/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=2 et lcs=trail\:.,tab\:>~ : * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Places Unit Tests. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Mozilla Foundation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Marco Bonardo (Original Author) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ const NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR = "ProfD"; const NS_APP_HISTORY_50_FILE = "UHist"; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cc = Components.classes; const Cr = Components.results; function LOG(aMsg) { aMsg = ("*** PLACES TESTS: " + aMsg); Cc["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"].getService(Ci.nsIConsoleService). logStringMessage(aMsg); print(aMsg); } // If there's no location registered for the profile direcotry, register one now. var dirSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIProperties); var profileDir = null; try { profileDir = dirSvc.get(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, Ci.nsIFile); } catch (e) {} if (!profileDir) { // Register our own provider for the profile directory. // It will simply return the current directory. var provider = { getFile: function(prop, persistent) { persistent.value = true; if (prop == NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR) return dirSvc.get("CurProcD", Ci.nsIFile); if (prop == NS_APP_HISTORY_50_FILE) { var histFile = dirSvc.get("CurProcD", Ci.nsIFile); histFile.append("history.dat"); return histFile; } throw Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; }, QueryInterface: function(iid) { if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIDirectoryServiceProvider) || iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) { return this; } throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } }; dirSvc.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDirectoryService).registerProvider(provider); } var iosvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService); function uri(spec) { return iosvc.newURI(spec, null, null); } // Delete a previously created sqlite file function clearDB() { try { var file = dirSvc.get('ProfD', Ci.nsIFile); file.append("places.sqlite"); if (file.exists()) file.remove(false); } catch(ex) { dump("Exception: " + ex); } } clearDB(); /** * Dumps the rows of a table out to the console. * * @param aName * The name of the table or view to output. */ function dump_table(aName) { let db = DBConn() let stmt = db.createStatement("SELECT * FROM " + aName); dump("\n*** Printing data from " + aName + ":\n"); let count = 0; while (stmt.executeStep()) { let columns = stmt.numEntries; if (count == 0) { // Print the column names. for (let i = 0; i < columns; i++) dump(stmt.getColumnName(i) + "\t"); dump("\n"); } // Print the row. for (let i = 0; i < columns; i++) { switch (stmt.getTypeOfIndex(i)) { case Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL: dump("NULL\t"); break; case Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER: dump(stmt.getInt64(i) + "\t"); break; case Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT: dump(stmt.getDouble(i) + "\t"); break; case Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_TEXT: dump(stmt.getString(i) + "\t"); break; } } dump("\n"); count++; } dump("*** There were a total of " + count + " rows of data.\n\n"); stmt.reset(); stmt.finalize(); } /** * Function tests to see if the place associated with the bookmark with id * aBookmarkId has the uri aExpectedURI. The event will call do_test_finished() * if aFinish is true. * * @param aBookmarkId * The bookmark to check against. * @param aExpectedURI * The URI we expect to be in moz_places. * @param aExpected * Indicates if we expect to get a result or not. * @param [optional] aFinish * Indicates if the test should be completed or not. */ function new_test_bookmark_uri_event(aBookmarkId, aExpectedURI, aExpected, aFinish) { let db = DBConn(); let stmt = db.createStatement( "SELECT moz_places.url " + "FROM moz_bookmarks INNER JOIN moz_places " + "ON moz_bookmarks.fk = moz_places.id " + "WHERE moz_bookmarks.id = ?1" ); stmt.bindInt64Parameter(0, aBookmarkId); if (aExpected) { do_check_true(stmt.executeStep()); do_check_eq(stmt.getUTF8String(0), aExpectedURI); } else { do_check_false(stmt.executeStep()); } stmt.reset(); stmt.finalize(); if (aFinish) do_test_finished(); } /** * Function tests to see if the place associated with the visit with id aVisitId * has the uri aExpectedURI. The event will call do_test_finished() if aFinish is * true. * * @param aVisitId * The visit to check against. * @param aExpectedURI * The URI we expect to be in moz_places. * @param aExpected * Indicates if we expect to get a result or not. * @param [optional] aFinish * Indicates if the test should be completed or not. */ function new_test_visit_uri_event(aVisitId, aExpectedURI, aExpected, aFinish) { let db = DBConn(); let stmt = db.createStatement( "SELECT moz_places.url " + "FROM moz_historyvisits INNER JOIN moz_places " + "ON moz_historyvisits.place_id = moz_places.id " + "WHERE moz_historyvisits.id = ?1" ); stmt.bindInt64Parameter(0, aVisitId); if (aExpected) { do_check_true(stmt.executeStep()); do_check_eq(stmt.getUTF8String(0), aExpectedURI); } else { do_check_false(stmt.executeStep()); } stmt.reset(); stmt.finalize(); if (aFinish) do_test_finished(); } /** * Function gets current database connection, if the connection has been closed * it will try to reconnect to the places.sqlite database. */ function DBConn() { let db = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/nav-history-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsPIPlacesDatabase). DBConnection; if (db.connectionReady) return db; // open a new connection if needed let file = dirSvc.get('ProfD', Ci.nsIFile); file.append("places.sqlite"); let storageService = Cc["@mozilla.org/storage/service;1"]. getService(Ci.mozIStorageService); try { return dbConn = storageService.openDatabase(file); } catch(ex) {} return null; } /** * Flushes any events in the event loop of the main thread. */ function flush_main_thread_events() { let tm = Cc["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIThreadManager); while (tm.mainThread.hasPendingEvents()) tm.mainThread.processNextEvent(false); } // Simulates a Places shutdown. function shutdownPlaces() { const TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN = "xpcom-shutdown"; let hs = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/nav-history-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIObserver); hs.observe(null, TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN, null); let sync = Cc["@mozilla.org/places/sync;1"].getService(Ci.nsIObserver); sync.observe(null, TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN, null); let expire = Cc["@mozilla.org/places/expiration;1"].getService(Ci.nsIObserver); expire.observe(null, TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN, null); } // Simulates an expiration at shutdown. function shutdownExpiration() { const TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN = "xpcom-shutdown"; let expire = Cc["@mozilla.org/places/expiration;1"].getService(Ci.nsIObserver); expire.observe(null, TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN, null); } /** * Causes expiration component to start, otherwise it would wait for the first * history notification. */ function force_expiration_start() { Cc["@mozilla.org/places/expiration;1"].getService(Ci.nsISupports); } /** * Forces an expiration run. */ function force_expiration_step(aLimit) { if (!aLimit) aLimit = -1; // No limit. const TOPIC_DEBUG_START_EXPIRATION = "places-debug-start-expiration"; let expire = Cc["@mozilla.org/places/expiration;1"].getService(Ci.nsIObserver); expire.observe(null, TOPIC_DEBUG_START_EXPIRATION, aLimit); } /** * Clears history invoking callback when done. */ function waitForClearHistory(aCallback) { let os = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIObserverService); let observer = { observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { os.removeObserver(this, TOPIC_EXPIRATION_FINISHED); aCallback(); } }; os.addObserver(observer, TOPIC_EXPIRATION_FINISHED, false); let hs = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/nav-history-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService); hs.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIBrowserHistory).removeAllPages(); } /** * Expiration preferences helpers. */ let prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); function setInterval(aNewInterval) { prefs.setIntPref("places.history.expiration.interval_seconds", aNewInterval); } function getInterval() { return prefs.getIntPref("places.history.expiration.interval_seconds"); } function clearInterval() { try { prefs.clearUserPref("places.history.expiration.interval_seconds"); } catch(ex) {} } function setMaxPages(aNewMaxPages) { prefs.setIntPref("places.history.expiration.max_pages", aNewMaxPages); } function getMaxPages() { return prefs.getIntPref("places.history.expiration.max_pages"); } function clearMaxPages() { try { prefs.clearUserPref("places.history.expiration.max_pages"); } catch(ex) {} } function setHistoryEnabled(aHistoryEnabled) { prefs.setBoolPref("places.history.enabled", aHistoryEnabled); } function getHistoryEnabled() { return prefs.getBoolPref("places.history.enabled"); } function clearHistoryEnabled() { try { prefs.clearUserPref("places.history.enabled"); } catch(ex) {} }