%brandDTD; %platformDTD; ]> &brandFullName; Menu Reference

&brandFullName; Menu Reference

This menu reference describes each menu item in the main &brandFullName; window.

In this section:


About &brandFullName;

Displays a dialog box with information about &brandShortName;, including the current version and a brief list of credits.


Displays the &pref.pluralCaps; window, where you can change many &pref.plural; in &brandShortName;.

Quit &brandShortName;

Closes all &brandShortName; windows, cancels any active downloads, and exits &brandShortName; completely. If you happen to select this menu item with more than one tab or window open, &brandShortName; will ask you to confirm your choice to prevent accidental exits. You can switch off this warning by deselecting the Warn me when closing multiple tabs checkbox in the Tabs panel of &pref.menuPath;. &brandShortName; will also warn you if you are currently downloading any files.


New Window

Opens a new &brandShortName; window.

New Tab

Opens a new browser tab in the current &brandShortName; window.

Open Location…

Focuses on the &brandShortName; URL bar so you can type in a new location to visit.

Open File…

Displays an Open File dialog where you can select a file from your local disks or network. You can view many file types in &brandShortName;, including HTML/XML files, image files, text files and more.

Close (Window)

Closes the current window.

Close Tab

Closes the current tab and selects the rightmost tab. This menu item is visible only if more than one browser tab is currently open.

Save Page As…

Saves the page you are currently browsing. You can choose to save the whole page (complete with graphics), just the current HTML page, or the page text only.

Send Link…

Opens an email composition window using your computer's default email program so you can send a message with a link to the current page.

Page Setup…

Displays a Page Setup dialog where you can specify printing settings such as margins, headers and footers, and page orientation.

Displays a preview of how the current document will appear when printed. It reflects the settings in the Page Setup dialog and the page author's intentions.


Displays the Print dialog, where you can specify the number of printed copies, etc. Click OK to print the page.


Opens the Import Wizard dialog, which allows you to import &pref.plural;, bookmarks, history, passwords and other data from browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla or Opera.

Work Offline

Toggles between online and offline mode. Offline mode allows you to view web pages you've previously visited without being connected to the Internet.

Exit Quit

Closes all &brandShortName; windows, cancels any active downloads, and exits &brandShortName; completely. If you happen to select this menu item with more than one tab or window open, &brandShortName; will ask you to confirm your choice to prevent accidental exits. You can switch off this warning by deselecting the Warn me when closing multiple tabs checkbox in the Tabs panel of &pref.menuPath;. &brandShortName; will also warn you if you are currently downloading any files.



Undoes the last action in a text field. If you later decide you don't want to undo an action, use the Redo command.


Redoes the last Undo command.


Cuts the selected text from a text field and stores it in the clipboard. Paste the text elsewhere by using the Paste command.


Copies the selected text to the clipboard. Paste the text in a text field by using the Paste command.


Pastes text stored in the clipboard into a text field.


Deletes the selected text from a text field.

Select All

Selects all text and other items on the page.

Find in This Page…

Displays the Find Toolbar at the bottom of the browser window. Enter the text you wish to find in the toolbar, and as you type &brandShortName; will automatically find and select the first occurrence of the entered text on the page. Click Find Next or Find Previous to find the text at other locations in the page, and click Highlight to highlight all occurrences of the text on the page.

Find Again

Searches for the next occurrence of the text specified when using the Find in This Page… command.


Displays the &pref.pluralCaps; window, where you can change many &pref.plural; in &brandShortName;.



Toggles the visibility of the navigation toolbar, which usually contains standard navigation buttons (Back, Forward, Stop, etc.).

Bookmarks Toolbar

Toggles the visibility of the bookmarks toolbar, which contains bookmarks to various sites.


Displays the toolbar customization dialog. You can drag and drop toolbar buttons to or from the toolbars here. You can also right-clickpress &ctrlKey;, click on the navigation toolbar and select Customize… to show this dialog.

Status Bar

Toggles the visibility of the status bar, located at the bottom of the window. The status bar displays useful information about the page but may not be needed by everyone.

The Sidebar can display your bookmarks or the browsing history. You can always close the Sidebar by clicking on the X in the upper-right corner.


Displays the Bookmarks Sidebar, which keeps your bookmarks visible all the time. This can be very useful if you use bookmarks often.


Displays the History Sidebar, which keeps track of the sites you have visited. To change how many days a site should be remembered, select &pref.menuPath; and select the Privacy panel.


Stops loading of the current page you're browsing. This is the same as clicking on the Stop button on the toolbar.


Gets the most up-to-date version of the current page. This is the same as clicking the Reload button on the toolbar.

Text Size

If the text on a web page is too small or too large, you can change it to a more comfortable size.


Displays the text on the web page one size larger. You can also do this with the mouse (see Mouse Shortcuts for instructions).


Displays the text on the web page one size smaller. You can also do this with the mouse (see Mouse Shortcuts for instructions).


