/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sw=4 et tw=78: * * jorendb - A toy command-line debugger for shell-js programs. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * jorendb is a simple command-line debugger for shell-js programs. It is * intended as a demo of the Debugger object (as there are no shell js programs * to speak of). * * To run it: $JS -d path/to/this/file/jorendb.js * To run some JS code under it, try: * (jorendb) print load("my-script-to-debug.js") * Execution will stop at debugger statements and you'll get a jorendb prompt. */ // Debugger state. var focusedFrame = null; var topFrame = null; var debuggeeValues = {}; var nextDebuggeeValueIndex = 1; var lastExc = null; // Cleanup functions to run when we next re-enter the repl. var replCleanups = []; // Convert a debuggee value v to a string. function dvToString(v) { return (typeof v !== 'object' || v === null) ? uneval(v) : "[object " + v.class + "]"; } function showDebuggeeValue(dv) { var dvrepr = dvToString(dv); var i = nextDebuggeeValueIndex++; debuggeeValues["$" + i] = dv; print("$" + i + " = " + dvrepr); } Object.defineProperty(Debugger.Frame.prototype, "num", { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: function () { var i = 0; for (var f = topFrame; f && f !== this; f = f.older) i++; return f === null ? undefined : i; } }); Debugger.Frame.prototype.frameDescription = function frameDescription() { if (this.type == "call") return ((this.callee.name || '') + "(" + this.arguments.map(dvToString).join(", ") + ")"); else return this.type + " code"; } Debugger.Frame.prototype.positionDescription = function positionDescription() { if (this.script) { var line = this.script.getOffsetLine(this.offset); if (this.script.url) return this.script.url + ":" + line; return "line " + line; } return null; } Debugger.Frame.prototype.fullDescription = function fullDescription() { var fr = this.frameDescription(); var pos = this.positionDescription(); if (pos) return fr + ", " + pos; return fr; } Object.defineProperty(Debugger.Frame.prototype, "line", { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: function() { if (this.script) return this.script.getOffsetLine(this.offset); else return null; } }); function callDescription(f) { return ((f.callee.name || '') + "(" + f.arguments.map(dvToString).join(", ") + ")"); } function showFrame(f, n) { if (f === undefined || f === null) { f = focusedFrame; if (f === null) { print("No stack."); return; } } if (n === undefined) { n = f.num; if (n === undefined) throw new Error("Internal error: frame not on stack"); } print('#' + n + " " + f.fullDescription()); } function saveExcursion(fn) { var tf = topFrame, ff = focusedFrame; try { return fn(); } finally { topFrame = tf; focusedFrame = ff; } } // Evaluate an expression in the Debugger global function evalCommand(expr) { eval(expr); } function quitCommand() { dbg.enabled = false; quit(0); } function backtraceCommand() { if (topFrame === null) print("No stack."); for (var i = 0, f = topFrame; f; i++, f = f.older) showFrame(f, i); } function printCommand(rest) { // This is the real deal. var cv = saveExcursion( () => focusedFrame == null ? debuggeeGlobalWrapper.evalInGlobalWithBindings(rest, debuggeeValues) : focusedFrame.evalWithBindings(rest, debuggeeValues)); if (cv === null) { if (!dbg.enabled) return [cv]; print("Debuggee died."); } else if ('return' in cv) { if (!dbg.enabled) return [undefined]; showDebuggeeValue(cv.return); } else { if (!dbg.enabled) return [cv]; print("Exception caught. (To rethrow it, type 'throw'.)"); lastExc = cv.throw; showDebuggeeValue(lastExc); } } function detachCommand() { dbg.enabled = false; return [undefined]; } function continueCommand() { if (focusedFrame === null) { print("No stack."); return; } return [undefined]; } function throwCommand(rest) { var v; if (focusedFrame !