/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is the Places Command Controller. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Google Inc. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Ben Goodger * Myk Melez * Asaf Romano * Marco Bonardo * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ // XXXmano: we should move most/all of these constants to PlacesUtils const ORGANIZER_ROOT_BOOKMARKS = "place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU&excludeItems=1&queryType=1"; const ORGANIZER_SUBSCRIPTIONS_QUERY = "place:annotation=livemark%2FfeedURI"; // No change to the view, preserve current selection const RELOAD_ACTION_NOTHING = 0; // Inserting items new to the view, select the inserted rows const RELOAD_ACTION_INSERT = 1; // Removing items from the view, select the first item after the last selected const RELOAD_ACTION_REMOVE = 2; // Moving items within a view, don't treat the dropped items as additional // rows. const RELOAD_ACTION_MOVE = 3; // when removing a bunch of pages we split them in chunks to avoid passing // a too big array to RemovePages // 300 is the best choice with an history of about 150000 visits // smaller chunks could cause a Slow Script warning with a huge history const REMOVE_PAGES_CHUNKLEN = 300; // if we are removing less than this pages we will remove them one by one // since it will be reflected faster on the UI // 10 is a good compromise, since allows the user to delete a little amount of // urls for privacy reasons, but does not cause heavy disk access const REMOVE_PAGES_MAX_SINGLEREMOVES = 10; /** * Represents an insertion point within a container where we can insert * items. * @param aItemId * The identifier of the parent container * @param aIndex * The index within the container where we should insert * @param aOrientation * The orientation of the insertion. NOTE: the adjustments to the * insertion point to accommodate the orientation should be done by * the person who constructs the IP, not the user. The orientation * is provided for informational purposes only! * @constructor */ function InsertionPoint(aItemId, aIndex, aOrientation) { this.itemId = aItemId; this.index = aIndex; this.orientation = aOrientation; } InsertionPoint.prototype.toString = function IP_toString() { return "[object InsertionPoint(folder:" + this.itemId + ",index:" + this.index + ",orientation:" + this.orientation + ")]"; }; /** * Places Controller */ function PlacesController(aView) { this._view = aView; } PlacesController.prototype = { /** * The places view. */ _view: null, isCommandEnabled: function PC_isCommandEnabled(aCommand) { switch (aCommand) { case "cmd_undo": return PlacesUIUtils.ptm.numberOfUndoItems > 0; case "cmd_redo": return PlacesUIUtils.ptm.numberOfRedoItems > 0; case "cmd_cut": case "cmd_delete": return this._hasRemovableSelection(false); case "placesCmd_moveBookmarks": return this._hasRemovableSelection(true); case "cmd_copy": return this._view.hasSelection; case "cmd_paste": return this._canInsert() && this._isClipboardDataPasteable(); case "cmd_selectAll": if (this._view.selType != "single") { var result = this._view.getResult(); if (result) { var container = asContainer(result.root); if (container.childCount > 0); return true; } } return false; case "placesCmd_open": case "placesCmd_open:window": case "placesCmd_open:tab": var selectedNode = this._view.selectedNode; return selectedNode && PlacesUtils.nodeIsURI(selectedNode); case "placesCmd_new:folder": case "placesCmd_new:livemark": return this._canInsert(); case "placesCmd_new:bookmark": return this._canInsert(); case "placesCmd_new:separator": return this._canInsert() && !asQuery(this._view.getResult().root).queryOptions.excludeItems && this._view.getResult().sortingMode == Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_NONE; case "placesCmd_show:info": var selectedNode = this._view.selectedNode; if (selectedNode) { if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsFolder(selectedNode) || (PlacesUtils.nodeIsBookmark(selectedNode) && !PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkItem(selectedNode))) return true; } return false; case "placesCmd_reloadMicrosummary": var selectedNode = this._view.selectedNode; return selectedNode && PlacesUtils.nodeIsBookmark(selectedNode) && PlacesUIUtils.microsummaries.hasMicrosummary(selectedNode.itemId); case "placesCmd_reload": // Livemark containers var selectedNode = this._view.selectedNode; return selectedNode && PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkContainer(selectedNode); case "placesCmd_sortBy:name": var selectedNode = this._view.selectedNode; return selectedNode && PlacesUtils.nodeIsFolder(selectedNode) && !PlacesUtils.nodeIsReadOnly(selectedNode) && this._view.getResult().sortingMode == Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_NONE; default: return false; } }, supportsCommand: function PC_supportsCommand(aCommand) { //LOG("supportsCommand: " + command); // Non-Places specific commands that we also support switch (aCommand) { case "cmd_undo": case "cmd_redo": case "cmd_cut": case "cmd_copy": case "cmd_paste": case "cmd_delete": case "cmd_selectAll": return true; } // All other Places Commands are prefixed with "placesCmd_" ... this // filters out other commands that we do _not_ support (see 329587). const CMD_PREFIX = "placesCmd_"; return (aCommand.substr(0, CMD_PREFIX.length) == CMD_PREFIX); }, doCommand: