concat(this._getDisabledProperties()); } Rule.prototype = { mediaText: "", get title() { if (this._title) { return this._title; } this._title = CssLogic.shortSource(this.sheet); if (this.domRule.type !== ELEMENT_STYLE) { this._title += ":" + this.ruleLine; } this._title = this._title + (this.mediaText ? " @media " + this.mediaText : ""); return this._title; }, get inheritedSource() { if (this._inheritedSource) { return this._inheritedSource; } this._inheritedSource = ""; if (this.inherited) { let eltText = this.inherited.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (this.inherited.id) { eltText += "#" + this.inherited.id; } this._inheritedSource = CssLogic._strings.formatStringFromName("rule.inheritedFrom", [eltText], 1); } return this._inheritedSource; }, get selectorText() { return this.domRule.selectors ? this.domRule.selectors.join(", ") : CssLogic.l10n("rule.sourceElement"); }, /** * The rule's stylesheet. */ get sheet() { return this.domRule ? this.domRule.parentStyleSheet : null; }, /** * The rule's line within a stylesheet */ get ruleLine() { return this.domRule ? this.domRule.line : null; }, /** * Returns true if the rule matches the creation options * specified. * * @param {object} aOptions * Creation options. See the Rule constructor for documentation. */ matches: function Rule_matches(aOptions) { return this.style === aOptions.rule; }, /** * Create a new TextProperty to include in the rule. * * @param {string} aName * The text property name (such as "background" or "border-top"). * @param {string} aValue * The property's value (not including priority). * @param {string} aPriority * The property's priority (either "important" or an empty string). */ createProperty: function Rule_createProperty(aName, aValue, aPriority) { let prop = new TextProperty(this, aName, aValue, aPriority); this.textProps.push(prop); this.applyProperties(); return prop; }, /** * Reapply all the properties in this rule, and update their * computed styles. Store disabled properties in the element * style's store. Will re-mark overridden properties. * * @param {string} [aName] * A text property name (such as "background" or "border-top") used * when calling from setPropertyValue & setPropertyName to signify * that the property should be saved in store.userProperties. */ applyProperties: function Rule_applyProperties(aModifications, aName) { if (!aModifications) { aModifications = this.style.startModifyingProperties(); } let disabledProps = []; let store = this.elementStyle.store; for (let prop of this.textProps) { if (!prop.enabled) { disabledProps.push({ name: prop.name, value: prop.value, priority: prop.priority }); continue; } aModifications.setProperty(prop.name, prop.value, prop.priority); prop.updateComputed(); } // Store disabled properties in the disabled store. let disabled = this.elementStyle.store.disabled; if (disabledProps.length > 0) { disabled.set(this.style, disabledProps); } else { disabled.delete(this.style); } let promise = aModifications.apply().then(() => { let cssProps = {}; for (let cssProp of this._parseCSSText(this.style.cssText)) { cssProps[cssProp.name] = cssProp; } for (let textProp of this.textProps) { if (!textProp.enabled) { continue; } let cssProp = cssProps[textProp.name]; if (!cssProp) { cssProp = { name: textProp.name, value: "", priority: "" } } if (aName && textProp.name == aName) { store.userProperties.setProperty( this.style, textProp.name, null, cssProp.value, textProp.value); } textProp.priority = cssProp.priority; } this.elementStyle.markOverriddenAll(); if (promise === this._applyingModifications) { this._applyingModifications = null; } this.elementStyle._changed(); }).then(null, promiseWarn); this._applyingModifications = promise; return promise; }, /** * Renames a property. * * @param {TextProperty} aProperty * The property to rename. * @param {string} aName * The new property name (such as "background" or "border-top"). */ setPropertyName: function Rule_setPropertyName(aProperty, aName) { if (aName === aProperty.name) { return; } let modifications = this.style.startModifyingProperties(); modifications.removeProperty(aProperty.name); aProperty.name = aName; this.applyProperties(modifications, aName); }, /** * Sets the value and priority of a property. * * @param {TextProperty} aProperty * The property to manipulate. * @param {string} aValue * The property's value (not including priority). * @param {string} aPriority * The property's priority (either "important" or an empty string). */ setPropertyValue: function Rule_setPropertyValue(aProperty, aValue, aPriority) { if (aValue === aProperty.value && aPriority === aProperty.priority) { return; } aProperty.value = aValue; aProperty.priority = aPriority; this.applyProperties(null, aProperty.name); }, /** * Disables or enables given TextProperty. */ setPropertyEnabled: function Rule_enableProperty(aProperty, aValue) { aProperty.enabled = !!aValue; let modifications = this.style.startModifyingProperties(); if (!aProperty.enabled) { modifications.removeProperty(aProperty.name); } this.applyProperties(modifications); }, /** * Remove a given TextProperty from the rule and update the rule * accordingly. */ removeProperty: function Rule_removeProperty(aProperty) { this.textProps = this.textProps.filter(function(prop) prop != aProperty); let modifications = this.style.startModifyingProperties(); modifications.removeProperty(aProperty.name); // Need to re-apply properties in case removing this TextProperty // exposes another one. this.applyProperties(modifications); }, _parseCSSText: function Rule_parseProperties(aCssText) { let lines = aCssText.match(CSS_LINE_RE); let props = []; for (let line of lines) { let [, name, value, priority] = CSS_PROP_RE.exec(line) || [] if (!name || !value) { continue; } props.push({ name: name, value: value, priority: priority || "" }); } return props; }, /** * Get the list of TextProperties from the style. Needs * to parse the style's cssText. */ _getTextProperties: function Rule_getTextProperties() { let textProps = []; let store = this.elementStyle.store; let props = this._parseCSSText(this.style.cssText); for (let prop of props) { let name = prop.name; if (this.inherited && !domUtils.isInheritedProperty(name)) { continue; } let value = store.userProperties.getProperty(this.style, name, prop.value); let textProp = new TextProperty(this, name, value, prop.priority); textProps.push(textProp); } return textProps; }, /** * Return the list of disabled properties from the store for this rule. */ _getDisabledProperties: function Rule_getDisabledProperties() { let store = this.elementStyle.store; // Include properties from the disabled property store, if any. let disabledProps = store.disabled.get(this.style); if (!disabledProps) { return []; } let textProps = []; for each (let prop in disabledProps) { let value = store.userProperties.getProperty(this.style, prop.name, prop.value); let textProp = new TextProperty(this, prop.name, value, prop.priority); textProp.enabled = false; textProps.push(textProp); } return textProps; }, /** * Reread the current state of the rules and rebuild text * properties as needed. */ refresh: function Rule_refresh(aOptions) { this.matchedSelectors = aOptions.matchedSelectors || []; let newTextProps = this._getTextProperties(); // Update current properties for each property present on the style. // This will mark any touched properties with _visited so we // can detect properties that weren't touched (because they were // removed from the style). // Also keep track of properties that didn't exist in the current set // of properties. let brandNewProps = []; for (let newProp of newTextProps) { if (!this._updateTextProperty(newProp)) { brandNewProps.push(newProp); } } // Refresh editors and disabled state for all the properties that // were updated. for (let prop of this.textProps) { // Properties that weren't touched during the update // process must no longer exist on the node. Mark them disabled. if (!prop._visited) { prop.enabled = false; prop.updateEditor(); } else { delete prop._visited; } } // Add brand new properties. this.textProps = this.textProps.concat(brandNewProps); // Refresh the editor if one already exists. if (this.editor) { this.editor.populate(); } }, /** * Update the current TextProperties that match a given property * from the cssText. Will choose one existing TextProperty to update * with the new property's value, and will disable all others. * * When choosing the best match to reuse, properties will be chosen * by assigning a rank and choosing the highest-ranked property: * Name, value, and priority match, enabled. (6) * Name, value, and priority match, disabled. (5) * Name and value match, enabled. (4) * Name and value match, disabled. (3) * Name matches, enabled. (2) * Name matches, disabled. (1) * * If no existing properties match the property, nothing happens. * * @param {TextProperty} aNewProp * The current version of the property, as parsed from the * cssText in Rule._getTextProperties(). * * @return {bool} true if a property was updated, false if no properties * were updated. */ _updateTextProperty: function Rule__updateTextProperty(aNewProp) { let match = { rank: 0, prop: null }; for each (let prop in this.textProps) { if (prop.name != aNewProp.name) continue; // Mark this property visited. prop._visited = true; // Start at rank 1 for matching name. let rank = 1; // Value and Priority matches add 2 to the rank. // Being enabled adds 1. This ranks better matches higher, // with priority breaking ties. if (prop.value === aNewProp.value) { rank += 2; if (prop.priority === aNewProp.priority) { rank += 2; } } if (prop.enabled) { rank += 1; } if (rank > match.rank) { if (match.prop) { // We outrank a previous match, disable it. match.prop.enabled = false; match.prop.updateEditor(); } match.rank = rank; match.prop = prop; } else if (rank) { // A previous match outranks us, disable ourself. prop.enabled = false; prop.updateEditor(); } } // If we found a match, update its value with the new text property // value. if (match.prop) { match.prop.set(aNewProp); return true; } return false; }, }; /** * A single property in a rule's cssText. * * @param {Rule} aRule * The rule this TextProperty came from. * @param {string} aName * The text property name (such as "background" or "border-top"). * @param {string} aValue * The property's value (not including priority). * @param {string} aPriority * The property's priority (either "important" or an empty string). * */ function TextProperty(aRule, aName, aValue, aPriority) { this.rule = aRule; this.name = aName; this.value = aValue; this.priority = aPriority; this.enabled = true; this.updateComputed(); } TextProperty.prototype = { /** * Update the editor associated with this text property, * if any. */ updateEditor: function TextProperty_updateEditor() { if (this.editor) { this.editor.update(); } }, /** * Update the list of computed properties for this text property. */ updateComputed: function TextProperty_updateComputed() { if (!this.name) { return; } // This is a bit funky. To get the list of computed properties // for this text property, we'll set the property on a dummy element // and see what the computed style looks like. let dummyElement = this.rule.elementStyle.dummyElement; let dummyStyle = dummyElement.style; dummyStyle.cssText = ""; dummyStyle.setProperty(this.name, this.value, this.priority); this.computed = []; for (let i = 0, n = dummyStyle.length; i < n; i++) { let prop = dummyStyle.item(i); this.computed.push({ textProp: this, name: prop, value: dummyStyle.getPropertyValue(prop), priority: dummyStyle.getPropertyPriority(prop), }); } }, /** * Set all the values from another TextProperty instance into * this TextProperty instance. * * @param {TextProperty} aOther * The other TextProperty instance. */ set: function TextProperty_set(aOther) { let changed = false; for (let item of ["name", "value", "priority", "enabled"]) { if (this[item] != aOther[item]) { this[item] = aOther[item]; changed = true; } } if (changed) { this.updateEditor(); } }, setValue: function TextProperty_setValue(aValue, aPriority) { this.rule.setPropertyValue(this, aValue, aPriority); this.updateEditor(); }, setName: function TextProperty_setName(aName) { this.rule.setPropertyName(this, aName); this.updateEditor(); }, setEnabled: function TextProperty_setEnabled(aValue) { this.rule.setPropertyEnabled(this, aValue); this.updateEditor(); }, remove: function TextProperty_remove() { this.rule.removeProperty(this); } }; /** * View hierarchy mostly follows the model hierarchy. * * CssRuleView: * Owns an ElementStyle and creates a list of RuleEditors for its * Rules. * RuleEditor: * Owns a Rule object and creates a list of TextPropertyEditors * for its TextProperties. * Manages creation of new text properties. * TextPropertyEditor: * Owns a TextProperty object. * Manages changes to the TextProperty. * Can be expanded to display computed properties. * Can mark a property disabled or enabled. */ /** * CssRuleView is a view of the style rules and declarations that * apply to a given element. After construction, the 'element' * property will be available with the user interface. * * @param {Document} aDoc * The document that will contain the rule view. * @param {object} aStore * The CSS rule view can use this object to store metadata * that might outlast the rule view, particularly the current * set of disabled properties. * @param {PageStyleFront} aPageStyle * The PageStyleFront for communicating with the remote server. * @constructor */ function CssRuleView(aDoc, aStore, aPageStyle) { this.doc = aDoc; this.store = aStore; this.pageStyle = aPageStyle; this.element = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); this.element.className = "ruleview devtools-monospace"; this.element.flex = 1; this._boundCopy = this._onCopy.bind(this); this.element.addEventListener("copy", this._boundCopy); let options = { fixedWidth: true, autoSelect: true, theme: "auto" }; this.popup = new AutocompletePopup(aDoc.defaultView.parent.document, options); this._showEmpty(); } exports.CssRuleView = CssRuleView; CssRuleView.prototype = { // The element that we're inspecting. _viewedElement: null, setPageStyle: function(aPageStyle) { this.pageStyle = aPageStyle; }, /** * Return {bool} true if the rule view currently has an input editor visible. */ get isEditing() { return this.element.querySelectorAll(".styleinspector-propertyeditor").length > 0; }, destroy: function CssRuleView_destroy() { this.clear(); this.element.removeEventListener("copy", this._boundCopy); delete this._boundCopy; if (this.element.parentNode) { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); } this.elementStyle.destroy(); this.popup.destroy(); }, /** * Update the highlighted element. * * @param {nsIDOMElement} aElement * The node whose style rules we'll inspect. */ highlight: function CssRuleView_highlight(aElement) { if (this._viewedElement === aElement) { return promise.resolve(undefined); } this.clear(); if (this._elementStyle) { delete this._elementStyle; } this._viewedElement = aElement; if (!this._viewedElement) { this._showEmpty(); return promise.resolve(undefined); } this._elementStyle = new ElementStyle(aElement, this.store, this.pageStyle); return this._populate().then(() => { this._elementStyle.onChanged = () => { this._changed(); }; }).then(null, console.error); }, /** * Update the rules for the currently highlighted element. */ nodeChanged: function CssRuleView_nodeChanged() { // Ignore refreshes during editing or when no element is selected. if (this.isEditing || !this._elementStyle) { return promise.resolve(null); } this._clearRules(); // Repopulate the element style. return this._populate(); }, _populate: function() { let elementStyle = this._elementStyle; return this._elementStyle.populate().then(() => { if (this._elementStyle != elementStyle) { return promise.reject("element changed"); } this._createEditors(); // Notify anyone that cares that we refreshed. var evt = this.doc.createEvent("Events"); evt.initEvent("CssRuleViewRefreshed", true, false); this.element.dispatchEvent(evt); return undefined; }).then(null, promiseWarn); }, /** * Show the user that the rule view has no node selected. */ _showEmpty: function CssRuleView_showEmpty() { if (this.doc.getElementById("noResults") > 0) { return; } createChild(this.element, "div", { id: "noResults", textContent: CssLogic.l10n("rule.empty") }); }, /** * Clear the rules. */ _clearRules: function CssRuleView_clearRules() { while (this.element.hasChildNodes()) { this.element.removeChild(this.element.lastChild); } }, /** * Clear the rule view. */ clear: function CssRuleView_clear() { this._clearRules(); this._viewedElement = null; this._elementStyle = null; }, /** * Called when the user has made changes to the ElementStyle. * Emits an event that clients can listen to. */ _changed: function CssRuleView_changed() { var evt = this.doc.createEvent("Events"); evt.initEvent("CssRuleViewChanged", true, false); this.element.dispatchEvent(evt); }, /** * Text for header that shows above rules for this element */ get selectedElementLabel () { if (this._selectedElementLabel) { return this._selectedElementLabel; } this._selectedElementLabel = CssLogic.l10n("rule.selectedElement"); return this._selectedElementLabel; }, /** * Text for header that shows above rules for pseudo elements */ get pseudoElementLabel () { if (this._pseudoElementLabel) { return this._pseudoElementLabel; } this._pseudoElementLabel = CssLogic.l10n("rule.pseudoElement"); return this._pseudoElementLabel; }, togglePseudoElementVisibility: function(value) { this._showPseudoElements = !!value; let isOpen = this.showPseudoElements; Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.inspector.show_pseudo_elements", isOpen); this.element.classList.toggle("show-pseudo-elements", isOpen); if (this.pseudoElementTwisty) { if (isOpen) { this.pseudoElementTwisty.setAttribute("open", "true"); } else { this.pseudoElementTwisty.removeAttribute("open"); } } }, get showPseudoElements () { if (this._showPseudoElements === undefined) { this._showPseudoElements = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.inspector.show_pseudo_elements"); } return this._showPseudoElements; }, /** * Creates editor UI for each of the rules in _elementStyle. */ _createEditors: function CssRuleView_createEditors() { // Run through the current list of rules, attaching // their editors in order. Create editors if needed. let lastInheritedSource = ""; let seenPseudoElement = false; let seenNormalElement = false; for (let rule of this._elementStyle.rules) { if (rule.domRule.system) { continue; } // Only print header for this element if there are pseudo elements if (seenPseudoElement && !seenNormalElement && !rule.pseudoElement) { seenNormalElement = true; let div = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); div.className = "theme-gutter ruleview-header"; div.textContent = this.selectedElementLabel; this.element.appendChild(div); } let inheritedSource = rule.inheritedSource; if (inheritedSource != lastInheritedSource) { let div = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); div.className = "theme-gutter ruleview-header"; div.textContent = inheritedSource; lastInheritedSource = inheritedSource; this.element.appendChild(div); } if (!seenPseudoElement && rule.pseudoElement) { seenPseudoElement = true; let div = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); div.className = "theme-gutter ruleview-header"; div.textContent = this.pseudoElementLabel; let twisty = this.pseudoElementTwisty = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "span"); twisty.className = "ruleview-expander theme-twisty"; twisty.addEventListener("click", () => { this.togglePseudoElementVisibility(!this.showPseudoElements); }, false); div.insertBefore(twisty, div.firstChild); this.element.appendChild(div); } if (!rule.editor) { new RuleEditor(this, rule); } this.element.appendChild(rule.editor.element); } this.togglePseudoElementVisibility(this.showPseudoElements); }, /** * Copy selected text from the rule view. * * @param {Event} aEvent * The event object. */ _onCopy: function CssRuleView_onCopy(aEvent) { let target = aEvent.target; let text; if (target.nodeName == "input") { let start = Math.min(target.selectionStart, target.selectionEnd); let end = Math.max(target.selectionStart, target.selectionEnd); let count = end - start; text = target.value.substr(start, count); } else { let win = this.doc.defaultView; text = win.getSelection().toString(); // Remove any double newlines. text = text.replace(/(\r?\n)\r?\n/g, "$1"); // Remove "inline" let inline = _strings.GetStringFromName("rule.sourceInline"); let rx = new RegExp("^" + inline + "\\r?