Select Tests: Disabled

Init Steps: Come to this page with caching off.
Verify: Verify that the last two selects have "2" and nothing selected, respectively.
Reset Steps: Change values and hit the reset button.
Verify: That everything is the same as after Init.
Normal Click Steps: Click and CTRL+Click on disabled options in all selects.
Verify: That disabled ones don't get changed and non-disabled ones do. Note: For all these tests, note that the second optgroup is disabled and consequently none of its options should be selectable.
Shift Click Steps: click 2 and SHIFT+click 9.
Verify: That 3, 4 and 8 are not selected but that 2, 5-7 and 9 are.
Drag Steps: Drag across the options.
Verify: That it works like a normal drag except disabled options are not selected.
Keyboard Steps: Use up, down, left, right, home, end, and SHIFT+these keys.
Verify: That disabled ones are never selected but the next available non-disabled ones are.
JavaScript Set Disabled Steps: Hit the JavaScript buttons.
Verify: That all disabled buttons (and only disabled buttons) are selected. (You have to hit Reset in between trying 1 and 2 for a particular control.) For single selects only the last disabled one will be selected (11). Ensure that the second optgroup in the multiple optgroup test has only disabled ones selected.
Option Display Steps: Come to this page.
Verify: That the disabled options (currently) look the same as other options.

1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11 disabled

Select Disabled:

All options disabled

Single Select With Size:

Dropdown With Disabled At Beginning:

Dropdown With All Disabled:

Multiple Select With Optgroup:

Single Select With Optgroup:

Dropdown With Optgroup: