.. _services_metrics: ============================ Metrics Collection Framework ============================ The ``services/metrics`` directory contains a generic data metrics collecting and persisting framework for Gecko applications. Overview ======== The Metrics framework by itself doesn't do much: it simply provides a generic mechanism for collecting and persisting data. It is up to users of this framework to drive collection and do something with the obtained data. A consumer of this framework is :ref:`firefox_health_report`. Relationship to Telemetry ------------------------- Telemetry provides similar features to code in this directory. The two may be unified in the future. Usage ===== To use the code in this directory, import Metrics.jsm. e.g. Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Metrics.jsm"); This exports a *Metrics* object which holds references to the main JS types and functions provided by this feature. Read below for what those types are. Metrics Types ============= ``Metrics.jsm`` exports a number of types. They are documented in the sections below. Metrics.Provider ---------------- ``Metrics.Provider`` is an entity that collects and manages data. Providers are typically domain-specific: if you need to collect a new type of data, you create a ``Metrics.Provider`` type that does this. Metrics.Measurement ------------------- A ``Metrics.Measurement`` represents a collection of related pieces/fields of data. All data recorded by the metrics framework is modeled as ``Metrics.Measurement`` instances. Instances of ``Metrics.Measurement`` are essentially data structure descriptors. Each ``Metrics.Measurement`` consists of a name and version to identify itself (and its data) as well as a list of *fields* that this measurement holds. A *field* is effectively an entry in a data structure. It consists of a name and strongly enumerated type. Metrics.Storage --------------- This entity is responsible for persisting collected data and state. It currently uses SQLite to store data, but this detail is abstracted away in order to facilitate swapping of storage backends. Metrics.ProviderManager ----------------------- High-level entity coordinating activity among several ``Metrics.Provider`` instances. Providers and Measurements ========================== The most important types in this framework are ``Metrics.Provider`` and ``Metrics.Measurement``, henceforth known as ``Provider`` and ``Measurement``, respectively. As you will see, these two types go hand in hand. A ``Provider`` is an entity that *provides* data about a specific subsystem or feature. They do this by recording data to specific ``Measurement`` types. Both ``Provider`` and ``Measurement`` are abstract base types. A ``Measurement`` implementation defines a name and version. More importantly, it also defines its storage requirements and how previously-stored values are serialized. Storage allocation is performed by communicating with the SQLite backend. There is a startup function that tells SQLite what fields the measurement is recording. The storage backend then registers these in the database. Internally, this is creating a new primary key for individual fields so later storage operations can directly reference these primary keys in order to retrieve data without having to perform complicated joins. A ``Provider`` can be thought of as a collection of ``Measurement`` implementations. e.g. an Addons provider may consist of a measurement for all *current* add-ons as well as a separate measurement for historical counts of add-ons. A provider's primary role is to take metrics data and write it to various measurements. This effectively persists the data to SQLite. Data is emitted from providers in either a push or pull based mechanism. In push-based scenarios, the provider likely subscribes to external events (e.g. observer notifications). An event of interest can occur at any time. When it does, the provider immediately writes the event of interest to storage or buffers it for eventual writing. In pull-based scenarios, the provider is periodically queried and asked to populate data. SQLite Storage ============== ``Metrics.Storage`` provides an interface for persisting metrics data to a SQLite database. The storage API organizes values by fields. A field is a named member of a ``Measurement`` that has specific type and retention characteristics. Some example field types include: * Last text value * Last numeric value for a given day * Discrete text values for a given day See ``storage.jsm`` for more.