\\n?", "g"); text = text.replace(rx, ""); } clipboardHelper.copyString(text, this.doc); aEvent.preventDefault(); }, }; /** * Create a RuleEditor. * * @param {CssRuleView} aRuleView * The CssRuleView containg the document holding this rule editor. * @param {Rule} aRule * The Rule object we're editing. * @constructor */ function RuleEditor(aRuleView, aRule) { this.ruleView = aRuleView; this.doc = this.ruleView.doc; this.rule = aRule; this.rule.editor = this; this._onNewProperty = this._onNewProperty.bind(this); this._newPropertyDestroy = this._newPropertyDestroy.bind(this); this._create(); } RuleEditor.prototype = { _create: function RuleEditor_create() { this.element = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); this.element.className = "ruleview-rule theme-separator"; this.element._ruleEditor = this; if (this.rule.pseudoElement) { this.element.classList.add("ruleview-rule-pseudo-element"); } // Give a relative position for the inplace editor's measurement // span to be placed absolutely against. this.element.style.position = "relative"; // Add the source link. let source = createChild(this.element, "div", { class: "ruleview-rule-source theme-link" }); source.addEventListener("click", function() { let rule = this.rule.domRule; let evt = this.doc.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent("CssRuleViewCSSLinkClicked", true, false, { rule: rule, }); this.element.dispatchEvent(evt); }.bind(this)); let sourceLabel = this.doc.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "label"); sourceLabel.setAttribute("crop", "center"); sourceLabel.setAttribute("value", this.rule.title); sourceLabel.setAttribute("tooltiptext", this.rule.title); source.appendChild(sourceLabel); let code = createChild(this.element, "div", { class: "ruleview-code" }); let header = createChild(code, "div", {}); this.selectorText = createChild(header, "span", { class: "ruleview-selector theme-fg-color3" }); this.openBrace = createChild(header, "span", { class: "ruleview-ruleopen", textContent: " {" }); code.addEventListener("click", function() { let selection = this.doc.defaultView.getSelection(); if (selection.isCollapsed) { this.newProperty(); } }.bind(this), false); this.element.addEventListener("mousedown", function() { this.doc.defaultView.focus(); let editorNodes = this.doc.querySelectorAll(".styleinspector-propertyeditor"); if (editorNodes) { for (let node of editorNodes) { if (node.inplaceEditor) { node.inplaceEditor._clear(); } } } }.bind(this), false); this.propertyList = createChild(code, "ul", { class: "ruleview-propertylist" }); this.populate(); this.closeBrace = createChild(code, "div", { class: "ruleview-ruleclose", tabindex: "0", textContent: "}" }); // Create a property editor when the close brace is clicked. editableItem({ element: this.closeBrace }, function(aElement) { this.newProperty(); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Update the rule editor with the contents of the rule. */ populate: function RuleEditor_populate() { // Clear out existing viewers. while (this.selectorText.hasChildNodes()) { this.selectorText.removeChild(this.selectorText.lastChild); } // If selector text comes from a css rule, highlight selectors that // actually match. For custom selector text (such as for the 'element' // style, just show the text directly. if (this.rule.domRule.type === ELEMENT_STYLE) { this.selectorText.textContent = this.rule.selectorText; } else { this.rule.domRule.selectors.forEach((selector, i) => { if (i != 0) { createChild(this.selectorText, "span", { class: "ruleview-selector-separator", textContent: ", " }); } let cls; if (this.rule.matchedSelectors.indexOf(selector) > -1) { cls = "ruleview-selector-matched"; } else { cls = "ruleview-selector-unmatched"; } createChild(this.selectorText, "span", { class: cls, textContent: selector }); }); } for (let prop of this.rule.textProps) { if (!prop.editor) { new TextPropertyEditor(this, prop); this.propertyList.appendChild(prop.editor.element); } } }, /** * Programatically add a new property to the rule. * * @param {string} aName * Property name. * @param {string} aValue * Property value. * @param {string} aPriority * Property priority. * @return {TextProperty} * The new property */ addProperty: function RuleEditor_addProperty(aName, aValue, aPriority) { let prop = this.rule.createProperty(aName, aValue, aPriority); let editor = new TextPropertyEditor(this, prop); this.propertyList.appendChild(editor.element); return prop; }, /** * Create a text input for a property name. If a non-empty property * name is given, we'll create a real TextProperty and add it to the * rule. */ newProperty: function RuleEditor_newProperty() { // If we're already creating a new property, ignore this. if (!this.closeBrace.hasAttribute("tabindex")) { return; } // While we're editing a new property, it doesn't make sense to // start a second new property editor, so disable focusing the // close brace for now. this.closeBrace.removeAttribute("tabindex"); this.newPropItem = createChild(this.propertyList, "li", { class: "ruleview-property ruleview-newproperty", }); this.newPropSpan = createChild(this.newPropItem, "span", { class: "ruleview-propertyname", tabindex: "0" }); new InplaceEditor({ element: this.newPropSpan, done: this._onNewProperty, destroy: this._newPropertyDestroy, advanceChars: ":", contentType: InplaceEditor.CONTENT_TYPES.CSS_PROPERTY, popup: this.ruleView.popup }); }, /** * Called when the new property input has been dismissed. * Will create a new TextProperty if necessary. * * @param {string} aValue * The value in the editor. * @param {bool} aCommit * True if the value should be committed. */ _onNewProperty: function RuleEditor__onNewProperty(aValue, aCommit) { if (!aValue || !aCommit) { return; } // Create an empty-valued property and start editing it. let prop = this.rule.createProperty(aValue, "", ""); let editor = new TextPropertyEditor(this, prop); this.propertyList.appendChild(editor.element); editor.valueSpan.click(); }, /** * Called when the new property editor is destroyed. */ _newPropertyDestroy: function RuleEditor__newPropertyDestroy() { // We're done, make the close brace focusable again. this.closeBrace.