Displays the text on the web page at its normal size.

Page Style

Allows you to select a style for the current web page. By default, "Basic Page Style" is selected unless the author specifies a different default.

No Style

Removes style formatting from the page.

Basic Page Style

Displays the page with a general style specified by the author.

If the author has specified additional page styles, &brandShortName; will list them here for you to select.

Character Encoding

Allows you to manually change the character encoding on a web page. &brandShortName; usually does this automatically.

Page Source

Displays the source code for the current document.

Full Screen

Displays the window in full screen. If you have the navigation toolbar hidden, you can always restore the window anyway by pressing F11.


The History menu contains a list of the most recently visited web sites and closed tabs.


Navigates back one page in history. This is the same as clicking on the Back button on the toolbar.


Navigates forward one page in history. This is the same as clicking on the Forward button on the toolbar.


Displays your home page. This is the same as clicking on the Home button on the navigation toolbar. To change the home page, select &pref.menuPath; and open the Main panel. You can specify to use a blank page, the current page (or tab group), a bookmark, or a manually entered address.

Recently Closed Tabs

Allows you to restore a tab you closed recently in the current window by selecting it from the list. See the Closing and Restoring Tabs topic for more information.

Show in Sidebar

Displays the History Sidebar, which keeps track of the sites you have visited. To change how many days a site should be remembered, select &pref.menuPath; and select the Privacy panel.


This menu contains all your stored bookmarks.

Bookmark This Page

Adds the current page to your bookmarks. A dialog will be displayed, allowing you to choose a title for the bookmark and specify where you want it to be stored.

Subscribe to This Page…

Shows a preview of the feed offered by the current site. From the preview page, you can subscribe to the feed using a Live Bookmark, a feed reader on your computer, or a web service. If you have chosen to always subscribe using a Live Bookmark or a feed reader in the Applications panel of &pref.menuPath;, the preview page will be skipped.

Bookmark All Tabs…

Adds all the tabs in the current window to a new bookmark folder. A dialog will be displayed, allowing you to choose the name of the folder and specify where you want it to be stored.

Organize Bookmarks…

Displays the Bookmarks Manager, a window where you can modify your bookmarks. You can sort, rename and change the properties for your bookmarks as well as add, remove, and move them.


Highlights the Web Search box. You can then type in the terms you wish to find on the Web.


Opens the Download Manager, where you can see the current, as well as finished downloads.


Opens the Add-ons manager, where you can view, install, configure, update, and uninstall your extensions and themes. For more information, see the Add-ons help topic.

Error Console

Opens the Error Console, which tracks problems with JavaScript code. JavaScript is a scripting language commonly used to construct web pages. Programmers use JavaScript to make web pages more interactive; JavaScript is often used to dynamically validate forms and select buttons.

Page Info

Displays extensive information about the current web page, such as the document type, encoding, size, and security information. The dialog also displays lists of the media and links used on the page.

Clear Private Data…

Clears the items which are selected in the Clear Private Data dialog in the Privacy panel of &pref.menuPath;. Displays a confirmation dialog by default.


Displays the &pref.pluralCaps; window, where you can change many &pref.plural; in &brandShortName;.



Minimizes the current window.


Enlarges or restores the current window.

(Open Windows)

Displays all the open windows by their title.


Help Contents &brandShortName; Help

Opens the &brandShortName; Help window, which contains useful information that can help you browse the web.

For Internet Explorer Users

Opens this Help window displaying information that can help Internet Explorer users transition to &brandShortName;.

Release Notes

Provides information about installing, uninstalling and configuring &brandShortName;, as well as other important information and late-breaking notices. Requires an active Internet connection.

Report Broken Web Site…

Allows you to report web sites that do not work correctly in &brandShortName; to the &brandShortName; developers.

Report Web Forgery… / This isn't a web forgery…

Report Web Forgery… allows you to report what you believe are forged or "phishing" sites. Phishing sites pretend to be sites you trust, like your bank or online shopping or auction sites, to trick you into submitting sensitive information (username/password, credit card information, etc.) to them.

When displaying sites suspected for "phishing", the menu item is replaced by "This isn't a web forgery…", letting you report legitimate sites which have been incorrectly marked as "phishing" sites.

Phishing Protection in &brandShortName; is powered by Google, and the information you submit will be sent to Google and used to improve this feature. Your report will be anonymous in accordance with Google's privacy policy. Requires an active Internet connection.

Check for Updates…

Displays a dialog which checks for updates to &brandShortName; and asks you whether you want to download updates if any are available. After an update has been downloaded, the dialog asks you to restart &brandShortName; so that the update can be installed. Note that the name of this menu item will change when an update is being downloaded or is ready to be installed.

About &brandFullName;

Displays a dialog box with information about &brandShortName;, including the current version and a brief list of credits.

29 September 2007

Copyright © ©right.years; Contributors to the Mozilla Help Viewer Project.