/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function MultiplexHandler(aEvent) { MultiplexHandlerEx( aEvent, function Browser_SelectDetector(event) { BrowserCharsetReload(); /* window.content.location.reload() will re-download everything */ SelectDetector(event, null); }, function Browser_SetForcedCharset(charset, isPredefined) { BrowserSetForcedCharacterSet(charset); } ); } function MailMultiplexHandler(aEvent) { MultiplexHandlerEx( aEvent, function Mail_SelectDetector(event) { SelectDetector( event, function Mail_Reload() { messenger.setDocumentCharset(msgWindow.mailCharacterSet); } ); }, function Mail_SetForcedCharset(charset, isPredefined) { MessengerSetForcedCharacterSet(charset); } ); } function ComposerMultiplexHandler(aEvent) { MultiplexHandlerEx( aEvent, function Composer_SelectDetector(event) { SelectDetector( event, function Composer_Reload() { EditorLoadUrl(GetDocumentUrl()); } ); }, function Composer_SetForcedCharset(charset, isPredefined) { if ((!isPredefined) && charset.length > 0) { gCharsetMenu.SetCurrentComposerCharset(charset); } EditorSetDocumentCharacterSet(charset); } ); } function MultiplexHandlerEx(aEvent, aSelectDetector, aSetForcedCharset) { try { var node = aEvent.target; var name = node.getAttribute('name'); if (name == 'detectorGroup') { aSelectDetector(aEvent); } else if (name == 'charsetGroup') { var charset = node.getAttribute('id'); charset = charset.substring('charset.'.length, charset.length) aSetForcedCharset(charset, true); } else if (name == 'charsetCustomize') { //do nothing - please remove this else statement, once the charset prefs moves to the pref window } else { aSetForcedCharset(node.getAttribute('id'), false); } } catch(ex) { alert(ex); } } function SelectDetector(event, doReload) { dump("Charset Detector menu item pressed: " + event.target.getAttribute('id') + "\n"); var uri = event.target.getAttribute("id"); var prefvalue = uri.substring('chardet.'.length, uri.length); if ("off" == prefvalue) { // "off" is special value to turn off the detectors prefvalue = ""; } try { var pref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); var str = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); str.data = prefvalue; pref.setComplexValue("intl.charset.detector", Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str); if (typeof doReload == "function") doReload(); } catch (ex) { dump("Failed to set the intl.charset.detector preference.\n"); } } var gPrevCharset = null; function UpdateCurrentCharset() { // extract the charset from DOM var wnd = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if ((window == wnd) || (wnd == null)) wnd = window.content; // Uncheck previous item if (gPrevCharset) { var pref_item = document.getElementById('charset.' + gPrevCharset); if (pref_item) pref_item.setAttribute('checked', 'false'); } var menuitem = document.getElementById('charset.' + wnd.document.characterSet); if (menuitem) { menuitem.setAttribute('checked', 'true'); } } function UpdateCurrentMailCharset() { var charset = msgWindow.mailCharacterSet; var menuitem = document.getElementById('charset.' + charset); if (menuitem) { menuitem.setAttribute('checked', 'true'); } } function UpdateCharsetDetector() { var prefvalue; try { var pref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); prefvalue = pref.getComplexValue("intl.charset.detector", Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data; } catch (ex) { prefvalue = ""; } if (prefvalue == "") prefvalue = "off"; dump("intl.charset.detector = "+ prefvalue + "\n"); prefvalue = 'chardet.' + prefvalue; var menuitem = document.getElementById(prefvalue); if (menuitem) { menuitem.setAttribute('checked', 'true'); } } function UpdateMenus(event) { // use setTimeout workaround to delay checkmark the menu // when onmenucomplete is ready then use it instead of oncreate // see bug 78290 for the detail UpdateCurrentCharset(); setTimeout(UpdateCurrentCharset, 0); UpdateCharsetDetector(); setTimeout(UpdateCharsetDetector, 0); } function CreateMenu(node) { var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); observerService.notifyObservers(null, "charsetmenu-selected", node); } function UpdateMailMenus(event) { // use setTimeout workaround to delay checkmark the menu // when onmenucomplete is ready then use it instead of oncreate // see bug 78290 for the detail UpdateCurrentMailCharset(); setTimeout(UpdateCurrentMailCharset, 0); UpdateCharsetDetector(); setTimeout(UpdateCharsetDetector, 0); } var gCharsetMenu = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/datasource;1?name=charset-menu'].getService().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICurrentCharsetListener); var gLastBrowserCharset = null; function charsetLoadListener (event) { var charset = window.content.document.characterSet; if (charset.length > 0 && (charset != gLastBrowserCharset)) { gCharsetMenu.SetCurrentCharset(charset); gPrevCharset = gLastBrowserCharset; gLastBrowserCharset = charset; } } function composercharsetLoadListener (event) { var charset = window.content.document.characterSet; if (charset.length > 0 ) { gCharsetMenu.SetCurrentComposerCharset(charset); } } function SetForcedEditorCharset(charset) { if (charset.length > 0 ) { gCharsetMenu.SetCurrentComposerCharset(charset); } EditorSetDocumentCharacterSet(charset); } var gLastMailCharset = null; function mailCharsetLoadListener (event) { if (msgWindow) { var charset = msgWindow.mailCharacterSet; if (charset.length > 0 && (charset != gLastMailCharset)) { gCharsetMenu.SetCurrentMailCharset(charset); gLastMailCharset = charset; } } } function InitCharsetMenu() { removeEventListener("load", InitCharsetMenu, true); var wintype = document.documentElement.getAttribute('windowtype'); if (window && (wintype == "navigator:browser")) { var contentArea = window.document.getElementById("appcontent"); if (contentArea) contentArea.addEventListener("pageshow", charsetLoadListener, true); } else { var arrayOfStrings = wintype.split(":"); if (window && arrayOfStrings[0] == "mail") { var messageContent = window.document.getElementById("messagepane"); if (messageContent) messageContent.addEventListener("pageshow", mailCharsetLoadListener, true); } else if (window && arrayOfStrings[0] == "composer") { contentArea = window.document.getElementById("appcontent"); if (contentArea) contentArea.addEventListener("pageshow", composercharsetLoadListener, true); } } } addEventListener("load", InitCharsetMenu, true);