function PC_doCommand(aCommand) { switch (aCommand) { case "cmd_undo": PlacesUIUtils.ptm.undoTransaction(); break; case "cmd_redo": PlacesUIUtils.ptm.redoTransaction(); break; case "cmd_cut": this.cut(); break; case "cmd_copy": this.copy(); break; case "cmd_paste": this.paste(); break; case "cmd_delete": this.remove("Remove Selection"); break; case "cmd_selectAll": this.selectAll(); break; case "placesCmd_open": PlacesUIUtils.openNodeIn(this._view.selectedNode, "current"); break; case "placesCmd_open:window": PlacesUIUtils.openNodeIn(this._view.selectedNode, "window"); break; case "placesCmd_open:tab": PlacesUIUtils.openNodeIn(this._view.selectedNode, "tab"); break; case "placesCmd_new:folder": this.newItem("folder"); break; case "placesCmd_new:bookmark": this.newItem("bookmark"); break; case "placesCmd_new:livemark": this.newItem("livemark"); break; case "placesCmd_new:separator": this.newSeparator(); break; case "placesCmd_show:info": this.showBookmarkPropertiesForSelection(); break; case "placesCmd_moveBookmarks": this.moveSelectedBookmarks(); break; case "placesCmd_reload": this.reloadSelectedLivemark(); break; case "placesCmd_reloadMicrosummary": this.reloadSelectedMicrosummary(); break; case "placesCmd_sortBy:name": this.sortFolderByName(); break; } }, onEvent: function PC_onEvent(eventName) { }, /** * Determine whether or not the selection can be removed, either by the * delete or cut operations based on whether or not any of its contents * are non-removable. We don't need to worry about recursion here since it * is a policy decision that a removable item not be placed inside a non- * removable item. * @param aIsMoveCommand * True if thecommand for which this method is called only moves the * selected items to another container, false otherwise. * @returns true if the there's a selection which has no nodes that cannot be removed, * false otherwise. */ _hasRemovableSelection: function PC__hasRemovableSelection(aIsMoveCommand) { var nodes = this._view.getSelectionNodes(); var root = this._view.getResultNode(); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { // Disallow removing the view's root node if (nodes[i] == root) return false; // Disallow removing shortcuts from the left pane var nodeItemId = nodes[i].itemId; if (PlacesUtils.annotations .itemHasAnnotation(nodeItemId, ORGANIZER_QUERY_ANNO)) return false; // Disallow removing the toolbar, menu and unfiled-bookmarks folders if (!aIsMoveCommand && (nodeItemId == PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId || nodeItemId == PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId || nodeItemId == PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId)) return false; // We don't call nodeIsReadOnly here, because nodeIsReadOnly means that // a node has children that cannot be edited, reordered or removed. Here, // we don't care if a node's children can't be reordered or edited, just // that they're removable. All history results have removable children // (based on the principle that any URL in the history table should be // removable), but some special bookmark folders may have non-removable // children, e.g. live bookmark folder children. It doesn't make sense // to delete a child of a live bookmark folder, since when the folder // refreshes, the child will return. var parent = nodes[i].parent || root; if (PlacesUtils.isReadonlyFolder(parent)) return false; } return true; }, /** * Determines whether or not nodes can be inserted relative to the selection. */ _canInsert: function PC__canInsert() { return this._view.insertionPoint != null; }, /** * Determines whether or not the root node for the view is selected */ rootNodeIsSelected: function PC_rootNodeIsSelected() { var nodes = this._view.getSelectionNodes(); var root = this._view.getResultNode(); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { if (nodes[i] == root) return true; } return false; }, /** * Looks at the data on the clipboard to see if it is paste-able. * Paste-able data is: * - in a format that the view can receive * @returns true if: - clipboard data is of a TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_* flavor, - clipboard data is of type TEXT_UNICODE and is a valid URI. */ _isClipboardDataPasteable: function PC__isClipboardDataPasteable() { // if the clipboard contains TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_* data, it is definitely // pasteable, with no need to unwrap all the nodes. var flavors = PlacesUIUtils.placesFlavors; var clipboard = PlacesUIUtils.clipboard; var hasPlacesData = clipboard.hasDataMatchingFlavors(flavors, flavors.length, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); if (hasPlacesData) return this._view.insertionPoint != null; // if the clipboard doesn't have TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_* data, we also allow // pasting of valid "text/unicode" and "text/x-moz-url" data var xferable = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable); xferable.addDataFlavor(PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL); xferable.addDataFlavor(PlacesUtils.TYPE_UNICODE); clipboard.getData(xferable, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); try { // getAnyTransferData will throw if no data is available. var data = { }, type = { }; xferable.getAnyTransferData(type, data, { }); data = data.