Correct: the bottom of all the X's is aligned
X9X X12X X16X X24X X36X X48X
Correct: the bottom of all the text boxes is aligned
X9X X12X X16X X24X X36X X48X
Correct: the bottom of the X's from the normal text is aligned, and the bottom of the buttons is aligned with the bottom of the entire line box.
X12X X24X X48X
X9X X16X X36X
X9X X48X
Correct: the bottom of normal X's is aligned, and the bottom of the styled boxes is aligned with the bottom of the line box.
X9X X12X X16X X24X X36X X48X
X9X X12X X16X X24X X36X X48X
X9X X9X X12X X16X X24X X36X X48X X48X
Bug: the bottom of the buttons is aligned with the baseline of the text. We should have instead the baseline of the buttons aligned with the baseline of the text.
X12X X24X X48X
X9X X16X X36X