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); this.propertyList.removeChild(this.newPropItem); delete this.newPropItem; delete this.newPropSpan; } }; /** * Create a TextPropertyEditor. * * @param {RuleEditor} aRuleEditor * The rule editor that owns this TextPropertyEditor. * @param {TextProperty} aProperty * The text property to edit. * @constructor */ function TextPropertyEditor(aRuleEditor, aProperty) { this.ruleEditor = aRuleEditor; this.doc = this.ruleEditor.doc; this.popup = this.ruleEditor.ruleView.popup; this.prop = aProperty; this.prop.editor = this; this.browserWindow = this.doc.defaultView.top; let sheet = this.prop.rule.sheet; let href = sheet ? (sheet.href || sheet.nodeHref) : null; if (href) { this.sheetURI = IOService.newURI(href, null, null); } this._onEnableClicked = this._onEnableClicked.bind(this); this._onExpandClicked = this._onExpandClicked.bind(this); this._onStartEditing = this._onStartEditing.bind(this); this._onNameDone = this._onNameDone.bind(this); this._onValueDone = this._onValueDone.bind(this); this._create(); this.update(); } TextPropertyEditor.prototype = { get editing() { return !!(this.nameSpan.inplaceEditor || this.valueSpan.inplaceEditor); }, /** * Create the property editor's DOM. */ _create: function TextPropertyEditor_create() { this.element = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "li"); this.element.classList.add("ruleview-property"); // The enable checkbox will disable or enable the rule. this.enable = createChild(this.element, "div", { class: "ruleview-enableproperty theme-checkbox", tabindex: "-1" }); this.enable.addEventListener("click", this._onEnableClicked, true); // Click to expand the computed properties of the text property. this.expander = createChild(this.element, "span", { class: "ruleview-expander theme-twisty" }); this.expander.addEventListener("click", this._onExpandClicked, true); this.nameContainer = createChild(this.element, "span", { class: "ruleview-namecontainer" }); this.nameContainer.addEventListener("click", function(aEvent) { // Clicks within the name shouldn't propagate any further. aEvent.stopPropagation(); if (aEvent.target === propertyContainer) { this.nameSpan.click(); } }.bind(this), false); // Property name, editable when focused. Property name // is committed when the editor is unfocused. this.nameSpan = createChild(this.nameContainer, "span", { class: "ruleview-propertyname theme-fg-color5", tabindex: "0", }); editableField({ start: this._onStartEditing, element: this.nameSpan, done: this._onNameDone, advanceChars: ':', contentType: InplaceEditor.CONTENT_TYPES.CSS_PROPERTY, popup: this.popup }); appendText(this.nameContainer, ": "); // Create a span that will hold the property and semicolon. // Use this span to create a slightly larger click target // for the value. let propertyContainer = createChild(this.element, "span", { class: "ruleview-propertycontainer" }); propertyContainer.addEventListener("click", function(aEvent) { // Clicks within the value shouldn't propagate any further. aEvent.stopPropagation(); if (aEvent.target === propertyContainer) { this.valueSpan.click(); } }.bind(this), false); // Property value, editable when focused. Changes to the // property value are applied as they are typed, and reverted // if the user presses escape. this.valueSpan = createChild(propertyContainer, "span", { class: "ruleview-propertyvalue theme-fg-color1", tabindex: "0", }); // Save the initial value as the last committed value, // for restoring after pressing escape. this.committed = { name: this.prop.name, value: this.prop.value, priority: this.prop.priority }; appendText(propertyContainer, ";"); this.warning = createChild(this.element, "div", { hidden: "", class: "ruleview-warning", title: CssLogic.l10n("rule.warning.title"), }); // Holds the viewers for the computed properties. // will be populated in |_updateComputed|. this.computed = createChild(this.element, "ul", { class: "ruleview-computedlist", }); editableField({ start: this._onStartEditing, element: this.valueSpan, done: this._onValueDone, validate: this._validate.bind(this), warning: this.warning, advanceChars: ';', contentType: InplaceEditor.CONTENT_TYPES.CSS_VALUE, property: this.prop, popup: this.popup }); }, /** * Resolve a URI based on the rule stylesheet * @param {string} relativePath the path to resolve * @return {string} the resolved path. */ resolveURI: function(relativePath) { if (this.sheetURI) { relativePath = this.sheetURI.resolve(relativePath); } return relativePath; }, /** * Check the property value to find an external resource (if any). * @return {string} the URI in the property value, or null if there is no match. */ getResourceURI: function() { let val = this.prop.value; let