(function(){ var numCmp = function(a,b){ return a-b; } function min(list){ return list.slice().sort(numCmp)[0]; } function max(list){ return list.slice().sort(numCmp).reverse()[0]; } function isEventOverElement(event, el){ var hit = {nodeName: null}; var isOver = false; var hiddenEls = []; while(hit.nodeName != "BODY" && hit.nodeName != "HTML"){ hit = document.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY); if( hit == el ){ isOver = true; break; } $(hit).hide(); hiddenEls.push(hit); } var hidden; [$(hidden).show() for([,hidden] in Iterator(hiddenEls))]; return isOver; } function Group(){} Group.prototype = { _children: [], _container: null, _padding: 30, _getBoundingBox: function(){ var els = this._children; var el; var boundingBox = { top: min( [$(el).position().top for([,el] in Iterator(els))] ), left: min( [$(el).position().left for([,el] in Iterator(els))] ), bottom: max( [$(el).position().top for([,el] in Iterator(els))] ) + $(els[0]).height(), right: max( [$(el).position().left for([,el] in Iterator(els))] ) + $(els[0]).width(), }; boundingBox.height = boundingBox.bottom - boundingBox.top; boundingBox.width = boundingBox.right - boundingBox.left; return boundingBox; }, _getContainerBox: function(){ var pos = $(this._container).position(); var w = $(this._container).width(); var h = $(this._container).height(); return { top: pos.top, left: pos.left, bottom: pos.top + h, right: pos.left + w, height: h, width: w } }, create: function(listOfEls){ this._children = $(listOfEls).toArray(); var boundingBox = this._getBoundingBox(); var padding = 30; var container = $("
") .css({ position: "absolute", top: boundingBox.top-padding, left: boundingBox.left-padding, width: boundingBox.width+padding*2, height: boundingBox.height+padding*2, zIndex: -100, opacity: 0, }) .data("group", this) .appendTo("body") .animate({opacity:1.0}).dequeue(); var resizer = $("
") .css({ position: "absolute", width: 16, height: 16, bottom: 0, right: 0, }).appendTo(container); var titlebar = $("
") .appendTo(container) titlebar.css({ width: container.width(), position: "relative", top: -(titlebar.height()+2), left: -1, }) // On delay, show the title bar. var shouldShow = false; container.mouseover(function(){ shouldShow = true; setTimeout(function(){ if( shouldShow == false ) return; container.find("input").focus(); titlebar .css({width: container.width()}) .animate({ opacity: 1}).dequeue(); }, 500); }).mouseout(function(e){ shouldShow = false; if( isEventOverElement(e, container.get(0) )) return; titlebar.animate({opacity:0}).dequeue(); }) this._container = container; this._addHandlers(container); this._updateGroup(); var els = this._children; this._children = []; for(var i in els){ this.add( els[i] ); } }, add: function(el){ if($.inArray(el, this._children) == -1) this._children.push( el ); $(el).droppable("disable"); this._updateGroup(); this.arrange(); }, remove: function(el){ $(el).data("toRemove", true); this._children = this._children.filter(function(child){ if( $(child).data("toRemove") == true ){ $(child).data("group", null); scaleTab( $(child), 160/$(child).width()); $(child).droppable("enable"); return false; } else return true; }) $(el).data("toRemove", false); if( this._children.length == 0 ){ this._container.fadeOut(function() $(this).remove()); } else { this.arrange(); } }, _updateGroup: function(){ var self = this; this._children.forEach(function(el){ $(el).data("group", self); }); }, arrange: function(){ if( this._children.length < 2 ) return; var bb = this._getContainerBox(); var tab; // TODO: This is an hacky heuristic. Fix this layout algorithm. var pad = 10; var w = parseInt(Math.sqrt(((bb.height+pad) * (bb.width+pad))/(this._children.length+4))); var h = w * (2/3); var x=pad; var y=pad; for([,tab] in Iterator(this._children)){ scaleTab( $(tab), w/$(tab).width()); $(tab).animate({ top:y+bb.top, left:x+bb.left, }, 250); x += w+pad; if( x+w+pad > $(this._container).width()){x = pad;y += h+pad;} } }, _addHandlers: function(container){ var self = this; $(container).draggable({ start: function(){ $(container).data("origPosition", $(container).position()); self._children.forEach(function(el){ $(el).data("origPosition", $(el).position()); }); }, drag: function(e, ui){ var origPos = $(container).data("origPosition"); dX = ui.offset.left - origPos.left; dY = ui.offset.top - origPos.top; $(self._children).each(function(){ $(this).css({ left: $(this).data("origPosition").left + dX, top: $(this).data("origPosition").top + dY }) }) } }); $(container).droppable({ over: function(){ $dragged.addClass("willGroup"); }, out: function(){ $dragged.data("group").remove($dragged); $dragged.removeClass("willGroup"); }, drop: function(){ $dragged.removeClass("willGroup"); self.add( $dragged.get(0) ) }, accept: ".tab", }); $(container).resizable({ handles: "se", aspectRatio: true, stop: function(){ self.arrange(); } }) } } var zIndex = 100; var $dragged = null; var timeout = null; window.Groups = { Group: Group, dragOptions: { start:function(){ $dragged = $(this); $dragged.data('isDragging', true); }, stop: function(){ $dragged.data('isDragging', false); $(this).css({zIndex: zIndex}); $dragged = null; zIndex += 1; }, zIndex: 999, }, dropOptions: { accept: ".tab", tolerance: "pointer", greedy: true, drop: function(e){ $target = $(e.target); // Only drop onto the top z-index if( $target.css("zIndex") < $dragged.data("topDropZIndex") ) return; $dragged.data("topDropZIndex", $target.css("zIndex") ); $dragged.data("topDrop", $target); // This strange timeout thing solves the problem of when // something is dropped onto multiple potential drop targets. // We wait a little bit to see get all drops, and then we have saved // the top-most one and drop onto that. clearTimeout( timeout ); var dragged = $dragged; var target = $target; timeout = setTimeout( function(){ dragged.removeClass("willGroup") dragged.animate({ top: target.position().top+15, left: target.position().left+15, }, 100); setTimeout( function(){ var group = $(target).data("group"); if( group == null ){ var group = new Group(); group.create( [target, dragged] ); } else { group.add( dragged.get(0) ) } }, 100); }, 10 ); }, over: function(e){ $dragged.addClass("willGroup"); $dragged.data("topDropZIndex", 0); }, out: function(){ $dragged.removeClass("willGroup"); } }, arrange: function() { var $groups = $('.group'); var count = $groups.length; var columns = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(count)); var rows = ((columns * columns) - count >= columns ? columns - 1 : columns); var padding = 12; var startX = padding; var startY = 100; var totalWidth = window.innerWidth - startX; var totalHeight = window.innerHeight - startY; var w = (totalWidth / columns) - padding; var h = (totalHeight / rows) - padding; var x = startX; var y = startY; $groups.each(function(i) { $(this).css({left: x, top: y, width: w, height: h}); $(this).data('group').arrange(); x += w + padding; if(i % columns == columns - 1) { x = startX; y += h + padding; } }); } }; function scaleTab( el, factor ){ var $el = $(el); $el.animate({ width: $el.width()*factor, height: $el.height()*factor, fontSize: parseInt($el.css("fontSize"))*factor, },250).dequeue(); } $(".tab").data('isDragging', false) .draggable(window.Groups.dragOptions) .droppable(window.Groups.dropOptions); $(".tab").click(function(){ // ZOOM! var ffVersion = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/\d{8}.*(\d\.\d)/)[1]); if( ffVersion < 3.7 ) Utils.error("css-transitions require Firefox 3.7+"); var [w,h] = [$(this).width(), $(this).height()]; var origPos = $(this).position(); var scale = window.innerWidth/w; var fontSize = parseInt($(this).css("font-size")); $(this).addClass("scale-animate").css({ top: 0, left: 0, width:w*scale, height:h*scale, fontSize: fontSize*scale }).bind("transitionend", function(e){ // We will get one of this events for every property CSS-animated... // I choose one randomly (width) and only do things for that. if( e.originalEvent.propertyName != "width" ) return; // Switch tabs, and the re-size and re-position the animated // tab image. var self = this; setTimeout(function(){ $(self) .removeClass("scale-animate") .css({top: origPos.top, left: origPos.left, width:w, height:h, fontSize:fontSize}); }, 500); }) }) })();