#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. use 5.004; use strict; use Getopt::Long; $::opt_prune_depth = 0; $::opt_subtree_size = 0; $::opt_reverse = 0; # GetOption will create $opt_object & $opt_exclude, so ignore the # warning that gets spit out about those vbls. GetOptions("object=s", "exclude=s", "comptrs=s", "ignore-balanced", "subtree-size=i", "prune-depth=i", "collapse-to-method", "collapse-to-class", "old-style", "reverse"); $::opt_object || die qq{ usage: leak.pl < logfile --object The address of the object to examine (required) --exclude Exclude routines listed in --comptrs Subtract all the data in the balanced COMPtr log --ignore-balanced Ignore balanced subtrees --subtree-size Print subtrees with more than nodes separately --prune-depth Prune the tree to --collapse-to-method Aggregate data by method --collapse-to-class Aggregate data by class (subsumes --collapse-to-method) --reverse Reverse call stacks, showing leaves first --old-style Old-style formatting }; $::opt_prune_depth = 0 if $::opt_prune_depth < 0; $::opt_subtree_size = 0 if $::opt_subtree_size < 0; warn "object $::opt_object\n"; warn "ignoring balanced subtrees\n" if $::opt_ignore_balanced; warn "prune depth $::opt_prune_depth\n" if $::opt_prune_depth; warn "collapsing to class\n" if $::opt_collapse_to_class; warn "collapsing to method\n" if $::opt_collapse_to_method && !$::opt_collapse_to_class; warn "reversing call stacks\n" if $::opt_reverse; # The 'excludes' are functions that, if detected in a particular call # stack, will cause the _entire_ call stack to be ignored. You might, # for example, explicitly exclude two functions that have a matching # AddRef/Release pair. my %excludes; if ($::opt_exclude) { open(EXCLUDE, "<".$::opt_exclude) || die "unable to open $::opt_exclude"; while () { chomp $_; warn "excluding $_\n"; $excludes{$_} = 1; } } # Each entry in the tree rooted by callGraphRoot contains the following: # #name# This call's name+offset string # #refcount# The net reference count of this call # #label# The label used for this subtree; only defined for labeled nodes # #children# List of children in alphabetical order # zero or more children indexed by method name+offset strings. my $callGraphRoot; $callGraphRoot = { '#name#' => '.root', '#refcount#' => 'n/a' }; # The 'imbalance' is a gross count of how balanced a particular # callsite is. It is used to prune away callsites that are detected to # be balanced; that is, that have matching AddRef/Release() pairs. my %imbalance; $imbalance{'.root'} = 'n/a'; # The main read loop. sub read_data($$$) { my ($INFILE, $plus, $minus) = @_; LINE: while (<$INFILE>) { next LINE if (! /^) { chomp; last CALLSITE if (/^$/); $stack[++$#stack] = $_; } # Reverse the remaining fields to produce the call stack, with the # oldest frame at the front of the array. if (! $::opt_reverse) { @stack = reverse(@stack); } my $call; # If any of the functions in the stack are supposed to be excluded, # march on to the next line. foreach $call (@stack) { next LINE if exists($excludes{$call}); } # Add the callstack as a path through the call graph, updating # refcounts at each node. my $caller = $callGraphRoot; foreach $call (@stack) { # Chop the method offset if we're 'collapsing to method' or # 'collapsing to class'. $call =~ s/\+0x.*$//g if ($::opt_collapse_to_method || $::opt_collapse_to_class); # Chop the method name if we're 'collapsing to class'. $call =~ s/::.*$//g if ($::opt_collapse_to_class); my $site = $caller->{$call}; if (!