uriMatch = CSS_RESOURCE_RE.exec(val); let uri = null; if (uriMatch && uriMatch[1]) { uri = uriMatch[1]; } return uri; }, /** * Populate the span based on changes to the TextProperty. */ update: function TextPropertyEditor_update() { if (this.prop.enabled) { this.enable.style.removeProperty("visibility"); this.enable.setAttribute("checked", ""); } else { this.enable.style.visibility = "visible"; this.enable.removeAttribute("checked"); } if (this.prop.overridden && !this.editing) { this.element.classList.add("ruleview-overridden"); } else { this.element.classList.remove("ruleview-overridden"); } let name = this.prop.name; this.nameSpan.textContent = name; // Combine the property's value and priority into one string for // the value. let val = this.prop.value; if (this.prop.priority) { val += " !" + this.prop.priority; } // Treat URLs differently than other properties. // Allow the user to click a link to the resource and open it. let resourceURI = this.getResourceURI(); if (resourceURI) { this.valueSpan.textContent = ""; appendText(this.valueSpan, val.split(resourceURI)[0]); let a = createChild(this.valueSpan, "a", { target: "_blank", class: "theme-link", textContent: resourceURI, href: this.resolveURI(resourceURI) }); a.addEventListener("click", (aEvent) => { // Clicks within the link shouldn't trigger editing. aEvent.stopPropagation(); aEvent.preventDefault(); this.browserWindow.openUILinkIn(aEvent.target.href, "tab"); }, false); appendText(this.valueSpan, val.split(resourceURI)[1]); } else { this.valueSpan.textContent = val; } this.warning.hidden = this._validate(); let store = this.prop.rule.elementStyle.store; let propDirty = store.userProperties.contains(this.prop.rule.style, name); if (propDirty) { this.element.setAttribute("dirty", ""); } else { this.element.removeAttribute("dirty"); } // Populate the computed styles. this._updateComputed(); }, _onStartEditing: function TextPropertyEditor_onStartEditing() { this.element.classList.remove("ruleview-overridden"); }, /** * Populate the list of computed styles. */ _updateComputed: function TextPropertyEditor_updateComputed() { // Clear out existing viewers. while (this.computed.hasChildNodes()) { this.computed.removeChild(this.computed.lastChild); } let showExpander = false; for each (let computed in this.prop.computed) { // Don't bother to duplicate information already // shown in the text property. if (computed.name === this.prop.name) { continue; } showExpander = true; let li = createChild(this.computed, "li", { class: "ruleview-computed" }); if (computed.overridden) { li.classList.add("ruleview-overridden"); } createChild(li, "span", { class: "ruleview-propertyname theme-fg-color5", textContent: computed.name }); appendText(li, ": "); createChild(li, "span", { class: "ruleview-propertyvalue theme-fg-color1", textContent: computed.value }); appendText(li, ";"); } // Show or hide the expander as needed. if (showExpander) { this.expander.style.visibility = "visible"; } else { this.expander.style.visibility = "hidden"; } }, /** * Handles clicks on the disabled property. */ _onEnableClicked: function TextPropertyEditor_onEnableClicked(aEvent) { let checked = this.enable.hasAttribute("checked"); if (checked) { this.enable.removeAttribute("checked"); } else { this.enable.setAttribute("checked", ""); } this.prop.setEnabled(!checked); aEvent.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Handles clicks on the computed property expander. */ _onExpandClicked: function TextPropertyEditor_onExpandClicked(aEvent) { this.computed.classList.toggle("styleinspector-open"); if (this.computed.classList.contains("styleinspector-open")) { this.expander.setAttribute("open", "true"); } else { this.expander.removeAttribute("open"); } aEvent.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Called when the property name's inplace editor is closed. * Ignores the change if the user pressed escape, otherwise * commits it. * * @param {string} aValue * The value contained in the editor. * @param {boolean} aCommit * True if the change should be applied. */ _onNameDone: function TextPropertyEditor_onNameDone(aValue, aCommit) { if (!aCommit) { if (this.prop.overridden) { this.element.classList.add("ruleview-overridden"); } return; } if (!aValue) { this.prop.remove(); this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); return; } this.prop.setName(aValue); }, /** * Pull priority (!important) out of the value provided by a * value editor. * * @param {string} aValue * The value from the text editor. * @return {object} an object with 'value' and 'priority' properties. */ _parseValue: function TextPropertyEditor_parseValue(aValue) { let pieces = aValue.split("!", 2); return { value: pieces[0].trim(), priority: (pieces.length > 1 ? pieces[1].trim() : "") }; }, /** * Called when a value editor closes. If the user pressed escape, * revert to the value this property had before editing. * * @param {string} aValue * The value contained in the editor. * @param {bool} aCommit * True if the change should be applied. */ _onValueDone: function PropertyEditor_onValueDone(aValue, aCommit) { if (aCommit) { let val = this._parseValue(aValue); this.prop.setValue(val.value, val.priority); this.committed.value = this.prop.value; this.committed.priority = this.prop.priority; if (this.prop.overridden) { this.element.classList.add("ruleview-overridden"); } } else { this.prop.setValue(this.committed.value, this.committed.priority); } }, /** * Validate this property. * * @param {string} [aValue] * Override the actual property value used for validation without * applying property values e.g. validate as you type. * * @return {bool} true if the property value is valid, false otherwise. */ _validate: function TextPropertyEditor_validate(aValue) { let name = this.prop.name; let value = typeof aValue == "undefined" ? this.prop.value : aValue; let val = this._parseValue(value); let style = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div").style; let prefs = Services.prefs; // We toggle output of errors whilst the user is typing a property value. let prefVal = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("layout.css.report_errors"); prefs.setBoolPref("layout.css.report_errors", false); try { style.setProperty(name, val.value, val.priority); // Live previewing the change without committing yet just yet, that'll be done in _onValueDone this.ruleEditor.rule.setPropertyValue(this.prop, val.value, val.priority); } finally { prefs.setBoolPref("layout.css.report_errors", prefVal); } return !!style.getPropertyValue(name); }, }; /** * Store of CSSStyleDeclarations mapped to properties that have been changed by * the user. */ function UserProperties() { this.weakMap = new WeakMap(); } UserProperties.prototype = { /** * Get a named property for a given CSSStyleDeclaration. * * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} aStyle * The CSSStyleDeclaration against which the property is mapped. * @param {string} aName * The name of the property to get. * @param {string} aComputedValue * The computed value of the property. The user value will only be * returned if the computed value hasn't changed since, and this will * be returned as the default if no user value is available. * @return {string} * The property value if it has previously been set by the user, null * otherwise. */ getProperty: function UP_getProperty(aStyle, aName, aComputedValue) { let entry = this.weakMap.get(aStyle, null); if (entry && aName in entry) { let item = entry[aName]; if (item.computed != aComputedValue) { delete entry[aName]; return aComputedValue; } return item.user; } return aComputedValue; }, /** * Set a named property for a given CSSStyleDeclaration. * * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} aStyle * The CSSStyleDeclaration against which the property is to be mapped. * @param {String} aName * The name of the property to set. * @param {String} aComputedValue * The computed property value. The user value will not be used if the * computed value changes. * @param {String} aUserValue * The value of the property to set. */ setProperty: function UP_setProperty(aStyle, aName, aComputedValue, aUserValue) { let entry = this.weakMap.get(aStyle, null); if (entry) { entry[aName] = { computed: aComputedValue, user: aUserValue }; } else { let props = {}; props[aName] = { computed: aComputedValue, user: aUserValue }; this.weakMap.set(aStyle, props); } }, /** * Check whether a named property for a given CSSStyleDeclaration is stored. * * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} aStyle * The CSSStyleDeclaration against which the property would be mapped. * @param {String} aName * The name of the property to check. */ contains: function UP_contains(aStyle, aName) { let entry = this.weakMap.get(aStyle, null); return !!entry && aName in entry; }, }; /** * Helper functions */ /** * Create a child element with a set of attributes. * * @param {Element} aParent * The parent node. * @param {string} aTag * The tag name. * @param {object} aAttributes * A set of attributes to set on the node. */ function createChild(aParent, aTag, aAttributes) { let elt = aParent.ownerDocument.createElementNS(HTML_NS, aTag); for (let attr in aAttributes) { if (aAttributes.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { if (attr === "textContent") { elt.textContent = aAttributes[attr]; } else { elt.setAttribute(attr, aAttributes[attr]); } } } aParent.appendChild(elt); return elt; } function createMenuItem(aMenu, aAttributes) { let item = aMenu.ownerDocument.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem"); item.setAttribute("label", _strings.GetStringFromName(aAttributes.label)); item.setAttribute("accesskey", _strings.GetStringFromName(aAttributes.accesskey)); item.addEventListener("command", aAttributes.command); aMenu.appendChild(item); return item; } /** * Append a text node to an element. */ function appendText(aParent, aText) { aParent.appendChild(aParent.ownerDocument.createTextNode(aText)); } XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "clipboardHelper", function() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_strings", function() { return Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://browser/locale/devtools/styleinspector.properties"); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "domUtils", function() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/inspector/dom-utils;1"].getService(Ci.inIDOMUtils); }); loader.lazyGetter(this, "AutocompletePopup", () => require("devtools/shared/autocomplete-popup").AutocompletePopup);