== topFrame) { print("To throw, you must select the newest frame (use 'frame 0')."); return; } else if (focusedFrame === null) { print("No stack."); return; } else if (rest === '') { return [{throw: lastExc}]; } else { var cv = saveExcursion(function () { return focusedFrame.eval(rest); }); if (cv === null) { if (!dbg.enabled) return [cv]; print("Debuggee died while determining what to throw. Stopped."); } else if ('return' in cv) { return [{throw: cv.return}]; } else { if (!dbg.enabled) return [cv]; print("Exception determining what to throw. Stopped."); showDebuggeeValue(cv.throw); } return; } } function frameCommand(rest) { var n, f; if (rest.match(/[0-9]+/)) { n = +rest; f = topFrame; if (f === null) { print("No stack."); return; } for (var i = 0; i < n && f; i++) { if (!f.older) { print("There is no frame " + rest + "."); return; } f.older.younger = f; f = f.older; } focusedFrame = f; showFrame(f, n); } else if (rest !== '') { if (topFrame === null) print("No stack."); else showFrame(); } else { print("do what now?"); } } function upCommand() { if (focusedFrame === null) print("No stack."); else if (focusedFrame.older === null) print("Initial frame selected; you cannot go up."); else { focusedFrame.older.younger = focusedFrame; focusedFrame = focusedFrame.older; showFrame(); } } function downCommand() { if (focusedFrame === null) print("No stack."); else if (!focusedFrame.younger) print("Youngest frame selected; you cannot go down."); else { focusedFrame = focusedFrame.younger; showFrame(); } } function forcereturnCommand(rest) { var v; var f = focusedFrame; if (f !== topFrame) { print("To forcereturn, you must select the newest frame (use 'frame 0')."); } else if (f === null) { print("Nothing on the stack."); } else if (rest === '') { return [{return: undefined}]; } else { var cv = saveExcursion(function () { return f.eval(rest); }); if (cv === null) { if (!dbg.enabled) return [cv]; print("Debuggee died while determining what to forcereturn. Stopped."); } else if ('return' in cv) { return [{return: cv.return}]; } else { if (!dbg.enabled) return [cv]; print("Error determining what to forcereturn. Stopped."); showDebuggeeValue(cv.throw); } } } function printPop(f, c) { var fdesc = f.fullDescription(); if (c.return) { print("frame returning (still selected): " + fdesc); showDebuggeeValue(c.return); } else if (c.throw) { print("frame threw exception: " + fdesc); showDebuggeeValue(c.throw); print("(To rethrow it, type 'throw'.)"); lastExc = c.throw; } else { print("frame was terminated: " + fdesc); } } // Set |prop| on |obj| to |value|, but then restore its current value // when we next enter the repl. function setUntilRepl(obj, prop, value) { var saved = obj[prop]; obj[prop] = value; replCleanups.push(function () { obj[prop] = saved; }); } function doStepOrNext(kind) { var startFrame = topFrame; var startLine = startFrame.line; print("stepping in: " + startFrame.fullDescription()); print("starting line: " + uneval(startLine)); function stepPopped(completion) { // Note that we're popping this frame; we need to watch for // subsequent step events on its caller. this.reportedPop = true; printPop(this, completion); topFrame = focusedFrame = this; return repl(); } function stepEntered(newFrame) { print("entered frame: " + newFrame.fullDescription()); topFrame = focusedFrame = newFrame; return repl(); } function stepStepped() { print("stepStepped: " + this.fullDescription()); // If we've changed frame or line, then report that. if (this !