import sys, glob, os, subprocess, logging __all__ = [ "addCommonOptions", "checkForCrashes", ] log = logging.getLogger() def addCommonOptions(parser, defaults={}): parser.add_option("--xre-path", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "xrePath", # individual scripts will set a sane default default = None, help = "absolute path to directory containing XRE (probably xulrunner)") if 'SYMBOLS_PATH' not in defaults: defaults['SYMBOLS_PATH'] = None parser.add_option("--symbols-path", action = "store", type = "string", dest = "symbolsPath", default = defaults['SYMBOLS_PATH'], help = "absolute path to directory containing breakpad symbols") def checkForCrashes(dumpDir, symbolsPath, testName=None): stackwalkPath = os.environ.get('MINIDUMP_STACKWALK', None) # try to get the caller's filename if no test name is given if testName is None: try: testName = os.path.basename(sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_filename) except: testName = "unknown" foundCrash = False dumps = glob.glob(os.path.join(dumpDir, '*.dmp')) for d in dumps:"TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | application crashed (minidump found)", testName) if symbolsPath and stackwalkPath: nullfd = open(os.devnull, 'w') # eat minidump_stackwalk errors[stackwalkPath, d, symbolsPath], stderr=nullfd) nullfd.close() os.remove(d) extra = os.path.splitext(d)[0] + ".extra" if os.path.exists(extra): os.remove(extra) foundCrash = True return foundCrash