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString).data; if (type.value != PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL && type.value != PlacesUtils.TYPE_UNICODE) return false; // unwrapNodes() will throw if the data blob is malformed. var unwrappedNodes = PlacesUtils.unwrapNodes(data, type.value); return this._view.insertionPoint != null; } catch (e) { // getAnyTransferData or unwrapNodes failed return false; } }, /** * Gathers information about the selected nodes according to the following * rules: * "link" node is a URI * "bookmark" node is a bookamrk * "livemarkChild" node is a child of a livemark * "folder" node is a folder * "query" node is a query * "dynamiccontainer" node is a dynamic container * "separator" node is a separator line * "host" node is a host * "mutable" node can have items inserted or reordered * * @returns an array of objects corresponding the selected nodes. Each * object has each of the properties above set if its corresponding * node matches the rule. In addition, the annotations names for each * node are set on its corresponding object as properties. * Notes: * 1) This can be slow, so don't call it anywhere performance critical! * 2) A single-object array corresponding the root node is returned if * there's no selection. */ _buildSelectionMetadata: function PC__buildSelectionMetadata() { var metadata = []; var root = this._view.getResult().root; var nodes = this._view.getSelectionNodes(); if (nodes.length == 0) nodes.push(root); // See the second note above for (var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var nodeData = {}; var node = nodes[i]; var nodeType = node.type; var uri = null; // We don't use the nodeIs* methods here to avoid going through the type // property way too often switch(nodeType) { case Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_QUERY: nodeData["query"] = true; if (node.parent) { switch (asQuery(node.parent).queryOptions.resultType) { case Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_SITE_QUERY: nodeData["host"] = true; break; case Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY: case Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY: nodeData["day"] = true; break; } } break; case Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_DYNAMIC_CONTAINER: nodeData["dynamiccontainer"] = true; break; case Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER: case Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER_SHORTCUT: nodeData["folder"] = true; break; case Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR: nodeData["separator"] = true; break; case Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI: case Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_VISIT: case Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_FULL_VISIT: nodeData["link"] = true; uri = PlacesUtils._uri(node.uri); if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsBookmark(node)) { nodeData["bookmark"] = true; var mss = PlacesUIUtils.microsummaries; if (mss.hasMicrosummary(node.itemId)) nodeData["microsummary"] = true; else if (node.parent && PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkContainer(node.parent)) nodeData["livemarkChild"] = true; } break; } // Mutability is whether or not a container can have selected items // inserted or reordered. It does _not_ dictate whether or not the // container can have items removed from it, since some containers that // aren't reorderable can have items removed from them, e.g. a history // list. if (!PlacesUtils.nodeIsReadOnly(node) && !PlacesUtils.isReadonlyFolder(node.parent || root)) nodeData["mutable"] = true; // annotations if (uri) { var names = PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotationNames(uri, {}); for (var j = 0; j < names.length; ++j) nodeData[names[j]] = true; } // For items also include the item-specific annotations if (node.itemId != -1) { names = PlacesUtils.annotations .getItemAnnotationNames(node.itemId, {}); for (j = 0; j < names.length; ++j) nodeData[names[j]] = true; } metadata.push(nodeData); } return metadata; }, /** * Determines if a context-menu item should be shown * @param aMenuItem * the context menu item * @param aMetaData * meta data about the selection * @returns true if the conditions (see buildContextMenu) are satisfied * and the item can be displayed, false otherwise. */ _shouldShowMenuItem: function PC__shouldShowMenuItem(aMenuItem, aMetaData) { var selectiontype = aMenuItem.getAttribute("selectiontype"); if (selectiontype == "multiple" && aMetaData.length == 1) return false; if (selectiontype == "single" && aMetaData.length != 1) return false; var forceHideRules = aMenuItem.getAttribute("forcehideselection").split("|"); for (var i = 0; i < aMetaData.length; ++i) { for (var j=0; j < forceHideRules.length; ++j) { if (forceHideRules[j] in aMetaData[i]) return false; } } if (aMenuItem.hasAttribute("selection")) { var showRules = aMenuItem.getAttribute("selection").split("|"); var anyMatched = false; function metaDataNodeMatches(metaDataNode, rules) { for (var i=0; i < rules.length; i++) { if (rules[i] in metaDataNode) return true; } return false; } for (var i = 0; i < aMetaData.length; ++i) { if (metaDataNodeMatches(aMetaData[i], showRules)) anyMatched = true; else return false; } return anyMatched; } return !aMenuItem.hidden; }, /** * Detects information (meta-data rules) about the current selection in the * view (see _buildSelectionMetadata) and sets the visibility