/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ Cu.import("resource://services-sync/async.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/record.js"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/engines.js"); var btoa; let provider = { getFile: function(prop, persistent) { persistent.value = true; switch (prop) { case "ExtPrefDL": return [Services.dirsvc.get("CurProcD", Ci.nsIFile)]; default: throw Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } }, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDirectoryServiceProvider]) }; Services.dirsvc.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDirectoryService).registerProvider(provider); let timer; function waitForZeroTimer(callback) { // First wait >100ms (nsITimers can take up to that much time to fire, so // we can account for the timer in delayedAutoconnect) and then two event // loop ticks (to account for the Utils.nextTick() in autoConnect). let ticks = 2; function wait() { if (ticks) { ticks -= 1; Utils.nextTick(wait); return; } callback(); } timer = Utils.namedTimer(wait, 150, {}, "timer"); } btoa = Cu.import("resource://services-sync/log4moz.js").btoa; function getTestLogger(component) { return Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Testing"); } function initTestLogging(level) { function LogStats() { this.errorsLogged = 0; } LogStats.prototype = { format: function BF_format(message) { if (message.level == Log4Moz.Level.Error) this.errorsLogged += 1; return message.loggerName + "\t" + message.levelDesc + "\t" + message.message + "\n"; } }; LogStats.prototype.__proto__ = new Log4Moz.Formatter(); var log = Log4Moz.repository.rootLogger; var logStats = new LogStats(); var appender = new Log4Moz.DumpAppender(logStats); if (typeof(level) == "undefined") level = "Debug"; getTestLogger().level = Log4Moz.Level[level]; log.level = Log4Moz.Level.Trace; appender.level = Log4Moz.Level.Trace; // Overwrite any other appenders (e.g. from previous incarnations) log.ownAppenders = [appender]; log.updateAppenders(); return logStats; } // This is needed for loadAddonTestFunctions(). let gGlobalScope = this; function ExtensionsTestPath(path) { if (path[0] != "/") { throw Error("Path must begin with '/': " + path); } return "../../../../toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell" + path; } /** * Loads the AddonManager test functions by importing its test file. * * This should be called in the global scope of any test file needing to * interface with the AddonManager. It should only be called once, or the * universe will end. */ function loadAddonTestFunctions() { const path = ExtensionsTestPath("/head_addons.js"); let file = do_get_file(path); let uri = Services.io.newFileURI(file); Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(uri.spec, gGlobalScope); createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "1.9.2"); } function getAddonInstall(name) { let f = do_get_file(ExtensionsTestPath("/addons/" + name + ".xpi")); let cb = Async.makeSyncCallback(); AddonManager.getInstallForFile(f, cb); return Async.waitForSyncCallback(cb); } /** * Obtains an addon from the add-on manager by id. * * This is merely a synchronous wrapper. * * @param id * ID of add-on to fetch * @return addon object on success or undefined or null on failure */ function getAddonFromAddonManagerByID(id) { let cb = Async.makeSyncCallback(); AddonManager.getAddonByID(id, cb); return Async.waitForSyncCallback(cb); } /** * Installs an add-on synchronously from an addonInstall * * @param install addonInstall instance to install */ function installAddonFromInstall(install) { let cb = Async.makeSyncCallback(); let listener = {onInstallEnded: cb}; AddonManager.addInstallListener(listener); install.install(); Async.waitForSyncCallback(cb); AddonManager.removeAddonListener(listener); do_check_neq(null, install.addon); do_check_neq(null, install.addon.syncGUID); return install.addon; } /** * Convenience function to install an add-on from the extensions unit tests. * * @param name * String name of add-on to install. e.g. test_install1 * @return addon object that was installed */ function installAddon(name) { let install = getAddonInstall(name); do_check_neq(null, install); return installAddonFromInstall(install); } /** * Convenience function to uninstall an add-on synchronously. * * @param addon * Addon instance to uninstall */ function uninstallAddon(addon) { let cb = Async.makeSyncCallback(); let listener = {onUninstalled: function(uninstalled) { if (uninstalled.id == addon.id) { AddonManager.removeAddonListener(listener); cb(uninstalled); } }}; AddonManager.addAddonListener(listener); addon.uninstall(); Async.waitForSyncCallback(cb); } function FakeFilesystemService(contents) { this.fakeContents = contents; let self = this; Utils.jsonSave = function jsonSave(filePath, that, obj, callback) { let json = typeof obj == "function" ? obj.call(that) : obj; self.fakeContents["weave/" + filePath + ".json"] = JSON.stringify(json); callback.call(that); }; Utils.jsonLoad = function jsonLoad(filePath, that, callback) { let obj; let json = self.fakeContents["weave/" + filePath + ".json"]; if (json) { obj = JSON.parse(json); } callback.call(that, obj); }; }; function FakeGUIDService() { let latestGUID = 0; Utils.makeGUID = function fake_makeGUID() { return "fake-guid-" + latestGUID++; }; } function fakeSHA256HMAC(message) { message = message.substr(0, 64); while (message.length < 64) { message += " "; } return message; } /* * Mock implementation of WeaveCrypto. It does not encrypt or * decrypt, merely returning the input verbatim. */ function FakeCryptoService() { this.counter = 0; delete Svc.Crypto; // get rid of the getter first Svc.Crypto = this; CryptoWrapper.prototype.ciphertextHMAC = function ciphertextHMAC(keyBundle) { return fakeSHA256HMAC(this.ciphertext); }; } FakeCryptoService.prototype = { encrypt: function(aClearText, aSymmetricKey, aIV) { return aClearText; }, decrypt: function(aCipherText, aSymmetricKey, aIV) { return aCipherText; }, generateRandomKey: function() { return btoa("fake-symmetric-key-" + this.counter++); }, generateRandomIV: function() { // A base64-encoded IV is 24 characters long return btoa("fake-fake-fake-random-iv"); }, expandData : function expandData(data, len) { return data; }, deriveKeyFromPassphrase : function (passphrase, salt, keyLength) { return "some derived key string composed of bytes"; }, generateRandomBytes: function(aByteCount) { return "not-so-random-now-are-we-HA-HA-HA! >:)".slice(aByteCount); } }; function SyncTestingInfrastructure() { Cu.import("resource://services-sync/identity.js"); ID.set('WeaveID', new Identity('Mozilla Services Encryption Passphrase', 'foo')); ID.set('WeaveCryptoID', new Identity('Mozilla Services Encryption Passphrase', 'foo')); this.logStats = initTestLogging(); this.fakeFilesystem = new FakeFilesystemService({}); this.fakeGUIDService = new FakeGUIDService(); this.fakeCryptoService = new FakeCryptoService(); } /* * Ensure exceptions from inside callbacks leads to test failures. */ function ensureThrows(func) { return function() { try { func.apply(this, arguments); } catch (ex) { do_throw(ex); } }; } /** * Print some debug message to the console. All arguments will be printed, * separated by spaces. * * @param [arg0, arg1, arg2, ...] * Any number of arguments to print out * @usage _("Hello World") -> prints "Hello World" * @usage _(1, 2, 3) -> prints "1 2 3" */ let _ = function(some, debug, text, to) print(Array.slice(arguments).join(" ")); _("Setting the identity for passphrase"); Cu.import("resource://services-sync/identity.js"); /* * Test setup helpers. */ // Turn WBO cleartext into fake "encrypted" payload as it goes over the wire. function encryptPayload(cleartext) { if (typeof cleartext == "object") { cleartext = JSON.stringify(cleartext); } return {ciphertext: cleartext, // ciphertext == cleartext with fake crypto IV: "irrelevant", hmac: fakeSHA256HMAC(cleartext, Utils.makeHMACKey(""))}; } function generateNewKeys(collections) { let wbo = CollectionKeys.generateNewKeysWBO(collections); let modified = new_timestamp(); CollectionKeys.setContents(wbo.cleartext, modified); } function do_check_empty(obj) { do_check_attribute_count(obj, 0); } function do_check_attribute_count(obj, c) { do_check_eq(c, Object.keys(obj).length); } function do_check_throws(aFunc, aResult, aStack) { if (!aStack) { try { // We might not have a 'Components' object. aStack = Components.stack.caller; } catch (e) {} } try { aFunc(); } catch (e) { do_check_eq(e.result, aResult, aStack); return; } do_throw("Expected result " + aResult + ", none thrown.", aStack); } /* * A fake engine implementation. * This is used all over the place. * * Complete with record, store, and tracker implementations. */ function RotaryRecord(collection, id) { CryptoWrapper.call(this, collection, id); } RotaryRecord.prototype = { __proto__: CryptoWrapper.prototype }; Utils.deferGetSet(RotaryRecord, "cleartext", ["denomination"]); function RotaryStore() { Store.call(this, "Rotary"); this.items = {}; } RotaryStore.prototype = { __proto__: Store.prototype, create: function Store_create(record) { this.items[record.id] = record.denomination; }, remove: function Store_remove(record) { delete this.items[record.id]; }, update: function Store_update(record) { this.items[record.id] = record.denomination; }, itemExists: function Store_itemExists(id) { return (id in this.items); }, createRecord: function(id, collection) { let record = new RotaryRecord(collection, id); if (!(id in this.items)) { record.deleted = true; return record; } record.denomination = this.items[id] || "Data for new record: " + id; return record; }, changeItemID: function(oldID, newID) { if (oldID in this.items) { this.items[newID] = this.items[oldID]; } delete this.items[oldID]; }, getAllIDs: function() { let ids = {}; for (let id in this.items) { ids[id] = true; } return ids; }, wipe: function() { this.items = {}; } }; function RotaryTracker() { Tracker.call(this, "Rotary"); } RotaryTracker.prototype = { __proto__: Tracker.prototype }; function RotaryEngine() { SyncEngine.call(this, "Rotary"); // Ensure that the engine starts with a clean slate. this.toFetch = []; this.previousFailed = []; } RotaryEngine.prototype = { __proto__: SyncEngine.prototype, _storeObj: RotaryStore, _trackerObj: RotaryTracker, _recordObj: RotaryRecord, _findDupe: function(item) { // This is a semaphore used for testing proper reconciling on dupe // detection. if (item.id == "DUPE_INCOMING") { return "DUPE_LOCAL"; } for (let [id, value] in Iterator(this._store.items)) { if (item.denomination == value) { return id; } } } };