$site) { # This is the first time we've seen this callsite. Add a # new entry to the call tree. $site = { '#name#' => $call, '#refcount#' => 0 }; $caller->{$call} = $site; } if ($op eq $plus) { ++($site->{'#refcount#'}); ++($imbalance{$call}); } elsif ($op eq $minus) { --($site->{'#refcount#'}); --($imbalance{$call}); } else { die "Bad operation $op"; } $caller = $site; } } } read_data(*STDIN, "AddRef", "Release"); if ($::opt_comptrs) { warn "Subtracting comptr log ". $::opt_comptrs . "\n"; open(COMPTRS, "<".$::opt_comptrs) || die "unable to open $::opt_comptrs"; # read backwards to subtract read_data(*COMPTRS, "nsCOMPtrRelease", "nsCOMPtrAddRef"); } sub num_alpha { my ($aN, $aS, $bN, $bS); ($aN, $aS) = ($1, $2) if $a =~ /^(\d+) (.+)$/; ($bN, $bS) = ($1, $2) if $b =~ /^(\d+) (.+)$/; return $a cmp $b unless defined $aN && defined $bN; return $aN <=> $bN unless $aN == $bN; return $aS cmp $bS; } # Given a subtree and its nesting level, return true if that subtree should be pruned. # If it shouldn't be pruned, destructively attempt to prune its children. # Also compute the #children# properties of unpruned nodes. sub prune($$) { my ($site, $nest) = @_; # If they want us to prune the tree's depth, do so here. return 1 if ($::opt_prune_depth && $nest >= $::opt_prune_depth); # If the subtree is balanced, ignore it. return 1 if ($::opt_ignore_balanced && !$site->{'#refcount#'}); my $name = $site->{'#name#'}; # If the symbol isn't imbalanced, then prune here (and warn) if ($::opt_ignore_balanced && !$imbalance{$name}) { warn "discarding " . $name . "\n"; # return 1; } my @children; foreach my $child (sort num_alpha keys(%$site)) { if (substr($child, 0, 1) ne '#') { if (prune($site->{$child}, $nest + 1)) { delete $site->{$child}; } else { push @children, $site->{$child}; } } } $site->{'#children#'} = \@children; return 0; } # Compute the #label# properties of this subtree. # Return the subtree's number of nodes, not counting nodes reachable # through a labeled node. sub createLabels($) { my ($site) = @_; my @children = @{$site->{'#children#'}}; my $nChildren = @children; my $nDescendants = 0; foreach my $child (@children) { my $childDescendants = createLabels($child); if ($nChildren > 1 && $childDescendants > $::opt_subtree_size) { die "Internal error" if defined($child->{'#label#'}); $child->{'#label#'} = "__label__"; $childDescendants = 1; } $nDescendants += $childDescendants; } return $nDescendants + 1; } my $nextLabel = 0; my @labeledSubtrees; sub list($$$$$) { my ($site, $nest, $nestStr, $childrenLeft, $root) = @_; my $label = !$root && $site->{'#label#'}; # Assign a unique number to the label. if ($label) { die unless $label eq "__label__"; $label = "__" . ++$nextLabel . "__"; $site->{'#label#'} = $label; push @labeledSubtrees, $site; } print $nestStr; if ($::opt_old_style) { print $label, " " if $label; print $site->{'#name#'}, ": bal=", $site->{'#refcount#'}, "\n"; } else { my $refcount = $site->{'#refcount#'}; my $l = 8 - length $refcount; $l = 1 if $l < 1; print $refcount, " " x $l; print $label, " " if $label; print $site->{'#name#'}, "\n"; } $nestStr .= $childrenLeft && !$::opt_old_style ? "| " : " "; if (!$label) { my @children = @{$site->{'#children#'}}; $childrenLeft = @children; foreach my $child (@children) { $childrenLeft--; list($child, $nest + 1, $nestStr, $childrenLeft); } } } if (!prune($callGraphRoot, 0)) { createLabels $callGraphRoot if ($::opt_subtree_size); list $callGraphRoot, 0, "", 0, 1; while (@labeledSubtrees) { my $labeledSubtree = shift @labeledSubtrees; print "\n------------------------------\n", $labeledSubtree->{'#label#'}, "\n"; list $labeledSubtree, 0, "", 0, 1; } print "\n------------------------------\n" if @labeledSubtrees; } print qq{ Imbalance --------- }; foreach my $call (sort num_alpha keys(%imbalance)) { print $call . " " . $imbalance{$call} . "\n"; }