state for each * of the menu-items in the given popup with the following rules applied: * 1) The "selectiontype" attribute may be set on a menu-item to "single" * if the menu-item should be visible only if there is a single node * selected, or to "multiple" if the menu-item should be visible only if * multiple nodes are selected. If the attribute is not set or if it is * set to an invalid value, the menu-item may be visible for both types of * selection. * 2) The "selection" attribute may be set on a menu-item to the various * meta-data rules for which it may be visible. The rules should be * separated with the | character. * 3) A menu-item may be visible only if at least one of the rules set in * its selection attribute apply to each of the selected nodes in the * view. * 4) The "forcehideselection" attribute may be set on a menu-item to rules * for which it should be hidden. This attribute takes priority over the * selection attribute. A menu-item would be hidden if at least one of the * given rules apply to one of the selected nodes. The rules should be * separated with the | character. * 5) The visibility state of a menu-item is unchanged if none of these * attribute are set. * 6) These attributes should not be set on separators for which the * visibility state is "auto-detected." * @param aPopup * The menupopup to build children into. * @return true if at least one item is visible, false otherwise. */ buildContextMenu: function PC_buildContextMenu(aPopup) { var metadata = this._buildSelectionMetadata(); var separator = null; var visibleItemsBeforeSep = false; var anyVisible = false; for (var i = 0; i < aPopup.childNodes.length; ++i) { var item = aPopup.childNodes[i]; if (item.localName != "menuseparator") { item.hidden = !this._shouldShowMenuItem(item, metadata); if (!item.hidden) { visibleItemsBeforeSep = true; anyVisible = true; // Show the separator above the menu-item if any if (separator) { separator.hidden = false; separator = null; } } } else { // menuseparator // Initially hide it. It will be unhidden if there will be at least one // visible menu-item above and below it. item.hidden = true; // We won't show the separator at all if no items are visible above it if (visibleItemsBeforeSep) separator = item; // New separator, count again: visibleItemsBeforeSep = false; } } // Set Open Folder/Links In Tabs items enabled state if they're visible if (anyVisible) { var openContainerInTabsItem = document.getElementById("placesContext_openContainer:tabs"); if (!openContainerInTabsItem.hidden && this._view.selectedNode && PlacesUtils.nodeIsContainer(this._view.selectedNode)) { openContainerInTabsItem.disabled = !PlacesUtils.hasChildURIs(this._view.selectedNode); } else { // see selectiontype rule in the overlay var openLinksInTabsItem = document.getElementById("placesContext_openLinks:tabs"); openLinksInTabsItem.disabled = openLinksInTabsItem.hidden; } } return anyVisible; }, /** * Select all links in the current view. */ selectAll: function PC_selectAll() { this._view.selectAll(); }, /** * Opens the bookmark properties for the selected URI Node. */ showBookmarkPropertiesForSelection: function PC_showBookmarkPropertiesForSelection() { var node = this._view.selectedNode; if (!node) return; if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsFolder(node)) PlacesUIUtils.showFolderProperties(node.itemId); else if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsBookmark(node)) PlacesUIUtils.showBookmarkProperties(node.itemId); }, /** * This method can be run on a URI parameter to ensure that it didn't * receive a string instead of an nsIURI object. */ _assertURINotString: function PC__assertURINotString(value) { NS_ASSERT((typeof(value) == "object") && !(value instanceof String), "This method should be passed a URI as a nsIURI object, not as a string."); }, /** * Reloads the selected livemark if any. */ reloadSelectedLivemark: function PC_reloadSelectedLivemark() { var selectedNode = this._view.selectedNode; if (selectedNode && PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkContainer(selectedNode)) PlacesUtils.livemarks.reloadLivemarkFolder(selectedNode.itemId); }, /** * Reload the microsummary associated with the selection */ reloadSelectedMicrosummary: function PC_reloadSelectedMicrosummary() { var selectedNode = this._view.selectedNode; var mss = PlacesUIUtils.microsummaries; if (mss.hasMicrosummary(selectedNode.itemId)) mss.refreshMicrosummary(selectedNode.itemId); }, /** * Gives the user a chance to cancel loading lots of tabs at once */ _confirmOpenTabs: function(numTabsToOpen) { var pref = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); const kWarnOnOpenPref = "browser.tabs.warnOnOpen"; var reallyOpen = true; if (pref.getBoolPref(kWarnOnOpenPref)) { if (numTabsToOpen >= pref.getIntPref("browser.tabs.maxOpenBeforeWarn")) { var promptService = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPromptService); // default to true: if it were false, we wouldn't get this far var warnOnOpen = { value: true }; var messageKey = "tabs.openWarningMultipleBranded"; var openKey = "tabs.openButtonMultiple"; var strings = document.getElementById("placeBundle"); const BRANDING_BUNDLE_URI = "chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties"; var brandShortName = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIStringBundleService). createBundle(BRANDING_BUNDLE_URI). GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); var