// // Copyright (c) 2012 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #include "PreprocessorTest.h" #include "Token.h" class LocationTest : public PreprocessorTest { protected: void expectLocation(int count, const char* const string[], const int length[], const pp::SourceLocation& location) { ASSERT_TRUE(mPreprocessor.init(count, string, length)); pp::Token token; mPreprocessor.lex(&token); EXPECT_EQ(pp::Token::IDENTIFIER, token.type); EXPECT_EQ("foo", token.text); EXPECT_EQ(location.file, token.location.file); EXPECT_EQ(location.line, token.location.line); } }; TEST_F(LocationTest, String0_Line1) { const char* str = "foo"; pp::SourceLocation loc(0, 1); SCOPED_TRACE("String0_Line1"); expectLocation(1, &str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, String0_Line2) { const char* str = "\nfoo"; pp::SourceLocation loc(0, 2); SCOPED_TRACE("String0_Line2"); expectLocation(1, &str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, String1_Line1) { const char* const str[] = {"\n\n", "foo"}; pp::SourceLocation loc(1, 1); SCOPED_TRACE("String1_Line1"); expectLocation(2, str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, String1_Line2) { const char* const str[] = {"\n\n", "\nfoo"}; pp::SourceLocation loc(1, 2); SCOPED_TRACE("String1_Line2"); expectLocation(2, str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, NewlineInsideCommentCounted) { const char* str = "/*\n\n*/foo"; pp::SourceLocation loc(0, 3); SCOPED_TRACE("NewlineInsideCommentCounted"); expectLocation(1, &str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, ErrorLocationAfterComment) { const char* str = "/*\n\n*/@"; ASSERT_TRUE(mPreprocessor.init(1, &str, NULL)); EXPECT_CALL(mDiagnostics, print(pp::Diagnostics::INVALID_CHARACTER, pp::SourceLocation(0, 3), "@")); pp::Token token; mPreprocessor.lex(&token); } // The location of a token straddling two or more strings is that of the // first character of the token. TEST_F(LocationTest, TokenStraddlingTwoStrings) { const char* const str[] = {"f", "oo"}; pp::SourceLocation loc(0, 1); SCOPED_TRACE("TokenStraddlingTwoStrings"); expectLocation(2, str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, TokenStraddlingThreeStrings) { const char* const str[] = {"f", "o", "o"}; pp::SourceLocation loc(0, 1); SCOPED_TRACE("TokenStraddlingThreeStrings"); expectLocation(3, str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, EndOfFileWithoutNewline) { const char* const str[] = {"foo"}; ASSERT_TRUE(mPreprocessor.init(1, str, NULL)); pp::Token token; mPreprocessor.lex(&token); EXPECT_EQ(pp::Token::IDENTIFIER, token.type); EXPECT_EQ("foo", token.text); EXPECT_EQ(0, token.location.file); EXPECT_EQ(1, token.location.line); mPreprocessor.lex(&token); EXPECT_EQ(pp::Token::LAST, token.type); EXPECT_EQ(0, token.location.file); EXPECT_EQ(1, token.location.line); } TEST_F(LocationTest, EndOfFileAfterNewline) { const char* const str[] = {"foo\n"}; ASSERT_TRUE(mPreprocessor.init(1, str, NULL)); pp::Token token; mPreprocessor.lex(&token); EXPECT_EQ(pp::Token::IDENTIFIER, token.type); EXPECT_EQ("foo", token.text); EXPECT_EQ(0, token.location.file); EXPECT_EQ(1, token.location.line); mPreprocessor.lex(&token); EXPECT_EQ(pp::Token::LAST, token.type); EXPECT_EQ(0, token.location.file); EXPECT_EQ(2, token.location.line); } TEST_F(LocationTest, EndOfFileAfterEmptyString) { const char* const str[] = {"foo\n", "\n", ""}; ASSERT_TRUE(mPreprocessor.init(3, str, NULL)); pp::Token