== startFrame || this.line != startLine) { topFrame = focusedFrame = this; if (focusedFrame != startFrame) print(focusedFrame.fullDescription()); return repl(); } // Otherwise, let execution continue. return undefined; } if (kind.step) setUntilRepl(dbg, 'onEnterFrame', stepEntered); // If we're stepping after an onPop, watch for steps and pops in the // next-older frame; this one is done. var stepFrame = startFrame.reportedPop ? startFrame.older : startFrame; if (!stepFrame || !stepFrame.script) stepFrame = null; if (stepFrame) { setUntilRepl(stepFrame, 'onStep', stepStepped); setUntilRepl(stepFrame, 'onPop', stepPopped); } // Let the program continue! return [undefined]; } function stepCommand() { return doStepOrNext({step:true}); } function nextCommand() { return doStepOrNext({next:true}); } // Build the table of commands. var commands = {}; var commandArray = [ backtraceCommand, "bt", "where", continueCommand, "c", detachCommand, downCommand, "d", forcereturnCommand, frameCommand, "f", nextCommand, "n", printCommand, "p", quitCommand, "q", stepCommand, "s", throwCommand, "t", upCommand, "u", helpCommand, "h", evalCommand, "!", ]; var last = null; for (var i = 0; i < commandArray.length; i++) { var cmd = commandArray[i]; if (typeof cmd === "string") commands[cmd] = last; else last = commands[cmd.name.replace(/Command$/, '')] = cmd; } function helpCommand(rest) { print("Available commands:"); var printcmd = function(group) { print(" " + group.join(", ")); } var group = []; for (var cmd of commandArray) { if (typeof cmd === "string") { group.push(cmd); } else { if (group.length) printcmd(group); group = [ cmd.name.replace(/Command$/, '') ]; } } printcmd(group); } // Break cmd into two parts: its first word and everything else. If it begins // with punctuation, treat that as a separate word. function breakcmd(cmd) { cmd = cmd.trimLeft(); if ("!@#$%^&*_+=/?.,<>:;'\"".indexOf(cmd.substr(0, 1)) != -1) return [cmd.substr(0, 1), cmd.substr(1).trimLeft()]; var m = /\s/.exec(cmd); if (m === null) return [cmd, '']; return [cmd.slice(0, m.index), cmd.slice(m.index).trimLeft()]; } function runcmd(cmd) { var pieces = breakcmd(cmd); if (pieces[0] === "") return undefined; var first = pieces[0], rest = pieces[1]; if (!commands.hasOwnProperty(first)) { print("unrecognized command '" + first + "'"); return undefined; } var cmd = commands[first]; if (cmd.length === 0 && rest !== '') { print("this command cannot take an argument"); return undefined; } return cmd(rest); } function repl() { while (replCleanups.length > 0) replCleanups.pop()(); var cmd; for (;;) { putstr("\n" + prompt); cmd = readline(); if (cmd === null) return null; try { var result = runcmd(cmd); if (result === undefined) ; // do nothing else if (Array.isArray(result)) return result[0]; else throw new Error("Internal error: result of runcmd wasn't array or undefined"); } catch (exc) { print("*** Internal error: exception in the debugger code."); print(" " + exc); print(exc.stack); } } } var dbg = new Debugger(); dbg.onDebuggerStatement = function (frame) { return saveExcursion(function () { topFrame = focusedFrame = frame; print("'debugger' statement hit."); showFrame(); return repl(); }); }; dbg.onThrow = function (frame, exc) { return saveExcursion(function () { topFrame = focusedFrame = frame; print("Unwinding due to exception. (Type 'c' to continue unwinding.)"); showFrame(); print("Exception value is:"); showDebuggeeValue(exc); return repl(); }); }; // The depth of jorendb nesting. var jorendbDepth; if (typeof jorendbDepth == 'undefined') jorendbDepth = 0; var debuggeeGlobal = newGlobal("new-compartment"); debuggeeGlobal.jorendbDepth = jorendbDepth + 1; var debuggeeGlobalWrapper = dbg.addDebuggee(debuggeeGlobal); print("jorendb version -0.0"); prompt = '(' + Array(jorendbDepth+1).join('meta-') + 'jorendb) '; var args = arguments; while(args.length > 0) { var arg = args.shift(); if (arg == '-f') { arg = args.shift(); debuggeeGlobal.evaluate(read(arg), { fileName: arg, lineNumber: 1 }); } else if (arg == '-e') { arg = args.shift(); debuggeeGlobal.eval(arg); } else { throw("jorendb does not implement command-line argument '" + arg + "'"); } } repl();