buttonPressed = promptService.confirmEx(window, PlacesUIUtils.getString("tabs.openWarningTitle"), PlacesUIUtils.getFormattedString(messageKey, [numTabsToOpen, brandShortName]), (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * promptService.BUTTON_POS_0) + (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL * promptService.BUTTON_POS_1), PlacesUIUtils.getString(openKey), null, null, PlacesUIUtils.getFormattedString("tabs.openWarningPromptMeBranded", [brandShortName]), warnOnOpen); reallyOpen = (buttonPressed == 0); // don't set the pref unless they press OK and it's false if (reallyOpen && !warnOnOpen.value) pref.setBoolPref(kWarnOnOpenPref, false); } } return reallyOpen; }, /** * Opens the links in the selected folder, or the selected links in new tabs. */ openSelectionInTabs: function PC_openLinksInTabs(aEvent) { var node = this._view.selectedNode; if (node && PlacesUtils.nodeIsContainer(node)) PlacesUIUtils.openContainerNodeInTabs(this._view.selectedNode, aEvent); else PlacesUIUtils.openURINodesInTabs(this._view.getSelectionNodes(), aEvent); }, /** * Shows the Add Bookmark UI for the current insertion point. * * @param aType * the type of the new item (bookmark/livemark/folder) */ newItem: function PC_newItem(aType) { var ip = this._view.insertionPoint; if (!ip) throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; var performed = false; if (aType == "bookmark") performed = PlacesUIUtils.showAddBookmarkUI(null, null, null, ip); else if (aType == "livemark") performed = PlacesUIUtils.showAddLivemarkUI(null, null, null, null, ip); else // folder performed = PlacesUIUtils.showAddFolderUI(null, ip); if (performed) { // select the new item var insertedNodeId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks .getIdForItemAt(ip.itemId, ip.index); this._view.selectItems([insertedNodeId], ip.itemId); } }, /** * Create a new Bookmark folder somewhere. Prompts the user for the name * of the folder. */ newFolder: function PC_newFolder() { var ip = this._view.insertionPoint; if (!ip) throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; var performed = false; performed = PlacesUIUtils.showAddFolderUI(null, ip); if (performed) { // select the new item var insertedNodeId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks .getIdForItemAt(ip.itemId, ip.index); this._view.selectItems([insertedNodeId]); } }, /** * Create a new Bookmark separator somewhere. */ newSeparator: function PC_newSeparator() { var ip = this._view.insertionPoint; if (!ip) throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; var txn = PlacesUIUtils.ptm.createSeparator(ip.itemId, ip.index); PlacesUIUtils.ptm.doTransaction(txn); // select the new item var insertedNodeId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks .getIdForItemAt(ip.itemId, ip.index); this._view.selectItems([insertedNodeId]); }, /** * Opens a dialog for moving the selected nodes. */ moveSelectedBookmarks: function PC_moveBookmarks() { window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/places/moveBookmarks.xul", "", "chrome, modal", this._view.getSelectionNodes()); }, /** * Sort the selected folder by name */ sortFolderByName: function PC_sortFolderByName() { var itemId = PlacesUtils.getConcreteItemId(this._view.selectedNode); var txn = PlacesUIUtils.ptm.sortFolderByName(itemId); PlacesUIUtils.ptm.doTransaction(txn); }, /** * Walk the list of folders we're removing in this delete operation, and * see if the selected node specified is already implicitly being removed * because it is a child of that folder. * @param node * Node to check for containment. * @param pastFolders * List of folders the calling function has already traversed * @returns true if the node should be skipped, false otherwise. */ _shouldSkipNode: function PC_shouldSkipNode(node, pastFolders) { /** * Determines if a node is contained by another node within a resultset. * @param node * The node to check for containment for * @param parent * The parent container to check for containment in * @returns true if node is a member of parent's children, false otherwise. */ function isContainedBy(node, parent) { var cursor = node.parent; while (cursor) { if (cursor == parent) return true; cursor = cursor.parent; } return false; } for (var j = 0; j < pastFolders.length; ++j) { if (isContainedBy(node, pastFolders[j])) return true; } return false; }, /** * Creates a set of transactions for the removal of a range of items. * A range is an array of adjacent nodes in a view. * @param [in] range * An array of nodes to remove. Should all be adjacent. * @param [out] transactions * An array of transactions. */ _removeRange: function PC__removeRange(range, transactions) { NS_ASSERT(transactions instanceof Array, "Must pass a transactions array"); var removedFolders = []; for (var i = 0; i < range.length; ++i) { var node = range[i]; if (this._shouldSkipNode(node, removedFolders)) continue; if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsFolder(node)) removedFolders.push(node); transactions.push(PlacesUIUtils.ptm.removeItem(node.itemId)); } }, /** * Removes the set of selected ranges from bookmarks. * @param txnName * See |remove|. */ _removeRowsFromBookmarks: function PC__removeRowsFromBookmarks(txnName) { var ranges = this._view.getRemovableSelectionRanges(); var transactions = []; // Delete the selected rows. Do this by walking the selection backward, so // that when undo is performed they are re-inserted in the correct order. for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0 ; --i) this._removeRange(ranges[i], transactions); if (transactions.length > 0) { var txn = PlacesUIUtils.ptm.aggregateTransactions(txnName, transactions); PlacesUIUtils.ptm.doTransaction(txn); } }, /** * Removes the set of selected ranges from history. */ _removeRowsFromHistory: function PC__removeRowsFromHistory() { // Other containers are history queries, just delete from history // history deletes are not undoable. var nodes = this._view.getSelectionNodes(); var URIs = []; var bhist = PlacesUtils.history.