token; mPreprocessor.lex(&token); EXPECT_EQ(pp::Token::IDENTIFIER, token.type); EXPECT_EQ("foo", token.text); EXPECT_EQ(0, token.location.file); EXPECT_EQ(1, token.location.line); mPreprocessor.lex(&token); EXPECT_EQ(pp::Token::LAST, token.type); EXPECT_EQ(2, token.location.file); EXPECT_EQ(1, token.location.line); } TEST_F(LocationTest, ValidLineDirective1) { const char* str = "#line 10\n" "foo"; pp::SourceLocation loc(0, 10); SCOPED_TRACE("ValidLineDirective1"); expectLocation(1, &str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, ValidLineDirective2) { const char* str = "#line 10 20\n" "foo"; pp::SourceLocation loc(20, 10); SCOPED_TRACE("ValidLineDirective2"); expectLocation(1, &str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, LineDirectiveCommentsIgnored) { const char* str = "/* bar */" "#" "/* bar */" "line" "/* bar */" "10" "/* bar */" "20" "/* bar */" "// bar " "\n" "foo"; pp::SourceLocation loc(20, 10); SCOPED_TRACE("LineDirectiveCommentsIgnored"); expectLocation(1, &str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, LineDirectiveWithMacro1) { const char* str = "#define L 10\n" "#define F(x) x\n" "#line L F(20)\n" "foo"; pp::SourceLocation loc(20, 10); SCOPED_TRACE("LineDirectiveWithMacro1"); expectLocation(1, &str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, LineDirectiveWithMacro2) { const char* str = "#define LOC 10 20\n" "#line LOC\n" "foo"; pp::SourceLocation loc(20, 10); SCOPED_TRACE("LineDirectiveWithMacro2"); expectLocation(1, &str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, LineDirectiveWithPredefinedMacro) { const char* str = "#line __LINE__ __FILE__\n" "foo"; pp::SourceLocation loc(0, 1); SCOPED_TRACE("LineDirectiveWithMacro"); expectLocation(1, &str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, LineDirectiveNewlineBeforeStringBreak) { const char* const str[] = {"#line 10 20\n", "foo"}; // String number is incremented after it is set by the line directive. // Also notice that line number is reset after the string break. pp::SourceLocation loc(21, 1); SCOPED_TRACE("LineDirectiveNewlineBeforeStringBreak"); expectLocation(2, str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, LineDirectiveNewlineAfterStringBreak) { const char* const str[] = {"#line 10 20", "\nfoo"}; // String number is incremented before it is set by the line directive. pp::SourceLocation loc(20, 10); SCOPED_TRACE("LineDirectiveNewlineAfterStringBreak"); expectLocation(2, str, NULL, loc); } TEST_F(LocationTest, LineDirectiveMissingNewline) { const char* str = "#line 10"; ASSERT_TRUE(mPreprocessor.init(1, &str, NULL)); using testing::_; // Error reported about EOF. EXPECT_CALL(mDiagnostics, print(pp::Diagnostics::EOF_IN_DIRECTIVE, _, _)); pp::Token token; mPreprocessor.lex(&token); } struct LineTestParam { const char* str; pp::Diagnostics::ID id; }; class InvalidLineTest : public LocationTest, public testing::WithParamInterface { }; TEST_P(InvalidLineTest, Identified) { LineTestParam param = GetParam(); ASSERT_TRUE(mPreprocessor.init(1, ¶m.str, NULL)); using testing::_; // Invalid line directive call. EXPECT_CALL(mDiagnostics, print(param.id, pp::SourceLocation(0, 1), _)); pp::Token token; mPreprocessor.lex(&token); } static const LineTestParam kParams[] = { {"#line\n", pp::Diagnostics::INVALID_LINE_DIRECTIVE}, {"#line foo\n", pp::Diagnostics::INVALID_LINE_NUMBER}, {"#line 10 foo\n", pp::Diagnostics::INVALID_FILE_NUMBER}, {"#line 10 20 foo\n", pp::Diagnostics::UNEXPECTED_TOKEN}, {"#line 0xffffffff\n", pp::Diagnostics::INTEGER_OVERFLOW}, {"#line 10 0xffffffff\n", pp::Diagnostics::INTEGER_OVERFLOW} }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(All, InvalidLineTest, testing::ValuesIn(kParams));