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIBrowserHistory); var resultView = this._view.getResultView(); var root = this._view.getResultNode(); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { var node = nodes[i]; if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsHost(node)) bhist.removePagesFromHost(node.title, true); else if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsURI(node)) { var uri = PlacesUtils._uri(node.uri); // avoid trying to delete the same url twice if (URIs.indexOf(uri) < 0) { URIs.push(uri); } } else if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsDay(node)) { // this is the oldest date // for the last node endDate is end of epoch var beginDate = 0; // this is the newest date // day nodes have time property set to the last day in the interval var endDate = node.time; var nodeIdx = 0; var cc = root.childCount; // Find index of current day node while (nodeIdx < cc && root.getChild(nodeIdx) != node) ++nodeIdx; // We have an older day if (nodeIdx+1 < cc) beginDate = root.getChild(nodeIdx+1).time; // we want to exclude beginDate from the removal bhist.removePagesByTimeframe(beginDate+1, endDate); } } // if we have to delete a lot of urls RemovePage will be slow, it's better // to delete them in bunch and rebuild the full treeView if (URIs.length > REMOVE_PAGES_MAX_SINGLEREMOVES) { // do removal in chunks to avoid passing a too big array to removePages for (var i = 0; i < URIs.length; i += REMOVE_PAGES_CHUNKLEN) { var URIslice = URIs.slice(i, Math.max(i + REMOVE_PAGES_CHUNKLEN, URIs.length)); // set DoBatchNotify only on the last chunk bhist.removePages(URIslice, URIslice.length, (i + REMOVE_PAGES_CHUNKLEN) >= URIs.length); } } else { // if we have to delete fewer urls, removepage will allow us to avoid // rebuilding the full treeView for (var i = 0; i < URIs.length; ++i) bhist.removePage(URIs[i]); } }, /** * Removes the selection * @param aTxnName * A name for the transaction if this is being performed * as part of another operation. */ remove: function PC_remove(aTxnName) { NS_ASSERT(aTxnName !== undefined, "Must supply Transaction Name"); var root = this._view.getResult().root; if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsFolder(root)) this._removeRowsFromBookmarks(aTxnName); else if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsQuery(root)) { var queryType = asQuery(root).queryOptions.queryType; if (queryType == Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS) this._removeRowsFromBookmarks(aTxnName); else if (queryType == Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY) this._removeRowsFromHistory(); else NS_ASSERT(false, "implement support for QUERY_TYPE_UNIFIED"); } else NS_ASSERT(false, "unexpected root"); }, /** * Get a TransferDataSet containing the content of the selection that can be * dropped elsewhere. * @param dragAction * The action to happen when dragging, i.e. copy * @returns A TransferDataSet object that can be dragged and dropped * elsewhere. */ getTransferData: function PC_getTransferData(dragAction) { var result = this._view.getResult(); var oldViewer = result.viewer; try { result.viewer = null; var nodes = this._view.getDragableSelection(); if (dragAction == Ci.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_MOVE) { nodes = nodes.filter(function(node) { var parent = node.parent; return parent && !PlacesUtils.nodeIsReadOnly(parent); }); } var dataSet = new TransferDataSet(); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { var node = nodes[i]; var data = new TransferData(); function addData(type, overrideURI) { data.addDataForFlavour(type, PlacesUIUtils._wrapString( PlacesUtils.wrapNode(node, type, overrideURI))); } function addURIData(overrideURI) { addData(PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL, overrideURI); addData(PlacesUtils.TYPE_UNICODE, overrideURI); addData(PlacesUtils.TYPE_HTML, overrideURI); } // This order is _important_! It controls how this and other // applications select data to be inserted based on type. addData(PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE); var uri; // Allow dropping the feed uri of live-bookmark folders if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkContainer(node)) uri = PlacesUtils.livemarks.getFeedURI(node.itemId).spec; addURIData(uri); dataSet.push(data); } } finally { if (oldViewer) result.viewer = oldViewer; } return dataSet; }, /** * Copy Bookmarks and Folders to the clipboard */ copy: function PC_copy() { var result = this._view.getResult(); var oldViewer = result.viewer; try { result.viewer = null; var nodes = this._view.getSelectionNodes(); var xferable = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable); var foundFolder = false, foundLink = false; var copiedFolders = []; var placeString = mozURLString = htmlString = unicodeString = ""; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { var node = nodes[i]; if (this._shouldSkipNode(node, copiedFolders)) continue; if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsFolder(node)) copiedFolders.push(node); function generateChunk(type, overrideURI) { var suffix = i < (nodes.length - 1) ? NEWLINE : ""; var uri = overrideURI; if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkContainer(node)) uri = PlacesUtils.livemarks.getFeedURI(node.itemId).spec mozURLString += (PlacesUtils.wrapNode(node, PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL, uri) + suffix); unicodeString += (PlacesUtils.wrapNode(node, PlacesUtils.TYPE_UNICODE, uri) + suffix); htmlString += (PlacesUtils.wrapNode(node, PlacesUtils.TYPE_HTML, uri) + suffix); var placeSuffix = i < (nodes.length - 1) ? "," : ""; return PlacesUtils.wrapNode(node, type, overrideURI) + placeSuffix; } // all items wrapped as TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE placeString += generateChunk(PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE); } function addData(type, data) { xferable.addDataFlavor(type); xferable.setTransferData(type, PlacesUIUtils._wrapString(data), data.length * 2); } // This order is _important_! It controls how this and other applications // select data to be inserted based on type. if (placeString) addData(PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE, placeString); if (mozURLString) addData(PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL, mozURLString); if (unicodeString) addData(PlacesUtils.TYPE_UNICODE, unicodeString); if (htmlString) addData(PlacesUtils.TYPE_HTML, htmlString); if (placeString || unicodeString || htmlString || mozURLString) { PlacesUIUtils.clipboard.setData(xferable, null, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); } } finally { if (oldViewer) result.viewer = oldViewer; } }, /** * Cut Bookmarks and Folders to the clipboard */ cut: function PC_cut() { this.copy(); this.remove("Cut Selection"); }, /** * Paste Bookmarks and Folders from the clipboard */ paste: function PC_paste() { // Strategy: // // There can be data of various types (folder, separator, link) on the // clipboard. We need to get all of that data and build edit transactions // for them. This means asking the clipboard once for each type and // aggregating the results. /** * Constructs a transferable that can receive data of specific types. * @param types * The types of data the transferable can hold, in order of * preference. * @returns The transferable. */ function makeXferable(types) { var xferable = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable); for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) xferable.addDataFlavor(types[i]); return xferable; } var clipboard = PlacesUIUtils.clipboard; var ip = this._view.insertionPoint; if (!ip) throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; /** * Gets a list of transactions to perform the paste of specific types. * @param types * The types of data to form paste transactions for * @returns An array of transactions that perform the paste. */ function getTransactions(types) { var xferable = makeXferable(types); clipboard.getData(xferable, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard); var data = { }, type = { }; try { xferable.getAnyTransferData(type, data, { }); data = data.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString).data; var items = PlacesUtils.unwrapNodes(data, type.value); var transactions = []; var index = ip.index; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { // adjusted to make sure that items are given the correct index - // transactions insert differently if index == -1 if (ip.index > -1) index = ip.index + i; transactions.push(PlacesUIUtils.makeTransaction(items[i], type.value, ip.itemId, index, true)); } return transactions; } catch (e) { // getAnyTransferData will throw if there is no data of the specified // type on the clipboard. // unwrapNodes will throw if the data that is present is malformed in // some way. // In either case, don't fail horribly, just return no data. } return []; } // Get transactions to paste any folders, separators or links that might // be on the clipboard, aggregate them and execute them. var transactions = getTransactions([PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE, PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL, PlacesUtils.TYPE_UNICODE]); var txn = PlacesUIUtils.ptm.aggregateTransactions("Paste", transactions); PlacesUIUtils.ptm.doTransaction(txn); // select the pasted items, they should be consecutive var insertedNodeIds = []; for (var i = 0; i < transactions.length; ++i) insertedNodeIds.push(PlacesUtils.bookmarks .getIdForItemAt(ip.itemId, ip.index + i)); if (insertedNodeIds.length > 0) this._view.selectItems(insertedNodeIds); } }; /** * Handles drag and drop operations for views. Note that this is view agnostic! * You should not use PlacesController._view within these methods, since * the view that the item(s) have been dropped on was not necessarily active. * Drop functions are passed the view that is being dropped on. */ var PlacesControllerDragHelper = { /** * Determines if the mouse is currently being dragged over a child node of * this menu. This is necessary so that the menu doesn't close while the * mouse is dragging over one of its submenus * @param node * The container node * @returns true if the user is dragging over a node within the hierarchy of * the container, false otherwise. */ draggingOverChildNode: function PCDH_draggingOverChildNode(node) { var currentNode = this.currentDropTarget; while (currentNode) { if (currentNode == node) return true; currentNode = currentNode.parentNode; } return false; }, /** * DOM Element currently being dragged over */ currentDropTarget: null, /** * @returns The current active drag session. Returns null if there is none. */ getSession: function VO__getSession() { var dragService = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/dragservice;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIDragService); return dragService.getCurrentSession(); }, /** * Determines whether or not the data currently being dragged can be dropped * on a places view. * @param ip * The insertion point where the items should be dropped */ canDrop: function PCDH_canDrop(ip) { var session = this.getSession(); if (!session) return false; var types = PlacesUIUtils.GENERIC_VIEW_DROP_TYPES; var foundType = false; for (var i = 0; i < types.length && !foundType; ++i) { if (session.isDataFlavorSupported(types[i])) foundType = true; } if (!foundType) return false; // Check every dragged item var xferable = this._initTransferable(session); var dropCount = session.numDropItems; for (i = 0; i < dropCount; i++) { // Get the information of the dragged item session.getData(xferable, i); var data = { }, flavor = { }; xferable.getAnyTransferData(flavor, data, { }); data.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString); var dragged = PlacesUtils.unwrapNodes(data.value.data, flavor.value)[0]; // The following loop disallows the dropping of a folder on itself or // on any of its descendants. if (dragged.type == PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_CONTAINER || /^place:/.test(dragged.uri)) { var parentId = ip.itemId; while (parentId != PlacesUtils.placesRootId) { if (dragged.concreteId == parentId || dragged.id == parentId) return false; parentId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(parentId); } } } return true; }, /** * Creates a Transferable object that can be filled with data of types * supported by a view. * @param session * The active drag session * @returns An object implementing nsITransferable that can receive data * dropped onto a view. */ _initTransferable: function PCDH__initTransferable(session) { var xferable = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable); var types = PlacesUIUtils.GENERIC_VIEW_DROP_TYPES; for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) { if (session.isDataFlavorSupported(types[i])) xferable.addDataFlavor(types[i]); } return xferable; }, /** * Handles the drop of one or more items onto a view. * @param insertionPoint * The insertion point where the items should be dropped */ onDrop: function PCDH_onDrop(insertionPoint) { var session = this.getSession(); var copy = session.dragAction & Ci.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_COPY; var transactions = []; var xferable = this._initTransferable(session); var dropCount = session.numDropItems; var movedCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < dropCount; ++i) { session.getData(xferable, i); var data = { }, flavor = { }; xferable.getAnyTransferData(flavor, data, { }); data.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString); // There's only ever one in the D&D case. var unwrapped = PlacesUtils.unwrapNodes(data.value.data, flavor.value)[0]; var index = insertionPoint.index; // Adjust insertion index to prevent reversal of dragged items. When you // drag multiple elts upward: need to increment index or each successive // elt will be inserted at the same index, each above the previous. if ((index != -1) && ((index < unwrapped.index) || (unwrapped.folder && (index < unwrapped.folder.index)))) { index = index + movedCount; movedCount++; } transactions.push(PlacesUIUtils.makeTransaction(unwrapped, flavor.value, insertionPoint.itemId, index, copy)); } var txn = PlacesUIUtils.ptm.aggregateTransactions("DropItems", transactions); PlacesUIUtils.ptm.doTransaction(txn); } }; function goUpdatePlacesCommands() { var placesController; try { // Or any other command... placesController = top.document.commandDispatcher .getControllerForCommand("placesCmd_open"); } catch(ex) { return; } function updatePlacesCommand(aCommand) { var enabled = false; if (placesController) enabled = placesController.isCommandEnabled(aCommand); goSetCommandEnabled(aCommand, enabled); } updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_open"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_open:window"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_open:tab"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_new:folder"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_new:bookmark"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_new:livemark"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_new:separator"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_show:info"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_moveBookmarks"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_reload"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_reloadMicrosummary"); updatePlacesCommand("placesCmd_sortBy:name"); }